Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

From 1941 to the 1960's we had high taxes on the rich and high wages. The taxes were invested in education and infrastructure and the high wages created consumer demand. Now we have low taxes for the rich and low wages. What is the result? 23% of total income goes to the top 1%. 70% of our economy is consumer demand. Too much money in too few hands starves the economy of demand. Stagnation is the result.

Raise the minimum wage and tax capital gains as income.

" We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." ~ Ronald Reagan

I dunno what everyone id in s bunch about. They just started their little $15 an hour experiment in Seattled. At least let me sit back and watch the entertainment.

I'll say it again. What is the big deal about raising the minimum wage to $9 an hour. To me it is a no-brainer.

Write you GOP congressman and tell him...

Why would someone getting free shit write the GOP?

There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.
Oh goody! MORE vote buying as it will run more businesses out of business AND cost more jobs.

The left still doesn't get it, they never will.

Getting more money into the hands of those who will spend all of it will not force companies out of business. It will do the exact opposite as it will increase their sales. If half of the wealth that has gone to the top 1% had gone to the lower 50% over the past thirty years, this economy would be booming and this country would be doing much better, and that includes everyone.

Another illiterate who thinks "getting money in the hands of people who spend it" drives the economy. If that were so we would be booming now.
Lesson one for these people is that it isn't their money...and the first important step to recovery.
To raise the minimum wage to $15.00 is ludicris - it will damage the economy; lose jobs. Why would you pay low skilled workers what skilled workers make? Do away with the minimum wage, and the illegal infiltrators, and let the free market reign. There would be more demand for workers; competition - which is a great impetus for improvement! Government get the hell out of the way!
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To raise the minimum wage to $15.00 is ludicris - it will damage the economy; lose jobs. Why would you pay a low skilled workers what skilled workers make? Do away with the minimum wage, and the illegal infiltrators, and let the free market reign. There would be more demand for workers; competition - which is a great impetus for improvement! Government get the hell out of the way!

Yes. Have faith!
To raise the minimum wage to $15.00 is ludicris - it will damage the economy; lose jobs. Why would you pay a low skilled workers what skilled workers make? Do away with the minimum wage, and the illegal infiltrators, and let the free market reign. There would be more demand for workers; competition - which is a great impetus for improvement! Government get the hell out of the way!

And yet, oddly, a $15 minimum wage hasn't hurt Australia in the least.
To raise the minimum wage to $15.00 is ludicris - it will damage the economy; lose jobs. Why would you pay a low skilled workers what skilled workers make? Do away with the minimum wage, and the illegal infiltrators, and let the free market reign. There would be more demand for workers; competition - which is a great impetus for improvement! Government get the hell out of the way!

And yet, oddly, a $15 minimum wage hasn't hurt Australia in the least.

You're really going to compare a country with a population of 20 million to the U.S.?
When your leader is a proven liar, no issue will help you overcome that reality at the polls. Not even a push for minimum wage.

You seem to be in favor of raising the minimum wage. Is that the case?

That would imply he has a job.

Here's the problem with the fundimental argument that has been made against the raising the minimum wage.

If you raise it to a living wage, it will cost jobs.

But if that were the case, wouldn't holding it at current levels create jobs? Because if labor is a constant low and prices go up, it should be cheaper to hire people.

In fact, there is no real correlation between increases in the minimum wage and unemployment.

The effort to take advantage of growing populism among voters in both parties is being coordinated by officials from the White House, labor unions and liberal advocacy groups.

In a series of strategy meetings and conference calls among them in recent weeks, they have focused on two levels: an effort to raise the federal minimum wage, which will be pushed by President Obama and congressional leaders, and a campaign to place state-level minimum wage proposals on the ballot in states with hotly contested congressional races.

With polls showing widespread support for an increase in the $7.25-per-hour federal minimum wage among both Republican and Democratic voters, top Democrats see not only a wedge issue that they hope will place Republican candidates in a difficult position, but also a tool with which to enlarge the electorate in a nonpresidential election, when turnout among minorities and youths typically drops off.

“It puts Republicans on the wrong side of an important value issue when it comes to fairness,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the president’s senior adviser. “You can make a very strong case that this will be a helpful issue for Democrats in 2014. But the goal here is to actually get it done. That’s why the president put it on the agenda.”

That's certainly going to make the 2014 elections interesting.

Gee, you guys didn't care one way or another if unemployment benefits expired when you passed that budget deal. Your concern is disingenuous. And if you haven't noticed, Obamacare is the 800 lb gorilla in the room, not minimum wage.

As far as the elections go, the term "turkey shoot" comes to mind.

:lol:6Nov12. 332-206
To raise the minimum wage to $15.00 is ludicris - it will damage the economy; lose jobs. Why would you pay a low skilled workers what skilled workers make? Do away with the minimum wage, and the illegal infiltrators, and let the free market reign. There would be more demand for workers; competition - which is a great impetus for improvement! Government get the hell out of the way!

And yet, oddly, a $15 minimum wage hasn't hurt Australia in the least.

You're really going to compare a country with a population of 20 million to the U.S.?

What difference does that make? We're wealthier than them by kagillions. Do you know how they do it? Read up on's a good plan. Graduated minimum wage depending on the age of the you're not paying the teen $15. Cool idea huh?
And yet, oddly, a $15 minimum wage hasn't hurt Australia in the least.

You're really going to compare a country with a population of 20 million to the U.S.?

What difference does that make? We're wealthier than them by kagillions. Do you know how they do it? Read up on's a good plan. Graduated minimum wage depending on the age of the you're not paying the teen $15. Cool idea huh?

It's not a cool idea!

Our economy is 20 times more complex then Australia's. What works on a small scale doesn't necessarily work large scale. You know that.
You're really going to compare a country with a population of 20 million to the U.S.?

What difference does that make? We're wealthier than them by kagillions. Do you know how they do it? Read up on's a good plan. Graduated minimum wage depending on the age of the you're not paying the teen $15. Cool idea huh?[/QUOTE]

It's not a cool idea!

Our economy is 20 times more complex then Australia's. What works on a small scale doesn't necessarily work large scale. You know that.

Yea, and besides that, Australians are just a lot fucking smarter than our politicians.

Our guys just are not in to problem solving. Much more fun and profitable to promote hate and division.

Screw them poor people. They are poor cause they didn't vote Republican. Right rocko?
Compelled to comment? You quoted me and I replied, kinda like you quoted me and replied. I guess you were compelled...not unlike your goddess Fluke is compelled to squat down on a few dicks per day. Or a few hundred if that's the case.
Man...or should I say boy....again, you have to take a swipe at someone you never met. I didn't quote you until you compared Ms. Fluke to a fast food drive-through which is about the depth of a comment we an expect from a conservative; hatred and what is for you, I'm sure is fine dining.

Well, in Ms. Fluke's case, she was a law student at the time and wanted the insurance she was getting to cover contraceptives. You were never asked to pay for anything.

No boy, you're a moron because you are speaking, repeatedly, from a position of ignorance.

Umm, she went to congress and made that statement? That birth control needed to be covered 100% by obiecare or her sorry little ass was going to suffer to the tune of a thousand bucks per school year.

Do I really need to go into detail about what that means as far as who is going to pay for it?

Surely if that was her congressional could quote it...but you can't sonny boy. Gee, I wonder why you can't produce this quote from Ms. Fluke...:dunno:

You not only seem incapable of following a conversation you have utterly failed in english comprehension and how insurance mandated from a federal level works. You seem to need to be spoon fed your information as you are incapable of arriving to any conclusion not preconceived or spoon fed to you in advance. The entire testimony is on record, it can be read if you have the mind to comprehend it. Do I need to go line by line and explain the entire thing to you? I think that would be a waste of time since you are struggling for the basic comprehension of the testimony and are incapable of full understanding of the ramifications of the finer details of what she was asking for.

You failed to capitalize "english" there sport. Apparently proper English is a challenge for you too.

Again, a quote is where you cite someone saying something. You said that she wanted you to pay for her oral contraceptives. Yet you can't cite her saying that. So, one has to wonder why are you lying?

As you said, "The entire testimony is on record"....surely you know how to cut and paste the passage where she says taxpayer money should be used.

She was stating that employers (for her purposes as a student, her employer was Georgetown) put contraceptives on the prescription plans. This would cost taxpayers $0.00. This would cost anyone not in her pool $0.00. Those in her pool would likely see no rise in rates either since hormones are such a small segment of the pharmaceutical spectrum and are made by companies that already have standing with the hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc.

But those are facts. I don't want to confuse your shallow mind with such heavy objects as facts and evidence. Lets get back to your original lie: again boy, please cite where she asks taxpayers to pay for contraception.

You can't.
You won't.

Does that sum it up nicely?
Since nothing else has worked in stimulating the economy to any great extent; we should try raising the FMW just because it's the next tool in the box.

See what happens.
You're really going to compare a country with a population of 20 million to the U.S.?

What difference does that make? We're wealthier than them by kagillions. Do you know how they do it? Read up on's a good plan. Graduated minimum wage depending on the age of the you're not paying the teen $15. Cool idea huh?

It's not a cool idea!

Our economy is 20 times more complex then Australia's. What works on a small scale doesn't necessarily work large scale. You know that.

We won't know until we know that.
The LIBs are going to offer their 'base' whatever it takes to get them to the polls to vote LIB.
Libs are the kids at school who go around offering their lunch money to anyone who will pretend to like them.
The Blacks/'men who pee sitting down'/White Quilter soccer-moms/ some Latinos who actually believe Obama will do anything about immigration reform are who 'Bobo' is going to 'play' again. They don't have a sentient thought for the economic future of the country between them. As long as someone is promising them more "free stuff" they are happy.
This time if the REPs don't wake up they get what they know they will deserve.
Watch for Hillary to start wearing huge dresses with HUGE flower prints and finding those S. Baptist church fried chicken diners delicious and dropping in some Ebonics when the moment is right, after the 014 elections.

Gee, you guys didn't care one way or another if unemployment benefits expired when you passed that budget deal. Your concern is disingenuous. And if you haven't noticed, Obamacare is the 800 lb gorilla in the room, not minimum wage.

As far as the elections go, the term "turkey shoot" comes to mind.

:lol:6Nov12. 332-206

Ya know, as I start my winter vacation today, it seems there is common mis-understanding about who is affected by the ACA exchanges.

This should help:


The overwhelming majority of Americans will not be affected by the ACA exchanges and the problems that have arisen through the roll-out.

Those affected have every right to be upset at the Administration's claims that you'll be able to keep your insurance. Of course that only translates to those that had insurance to start with. About 44 million didn't. You can't lose what you didn't have.

Anyway, as an election issue three years away, I predict it will be the equivalent to many other issues and be a push with most of the electorate. With the electorate split along Party lines, there isn't a benefit to either one on the surface; again it depends on how the candidates campaign. You'll have some democrats that will distance themselves and a lot that will act like it's a sum gain and some who embrace it.

The GOP will be 100% against it of course. This has become the 3rd book of the Bible for the GOP. No republican from sea to sea will be for it.
As we saw with Obama's "period" statement...when you have no flexibility on an issue, it sometimes comes back to haunt you.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.
Have a Happy New Year.
And we see the lib/Democrat base falls right in line with their Party masters

hey what do they care, it's not THEIR money they are DEMANDING from people who own business

just pay them MORE cause they are worth it..this way they overlook that 7%UNEMPLOYED they've had for 5 Straight years under their control

yep, this country is hopeless
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To raise the minimum wage to $15.00 is ludicris - it will damage the economy; lose jobs. Why would you pay a low skilled workers what skilled workers make? Do away with the minimum wage, and the illegal infiltrators, and let the free market reign. There would be more demand for workers; competition - which is a great impetus for improvement! Government get the hell out of the way!

And yet, oddly, a $15 minimum wage hasn't hurt Australia in the least.

yes, it did.

and that is why they recently kicked off their leftards.

Guess the populace can learn the hard way only - they have to ruin what they have first in order to understand the wealth redistribution does not work

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