Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.

Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

Why would I care what the CEO makes? And btw... here's a link to a little bit about Don Thompson the McDonalds CEO:

Don Thompson ::

Do you realize the skillset it takes to manage a company of that size??? And what's the skillset needed to stand there like a zombie and ask "would you like an apple pie with that?"

See, you're a lib.. you never can recognize the real problem which isn't these people's pay, it's that they can do no better than get an entry level job. That is the problem.
Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.

Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

BTW.. the CEO of McDonalds makes about $2.3 million... which is what... .01% of gross revenue? That's nothing. See, you libs have no understanding of business, let alone math. In most cases, these CEO's pay as a percentage of the total , is negligible when you're talking about a multi-billion dollar company.
Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.

Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

For the love of God, please watch this and learn:

The brainwashing of the people in the Democrat party is what's killing us as a FREE COUNTRY and a UNITED COUNTRY

They see no problem with demanding other people's money, or to demand business pay more per hour, etc
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This has to be a joke. They have nothing to run on.

no it's not a's their usual pit people against people in the country..

they can't run on OScamCare, over 7% unemployment their whole five year in power, etc
next well see how Republicans want granny to eat dog food, they hate children, women, homosexuals, etc
it's not going to pretty get prepared
Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.

Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

You are free to make whatever you can negotiate, whatever your skillset demands, or whatever companies are willing to throw at you.. if that is 20K or 20M, is of no consequence

You are not owed something though, for doing absolutely nothing to earn more... watch fast food cashiers be replaced by touch screens, fry flippers be replaced by automated machines... and then you will STILL see ones like you demanding more for people who do nothing to advance themselves, gain more skills, or anything else

Oh puhlease. Bullshit. Work is work and manual labor is hard. It is certainly worth $10 an hour.
Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.

Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

Why would I care what the CEO makes? And btw... here's a link to a little bit about Don Thompson the McDonalds CEO:

Don Thompson ::

Do you realize the skillset it takes to manage a company of that size??? And what's the skillset needed to stand there like a zombie and ask "would you like an apple pie with that?"

See, you're a lib.. you never can recognize the real problem which isn't these people's pay, it's that they can do no better than get an entry level job. That is the problem.

You should care because Republican reasoning is that if they have to pay a fair wage, jobs will be lost because businesses can't afford to pay. :lol: Ridiculous and pretty crazy...
Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

Why would I care what the CEO makes? And btw... here's a link to a little bit about Don Thompson the McDonalds CEO:

Don Thompson ::

Do you realize the skillset it takes to manage a company of that size??? And what's the skillset needed to stand there like a zombie and ask "would you like an apple pie with that?"

See, you're a lib.. you never can recognize the real problem which isn't these people's pay, it's that they can do no better than get an entry level job. That is the problem.

You should care because Republican reasoning is that if they have to pay a fair wage, jobs will be lost because businesses can't afford to pay. :lol: Ridiculous and pretty crazy...

How many businesses do you own and what do you pay your employees an hour?
and how about Democrats in congress come out and demand YOU Pay your employees 50 dollars an go right along wouldn't you even if it drives into bankruptcy or closing down your business
twisted people in that party
Why would I care what the CEO makes? And btw... here's a link to a little bit about Don Thompson the McDonalds CEO:

Don Thompson ::

Do you realize the skillset it takes to manage a company of that size??? And what's the skillset needed to stand there like a zombie and ask "would you like an apple pie with that?"

See, you're a lib.. you never can recognize the real problem which isn't these people's pay, it's that they can do no better than get an entry level job. That is the problem.

You should care because Republican reasoning is that if they have to pay a fair wage, jobs will be lost because businesses can't afford to pay. :lol: Ridiculous and pretty crazy...

How many businesses do you own and what do you pay your employees an hour?
and how about Democrats in congress come out and demand YOU Pay your employees 50 dollars an go right along wouldn't you even if it drives into bankruptcy or closing down your business
twisted people in that party

Everything is going up except for wages. We should have kept up with cost of living allowances but wingnut mindset is that people are working for minimum wage because they're too stupid to raise themselves up. They are not taking the greed factor into account. They want employees to work for pennies so they can profit more.

As far as paying employees, if you read my post, they pay millions to do nothing CEOs but they can't afford to raise minimum wage a couple of dollars. What the hell?
Good article, the days of a starting jobs for the youngsters may be over.

There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.

That is 3.6 million people. Lot of people their buddy, not including their families or others they may live with.
Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.

That is 3.6 million people. Lot of people their buddy, not including their families or others they may live with.
Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Half of all minimum wage workers are under the age of 25 and a majority of that are ones 20 and under (just look at BLS statistics).. most of which will not have a family to support... many will not even be the sole supporter of ANY kind of household...

And beyond that, as stated SO many times.. it is on the individual who wants more to do something to EARN more
Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

You are free to make whatever you can negotiate, whatever your skillset demands, or whatever companies are willing to throw at you.. if that is 20K or 20M, is of no consequence

You are not owed something though, for doing absolutely nothing to earn more... watch fast food cashiers be replaced by touch screens, fry flippers be replaced by automated machines... and then you will STILL see ones like you demanding more for people who do nothing to advance themselves, gain more skills, or anything else

Oh puhlease. Bullshit. Work is work and manual labor is hard. It is certainly worth $10 an hour.

Nope.. not when 99% of the populace could do the labor with little or no training.. it is NOT worth more money

Whether you believe it to be or call something 'hard' is irrelevant
minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.

That is 3.6 million people. Lot of people their buddy, not including their families or others they may live with.
Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Half of all minimum wage workers are under the age of 25 and a majority of that are ones 20 and under (just look at BLS statistics).. most of which will not have a family to support... many will not even be the sole supporter of ANY kind of household...

And beyond that, as stated SO many times.. it is on the individual who wants more to do something to EARN more
That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.
Dissastisfaction with ObamaCare will crush concerns about the minimum wage.

Just sayin'.
That is 3.6 million people. Lot of people their buddy, not including their families or others they may live with.
Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Half of all minimum wage workers are under the age of 25 and a majority of that are ones 20 and under (just look at BLS statistics).. most of which will not have a family to support... many will not even be the sole supporter of ANY kind of household...

And beyond that, as stated SO many times.. it is on the individual who wants more to do something to EARN more
That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.

What is it about entry level wages for inexperienced people that you don't get? Many successful people started their careers working for minimum jobs that enabled them to develop a good work ethic. Why do you wish to deny young people that opportuity?
That is 3.6 million people. Lot of people their buddy, not including their families or others they may live with.
Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Half of all minimum wage workers are under the age of 25 and a majority of that are ones 20 and under (just look at BLS statistics).. most of which will not have a family to support... many will not even be the sole supporter of ANY kind of household...

And beyond that, as stated SO many times.. it is on the individual who wants more to do something to EARN more
That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.

If they want to earn a decent wage let them get job skills that command a decent wage first.

How are you doing on your new stimulus program to increase your restaurant tips to 30%? After all, you can certainly afford an extra dollar or two.
Dissastisfaction with ObamaCare will crush concerns about the minimum wage.

Just sayin'.

yep, they can try and steer things away from that, but those ObamaCare ads will be slamming them...can't wait either
Half of all minimum wage workers are under the age of 25 and a majority of that are ones 20 and under (just look at BLS statistics).. most of which will not have a family to support... many will not even be the sole supporter of ANY kind of household...

And beyond that, as stated SO many times.. it is on the individual who wants more to do something to EARN more
That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.

What is it about entry level wages for inexperienced people that you don't get? Many successful people started their careers working for minimum jobs that enabled them to develop a good work ethic. Why do you wish to deny young people that opportuity?
One minute you say many successful people started with a minimum wage, than you say you want to get rid of it, because it denies people opportunities.

Your view here is a contradiction.
You are free to make whatever you can negotiate, whatever your skillset demands, or whatever companies are willing to throw at you.. if that is 20K or 20M, is of no consequence

You are not owed something though, for doing absolutely nothing to earn more... watch fast food cashiers be replaced by touch screens, fry flippers be replaced by automated machines... and then you will STILL see ones like you demanding more for people who do nothing to advance themselves, gain more skills, or anything else

Oh puhlease. Bullshit. Work is work and manual labor is hard. It is certainly worth $10 an hour.

Nope.. not when 99% of the populace could do the labor with little or no training.. it is NOT worth more money

Whether you believe it to be or call something 'hard' is irrelevant

It's going to happen.

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