Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

it's an attempt to solidify the voting base.
What I cannot fathom here is why the democrats are talking to a demographic that votes in very low numbers.
Or is this an attempt to gain a 'sympathy for the poor people' vote?
This, like Obamacare wil be used AGAINST the democrats.
Here's how.
The Obama admin and the democrats up for reelection will campaign on Obama's so called accomplishments. They will attempt to convince the country the economy is moving forward.
The comeback message should be "ok, if everything is so good, why the need for an increase in the min wage?"
No I caught that, so what if they aren't the head of a household, only heads of households matter in your eyes? Plenty of individuals in America aren't the head of households, are they not a concern for you? This is your argument? Is that really the best you can come up with?

So the owner of a firm has no responsibility to his workers? Says who, you? Why should I care what you think? Every country in the civilized western white world has had minimum wage for decades now, and had labor regulations since before the turn of the 20th century. The idea that the owner has no obligation to their workers and should not be regulated at all has already sailed, and your side lost, because your argument lacks common sense.

It isn't just people at McDonald's who earn minimum wage. But it is interesting your contempt for those who earn minimum wage as all stupid and lazy. Perhaps your bias against them influences your opinions.

Sure, there are stupid people, certainly, and people who work less hard than others. But that shouldn't mean that employers should be able to pay whatever they wish to their workers. Like I said, I would prefer a little be taken off the bottom line of some business owner than all these low wage workers be funneled into an already nearly bankrupt welfare state. Taxpayers need to stop being the backstop to bail out corporations and businesses of basic responsibilities.

There is no proof raising minimum wage causes unemployment, especially considering all other economic factors. If you had proof, you would cite it. Instead you get angry, type in ALL CAPS, and come up with hypothetical situations.

When the minimum wage is increased, it is usually such a small amount that it does not devastate the economy. But that does not mean that it does not have negative effects. Most people would agree that raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour would be outrageous. Raising the minimum just a little will have the same negative effects, but just on a smaller scale.

Well, first off, I never suggested raising minimum wage to $20, nor is that what is on the table.

Please, cite the negative effects, with proof, from raising the minimum wage "just a little".

Oh boy...Your side insists that higher wages have no affect on prices. Nor is such a cause of inflation.
The suggestion of a min wage of $20 or more is making use of an absurdity to illustrate the fallacy of that idea...That higher wages do not cause prices to rise or are inflationary.
A drastic increase in the min wage is another fine example of violating the laws of unintended consequences.
What I find entertaining is that those who cheer for the increase do not know why they cheer. Only that Obama says its a good idea. So they agree in lockstep. Never mind thinking it through or looking at any potential adverse affects.
There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.

That is 3.6 million people. Lot of people their buddy, not including their families or others they may live with.
Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

So?...Most of these are kids and seniors looking for a little walking around money.
It's going to happen.

For right or wrong, it MAY happen... even though it should not...

Again.. if you want more, it is not for society to just give you more for nothing.... that thought, resides in progressive whining lala land

If they're not important to the company or doing nothing as you say, why hire them at all? Just have managers or important ceos there pushing the touch screens. I say they are providing an important service cooking, sweeping, loading the dishwasher and the companies are just trying to be cheap and unfair. They don't want to pay for such menial services. They want slaves.
No stupid...They pay the appropriate wage for low skill labor.
If they're not important to the company or doing nothing as you say, why hire them at all? Just have managers or important ceos there pushing the touch screens. I say they are providing an important service cooking, sweeping, loading the dishwasher and the companies are just trying to be cheap and unfair. They don't want to pay for such menial services. They want slaves.

When the price of technology does become less than what it takes to have the unskilled people taking orders, stuffing boxes, sweeping floors, etc.. those jobs will indeed go away

FAIR, is a subjective term... you think it is only FAIR when it fits your criteria, while FAIRNESS to the employer or those risking investment means NOTHING to the likes of you... your subjective FAIRNESS means nothing

And nobody wants slaves... people want to survive and even thrive in business for their investment, time, risk, efforts, etc... they do not exist simply to hand you more for doing nothing more

That survival argument flies out the window when you have the multi million dollar CEO in the picture. They are not trying to simply survive. They're refusing to pay a fair wage for a fair day's work.

You can measure a fair day's work, btw and pay accordingly.

That argument carries no weight.
Since the 'free market' isn't helping increase living standards among most Americans, time for the state to step in and better allocate incomes. No, not everyone should earn the same amount. But the bottom need to have their wages upped, and it should be tied to inflation going forward, to keep companies's from abusing their lowest paid.

If this means that the upper income employees earn less, I'm okay with that.
Since the 'free market' isn't helping increase living standards among most Americans, time for the state to step in and better allocate incomes. No, not everyone should earn the same amount. But the bottom need to have their wages upped, and it should be tied to inflation going forward, to keep companies's from abusing their lowest paid.

If this means that the upper income employees earn less, I'm okay with that.

Are you ok with government telling you how to make a living? Because that's what you're asking for.
No I caught that, so what if they aren't the head of a household, only heads of households matter in your eyes? Plenty of individuals in America aren't the head of households, are they not a concern for you? This is your argument? Is that really the best you can come up with?

So the owner of a firm has no responsibility to his workers? Says who, you? Why should I care what you think? Every country in the civilized western white world has had minimum wage for decades now, and had labor regulations since before the turn of the 20th century. The idea that the owner has no obligation to their workers and should not be regulated at all has already sailed, and your side lost, because your argument lacks common sense.

It isn't just people at McDonald's who earn minimum wage. But it is interesting your contempt for those who earn minimum wage as all stupid and lazy. Perhaps your bias against them influences your opinions.

Sure, there are stupid people, certainly, and people who work less hard than others. But that shouldn't mean that employers should be able to pay whatever they wish to their workers. Like I said, I would prefer a little be taken off the bottom line of some business owner than all these low wage workers be funneled into an already nearly bankrupt welfare state. Taxpayers need to stop being the backstop to bail out corporations and businesses of basic responsibilities.

There is no proof raising minimum wage causes unemployment, especially considering all other economic factors. If you had proof, you would cite it. Instead you get angry, type in ALL CAPS, and come up with hypothetical situations.

When the minimum wage is increased, it is usually such a small amount that it does not devastate the economy. But that does not mean that it does not have negative effects. Most people would agree that raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour would be outrageous. Raising the minimum just a little will have the same negative effects, but just on a smaller scale.

Well, first off, I never suggested raising minimum wage to $20, nor is that what is on the table.

Please, cite the negative effects, with proof, from raising the minimum wage "just a little".

If the minimum wage increase is very small, then the effects will also be very small. That's why the $20 minimum wage is not on the table. Most everyone knows that the higher the minimum is raised above true market value, the more devistating it will be. The people/politicians that want to raise the minimum by a small amount are just making a feel good policy change that they can strut around and brag about while the minimum wage earner will still not be earning the so called "living wage".

Of course this is what is eventually going to happen. The minimum wage will be raised a small amount. It will calm down those calling for an increase for a year or two while the effect on the economy will be barely measurable if at all.
Since the 'free market' isn't helping increase living standards among most Americans, time for the state to step in and better allocate incomes. No, not everyone should earn the same amount. But the bottom need to have their wages upped, and it should be tied to inflation going forward, to keep companies's from abusing their lowest paid.

If this means that the upper income employees earn less, I'm okay with that.

Are you ok with government telling you how to make a living? Because that's what you're asking for.

If people were doing the right thing to start with, we wouldn't need government to make them do it.
Since the 'free market' isn't helping increase living standards among most Americans, time for the state to step in and better allocate incomes. No, not everyone should earn the same amount. But the bottom need to have their wages upped, and it should be tied to inflation going forward, to keep companies's from abusing their lowest paid.

If this means that the upper income employees earn less, I'm okay with that.

Are you ok with government telling you how to make a living? Because that's what you're asking for.

If people were doing the right thing to start with, we wouldn't need government to make them do it.

Wow... this really gets to the heart of the difference between libertarians and authoritarians. Is this really how you view the purpose of government? To make people do the 'right thing'?
Democraps want to push obamacare off the front page, so starting some bullshit "class warfare" story is typical.

Meanwhile the middle class is getting fucked by liberals thanks to obamacare taking away their doctor/insurance plan and driving up medical costs.
When the minimum wage is increased, it is usually such a small amount that it does not devastate the economy. But that does not mean that it does not have negative effects. Most people would agree that raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour would be outrageous. Raising the minimum just a little will have the same negative effects, but just on a smaller scale.

Well, first off, I never suggested raising minimum wage to $20, nor is that what is on the table.

Please, cite the negative effects, with proof, from raising the minimum wage "just a little".

If the minimum wage increase is very small, then the effects will also be very small. That's why the $20 minimum wage is not on the table. Most everyone knows that the higher the minimum is raised above true market value, the more devistating it will be. The people/politicians that want to raise the minimum by a small amount are just making a feel good policy change that they can strut around and brag about while the minimum wage earner will still not be earning the so called "living wage".

Of course this is what is eventually going to happen. The minimum wage will be raised a small amount. It will calm down those calling for an increase for a year or two while the effect on the economy will be barely measurable if at all.
Ok, so you have no proof, you are a hack.
Well, first off, I never suggested raising minimum wage to $20, nor is that what is on the table.

Please, cite the negative effects, with proof, from raising the minimum wage "just a little".

If the minimum wage increase is very small, then the effects will also be very small. That's why the $20 minimum wage is not on the table. Most everyone knows that the higher the minimum is raised above true market value, the more devistating it will be. The people/politicians that want to raise the minimum by a small amount are just making a feel good policy change that they can strut around and brag about while the minimum wage earner will still not be earning the so called "living wage".

Of course this is what is eventually going to happen. The minimum wage will be raised a small amount. It will calm down those calling for an increase for a year or two while the effect on the economy will be barely measurable if at all.
Ok, so you have no proof, you are a hack.

Then how would you answer the question of why we should simply raise the minimum wage to something that would grant everyone a comfortable living? $30/hr let's say? If wage and price controls have no negative impact, why not go for something truly worthwhile?
If the minimum wage increase is very small, then the effects will also be very small. That's why the $20 minimum wage is not on the table. Most everyone knows that the higher the minimum is raised above true market value, the more devistating it will be. The people/politicians that want to raise the minimum by a small amount are just making a feel good policy change that they can strut around and brag about while the minimum wage earner will still not be earning the so called "living wage".

Of course this is what is eventually going to happen. The minimum wage will be raised a small amount. It will calm down those calling for an increase for a year or two while the effect on the economy will be barely measurable if at all.
Ok, so you have no proof, you are a hack.

Then how would you answer the question of why we should simply raise the minimum wage to something that would grant everyone a comfortable living? $30/hr let's say? If wage and price controls have no negative impact, why not go for something truly worthwhile?

Because it is a stupid question. You apparently can't differentiate between a 1 or 2 dollar increase in minimum wage and an increase of around $20 an hour.

The problem is, opponents of minimum have to create absurd strawmen that nobody wants, and debunk, instead of addressing real world situations. You do this because your positions in the real world have zero proof.

If you had proof minimum wage increases in the past had resulted in unemployment, you would be posting it everywhere, but you don't, so you come up with this crap.
Ok, so you have no proof, you are a hack.

Then how would you answer the question of why we should simply raise the minimum wage to something that would grant everyone a comfortable living? $30/hr let's say? If wage and price controls have no negative impact, why not go for something truly worthwhile?

Because it is a stupid question. You apparently can't differentiate between a 1 or 2 dollar increase in minimum wage and an increase of around $20 an hour.

The problem is, opponents of minimum have to create absurd strawmen that nobody wants, and debunk, instead of addressing real world situations. You do this because your positions in the real world have zero proof.

If you had proof minimum wage increases in the past had resulted in unemployment, you would be posting it everywhere, but you don't, so you come up with this crap.

I don't care enough to go looking for proof. But you're still not answering the question, and I'm wondering why. If $1 or $2 per hour increase in minimum wage has no negative repercussions, why not go for $10 or $20?
Then how would you answer the question of why we should simply raise the minimum wage to something that would grant everyone a comfortable living? $30/hr let's say? If wage and price controls have no negative impact, why not go for something truly worthwhile?

Because it is a stupid question. You apparently can't differentiate between a 1 or 2 dollar increase in minimum wage and an increase of around $20 an hour.

The problem is, opponents of minimum have to create absurd strawmen that nobody wants, and debunk, instead of addressing real world situations. You do this because your positions in the real world have zero proof.

If you had proof minimum wage increases in the past had resulted in unemployment, you would be posting it everywhere, but you don't, so you come up with this crap.

I don't care enough to go looking for proof. But you're still not answering the question, and I'm wondering why. If $1 or $2 per hour increase in minimum wage has no negative repercussions, why not go for $10 or $20?
Right there. You don't find proof for your beliefs, you just go based of emotions. But apparently you care enough to post bullshit without proof.

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