Dems Dismal 4 Years..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
The results of Democratic control of Congress, both House and Senate, just may be coming to an end..There control over the past near 4 YEARS represents a constant slide to oblivion. With some luck.. they will pay the price for their lack of leadership, oversight and lack of respect for the greater percent of the American peoples wishes..(join me)...:eusa_pray:


WASHINGTON—Democrats for the first time are acknowledging that Republicans could retake the Senate this November if everything falls into place for the GOP, less than two years after Democrats held a daunting 60-seat majority.

Leaders of both parties have believed for months that Republicans could win the House, where every lawmaker faces re-election. But a change of party control in the Senate, where only a third of the members are running and Republicans must capture 10 seats, seemed out of the question.
Battle for the Senate

That's no longer the case. The emergence of competitive Republican candidates in Wisconsin, Washington and California—Democratic-leaning states where polls now show tight races—bring the number of seats that Republicans could seize from the Democrats to 11.

GOP Sees Chance to Retake Senate -
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Did I mention it was Bush's fault?

Nope, BUT you guys sure blame Obama for EVERYTHING since he has been in office, why shouldn't our commander and chief in the last administration get the blame?

Equal opportunity bashing, seems only fair.....? ;)

also, I thought the republicans in congress were PROUD of all of their filibusters and Motions to Recommit that have kept the democrats from passing over 80% of their legislation proposed.....? Have the republicans stalled the Democrats will, or not?

Did I mention it was Bush's fault?

Nope, BUT you guys sure blame Obama for EVERYTHING since he has been in office, why shouldn't our commander and chief in the last administration get the blame?

Equal opportunity bashing, seems only fair.....? ;)

also, I thought the republicans in congress were PROUD of all of their filibusters and Motions to Recommit that have kept the democrats from passing over 80% of their legislation proposed.....? Have the republicans stalled the Democrats will, or not?


Hate to break it to you but if the Democrats were interested in bipartisan support they would not get filibustered. And in the House the republicans can do nothing since there are only around 180 of them and it takes 218 votes to pass something.

Also have you been asleep? Most of the GARBAGE the democrats have proposed is Unconstitutional, illegal or down right wrong for this Country. Remember that Gem, "just vote for it unread, it will be fine, we need it now!" And then after rushing them to vote the President took a vacation and did not sign it for at least 5 days.

Are you going to claim the Republicans are the ones that passed a budget that 50 cents of every dollar spent is borrowed? Proposed a similar one next year as well?

The Democrats did pass a stimulus bill, of course since no one read it, the Republicans did not realize that the bulk of the money was going to pay off Democratic supporters of the President.
Changing horses makes little difference if the riders continue on the same path.
The results of Democratic control of Congress, both House and Senate, just may be coming to an end..There control over the past near 4 YEARS represents a constant slide to oblivion. With some luck.. they will pay the price for their lack of leadership, oversight and lack of respect for the greater percent of the American peoples wishes..(join me)...:eusa_pray:


WASHINGTON—Democrats for the first time are acknowledging that Republicans could retake the Senate this November if everything falls into place for the GOP, less than two years after Democrats held a daunting 60-seat majority.

GOP Sees Chance to Retake Senate -

Yeah.....we can always rely on OTHER Murdoch-publications, for fact-filled political-analysis, as well!!!




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Did I mention it was Bush's fault?

Nope, BUT you guys sure blame Obama for EVERYTHING since he has been in office, why shouldn't our commander and chief in the last administration get the blame?

Equal opportunity bashing, seems only fair.....? ;)

also, I thought the republicans in congress were PROUD of all of their filibusters and Motions to Recommit that have kept the democrats from passing over 80% of their legislation proposed.....? Have the republicans stalled the Democrats will, or not?


I suppose if you would like to give and allow victim status to Obama/Democrats that would be your prerogative. It simply doesn't seem like displaying leadership to me.

Obama and Democrats seem to want it both ways. Blame Bush, play victim one day then turn around the next day and take full responsibility. I'm guessing you missed that.

As we both know Democrats along with Obama have passed some rather devastating legislation that the American people, by majority, didn't like. I would say Republicans have obstructed (delivered us from ruin) to the best of their ability but Democrats haven't negotiated in good faith. Not even enough to get the few votes necessary to pass their legislation. So .. there we go again .. the natural and often used, Democratic victim card..
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What exactly have the Republicans accomplished in 4 years?
What exactly have the Republicans accomplished in 4 years?

The more sincere question would be.. what have the Democrats allowed Republicans to accomplish?

The Democrats hold all the cards but they act like they don't...yup, I know what your thinking, the poor little... crybabies...:(
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What exactly have the Republicans accomplished in 4 years?

The more sincere question would be.. what have the Democrats allowed Republicans to accomplish?

The Democrats hold all the cards but they act like they don't...yup, I know what your thinking, the poor little... crybabies...:(

The Republicans are members of Congress. Congressmen have functioned as part of minority parties for 200+ years....somehow the Republicans can't

What contribution have Republicans made towards any bill in the last 4 years?
Did I mention it was Bush's fault?

Nope, BUT you guys sure blame Obama for EVERYTHING since he has been in office, why shouldn't our commander and chief in the last administration get the blame?

Equal opportunity bashing, seems only fair.....? ;)

also, I thought the republicans in congress were PROUD of all of their filibusters and Motions to Recommit that have kept the democrats from passing over 80% of their legislation proposed.....? Have the republicans stalled the Democrats will, or not?


Hate to break it to you but if the Democrats were interested in bipartisan support they would not get filibustered. And in the House the republicans can do nothing since there are only around 180 of them and it takes 218 votes to pass something.

Also have you been asleep? Most of the GARBAGE the democrats have proposed is Unconstitutional, illegal or down right wrong for this Country. Remember that Gem, "just vote for it unread, it will be fine, we need it now!" And then after rushing them to vote the President took a vacation and did not sign it for at least 5 days.

Are you going to claim the Republicans are the ones that passed a budget that 50 cents of every dollar spent is borrowed? Proposed a similar one next year as well?

The Democrats did pass a stimulus bill, of course since no one read it, the Republicans did not realize that the bulk of the money was going to pay off Democratic supporters of the President.

Oh puh-leeze you're not serious? Obama tried to be as bipartisan as they come. End result, continued obfuscation, lies, hatred and misleading of the public from the right, and alienation of those on the left (like myself) who think they should stop trying to pander to dimwitted ne'er-do-wells like yourself.

You're a fucking child. Try to get some information from somewhere besides Fox and the Heritage Foundation.
What exactly have the Republicans accomplished in 4 years?

The more sincere question would be.. what have the Democrats allowed Republicans to accomplish?

The Democrats hold all the cards but they act like they don't...yup, I know what your thinking, the poor little... crybabies...:(

The Republicans are members of Congress. Congressmen have functioned as part of minority parties for 200+ years....somehow the Republicans can't

What contribution have Republicans made towards any bill in the last 4 years?

Wait.. Republicans can't function in the minority and at at the same time they get blamed for Democratic Party lack of success.... that makes perfect sense...:disbelief:

Contribution from Republicans.. you know, that sounds like a lot of work.. hold your breath.. I'll get back with you....:lol:
Nope, BUT you guys sure blame Obama for EVERYTHING since he has been in office, why shouldn't our commander and chief in the last administration get the blame?

Equal opportunity bashing, seems only fair.....? ;)

also, I thought the republicans in congress were PROUD of all of their filibusters and Motions to Recommit that have kept the democrats from passing over 80% of their legislation proposed.....? Have the republicans stalled the Democrats will, or not?


Hate to break it to you but if the Democrats were interested in bipartisan support they would not get filibustered. And in the House the republicans can do nothing since there are only around 180 of them and it takes 218 votes to pass something.

Also have you been asleep? Most of the GARBAGE the democrats have proposed is Unconstitutional, illegal or down right wrong for this Country. Remember that Gem, "just vote for it unread, it will be fine, we need it now!" And then after rushing them to vote the President took a vacation and did not sign it for at least 5 days.

Are you going to claim the Republicans are the ones that passed a budget that 50 cents of every dollar spent is borrowed? Proposed a similar one next year as well?

The Democrats did pass a stimulus bill, of course since no one read it, the Republicans did not realize that the bulk of the money was going to pay off Democratic supporters of the President.

Oh puh-leeze you're not serious? Obama tried to be as bipartisan as they come. End result, continued obfuscation, lies, hatred and misleading of the public from the right, and alienation of those on the left (like myself) who think they should stop trying to pander to dimwitted ne'er-do-wells like yourself.

You're a fucking child. Try to get some information from somewhere besides Fox and the Heritage Foundation.

I'm guessing you get your information from MSNBC and liberal talk shows..
The more sincere question would be.. what have the Democrats allowed Republicans to accomplish?

The Democrats hold all the cards but they act like they don't...yup, I know what your thinking, the poor little... crybabies...:(

The Republicans are members of Congress. Congressmen have functioned as part of minority parties for 200+ years....somehow the Republicans can't

What contribution have Republicans made towards any bill in the last 4 years?

Wait.. Republicans can't function in the minority and at at the same time they get blamed for Democratic Party lack of success.... that makes perfect sense...:disbelief:

Contribution from Republicans.. you know, that sounds like a lot of work.. hold your breath.. I'll get back with you....:lol:

Minority Politicians have historically been able to contribute to bills, cosponsor, adapt legislation...Just because you are in the minority does not mean you have to sit on the sidelines

Unlesss you choose to
What exactly have the Republicans accomplished in 4 years?

The Rs controlled the House, Senate and the WH at one point and were STILL a huge failure. I don't think anyone's forgotten Bush or that lost period in congressional history.

Huge failure..? Partisan.. hat time... That got through the Clinton recession, (didn't whine about it) , got through 9/11, helped keep unemployment low.

Hat Off.. spent like drunken sailors, started 2 Wars. (in easy retrospect, lasting too long)

Hat On..then Democrats took over Congress, slide started.. Obama elected.. we're heading for the cliff at high speed..
What exactly do the Republicans run on?

What have they done for the American people for the last four years?
What jobs have they created?
Where was the Republican Healthcare bill when they were in charge?
Where did they balance a budget?
What exactly do the Republicans run on?

What have they done for the American people for the last four years?
What jobs have they created?
Where was the Republican Healthcare bill when they were in charge?
Where did they balance a budget?

To start off with... their not Democrats..

The rest of your comments.. I would gladly accept, just your opinion on..

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