Dems don't want people to have good health care. True story.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Why would they do that? Think back to the arguments they offered when they were first pushing ObamaCare. They claimed that what they were going to do was “bend the cost curve,” which was a clunky way of saying they would find a way to reduce overall spending on health care. They claimed this would be accomplished largely by getting more people to use preventive care and discouraging inappropriate use of emergency rooms while managing to prevent more serious conditions.

That sounded good to a lot of people, although obviously not enough for Democrats’ purposes because a majority of Americans hated ObamaCare then just as they hate it now.

But it was never as plausible as the claimed. In order to really reduce the cost of health insurance, they had to reduce the value people would receive for their premium dollars. One way they did this was to narrow the networks of health care providers people could access. Another way was to punish employers who offered health insurance that was too good.

Businesses are not stupid, and they understand that if they don’t make their health insurance offerings less generous, they will get bitten hard by the Cadillac Tax. By the way, the only reason the Cadillac Tax is pushed back as long as it is was because of pressure from the Democrats’ friends in organized labor. That should tell you something. The unions understand that employees are going to pay a price for ObamaCare as well. In recent months, unions have become even more angry about what they discovered were the real impacts of ObamaCare, but the early pressure they applied for the delay of the Cadillac Tax tells you they knew even in 2009 that it would not be all good for workers.
So why would Democrats put such a harmful mechanism into ObamaCare? You might think it’s because Democrats never met a tax they didn’t like, but in fact they really don’t want to collect any revenue from the Cadillac Tax. What they really want is for everyone’s health insurance in this country to be just like everyone else’s. It’s classic Democrat thinking. In order to achieve “equality,” some people have to be made worse off. So if you’ve got something good, the Democrats will tax your employer as punishment unless that something good is taken away from you.

Yup, so-called Cadillac plans will be taxed out of existence. They don't appreciate the fact that some companies offered great benefits and that people opted to spend more to get the best health care insurance available. Gosh, that isn't fair to the people who either can't afford good insurance or choose not to spend their money on it. Just because some people have made health insurance a priority (over partying or other frivilous purchases), they will now have that insurance taken away from them. Or they will pay dearly, if they are able.

Of course, politicians will continue to have the best care available and they will not face ridiculous taxes.

How long before Dems try to "equalize" everyone on other things, like homes, vehicles, etc... Reminds me of how people in commie countries could only buy one kind of car. No one was allowed to have a nicer one, even if they saved their money for it. Nope, had to be the same as the other commoners. Only the leaders could enjoy freedom of choice.

Just the fact that congress and the president exempt themselves from the bullshit they impost on us (that's both parties) tells us what to expect for the future. We now have a country where the people no longer have a say and the leaders have become dictators who have different rules for themselves. It's not okay and both parties are the same in this regard. Obamacare is an example of what we can expect in other aspects of our lives. Government deciding what we can and can't have while they do as they please.

Politics: Great health insurance not allowed by Democrats | Best of Cain
Actually we want good Public Health, and a better bang for the buck of our healthcare dollars. You shouldn't have to be rich to live a health or long life, and that's been the norm on this rock, and in America especially, long enough.
Actually we want good Public Health, and a better bang for the buck of our healthcare dollars. You shouldn't have to be rich to live a health or long life, and that's been the norm on this rock, and in America especially, long enough.

Do you believe in evolution's "survival of the fittest?" We all have to die some day. No sense in lingering on beyond our years if we just gonna sit in a corner wheelchair and drool all over the place. At least I hope I never suffer that fate.
Actually we want good Public Health, and a better bang for the buck of our healthcare dollars. You shouldn't have to be rich to live a health or long life, and that's been the norm on this rock, and in America especially, long enough.

Do you believe in evolution's "survival of the fittest?" We all have to die some day. No sense in lingering on beyond our years if we just gonna sit in a corner wheelchair and drool all over the place. At least I hope I never suffer that fate.
Learn evolution, that isn't it.
Sorry about having lost your bs cadillac plans which none of you had, unless you were a multi-millionnaire or in an over the top union...if you want it that bad, pay the piddling tax, hater dupe.
Meanwhile, the whole country no longer has to worry about their insurer cutting them off or having to go bankrupt and losing their life savings, and just get by on great health care, just no free plastic surgery...or toothbrushes...
What Democrats want is to nationalize the health care industry and drag down the quality of health care most of us receive in order to supply it to the minority who have less access to it, as opposed to coming up with solutions that raise the quality for everyone while reining in costs.
Transparent competition on exchanges is the solution, fear mongered dingbat.
What Democrats want is to nationalize the health care industry and drag down the quality of health care most of us receive in order to supply it to the minority who have less access to it, as opposed to coming up with solutions that raise the quality for everyone while reining in costs.

The solution to cost is to get everyone into the same pool, like other Western nations, and to acknowledge that money doesn't grow on trees so we need to get the best bang for our collective buck, which means kids get their shots, young people get our best efforts, and we stop wasting money on the living-dead trying to buy them a few more weeks of life.

In essence, we starting treating Public Health as a rational societal need, not a benefit from a job dealt with by a for-profit corporation. It won't be perfect, not everyone will get the best possible care or options, but that's not the point since doing so makes no damn sense at all. What makes sense is how do we get the best bang for the buck and everyone covered...
The solution to cost is to reintroduce the free market which has been predominately absent from the industry for well over 50 years now.
The solution to cost is to reintroduce the free market which has been predominately absent from the industry for well over 50 years now.

That is ideology, not reality. We don't need snake-oil, we need basic universal public healthcare. Dealing with the sick was never supposed to be about making money or getting rich. Neither was spreading the Gospel, making love, raising children, or just about anything else that really matters to human beings. Capitalism is a terrific tool, love it, but it's a hammer and we need a socket set...
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BTW, PMH, give up on the single payer too- ain't happening till we're long gone in this country- we, the Dutch, and the Swiss are CAPITALISTS till death do us part...
BTW, PMH, give up on the single payer too- ain't happening till we're long gone in this country- we, the Dutch, and the Swiss are CAPITALISTS till death do us part...
I think in decades, centuries usually, often even longer. Thanks, but I was never concerned.
What makes sense is how do we get the best bang for the buck and everyone covered...

You can't afford to equally cover everyone.
What makes sense is how do we get the best bang for the buck and everyone covered...

You can't afford to equally cover everyone.

Oh but you can, since most of it is pretty basic. Are you suggesting that the rich get care and poor don't? That's what happens in your version.
One has to wonder, since the vast majority of Doctors believe in evolution and vaccines, how many are liberals?

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