Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

Yes there were, and all coming from California which Trump stood no chance at winning.

Show me evidence of Russia having any effect on the election. There is none. You can't show me one person who said they were going to vote for Hil-Liar until they seen the Russian X and it changed their mind.
You gotta keep in mind the Left has been doing the Soviet Union's bidding for decades.

They can't really comprehend that not everyone does what they're told by foreign governments.

The idiocy is that any attempt by Russia to interfere with the election took place under Barack Obama, yet they spied and tried to blame Trump for it when Trump had no diplomatic contacts or political power. Trump was never so much as a councilman yet alone with international influence.
This alone tells rational people that Obama ordered illegal spying on the Trump Campaign.

Morons will still screech RUSSIAAAA!!!

Of course he did. If this issue is pursued, we'll see how many loyalists DumBama has when other people below him are facing charges. Hillary destroyed evidence. Comey ordered evidence destroyed. I would like to know why Lynch didn't recuse herself from the investigation after her meeting with Bill Clinton. I want to know what was presented to the FISA judges on four occasions that didn't give the judge any reason to question the evidence presented.
Why can't you just speak the truth,how Comey gift wrapped the election for scumpt by his investigating Hillary 10 days before election and then exonerating her

So the problem was Comey and not Hillary giving him a reason to investigate. Typical liberal.
You gotta keep in mind the Left has been doing the Soviet Union's bidding for decades.

They can't really comprehend that not everyone does what they're told by foreign governments.

The idiocy is that any attempt by Russia to interfere with the election took place under Barack Obama, yet they spied and tried to blame Trump for it when Trump had no diplomatic contacts or political power. Trump was never so much as a councilman yet alone with international influence.
This alone tells rational people that Obama ordered illegal spying on the Trump Campaign.

Morons will still screech RUSSIAAAA!!!

Of course he did. If this issue is pursued, we'll see how many loyalists DumBama has when other people below him are facing charges. Hillary destroyed evidence. Comey ordered evidence destroyed. I would like to know why Lynch didn't recuse herself from the investigation after her meeting with Bill Clinton. I want to know what was presented to the FISA judges on four occasions that didn't give the judge any reason to question the evidence presented.
Why can't you just speak the truth,how Comey gift wrapped the election for scumpt by his investigating Hillary 10 days before election and then exonerating her

So the problem was Comey and not Hillary giving him a reason to investigate. Typical liberal.
It was the timing and not saying they were investigating scumpt too
The idiocy is that any attempt by Russia to interfere with the election took place under Barack Obama, yet they spied and tried to blame Trump for it when Trump had no diplomatic contacts or political power. Trump was never so much as a councilman yet alone with international influence.
This alone tells rational people that Obama ordered illegal spying on the Trump Campaign.

Morons will still screech RUSSIAAAA!!!

Of course he did. If this issue is pursued, we'll see how many loyalists DumBama has when other people below him are facing charges. Hillary destroyed evidence. Comey ordered evidence destroyed. I would like to know why Lynch didn't recuse herself from the investigation after her meeting with Bill Clinton. I want to know what was presented to the FISA judges on four occasions that didn't give the judge any reason to question the evidence presented.
Why can't you just speak the truth,how Comey gift wrapped the election for scumpt by his investigating Hillary 10 days before election and then exonerating her

So the problem was Comey and not Hillary giving him a reason to investigate. Typical liberal.
It was the timing and not saying they were investigating scumpt too
Then-candidate Trump told his supporters more than 140 times in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election that he loved Wikileaks, an organization that publishes classified information from anonymous sources.

Wikileaks, at the time, had posted tens of thousands of hacked Democratic National Committee emails that proved damaging to Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton.

“I love Wikileaks,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in Pennsylvania on Oct. 10, 2016. Roughly two weeks later, he praised the controversial website as a “treasure trove” at a campaign event in Michigan.

“Boy, I love reading those Wikileaks,” Trump told rallygoers in Ohio on Nov. 4, 2016.
Nobody helped Trump and nobody hurt Hil-Liar. People usually don't take voting tips from Facebook ads. After all, didn't she get the popular vote?

All of out investigative agencies disagree with you. I guess you believe Putin over them just like that orange fool does. Yes, she did win the popular vote. That emphasizes how important Russia's help was to Trump.

No, the agencies said Russia interfered, but there is no evidence it had any impact on the election. That's impossible to determine.

The idea that she won the popular vote means that Russia didn't have an impact on the election. Hillary lost out of laziness and our voting system--not because of anything Russia did.

If Americans were more conscious of how they voted, Hillary should have gotten killed in that election. She was the worst and most corrupt candidate I've seen in my lifetime.

No. "Impossible to determine" isn't the same as "had no effect". You don't understand that?
Without Russia helping Trump, it's quite possible that she probably would have won more of the popular vote, or even the electoral college. Russia had an effect. We just don't know how much. Bottom line is the voters didn't choose Trump. There were 3 million more votes for his opponent.

Yes there were, and all coming from California which Trump stood no chance at winning.

Show me evidence of Russia having any effect on the election. There is none. You can't show me one person who said they were going to vote for Hil-Liar until they seen the Russian X and it changed their mind.
So ALL our agencies say russia was involved and you say no Who am I to believe ? A trump toadie or our great agencies?
All our agencies don't say that, shit for brains.

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Nobody helped Trump and nobody hurt Hil-Liar. People usually don't take voting tips from Facebook ads. After all, didn't she get the popular vote?

All of out investigative agencies disagree with you. I guess you believe Putin over them just like that orange fool does. Yes, she did win the popular vote. That emphasizes how important Russia's help was to Trump.
"All of out investigative agencies disagree with you."

You mean "All Obama loyalists and bootlickers in our investigative agencies disagree with you."
You'd rather your Nazi party take over our agencies? and get your head out of trumps ass ,,,just a suggestion
I want people in government service who are loyal to the United States...not horribly inept ex-Presidents.

Are you capable of understanding that? It seems not.
And I want people in gov't who are responsible to the people not their party who don't lie everytime they open their mouths like trump
You mean like Hillary?

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using mobile app
Then-candidate Trump told his supporters more than 140 times in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election that he loved Wikileaks, an organization that publishes classified information from anonymous sources.

Wikileaks, at the time, had posted tens of thousands of hacked Democratic National Committee emails that proved damaging to Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton.

“I love Wikileaks,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in Pennsylvania on Oct. 10, 2016. Roughly two weeks later, he praised the controversial website as a “treasure trove” at a campaign event in Michigan.

“Boy, I love reading those Wikileaks,” Trump told rallygoers in Ohio on Nov. 4, 2016.

Do you have a point here? Who wouldn't love an organization helping to defeat his or her opponent?
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

That's because most voters accept the fact that Trump's a crook and will do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals. The democrats see that as a disqualify for the presidency. Republicans see as a qualification for the presidency. In short, both have fixed beliefs about Trump and Mueller does not really matter to either group. However, for independents and those leaning left or right, it is significant. And that is what the election is going to be about, capturing the few independents that still exist and swinging those swing states.
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

That's because most voters accept the fact that Trump's a crook and will do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals. The democrats see that as a disqualify for the presidency. Republicans see as a qualification for the presidency. In short, both have fixed beliefs about Trump and Mueller does not really matter to either group. However, for independents and those leaning left or right, it is significant. And that is what the election is going to be about, capturing the few independents that still exist and swinging those swing states.

I am an independent, who sees that most politicians are crooks in varying degrees. Your hypocritical focus on Trump being one while ignoring many crooked democrats who are pushing an obvious partisan drumroll damages your credibility. Their absurd insistence to get his last 6 years of tax documents (while in office only 3 years), without probable cause is clear evidence of partisanship harassment.

Now that the IRS refuses to comply with the "request" for the documents, they are hyperventilating over it, just more evidence this is a partisan witch hunt.

You leftists don't have shit, because Mueller and the IRS hasn't found anything against him and that is a reality you better wise up to and soon.
Thing is, it's over. The witch hunt failed.

The Communists are all "Yeah, but the FULL REPORT" but anyone with an IQ above 40 knows it says the same thing as the summary.
If Americans don't care that Trump prefers criminals for his administration then Americans deserve criminals to govern them.
There's no evidence of criminality in the Trum administration, you fucking dumbass.

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That is what Barr was hoping to portray with his note, but without the report, there is no reason to believe there was no evidence of criminality in the trump administration. In fact, many in the Trump administration are already in jail for their criminality.


Book marked this one to "remind you" of your stupidity and dishonesty for years to come. The full report comes out this week, retard.


Good for you. As soon as the full report is released to congress, we'll know if Barr was lying or not.
How will you know that?
If Americans don't care that Trump prefers criminals for his administration then Americans deserve criminals to govern them.
There's no evidence of criminality in the Trum administration, you fucking dumbass.

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using mobile app

That is what Barr was hoping to portray with his note, but without the report, there is no reason to believe there was no evidence of criminality in the trump administration. In fact, many in the Trump administration are already in jail for their criminality.


Book marked this one to "remind you" of your stupidity and dishonesty for years to come. The full report comes out this week, retard.


Good for you. As soon as the full report is released to congress, we'll know if Barr was lying or not.
How will you know that?

Credible people will see the report and say if the facts match what Barr claims.
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.


84% of Americans want Mueller's report to be made public: poll ...

Fox News Poll: Voters want Mueller report released...

Since when have you ever claimed Fox News as a reliable news source??? :iyfyus.jpg:
He was condemning the investigation before he was in any position to know anything about Mueller's investigation. He has no credibility.
He condemned the basis of the investigation, as did many Constitutional scholars.

Imagine for a minute that Trump put a special prosecutor on a Democrat with no evidence of a crime.

Would you be ok with that?

Every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered in our election by helping Trump and hurting Hillary. There was a crime.

Nobody helped Trump and nobody hurt Hil-Liar. People usually don't take voting tips from Facebook ads. After all, didn't she get the popular vote?

All of out investigative agencies disagree with you. I guess you believe Putin over them just like that orange fool does. Yes, she did win the popular vote. That emphasizes how important Russia's help was to Trump.

Winning the popular vote and NOT the Electoral vote has absolutely NOTHING to do with Russian interference.

Hillary hurt herself. She was a lousy candidate that expected to win on Obama & Bill's coat tails.
Nobody helped Trump and nobody hurt Hil-Liar. People usually don't take voting tips from Facebook ads. After all, didn't she get the popular vote?

All of out investigative agencies disagree with you. I guess you believe Putin over them just like that orange fool does. Yes, she did win the popular vote. That emphasizes how important Russia's help was to Trump.
"All of out investigative agencies disagree with you."

You mean "All Obama loyalists and bootlickers in our investigative agencies disagree with you."
You'd rather your Nazi party take over our agencies? and get your head out of trumps ass ,,,just a suggestion
I want people in government service who are loyal to the United States...not horribly inept ex-Presidents.

Are you capable of understanding that? It seems not.
And I want people in gov't who are responsible to the people not their party who don't lie everytime they open their mouths like trump

Yeah???? You better take a closer look at your own side of the aisle before blaming others.
Every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered in our election by helping Trump and hurting Hillary. There was a crime.
Name the crime.

Specifically, what did Russia actually do to interfere in the election? Do you know? Do you care?
Do you think that is the only thing Trump might be guilty of? Does he get a free pass for any other laws he might have broken?
Laws he "might have broken"?

Fascists investigate their political enemies that "might have broken" a law. Free countries do not.

Would it be OK if Trump had a $25Million investigation into the Democrat nominee to see what laws he/she/it "might have broken"?
14 of Trump's team have been caught lying in relation to his campaign and transition about contact with Russian agents.
And it was determined that ZERO of them colluded with Russia to effect the campaign.

Also it was determined that ZERO of Trump's team conspired with Russia to make a fake dossier to effect the elections and be used as a premise to spy on the other campaign.
He condemned the basis of the investigation, as did many Constitutional scholars.

Imagine for a minute that Trump put a special prosecutor on a Democrat with no evidence of a crime.

Would you be ok with that?

Every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered in our election by helping Trump and hurting Hillary. There was a crime.

Nobody helped Trump and nobody hurt Hil-Liar. People usually don't take voting tips from Facebook ads. After all, didn't she get the popular vote?

All of out investigative agencies disagree with you. I guess you believe Putin over them just like that orange fool does. Yes, she did win the popular vote. That emphasizes how important Russia's help was to Trump.
"All of out investigative agencies disagree with you."

You mean "All Obama loyalists and bootlickers in our investigative agencies disagree with you."
You'd rather your Nazi party take over our agencies? and get your head out of trumps ass ,,,just a suggestion

Rather hard to do when Obama planted Democrat operatives in all the agencies.
Do you think that is the only thing Trump might be guilty of? Does he get a free pass for any other laws he might have broken?

If he broke any laws he would have been charged with it already. However the investigation was (supposedly) started as an investigation into Russia collusion and election fixing. The only person guilty of that is Hillary Clinton.
Oh the POS broke laws Mueller handed down the real scoop to other courts including SDNY who will squeeze the vile pos's nads

Yeah, like all the other times you commies thought you had Trump.
Sooner or later, we have 2 maybe 6 years to hang the scum and stick it to all you traitors and ass kissers

Try six. Because I think the citizens are getting sick of this revenge obsession you on the left have. Your Congress has spent the last 100 days focusing on how to get Trump instead of doing their jobs. They haven't come up with one solution to any of the problems we have in this country. While major border problems persist and the Democrats are not even looking at it yet alone address the disaster, people take notice on their entire focus being to reverse an election that happened over two years ago.

Now that the Mueller thing is a failure, their next get-even strategy is to go after his tax returns. After that, I'm sure impeachment will be the new talk of the Communists. Imagine what a great country this would be without you liberals.

Nancy P appears to want to rein people in but she can't. It's a disaster the likes of which I've not seen before. Trump has made them truly and honestly implode, and I am LOVING it. Every minute.

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