Dems hated Bolton Now they love him

Who cares if Schiff knows who the anonymous whistle blower is, as long as he keeps him anonymous, he's good, with the law and regs on it?
Yeah, why would anyone care if Pencil Neck was coordinating with the whistleblower, then lied about it?
Remember, it is Trump n team that believe it is OK to lie about anything in public, as long as they are not under oath....thus the 15000 lies by Trump so far, in his presidency....

It is my understanding that Schiff took the question about himself, not the staff... He did not speak to the WB but his staffer most certainly did. He avoided that like the plague, because he knew the duty to keep anonymous wb, anonymous and did a knee jerk response with that goal.

He definitely made a mistake and should have just answered honestly.... his staffer was in contact and knew who the wb is.....

Where is this list of 15,000 lies? Maybe its hidden with the pee pee tapes and the evidence of Russian collusion. I good place to start looking leftists is the stomping grounds of the unicorn.
Firsthand? You have the transcript? How much more firsthand could it be?
A recreated memo is first hand? You defile yourself every day.
So you're saying that those who transcribe the call were lying? What's your proof of that, other than your hatred for Trump?

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Why would 3 different people on the call, report the call as being a quid pro quo for personal gain to their superiors and legal council?

Why would the Trump admin immediately pull back the transcript and lock it up in some ABOVE Top Secret Server?

Why did the notes of the call have three sets of ellipses, ..., in it and what was said that was left out?

Why did the rewriting note takers not correct their notes to include Vindmans notes of the call?

Why did the notes memorandum that we got, have Velensky tell Trump that the company Trump told him to look in to, Burisma....blah blah blah, not show Trump's conversation of mentioning Burisma, to velensky? It only shows Velensky saying Trump mentioned Burisma? But not where Trump said it.

We never got the full transcript of the call. An automated transcript exists, but it is being hidden and cover upped.
Why did Zelensky say no QPQ? Is he lying too?
Self preservation.

We've already had witnesses testify under oath that the Ukrainians KNEW the aid and meeting in DC relied on Zelensky making the public announcement in to the Burisma/ bidens investigation etc....

Everyone that testified, Sondland, Volker, Hill, Vindman, and aids etc. that were called by Ukrainian diplomats asking about the money from our state dept.....

Velensky was very aware of it, and would never in a million years, do a press conference and announce such.....

Surely, you can comprehend that plain and simple logic, that the Wrath of Don, would harm his country, if he did?

All had 2nd hand information and Sondland admitted as such.
Firsthand? You have the transcript? How much more firsthand could it be?
A recreated memo is first hand? You defile yourself every day.
So you're saying that those who transcribe the call were lying? What's your proof of that, other than your hatred for Trump?

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Why would 3 different people on the call, report the call as being a quid pro quo for personal gain to their superiors and legal council?

Why would the Trump admin immediately pull back the transcript and lock it up in some ABOVE Top Secret Server?

Why did the notes of the call have three sets of ellipses, ..., in it and what was said that was left out?

Why did the rewriting note takers not correct their notes to include Vindmans notes of the call?

Why did the notes memorandum that we got, have Velensky tell Trump that the company Trump told him to look in to, Burisma....blah blah blah, not show Trump's conversation of mentioning Burisma, to velensky? It only shows Velensky saying Trump mentioned Burisma? But not where Trump said it.

We never got the full transcript of the call. An automated transcript exists, but it is being hidden and cover upped.

Look this is easy, first, these three people you speak of, I'm assuming were Sondlin, Vindman, and the former ambassador, right? Now ask yourself why when testifying under oath, they all said that the President did nothing wrong? As for the placement of the call transcript, that wasn't Trump that ordered that, in fact, the people that did that gave a couple of explanations, one of which being leaks that are rampant in this administration. Elipses - Don't know, but if that were a real concern, why didn't Schiff, or Nadler call the transcribers before the committee's? Oh dear, he mentioned Burisma, heaven forbid we have a POTUS actually caring about corruption before giving away our tax money....

It sounds like your just mad that a Democrat may be caught red handed doing corrupt things to enrich his family while VP.

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Those witnesses did not say that Trump did nothing wrong.

Was that English. I agree with Dershowitz. No president should be impeached on an opinion.
Firsthand? You have the transcript? How much more firsthand could it be?
A recreated memo is first hand? You defile yourself every day.
So you're saying that those who transcribe the call were lying? What's your proof of that, other than your hatred for Trump?

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Why would 3 different people on the call, report the call as being a quid pro quo for personal gain to their superiors and legal council?

Why would the Trump admin immediately pull back the transcript and lock it up in some ABOVE Top Secret Server?

Why did the notes of the call have three sets of ellipses, ..., in it and what was said that was left out?

Why did the rewriting note takers not correct their notes to include Vindmans notes of the call?

Why did the notes memorandum that we got, have Velensky tell Trump that the company Trump told him to look in to, Burisma....blah blah blah, not show Trump's conversation of mentioning Burisma, to velensky? It only shows Velensky saying Trump mentioned Burisma? But not where Trump said it.

We never got the full transcript of the call. An automated transcript exists, but it is being hidden and cover upped.
Why did Zelensky say no QPQ? Is he lying too?
Self preservation.

We've already had witnesses testify under oath that the Ukrainians KNEW the aid and meeting in DC relied on Zelensky making the public announcement in to the Burisma/ bidens investigation etc....

Everyone that testified, Sondland, Volker, Hill, Vindman, and aids etc. that were called by Ukrainian diplomats asking about the money from our state dept.....

Velensky was very aware of it, and would never in a million years, do a press conference and announce such.....

Surely, you can comprehend that plain and simple logic, that the Wrath of Don, would harm his country, if he did?
Then why didn't they say such in their testimony? All any of them had was second, or third hand BS. Gossip. I think you're reaching, and spinning.

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Trumpers, do you HONESTLY believe Trump didn't have Giuliani involved in the Ukraine and "the investigations" for personal reasons?

Do you HONESTLY believe Velensky having to make a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT on CNN about investigations in to crowdstrike and Burisma/Biden's was not for his own personal gain?
You can not get over the 2016 election.
Most Dems got over the 2016 election when they won the 2018 and won the House which led to Trump's impeachment.
Haha! What in the world makes you believe that?

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...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.

How many witnesses testified publicly during the Clinton trial?

ZERO sound about right?

See, I can do big font too.....
Clinton impeachment had 3 witnesses, they testified behind closed doors because the subject was about bow jobs and cigars.

All 17 Senate impeachment trials in our history, have had witnesses.

I didn't need your help proving Kondor is full of shit, but thanks anyway.
Ahhh, you're upset that kondor missed that the Clinton witnesses were question behind closed doors BECAUSE it was about sex, and on daytime tv?
Ahem, Clinton tried to get cute with a federal judge, and lied about his womanizing....he was disbarred for such, and impeached.

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Who cares if Schiff knows who the anonymous whistle blower is, as long as he keeps him anonymous, he's good, with the law and regs on it?
Yeah, why would anyone care if Pencil Neck was coordinating with the whistleblower, then lied about it?
Remember, it is Trump n team that believe it is OK to lie about anything in public, as long as they are not under oath....thus the 15000 lies by Trump so far, in his presidency....

It is my understanding that Schiff took the question about himself, not the staff... He did not speak to the WB but his staffer most certainly did. He avoided that like the plague, because he knew the duty to keep anonymous wb, anonymous and did a knee jerk response with that goal.

He definitely made a mistake and should have just answered honestly.... his staffer was in contact and knew who the wb is.....
He avoided talking to the whistleblower? What is your evidence?

Let's ask Pencil Neck, under oath. Then bring in his staff to do the same.
The reporting said the whistle blower went to a staffer on the Intel committee to ask advice on what to do, because it had been reported to the superiors and lawyers and NOTHING was done.... the staffer told the WB to file a whistleblower complaint with the IG, per protocol, and seek out a lawyer.

The staffer told Schiff about it.

And again, it doesn't matter who the WB is, because the IG found the complaint both credible and Urgent after he had done his own investigation and found first hand witnesses.

And a dozen or so witnesses called before congress testified under oath, confirming all of the wb complaints. THOSE witnesses can be called and questioned by TRUMPs lawyers.
You are regurgitating the CYA Pencil Neck's staff put out after he was caught in a lie. You really are gullible.
Bolton’s Book Leak Will Be the Latest ‘BOMBSHELL!’ Dud for the Dems.

Team Schiff needs a Hail Mary. They limped the articles of impeachment over to the Senate with an incomplete case and Trump’s defense team is quite good, despite what you may read in the mainstream media. The Bolton leak keeps the Democrats’ hope of helping Mitt Romney fulfill his turncoat destiny and insisting upon calling new witnesses to keep this charade on life support for just a little bit longer.”​
The Zionist Warmonger side of the Dems always loved John Bolton

Chuck Schumer
Dianne Feinstein
Henry Waxman
Mikey Bloomberg
Tom Steyer
Steny Hoyer
Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.

Look, stupid.

If your raggedy assed side had never said a word about impeachment, you'd have a lot more credibility.

Given that morons like Max Waters, and Nancy Pelosi (along with a rash of other left wing idiots) have been crowing about it since Nov 7, don't look very sincere.

To support it, you've paraded a string of losing causes out to the American people all in an effort to reverse an election that still burns your sorry asses.




His general foriegn policy

A host of others.

Well, you've play a few to many "wolf" cards and nobody believes you.

So do we really think you CARE about the TRUTH....not for one nanosecond.

So spare me your silly outrage.....nobody believes you, nobody trusts. you.
If Bolton does not testify, and everything comes out in his book just 1 month after Trump's acquittal, the republicans that took an oath to do ihonest mpartial justice, who voted against hearing witnesses like Bolton, will be faced with the consequences....


They will be guilty of doing their jobs.

Listening to the paper thin case of the house (which is all they are supposed to do) and aquitting DJT.

Suck on it.
First hand? It's my understanding that Bolton wasn't in on the call....Do you have something that says he was?...
He need not have been on-the-call.

All it takes is for him to testify under oath that the President told him that
THE quid-pro-quo was operative.

Namely... that Trump conspired to hold-up military aid in exchange for a public announcement that the Bidens would be investigated...

Namely... that Trump conspired to coerce a foreign leader to dig up dirt on a domestic political opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.

Why would we expect Bolton to be on the call when the whistleblower wasn't either.

I mean who needs the TRUTH.

All you need is an excuse.
If Bolton does not testify, and everything comes out in his book just 1 month after Trump's acquittal, the republicans that took an oath to do ihonest mpartial justice, who voted against hearing witnesses like Bolton, will be faced with the consequences....
Well maybe but Bolton like Trump, is a well known liar. So, it may be difficult to find the truth.
I remember him being a rude, jerk and defined a full blown NEOCON. I don't remember him being a chronic liar?

The democrats yelled and screamed about him when he was the U.N.

He stepped down instead of facing the tough fight. Don't blame him.

Nobody likes facing a herd of rabid baboons.
"Dems hated Bolton Now they love him"

Cons loved Bolton now they hate him.

See how that works?
If Bolton does not testify, and everything comes out in his book just 1 month after Trump's acquittal, the republicans that took an oath to do ihonest mpartial justice, who voted against hearing witnesses like Bolton, will be faced with the consequences....
Well maybe but Bolton like Trump, is a well known liar. So, it may be difficult to find the truth.

Nobody is “like Trump” when it comes to lying. That’s the kind of bullshit rationalizing that lets a guy like you live with his decision to support the asshole.


Cut the crapp.

You guys has your heads up Eric Holders ass all the while Obama was holding out relevant material on Fast and Furious.
It is a crying shame and an eternal embarrassment that John Bolton, an utter piece of warmongering crap, may have more integrity than the rest of the Trump administration.
Bolton has no integrity. He's a warmonger trying to sell books. People like Romney and Toomey are lowlife scum.
You have it bad when the only virtue that matters to you is devotion to the dear leader.

And how are you any different ?

You bolster Nancy Pelosi....the biggest shit mistress in the universe.

And Adam Schitt.....good heavens what a lying asshole.
Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.

Look, stupid.

If your raggedy assed side had never said a word about impeachment, you'd have a lot more credibility.

Given that morons like Max Waters, and Nancy Pelosi (along with a rash of other left wing idiots) have been crowing about it since Nov 7, don't look very sincere.

To support it, you've paraded a string of losing causes out to the American people all in an effort to reverse an election that still burns your sorry asses.




His general foriegn policy

A host of others.

Well, you've play a few to many "wolf" cards and nobody believes you.

So do we really think you CARE about the TRUTH....not for one nanosecond.

So spare me your silly outrage.....nobody believes you, nobody trusts. you.
5 or 6 more and you'll finally catch up to all the Clinton gates the right went fishing for.
Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.
And if he clears Trump, will he still be the hero of the day?

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