Dems hated Bolton Now they love him

If Bolton does not testify, and everything comes out in his book just 1 month after Trump's acquittal, the republicans that took an oath to do ihonest mpartial justice, who voted against hearing witnesses like Bolton, will be faced with the consequences....

Your butthurt should be directed at YOUR House Clowns. Go ask them why they didn't call Bolton to testify when they were doing the investigation part of impeachment. The fact they refused to do their job doesn't mean the Senate is required to do it for them. The Senate's role is to judge the case the House Clowns show up with, not conduct the investigation the House was suppose to do.

You have been told this dozens of times, and yet you still try to blame the Senate for the failure of YOUR House Clowns. Pathetic, but predictable.
...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.

How many witnesses testified publicly during the Clinton trial?

ZERO sound about right?

See, I can do big font too.....
Funny how they work.
Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......
Any nothingburger......
That's the nature of simplistic partisan politics.

Whatever works. No shame. Just get the other tribe.
Bolton is not a partisan Democrat.

Your ass ever get sore from straddling that fence?
I realize he's not a partisan Democrat. My point was.... well, I'll bet you know what my point was, even if you pretend not to.


Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.
Gosh. You know Prlosi, Shifft, Naddle refused to back a subpoena of Bolton, don't you?

Gosh. You know Pelosi can subpoena Bolton today, dont you?

...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.

How many witnesses testified publicly during the Clinton trial?

ZERO sound about right?

See, I can do big font too.....
Clinton impeachment had 3 witnesses, they testified behind closed doors because the subject was about bow jobs and cigars.

All 17 Senate impeachment trials in our history, have had witnesses.
Last edited:
...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.

How many witnesses testified publicly during the Clinton trial?

ZERO sound about right?

See, I can do big font too.....
Clinton impeachment had 3 witnesses, they testified behind closed doors because the subject was about bow jobs and cigars.

All 17 Senate impeachment trials in our history, have had witnesses.

I didn't need your help proving Kondor is full of shit, but thanks anyway.
Bolton is a lying,treasonous, warmongering scumbag. He must be allowed to testify!!!

Imagine Trumps team showing video clip after video clip of Schifty, Nancy and Chuckie telling us what a lying traitor Bolton is.

You just cant make this stuff up.
Well maybe but Bolton like Trump, is a well known liar. So, it may be difficult to find the truth.
I remember him being a rude, jerk and defined a full blown NEOCON. I don't remember him being a chronic liar?
He couldn't win approval when he was nominated for UN Ambassador during the Bush Administration because the Democrats complained that he was a liar....yet we're supposed to take his word on a conversation with the president that could be twisted by the press into seeming to be a lie by the president.
Whether you accept Bolton's testimony or not is every individual's choice. There seems to be an overwhelming opinion he should at least give testimony under oath. What is the logical sensible reason for preventing a willing witness from testifying?
It will be another he said she said. When both sides are notorious liars, who will you believe?
Get Trump, under oath, along with Bolton.....mulveyney, Pompeo, Giuliani
Maybe next time around. YOUR House Clowns dropped the ball this time around.

Bolton's alleged leaked comments, if true, are still a nothingbuurger.

It was reported Bolton said Trump said he "wanted" a quid pro quo.

1. Wanting something is a nothingburger. Trump wanted Mueller gone long before Mueller exonerated Trump.

2. A quid pro quo to investigate corruption is a nothingburger.
It will be another he said she said. When both sides are notorious liars, who will you believe?

The one who testifies under oath?
It will be another he said she said. When both sides are notorious liars, who will you believe?

The one who testifies under oath?
That doesn’t mean anything in Washington. Oath shmoath. I do not necessarily mean this case but Washington in general. Do you really believe Schiff doesn’t know who the whistleblower is? Come on...

Who is the whistleblower?
People say it’s this man.
Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet
Who cares if Schiff knows who the anonymous whistle blower is, as long as he keeps him anonymous, he's good, with the law and regs on it?
Yeah, why would anyone care if Pencil Neck was coordinating with the whistleblower, then lied about it?
Firsthand? You have the transcript? How much more firsthand could it be?
A recreated memo is first hand? You defile yourself every day.
So you're saying that those who transcribe the call were lying? What's your proof of that, other than your hatred for Trump?

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Why would 3 different people on the call, report the call as being a quid pro quo for personal gain to their superiors and legal council?

Why would the Trump admin immediately pull back the transcript and lock it up in some ABOVE Top Secret Server?

Why did the notes of the call have three sets of ellipses, ..., in it and what was said that was left out?

Why did the rewriting note takers not correct their notes to include Vindmans notes of the call?

Why did the notes memorandum that we got, have Velensky tell Trump that the company Trump told him to look in to, Burisma....blah blah blah, not show Trump's conversation of mentioning Burisma, to velensky? It only shows Velensky saying Trump mentioned Burisma? But not where Trump said it.

We never got the full transcript of the call. An automated transcript exists, but it is being hidden and cover upped.
Why did Zelensky say no QPQ? Is he lying too?
Self preservation.

We've already had witnesses testify under oath that the Ukrainians KNEW the aid and meeting in DC relied on Zelensky making the public announcement in to the Burisma/ bidens investigation etc....

Everyone that testified, Sondland, Volker, Hill, Vindman, and aids etc. that were called by Ukrainian diplomats asking about the money from our state dept.....

Velensky was very aware of it, and would never in a million years, do a press conference and announce such.....

Surely, you can comprehend that plain and simple logic, that the Wrath of Don, would harm his country, if he did?
Links to all your claims?
...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.

How many witnesses testified publicly during the Clinton trial?

ZERO sound about right?

See, I can do big font too.....
Clinton impeachment had 3 witnesses, they testified behind closed doors because the subject was about bow jobs and cigars.

All 17 Senate impeachment trials in our history, have had witnesses.

I didn't need your help proving Kondor is full of shit, but thanks anyway.
Ahhh, you're upset that kondor missed that the Clinton witnesses were question behind closed doors BECAUSE it was about sex, and on daytime tv?
...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.

How many witnesses testified publicly during the Clinton trial?

ZERO sound about right?

See, I can do big font too.....
Clinton impeachment had 3 witnesses, they testified behind closed doors because the subject was about bow jobs and cigars.

All 17 Senate impeachment trials in our history, have had witnesses.

I didn't need your help proving Kondor is full of shit, but thanks anyway.
Ahhh, you're upset that kondor missed that the Clinton witnesses were question behind closed doors BECAUSE it was about sex, and on daytime tv?
Why would I be upset? If I got upset every time a Dimwinger got caught in a lie on this board I would be pissed 24/7/365.

I find it amusing..........almost as amusing as your continued bullshit about Clinton being impeached because he got a blowjob.:21:
Funny how they work.
Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......
Any nothingburger......
That's the nature of simplistic partisan politics.

Whatever works. No shame. Just get the other tribe.
Bolton is not a partisan Democrat.

Your ass ever get sore from straddling that fence?
I realize he's not a partisan Democrat. My point was.... well, I'll bet you know what my point was, even if you pretend not to.


Trump is certainly no partisan Republican. The man is as middle of the road as they come. And he was once a Democrat. His policies embody most things people "claiming" to be in the middle could support.

Yet you pretend that everything the wackadoodle left does is somehow equal to Trump only from the opposite side.

At best you're being dishonest with yourself.
At worst you're just a liar.
The one who testifies under oath?
The one who testifies under oath?
That doesn’t mean anything in Washington. Oath shmoath. I do not necessarily mean this case but Washington in general. Do you really believe Schiff doesn’t know who the whistleblower is? Come on...

Who is the whistleblower?
People say it’s this man.
Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet

You don’t know who it is for certain?
I would Bet everything I gave it’s him. So I am certain.

OK. That is awesome.

Now, what actual evidence do you have that Schiff knows ( knew when asked ) the identity of the whistleblower?
Funny how they work.
Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......
Any nothingburger......
That's the nature of simplistic partisan politics.

Whatever works. No shame. Just get the other tribe.
Bolton is not a partisan Democrat.

Your ass ever get sore from straddling that fence?
I realize he's not a partisan Democrat. My point was.... well, I'll bet you know what my point was, even if you pretend not to.


Trump is certainly no partisan Republican. The man is as middle of the road as they come. And he was once a Democrat. His policies embody most things people "claiming" to be in the middle could support.

Yet you pretend that everything the wackadoodle left does is somehow equal to Trump only from the opposite side.

At best you're being dishonest with yourself.
At worst you're just a liar.
I've used the word "equal", ever, to describe the two ends. Not once. Never.

Now, who's lying, here?

You advocate for your side, I'll advocate for mine.
The one who testifies under oath?
The one who testifies under oath?
That doesn’t mean anything in Washington. Oath shmoath. I do not necessarily mean this case but Washington in general. Do you really believe Schiff doesn’t know who the whistleblower is? Come on...

Who is the whistleblower?
People say it’s this man.
Alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was Biden guest at State Department banquet
Who cares if Schiff knows who the anonymous whistle blower is, as long as he keeps him anonymous, he's good, with the law and regs on it?
My point is politicians lie. On both sides.

All baseball teams lose games. So they are all losers.
...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.
It's not a canard, just a thought...But think about it, if Bolton does testify, and says 'he felt Trump wanted investigation before he released aid', how does that change anything? Feelings, and hearsay is not enough to sway 20 votes, nor is it a violation of his power as POTUS....It's an opinion....

If we go down the road of opposing political parties removing Presidents because they disagree with policy decisions, THAT is the real constitutional crisis.

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