Dems hated Bolton Now they love him

First hand? It's my understanding that Bolton wasn't in on the call....Do you have something that says he was?...
He need not have been on-the-call.

All it takes is for him to testify under oath that the President told him that
THE quid-pro-quo was operative.

Namely... that Trump conspired to coerce a foreign leader to dig up dirt on a domestic political opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.
Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....

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but do you actually believe president trump, for one nano second, would let bolton get away with lying under oath and not use his DOJ, AG Barr to file perjury charges?

I don't! Trump is a very vindictive and vengeful man!

I do not believe there is any advantage in selling more books, if your in jail for perjury....

What you believe isn't really relevant to the truth.

However, it is relevant to Adam Schitt's case. Since all he has is a belief.
It is a crying shame and an eternal embarrassment that John Bolton, an utter piece of warmongering crap, may have more integrity than the rest of the Trump administration.
Bolton has no integrity. He's a warmonger trying to sell books. People like Romney and Toomey are lowlife scum.
You have it bad when the only virtue that matters to you is devotion to the dear leader.

And how are you any different ?

You bolster Nancy Pelosi....the biggest shit mistress in the universe.

And Adam Schitt.....good heavens what a lying asshole.
I'm not like you. I don't worship politicians.

But you do like sticking your head up their asses.
Wrong again. Politicians are public servants and should act as such. I am a grown-up adult. I have no need of a leader. Why do you need a leader?
If Bolton does not testify, and everything comes out in his book just 1 month after Trump's acquittal, the republicans that took an oath to do ihonest mpartial justice, who voted against hearing witnesses like Bolton, will be faced with the consequences....
Well maybe but Bolton like Trump, is a well known liar. So, it may be difficult to find the truth.
I remember him being a rude, jerk and defined a full blown NEOCON. I don't remember him being a chronic liar?
All neocons are serial liars. The two go hand in hand.
I don't think so.

at least from their own perspective....

they primarily seem to be gung ho Zionists, who truly believe their mantra about iran, iraq, syria etc all being a danger for Israel....and why the USA should be involved, it seems???
Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.
And if he clears Trump, will he still be the hero of the day?
He's not the hero of the day???

He has first hand knowledge of the impeachment accusations.... and allegedly, is willing to honor a subpoena.

I personally would not be shocked if he did a little weaseling and gives both sides some red meat with his testimony.... he makes his living off of the right wing world and funds with a PAC right wing politicians, so he and his testimony could go either way?:dunno:

people are excited in the sense that we FINALLY have a first hand witness in the admin at the time of the conspiracy, that is willing to testify and defy the do not testify order by Trump.

This isn't about him.

It's about how you Pelosi asskissers will abide anyone who can help your case....even when you were screeching about what a liar he was several years ago.

You bitched about him the whole time he worked for Trump.

But now.....................

Even though YOU would not call him, he represents your only chance to delay the inevitable aquittale.

You are all over it.

Fucking hypocrites.
First, its not "our case".
Its Trump's abuse of power.
Bolton is a witness to this, it doesnt mean we "love" him.
He needs to testify, otherwise the senate trial is pointless without witnesses.
Even John Kelly believes him.
Are you against a fair trial?
First hand? It's my understanding that Bolton wasn't in on the call....Do you have something that says he was?...
He need not have been on-the-call.

All it takes is for him to testify under oath that the President told him that
THE quid-pro-quo was operative.

Namely... that Trump conspired to coerce a foreign leader to dig up dirt on a domestic political opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.
Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....

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but do you actually believe president trump, for one nano second, would let bolton get away with lying under oath and not use his DOJ, AG Barr to file perjury charges?

I don't! Trump is a very vindictive and vengeful man!

I do not believe there is any advantage in selling more books, if your in jail for perjury....

What you believe isn't really relevant to the truth.

However, it is relevant to Adam Schitt's case. Since all he has is a belief.
you obviously did not watch the trial!
there is a lot more than just belief on the managers presentation...but not one drop of evidence from Trump, or even comment written or otherwise for the case in the trial, not from any of his admin involved either.....

that's just not right.... in any way, shape, or form.
...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.

How many witnesses testified publicly during the Clinton trial?

ZERO sound about right?

See, I can do big font too.....
Bill Clinton is not on trial... Donald Trump is.

Bill Clinton lied... Donald Trump attempted to extort a foreign leader using taxpayer money as grease.

Big difference.

Clinton's "sin" was a flyspeck compared to Trump's.
...The president has the right to withhold aid for any reason...even personal reasons...
The US House of Representatives holds differently... rightfully so.
The obviously biased Democrat held House you mean.

Adam Schitt and his cocksucking associates.

How could you lay this at the house when the hearings were closed and gop were not allowed questoins.
and that's an outright lie told by Trump's lawyers... and followers....

The republican congress critters on the 3 committees that worked on the impeachment investigations were ALL ALLOWED in the to the depositions done in the basement of witnesses, and ALL GOP congress critters GOT EQUAL TIME to question witnesses... of which they used.

Only members of the committees were allowed. They held it in the Congressional Intelligence committee in the SCIF so they could question witnesses it in secret....and they cherry-picked the testimony (and released misleading testimony to the press
illegally) that helped them, and excluded any exculpatory testimony from being heard in public...... and expelled or banned anyone who wasn't on the committee. Trump's lawyers should have been present and were not allowed in. No GOP witnesses were allowed.
...Or, he could lie, using innuendo to sell a book, and get back at the man who fired him....
A charming, convenient canard that will not be allowed to stand unchallenged...

During a time of constitutional crisis all relevant parties need to testify publicly before the US Senate, under oath.
It's not a canard, just a thought...But think about it, if Bolton does testify, and says 'he felt Trump wanted investigation before he released aid', how does that change anything? Feelings, and hearsay is not enough to sway 20 votes, nor is it a violation of his power as POTUS....It's an opinion....

If we go down the road of opposing political parties removing Presidents because they disagree with policy decisions, THAT is the real constitutional crisis.

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Fortunately, Trump was impeached for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress, not bad policy.
...The president has the right to withhold aid for any reason...even personal reasons...
The US House of Representatives holds differently... rightfully so.
The obviously biased Democrat held House you mean.

Adam Schitt and his cocksucking associates.

How could you lay this at the house when the hearings were closed and gop were not allowed questoins.
and that's an outright lie told by Trump's lawyers... and followers....

The republican congress critters on the 3 committees that worked on the impeachment investigations were ALL ALLOWED in the to the depositions done in the basement of witnesses, and ALL GOP congress critters GOT EQUAL TIME to question witnesses... of which they used.

Only members of the committees were allowed. They held it in the Congressional Intelligence committee in the SCIF so they could question witnesses it in secret....and they cherry-picked the testimony (and released misleading testimony to the press
illegally) that helped them, and excluded any exculpatory testimony from being heard in public...... and expelled or banned anyone who wasn't on the committee. Trump's lawyers should have been present and were not allowed in. No GOP witnesses were allowed.
That's what she said, ya dumbshit. :eusa_doh:
...Why would we expect Bolton to be on the call when the whistleblower wasn't either. I mean who needs the TRUTH.
All you need is an excuse.
The "truth" consists of (a) events prior to the call, (b) the call itself, and (c) events after the call; presenting a holistic picture.

Attempts to narrow scrutiny to The Call are sophomoric and painfully obvious and ineffective.
Firsthand? You have the transcript? How much more firsthand could it be?
A recreated memo is first hand? You defile yourself every day.
So you're saying that those who transcribe the call were lying? What's your proof of that, other than your hatred for Trump?

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Why would 3 different people on the call, report the call as being a quid pro quo for personal gain to their superiors and legal council?

Why would the Trump admin immediately pull back the transcript and lock it up in some ABOVE Top Secret Server?

Why did the notes of the call have three sets of ellipses, ..., in it and what was said that was left out?

Why did the rewriting note takers not correct their notes to include Vindmans notes of the call?

Why did the notes memorandum that we got, have Velensky tell Trump that the company Trump told him to look in to, Burisma....blah blah blah, not show Trump's conversation of mentioning Burisma, to velensky? It only shows Velensky saying Trump mentioned Burisma? But not where Trump said it.

We never got the full transcript of the call. An automated transcript exists, but it is being hidden and cover upped.

Look this is easy, first, these three people you speak of, I'm assuming were Sondlin, Vindman, and the former ambassador, right? Now ask yourself why when testifying under oath, they all said that the President did nothing wrong? As for the placement of the call transcript, that wasn't Trump that ordered that, in fact, the people that did that gave a couple of explanations, one of which being leaks that are rampant in this administration. Elipses - Don't know, but if that were a real concern, why didn't Schiff, or Nadler call the transcribers before the committee's? Oh dear, he mentioned Burisma, heaven forbid we have a POTUS actually caring about corruption before giving away our tax money....

It sounds like your just mad that a Democrat may be caught red handed doing corrupt things to enrich his family while VP.

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Those witnesses did not say that Trump did nothing wrong.

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Who cares if Schiff knows who the anonymous whistle blower is, as long as he keeps him anonymous, he's good, with the law and regs on it?
Yeah, why would anyone care if Pencil Neck was coordinating with the whistleblower, then lied about it?
Remember, it is Trump n team that believe it is OK to lie about anything in public, as long as they are not under oath....thus the 15000 lies by Trump so far, in his presidency....

It is my understanding that Schiff took the question about himself, not the staff... He did not speak to the WB but his staffer most certainly did. He avoided that like the plague, because he knew the duty to keep anonymous wb, anonymous and did a knee jerk response with that goal.

He definitely made a mistake and should have just answered honestly.... his staffer was in contact and knew who the wb is.....
He avoided talking to the whistleblower? What is your evidence?

Let's ask Pencil Neck, under oath. Then bring in his staff to do the same.
The reporting said the whistle blower went to a staffer on the Intel committee to ask advice on what to do, because it had been reported to the superiors and lawyers and NOTHING was done.... the staffer told the WB to file a whistleblower complaint with the IG, per protocol, and seek out a lawyer.

The staffer told Schiff about it.

And again, it doesn't matter who the WB is, because the IG found the complaint both credible and Urgent after he had done his own investigation and found first hand witnesses.

And a dozen or so witnesses called before congress testified under oath, confirming all of the wb complaints. THOSE witnesses can be called and questioned by TRUMPs lawyers.
Oh, only those handpicked by Schiff, and Nadler? Does that go for dems too?

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Funny how they work.

Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......

Any nothingburger......
Gosh, I did not realize how immature you are...?

It certainly could not mean that we just want a first hand witness to the charged high crimes and misdemeanors of Trump, so that we all can discern the TRUTH.
And if he clears Trump, will he still be the hero of the day?
I got news for ya, Trump will be acquitted...That was always going to be the outcome...This is just the attempt to muddy him up for 2020, and a feeble attempt to take the Senate.

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...Why would we expect Bolton to be on the call when the whistleblower wasn't either. I mean who needs the TRUTH.
All you need is an excuse.
The "truth" consists of (a) events prior to the call, (b) the call itself, and (c) events after the call; presenting a holistic picture.

Attempts to narrow scrutiny to The Call are sophomoric and painfully obvious and ineffective.
You're not getting 20 votes....Period.

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I believe Bolton turned on Trump simply because Trump bruised his ego. Revenge. That is how low this man is. Maybe I am wrong, but it appears he put his own ego ahead of what is best for a fractured nation.
"Dems hated Bolton Now they love him"

Cons loved Bolton now they hate him.

See how that works?
Bolton sold his credibility to sell a book.

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Revealing what Impeached Trump told him diminishes his credibility?? Looks to me like he strengthens it.
Funny how they work.
Whoever will give them another temporary stay of Aquittal......
Any nothingburger......
That's the nature of simplistic partisan politics.

Whatever works. No shame. Just get the other tribe.
The problem with your assessment is the democrats aren't in love with Bolton. They are asking for his testimony. He has information that is vital to this case.

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