Dems Have Taken Advantage of the Black Vote for a Long Time – and Rapper Ice Cube Has Had Enough

The Democrats philosophy was always to keep Blacks poor, pissed off and dependent on government. That's how they exploit them. It's the same method Sharpton and other race hucksters have used for years. So why should anyone be surprised that Blacks would rather have a shot at the American dream instead of government dependency? MAGA
Blacks make up their minds who to vote for the Democratic Party doesn't force anyone to vote for them.
You mean Biden claiming you aren’t black if you don’t vote for me, does that mean they turn into another race or is it you have been disowned by the dems and your race?
Following the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, rapper Ice Cube took to Twitter to remind his followers that the Democratic Party failed to explain how they would help the black community. Instead of instantly giving a vote to those with a 'D' behind their name, Ice Cube said politicians have to "earn the vote" from members of the black community.

"What I didn't hear is, what's in it for us? What's in it for the black community besides the same ol' thang we've been getting from these parties?" he asked. "What's in it for us, for real?"

Instead of providing any policy proposals, the Democrats are focused on ousting President Donald Trump. According to the rapper, Democrats haven't thought much beyond that, especially on the policy front, something former Bernie Sanders spokeswoman took issue with as well.

BJ - I knew that the Democrats were really in trouble with 4 years of simply hating President Trump and decent Americans, but wow -

BJ's Pull Quote-
"The way it look, they don't have a plan. Everybody's talking about 'Get Trump out. Get Trump out. Get Trump out.' If you vote, that's going to happen on the first day. So now what?" the rapper asked rhetorically. "Trump out, now what? What? What do we get on the first 100 days? That's what we're trying to figure out. What. Do. We. Actually get that we, that they could give us overnight?"
The republicans have taken advantage of blacks for longer. Vote blue not red!
Following the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, rapper Ice Cube took to Twitter to remind his followers that the Democratic Party failed to explain how they would help the black community. Instead of instantly giving a vote to those with a 'D' behind their name, Ice Cube said politicians have to "earn the vote" from members of the black community.

"What I didn't hear is, what's in it for us? What's in it for the black community besides the same ol' thang we've been getting from these parties?" he asked. "What's in it for us, for real?"

Instead of providing any policy proposals, the Democrats are focused on ousting President Donald Trump. According to the rapper, Democrats haven't thought much beyond that, especially on the policy front, something former Bernie Sanders spokeswoman took issue with as well.

BJ - I knew that the Democrats were really in trouble with 4 years of simply hating President Trump and decent Americans, but wow -

BJ's Pull Quote-
"The way it look, they don't have a plan. Everybody's talking about 'Get Trump out. Get Trump out. Get Trump out.' If you vote, that's going to happen on the first day. So now what?" the rapper asked rhetorically. "Trump out, now what? What? What do we get on the first 100 days? That's what we're trying to figure out. What. Do. We. Actually get that we, that they could give us overnight?"
The republicans have taken advantage of blacks for longer. Vote blue not red!

As a group, Republicans have LITERALLY, never taken advantage of African Americans.

If you disagree, please provide documentation.
Ice Tea, welcome to the club. Other than making the air, lakes, and streams cleaner, I really haven't seen what any politician has done for me.
Following the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, rapper Ice Cube took to Twitter to remind his followers that the Democratic Party failed to explain how they would help the black community. Instead of instantly giving a vote to those with a 'D' behind their name, Ice Cube said politicians have to "earn the vote" from members of the black community.

"What I didn't hear is, what's in it for us? What's in it for the black community besides the same ol' thang we've been getting from these parties?" he asked. "What's in it for us, for real?"

Instead of providing any policy proposals, the Democrats are focused on ousting President Donald Trump. According to the rapper, Democrats haven't thought much beyond that, especially on the policy front, something former Bernie Sanders spokeswoman took issue with as well.

BJ - I knew that the Democrats were really in trouble with 4 years of simply hating President Trump and decent Americans, but wow -

BJ's Pull Quote-
"The way it look, they don't have a plan. Everybody's talking about 'Get Trump out. Get Trump out. Get Trump out.' If you vote, that's going to happen on the first day. So now what?" the rapper asked rhetorically. "Trump out, now what? What? What do we get on the first 100 days? That's what we're trying to figure out. What. Do. We. Actually get that we, that they could give us overnight?"

how the dems will help the black community;

make the police stop murdering blacks in the streets.

how repubs will help the black community;

housing; in jail
meals: in jail
education: teach em a lesson by beating them in the streets

if the choice is INEPT dems versus FASCIST RACIST repubs.......

why would any sane black person choose repubs?
Policies matter........

But since Trumpers can't talk about policies, they resort to demonizing black voters as being dumb and voting based on emotion...

Which ironically is the EXACT THING trump voters do.....

Ice Cube as well as other black folks have talked over and over again about policies.....and they have every right as any other constituency to demand policies that address their needs and concerns as much as the donor class does....

Because I don't see not a single republican upset at the fact that Louis DeJoy got his position because he gave 2 million dollars to the Trump campaign....
what policies are you yakking about? be specific
Expand Voting Rights protections instead of trying to suppress them...

Expand Social Security instead of trying to cut it....

Strengthen labor rights instead of trying to weaken them.....there is no reason why the Trump admin should have been trying to attack Overtime pay for workers....

End qualified immunity and no-knocks warrants, make body cams mandatory everywhere..

And the reason why I say Trumpers don't give a fuck about policies is because they are SILENT about the fact that GOP won't even have a policy platform this year -- it will just be whatever Trump tells them it is....Trumpers are pathetic...

Blacks make up their minds who to vote for the Democratic Party doesn't force anyone to vote for them.
they vote based on race and emotions--not their brains
View attachment 379000
Blacks have voted monolithically for 50 years but that changed with Trump and it appears its changing more with Trump again as some polls are showing 42% support of Trumps policies... This one change has democrats scared shitless... And now with their cities in flames and democrats doing nothing its going to get much worse..

This is why Biden has flipped on defunding the police.. He cant win with out that monolithic vote.
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Following the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, rapper Ice Cube took to Twitter to remind his followers that the Democratic Party failed to explain how they would help the black community. Instead of instantly giving a vote to those with a 'D' behind their name, Ice Cube said politicians have to "earn the vote" from members of the black community.

"What I didn't hear is, what's in it for us? What's in it for the black community besides the same ol' thang we've been getting from these parties?" he asked. "What's in it for us, for real?"

Instead of providing any policy proposals, the Democrats are focused on ousting President Donald Trump. According to the rapper, Democrats haven't thought much beyond that, especially on the policy front, something former Bernie Sanders spokeswoman took issue with as well.

BJ - I knew that the Democrats were really in trouble with 4 years of simply hating President Trump and decent Americans, but wow -

BJ's Pull Quote-
"The way it look, they don't have a plan. Everybody's talking about 'Get Trump out. Get Trump out. Get Trump out.' If you vote, that's going to happen on the first day. So now what?" the rapper asked rhetorically. "Trump out, now what? What? What do we get on the first 100 days? That's what we're trying to figure out. What. Do. We. Actually get that we, that they could give us overnight?"

how the dems will help the black community;

make the police stop murdering blacks in the streets.

how repubs will help the black community;

housing; in jail
meals: in jail
education: teach em a lesson by beating them in the streets

if the choice is INEPT dems versus FASCIST RACIST repubs.......

why would any sane black person choose repubs?

Your Government Education failed you miserably.

The Dems - especially Biden and the Clintons were responsible for housing AA , because they were "superpredators" and they didn't want to be in a "racial Jungle"

Slavery, Jim Crow, destruction of the black family - all Democrat Constructs.
Ice cube is moron. Why should special concessions be made to blacks? He’s brainwashed and stupid
Blacks make up their minds who to vote for the Democratic Party doesn't force anyone to vote for them.
they vote based on race and emotions--not their brains
View attachment 379000
Blacks have voted monolithically for 50 years but that changed with Trump and it appears its changing more with Trump again as some polls are showing 42% support of Trumps policies... This one change has democrats scared shitless... And now with their cities in flames and democrats doing nothing its going to get much worse..

This is why Biden has flipped on defunding the police.. He cant win with out that monolithic vote.
I would hardly call this graph representation as a monolithic activity..

Following the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, rapper Ice Cube took to Twitter to remind his followers that the Democratic Party failed to explain how they would help the black community. Instead of instantly giving a vote to those with a 'D' behind their name, Ice Cube said politicians have to "earn the vote" from members of the black community.

"What I didn't hear is, what's in it for us? What's in it for the black community besides the same ol' thang we've been getting from these parties?" he asked. "What's in it for us, for real?"

Instead of providing any policy proposals, the Democrats are focused on ousting President Donald Trump. According to the rapper, Democrats haven't thought much beyond that, especially on the policy front, something former Bernie Sanders spokeswoman took issue with as well.

BJ - I knew that the Democrats were really in trouble with 4 years of simply hating President Trump and decent Americans, but wow -

BJ's Pull Quote-
"The way it look, they don't have a plan. Everybody's talking about 'Get Trump out. Get Trump out. Get Trump out.' If you vote, that's going to happen on the first day. So now what?" the rapper asked rhetorically. "Trump out, now what? What? What do we get on the first 100 days? That's what we're trying to figure out. What. Do. We. Actually get that we, that they could give us overnight?"
Ice Cube is one of the 10% of blacks for Trump
Ten percent, huh? That’s 2% more than the 8% of the black vote Trump got in ‘16 when all the experts said he’d get 6%, max. If they’re as off with their guesses this year, Trump 12%? Maybe 13%-15%? Or maybe slo mo Joe’s decades of racist statements, actions, votes, etc. turn out to be even more costly come November.
Ice cube is moron. Why should special concessions be made to blacks? He’s brainwashed and stupid

He is advocating for his special interest.
What is wrong with him, doing that?

Politicians shouldn’t be giving anyone preferences based on race. There’s a lot wrong with that thinking. Aligning yourself with uneducated, idiot rappers just because they don’t vote democrat isn’t a wise thing to do. How in any way is Ice cube relevant in any discussion on politics is what I want to know?

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