dems just destroyed what little chance of keeping the majority in nov and keeping the WH in 2024 .

^^^ this! :clap2:I have been waiting for the GOP to screw it up then Dems up and make the mistake of the century.

I've heard some career retired FBI agents say that Wray fucked up allowing this raid because Wray is ex-DOJ (like Comey)!
They added that if the FBI promoted their directors within their ranks that the raid would have received a thumbs-down.
I've heard some career retired FBI agents say that Wray fucked up allowing this raid because Wray is ex-DOJ (like Comey)!
They added that if the FBI promoted their directors within their ranks that the raid would have received a thumbs-down.
Dems screwed the pooch on this one, it's going to bite them in the ass.
the stupidity of the left seems to have no bounds ! while dems face a possible crushing defeat in the midterms and have a huge problem looming in the 2024 elections because of disastrous policies that have fueled inflation and instability on the global stage with war in Europe and possibly Taiwan in the near future add to that skyrocketing crimes record fentanyl deaths because of our open border one would think the left would entertain changing their ways to benefit the American people and thereby help their chance in the midterms and 2024 ... nope ! the lefts just doubled the size of the IRS and weaponized the justice dept and raided the home of a former POTUS ! wow ! many independents and moderate dems may view this as an egregious overreach by the left ! put simply people dont like law enforcement abuse of power or tax agents lurking around every corner .. and that goes double for minority voters ! the left is in danger of making Trump a martyr being harassed by [THE MAN] .... the left just lost millions of potential votes from independents moderates and minority voters ...TRUMP THE MARTYR !

The left has nothing to do with this.

These are crimes by Democrats, and Democrats DESPISE the left.
The trial for tax evasion is set for October.
The Dem party is a wounded animal. Trump savaged them for 4 years exposing their lies, corruption and election theft, now they are flailing in all directions.
What has been exposed is your total BS propaganda especially the orange clown and election fraud. Poor America. But he is now poison
Watch some of the Jan 6 commission
You mean the kangaroo court where Trump can't call a single dissenting witness or challenge the democratic witnesses? And where Pelosi refused to seat any republicans not hand-picked by her who hated Trump? That committee?

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