Dems need the eeeeviiiilll straight white male voters to win in 2020


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
After 2016 loss, Democrats know they need white male voters

“The white male vote is indispensable, it’s a part of any winning coalition,” said Democratic pollster Ronald Lester, who worked for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016

“The revolt in these suburban districts wasn’t just about white women, it was also about white men,” said Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster

The American Left has been anti-Wasp for many decades. In the 80's they became viciously anti-Christian. Today the Left has a psychotic kind of hatred for the majority of Christians and many Jews. In the last decade the Left Wingers have become increasingly anti-White Voter. It will be very hard for them to take back all of the nasty things that they have said about average mainstream Americans. THIS is the real reason why the Dems want open borders. The Dems are trying to replace White Voters, and the Voters are very aware of what’s going on. The Dems may not ever be able to win back the majority of the White Voters again unless they can curb their hate.
Here is what the Democratic Party is offering.
More illegal immigration
More crime
More corruption
More bad schools
Higher taxes
Green Deal insanity
Bad trade deals
More hate groups and violence
More crazy conspiracies
More lying
Gun ban
Mass voter fraud

Its all about keeping those tiny blue dot urban plantations democrat, using the MSM propaganda machines. We'll see how Trump does in 2020...
Joe Biden blamed “a white man’s culture” for violence towards women
Joe was just speaking for himself.
Sorry Joe, no intelligent Voter is believing your crass demagoguery.
Its all about keeping those tiny blue dot urban plantations democrat, using the MSM propaganda machines. We'll see how Trump does in 2020...
I think that Trump will increase his minority voter percentage in 2020.
Under Obamaggot, they not only burned that bridge years ago, they hit it with an anti-matter bomb. How pathetic on their part, they spend a decade dehumanizing, violently attacking, and spewing bloodthirst at white males and now that their party is disintegrating, they're into this sniveling supplication for our white male support? Fuck them. Fuck the Democrats. Up the asshole. With a weird-shaped aloe-vera cactus frond. Every last function of that party is an exercise in self-hating-American Islam cocksucking and if it were up to me, liberals would be hung/drawn/quartered for their bloodthirsty treason against this country.

You liberal traitors want support? Go drink some more semen of the muslims who HATE YOU! Because this American white male wants you liberals annihilated as much as you want me annihilated. I'm a very fair dude in that respect.
The Democrats keep alienating White Males, and what they call "Flyover Country", and are now calling them DREGS (Biden) instead of Deplorables. That doesn't sound like a sound strategy.
The white male vote will be difficult for democrats. White males can't simply be bought off, since, they by default are the ones who pay for it all. Without the free shit trick, what else do the democrats have?
All any potential democratic candidate needs is a finger to point at the train-wreck that is the Trump administration.
After 2016 loss, Democrats know they need white male voters

“The white male vote is indispensable, it’s a part of any winning coalition,” said Democratic pollster Ronald Lester, who worked for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016

“The revolt in these suburban districts wasn’t just about white women, it was also about white men,” said Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster

The American Left has been anti-Wasp for many decades. In the 80's they became viciously anti-Christian. Today the Left has a psychotic kind of hatred for the majority of Christians and many Jews. In the last decade the Left Wingers have become increasingly anti-White Voter. It will be very hard for them to take back all of the nasty things that they have said about average mainstream Americans. THIS is the real reason why the Dems want open borders. The Dems are trying to replace White Voters, and the Voters are very aware of what’s going on. The Dems may not ever be able to win back the majority of the White Voters again unless they can curb their hate.
Here is what the Democratic Party is offering.
More illegal immigration
More crime
More corruption
More bad schools
Higher taxes
Green Deal insanity
Bad trade deals
More hate groups and violence
More crazy conspiracies
More lying
Gun ban
Mass voter fraud

The list is again missing reparations, democrat party's newest tour de force of policy suggestion. Never forget slavery and never forget reparations.
All any potential democratic candidate needs is a finger to point at the train-wreck that is the Trump administration.
Brought on by the train wreck known as Obama, followed by the NASCAR wreck that was Hillary.

Didn't learn from 2016, did ya?

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