Dems say GOP is selling guns to ISIS

Its all bullshit, both sides are doing it, both sides should be be ashamed of themselves.
Both sides are not doing it. That's a false equivalency. The Democrats are not demonizing a group or people, or an entire religion.
They are demonizing the GOP which is a group of people, not all of which share the hateful views of the party extremists
If the GOP is planning to sell guns to ISIS....maybe the Democrats should stop importing the customers!!!!
There it is... more of the BS. We help people seeking refuge from the death zone they lived in and all of a sudden they are Isis customers. Go to the corner, you're on time out.
Just poor little ole refugees you say ? Go ask the French and others in that theater, about what they think of those poor little ole refugees now.
I just got off the phone with them... They say Terrorist suck
. Can you tell the difference in them, especially when there is no way to validate them here ? Are you willing to risk it all ?
I think we can easily help people that we are able to vet and monitor. Women, children, old people, men with a paper trail and a trackable reputation/history. Anybody that can't be vetted we can help in other ways.

The fear is being overhyped for political purposes
. What's political is bringing them here, and not helping them in their own country. If they are the good ones, then we need to help them defeat the bad ones who are causing the whole problem, and this allows them to get their country back. Politics has stood in the way of that, just like it did during the Vietnam war.
There it is... more of the BS. We help people seeking refuge from the death zone they lived in and all of a sudden they are Isis customers. Go to the corner, you're on time out.
Just poor little ole refugees you say ? Go ask the French and others in that theater, about what they think of those poor little ole refugees now.
I just got off the phone with them... They say Terrorist suck
. Can you tell the difference in them, especially when there is no way to validate them here ? Are you willing to risk it all ?
I think we can easily help people that we are able to vet and monitor. Women, children, old people, men with a paper trail and a trackable reputation/history. Anybody that can't be vetted we can help in other ways.

The fear is being overhyped for political purposes
. What's political is bringing them here, and not helping them in their own country. If they are the good ones, then we need to help them defeat the bad ones who are causing the whole problem, and this allows them to get their country back. Politics has stood in the way of that, just like it did during the Vietnam war.
This is all being done at the same time
Since the ISIS inspired attack in Orlando Democrats and Republicans have spent more time blaming and going after each for the attack than they have ISIS it doesn't get much sadder than that.
I hate to see the Dems back in the trenches playing these petty partisan games. The latest is that the GOP is selling guns to ISIS. The reason being that the GOP shut down a bill to block FBI terror suspects on the watch list from purchasing weapons, i just don't like the spin. The GOP aren't trying to support ISIS, they are trying to protect law abiding Americans. The bill makes sense but can use some polishing and responding like this just strengthens the divide. It's just as ridiculous as the "Obama is disarming America" argument.

Grow up!

Top Dems: GOP chose to 'sell weapons to ISIS' -

The ones giving guns to ISIS for free are the democrats in Syria. If the FBI was COMPETENT Orlando would have never happened. If Americans were allowed to carry in bars then Orlando would have not happened or the deaths would have been minimized.

They are trying to use the jihadists as a pretext to deny ALL AMERICANS their right to bear arms.

I hate to see the Dems back in the trenches playing these petty partisan games. The latest is that the GOP is selling guns to ISIS. The reason being that the GOP shut down a bill to block FBI terror suspects on the watch list from purchasing weapons, i just don't like the spin. The GOP aren't trying to support ISIS, they are trying to protect law abiding Americans. The bill makes sense but can use some polishing and responding like this just strengthens the divide. It's just as ridiculous as the "Obama is disarming America" argument.

Grow up!

Top Dems: GOP chose to 'sell weapons to ISIS' -

The ones giving guns to ISIS for free are the democrats in Syria. If the FBI was COMPETENT Orlando would have never happened. If Americans were allowed to carry in bars then Orlando would have not happened or the deaths would have been minimized.

They are trying to use the jihadists as a pretext to deny ALL AMERICANS their right to bear arms.

You are doing the exact same thing i'm complaining about the Dems doing... Its all BS. Weak, useless, talking points that nobody with a brain really believes.
It was ( and is ) a stupid thing to say.
I don't agree. I think Republicans should get a taste of the politics they try to dish out every day. These Republicans have no morals. These Republicans have abandoned every principle they have argued about about since Reagan, from the Republicans who ran for POTUS all the way down to forums like this one. They are all frauds.

These Republicans need to be defeated, and sometimes nice has to go out the window.
If the GOP is planning to sell guns to ISIS....maybe the Democrats should stop importing the customers!!!!
There it is... more of the BS. We help people seeking refuge from the death zone they lived in and all of a sudden they are Isis customers. Go to the corner, you're on time out.
. And the Dems were doing what with guns in Lybia ? In which may have cost Ambassador Stevens & crew their lives.
It was a humanitarian mission.
It was ( and is ) a stupid thing to say.
I don't agree. I think Republicans should get a taste of the politics they try to dish out every day. These Republicans have no morals. These Republicans have abandoned every principle they have argued about about since Reagan, from the Republicans who ran for POTUS all the way down to forums like this one. They are all frauds.

These Republicans need to be defeated, and sometimes nice has to go out the window.
Nice went out the window a long time ago and thus the gridlocked, divisive trainwreck of a government we have in Washington... and it is still eroding. We need to bring collaboration and respect back to the table. Moderate should not be a bad word. Both sides need to be able to acknowledge strengths and ideas from the other side. Until we can do this, things are only going to only get worse.
I hate to see the Dems back in the trenches playing these petty partisan games. The latest is that the GOP is selling guns to ISIS. The reason being that the GOP shut down a bill to block FBI terror suspects on the watch list from purchasing weapons, i just don't like the spin. The GOP aren't trying to support ISIS, they are trying to protect law abiding Americans. The bill makes sense but can use some polishing and responding like this just strengthens the divide. It's just as ridiculous as the "Obama is disarming America" argument.

Grow up!

Top Dems: GOP chose to 'sell weapons to ISIS' -

The ones giving guns to ISIS for free are the democrats in Syria. If the FBI was COMPETENT Orlando would have never happened. If Americans were allowed to carry in bars then Orlando would have not happened or the deaths would have been minimized.

They are trying to use the jihadists as a pretext to deny ALL AMERICANS their right to bear arms.

You are doing the exact same thing i'm complaining about the Dems doing... Its all BS. Weak, useless, talking points that nobody with a brain really believes.

It was ( and is ) a stupid thing to say.
I don't agree. I think Republicans should get a taste of the politics they try to dish out every day. These Republicans have no morals. These Republicans have abandoned every principle they have argued about about since Reagan, from the Republicans who ran for POTUS all the way down to forums like this one. They are all frauds.

These Republicans need to be defeated, and sometimes nice has to go out the window.
Nice went out the window a long time ago and thus the gridlocked, divisive trainwreck of a government we have in Washington... and it is still eroding. We need to bring collaboration and respect back to the table. Moderate should not be a bad word. Both sides need to be able to acknowledge strengths and ideas from the other side. Until we can do this, things are only going to only get worse.

The other side has brought nothing to the table.

They can not allow Jihadists to migrate in here then when they do something wrong they can not use that as a pretext to disarm us or, worse, declare martial law.

If the GOP isn't funding ISIS, they should be! After all, ISIS clearly has a conservative agenda.

They killed a bunch of Californians. Not just Californians, but government employee Californians! They knocked that one out of the park.

They killed a bunch of homos. Not just homos, they attacked on LATIN NIGHT! How cool is that? I bet half the victims were illegals.

And they REALLY have it in for Syrian Muslims. It just doesn't get any better than that.

This public service announcement is brought to you by...


ISIS: We've Killed More Muslims Than All Your Presidents AND Putin Combined®
Pathetic analogy but hey, it is a presidential election cycle......... :thup:

Well it has been crazy so far and with Trump the GOP Nominee and wedge issues it make you wonder when the sane people of this country will finally speak up and tell the stupid ones to sit down, drink a coke and shut the fuck up for once!
It'll never happen, politics has always been at least 98% emotive, always.......
Its all bullshit, both sides are doing it, both sides should be be ashamed of themselves.
Both sides are not doing it. That's a false equivalency. The Democrats are not demonizing a group or people, or an entire religion.
. Neither are the conservatives, so your insinuation of that for political reasons is wrong as well.
Yes they are.

You've thrown your lot in with and endorsed Trump. When he is nominated he will be the standard bearer of the Republican Party. Look that up and get back to me.
I hate to see the Dems back in the trenches playing these petty partisan games. The latest is that the GOP is selling guns to ISIS. The reason being that the GOP shut down a bill to block FBI terror suspects on the watch list from purchasing weapons, i just don't like the spin. The GOP aren't trying to support ISIS, they are trying to protect law abiding Americans. The bill makes sense but can use some polishing and responding like this just strengthens the divide. It's just as ridiculous as the "Obama is disarming America" argument.

Grow up!

Top Dems: GOP chose to 'sell weapons to ISIS' -

The ones giving guns to ISIS for free are the democrats in Syria. If the FBI was COMPETENT Orlando would have never happened. If Americans were allowed to carry in bars then Orlando would have not happened or the deaths would have been minimized.

They are trying to use the jihadists as a pretext to deny ALL AMERICANS their right to bear arms.

You are doing the exact same thing i'm complaining about the Dems doing... Its all BS. Weak, useless, talking points that nobody with a brain really believes.

The ones giving guns to ISIS for free are the democrats in Syria.

This is a weak spin of a situation that is the complete opposite of the intent. We are fighting Isis in Syria, we are arming our Allies to help in that fight. Yes, some shitting things have happened and the enemy has captures some of our weapons... thats part of war and something we can learn from an improve on... But as for the effort... Are you against the fight?
I hate to see the Dems back in the trenches playing these petty partisan games. The latest is that the GOP is selling guns to ISIS. The reason being that the GOP shut down a bill to block FBI terror suspects on the watch list from purchasing weapons, i just don't like the spin. The GOP aren't trying to support ISIS, they are trying to protect law abiding Americans. The bill makes sense but can use some polishing and responding like this just strengthens the divide. It's just as ridiculous as the "Obama is disarming America" argument.

Grow up!

Top Dems: GOP chose to 'sell weapons to ISIS' -

The ones giving guns to ISIS for free are the democrats in Syria. If the FBI was COMPETENT Orlando would have never happened. If Americans were allowed to carry in bars then Orlando would have not happened or the deaths would have been minimized.

They are trying to use the jihadists as a pretext to deny ALL AMERICANS their right to bear arms.

They are demonizing the GOP which is a group of people, not all of which share the hateful views of the party extremists
Then I guess they're a lot like moderate Muslims: large in numbers, but not making any noises while imbeciles like teabaggers and Trumpers take over your Party, or murderous thugs hijack your religion.
My hope is that they team up with Moderate Dems and Independants and over run both parties... I know i'm dreaming though.
It was ( and is ) a stupid thing to say.
I don't agree. I think Republicans should get a taste of the politics they try to dish out every day. These Republicans have no morals. These Republicans have abandoned every principle they have argued about about since Reagan, from the Republicans who ran for POTUS all the way down to forums like this one. They are all frauds.

These Republicans need to be defeated, and sometimes nice has to go out the window.
Nice went out the window a long time ago and thus the gridlocked, divisive trainwreck of a government we have in Washington... and it is still eroding. We need to bring collaboration and respect back to the table. Moderate should not be a bad word. Both sides need to be able to acknowledge strengths and ideas from the other side. Until we can do this, things are only going to only get worse.
Republicans will never agree to be civil until it's in their best interests. That's why there should be a Democratic majority in the House & Senate. Vote blue!

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