Dems Sinking to New Lows

Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Wow. Are you joking? Are you really scolding Democrats for being the party that makes fun of a politician's wife?

Have you been asleep for 7 years?
Going back to the 1960s (Kennedy and Johnson years), the right wing has attacked every First Lady of every Democratic administration
Some day everyone will hate all of them as much as I do. The only reason I would piss on them if they were on fire is to set them on fire again.

One hates those one fears. Kinda honest of you to admit what I've known all along, that being, the current crop of reactionary / callous conservatives are saddled by enormous amounts of hate and fear.

Progs fear anyone to the right of Mao
Dante apologizes for saying the right wing attacked Kennedy's wife in the 1960s. Oh, they did, but Dante should have mentioned it in a fuller context -- the right wing has been criticizing and attacking the wives of Presidential candidates since at least the 1950s
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Wow. Are you joking? Are you really scolding Democrats for being the party that makes fun of a politician's wife?

Have you been asleep for 7 years?

He's not been asleep, he's simply another dishonest partisan hack.
Because conservatives NEVER insult Michelle Obama, accusing her of being a tranny, looking like an ape, etc, right?
She definitely looks like a Democrat.

Of course! The republican tent is a restricted venue. Closed to moderates, and open only to callous, social and neo conservatives, reactionaries and the biddable, those who can be fooled all of the time (most are single issue uninformed members of the echo chamber).
Because conservatives NEVER insult Michelle Obama, accusing her of being a tranny, looking like an ape, etc, right?
She definitely looks like a Democrat.

Of course! The republican tent is a restricted venue. Closed to moderates, and open only to callous, social and neo conservatives, reactionaries and the biddable, those who can be fooled all of the time (most are single issue uninformed members of the echo chamber).
Mooch may look like a Democrat physically whereas you think like one mindlessly.
Because conservatives NEVER insult Michelle Obama, accusing her of being a tranny, looking like an ape, etc, right?
She definitely looks like a Democrat.

Of course! The republican tent is a restricted venue. Closed to moderates, and open only to callous, social and neo conservatives, reactionaries and the biddable, those who can be fooled all of the time (most are single issue uninformed members of the echo chamber).
Mooch may look like a Democrat physically whereas you think like one mindlessly.

You're almost correct, she has ancestry which is restricted for all but the most right wing African Americans, and tokens, used and abused. Of course I left out - intentionally - that the biddable include the racists, bigots and homophobes like you.
Because conservatives NEVER insult Michelle Obama, accusing her of being a tranny, looking like an ape, etc, right?
She definitely looks like a Democrat.

Of course! The republican tent is a restricted venue. Closed to moderates, and open only to callous, social and neo conservatives, reactionaries and the biddable, those who can be fooled all of the time (most are single issue uninformed members of the echo chamber).
Mooch may look like a Democrat physically whereas you think like one mindlessly.

You're almost correct, she has ancestry which is restricted for all but the most right wing African Americans, and tokens, used and abused. Of course I left out - intentionally - that the biddable include the racists, bigots and homophobes like you.
It must be wonderful to have a second language, but are you sure this is the place to use it?
Right who compared the two women?

And by the way some of the things said about Hillary on this board by guys who have posted on this thread is just hypocritical.

This kind of comparison would be wrong and demeaning of what on the face of it is two accomplished women.
I have to disagree about Hillary. The only thing she has done right, is Chelsea. Even that we don't know how much she actually raised her. Everything else she has done has been a failure.
Dante apologizes for saying the right wing attacked Kennedy's wife in the 1960s. Oh, they did, but Dante should have mentioned it in a fuller context -- the right wing has been criticizing and attacking the wives of Presidential candidates since at least the 1950s
OMFG 3rd person????
You can find some fool who makes fun of anyone's appearance. It's a very common behavior and certainly not limited to Dems. Save your faux outrage.

If a poster makes fun of her appearance, or someone important from the left does, I'll criticize them. But this thread is stupid.

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