Dems Sinking to New Lows

Dante apologizes for saying the right wing attacked Kennedy's wife in the 1960s. Oh, they did, but Dante should have mentioned it in a fuller context -- the right wing has been criticizing and attacking the wives of Presidential candidates since at least the 1950s
OMFG 3rd person????
Bob Dole
After my initial search I must conclude I'm an asshole for laughing at this....

View attachment 52791

Makes me wonder how the public would vote on image alone???
Me thinks me knows, lol!!!
Umm. The uninformed electorate DOES vote on image.
Lets go back to JFK....He got the women's vote because they thought he was good looking.....JFK was considered the winner in the debate with Nixon because Nixon appeared nervous.
Older men did not vote for Kennedy because he was the first presidential candidate that did not wear a top hat outdoors.
Bill Clinton was another recipient of the female vote. Again, looks.
Obama was elected due to his race and the idea that some think of him as a good speaker.
The fact is sadly we have probably 2/3rds of the people who go to the polls and vote based two premises. One, is the image created by each candidate.
The other and this is infuriating, they vote for the candidate who they think will win and not the candidate which best represents their views or the policies/proposals of the candidates.
Important reminder...............

If you ditch Carson you are a RACIST.............
If you ditch his wife you are not only a RACIST but are a Bigot against women who only want them to be barefoot and pregnant...............

How low will the Liberals go in their racism and their War on Women.

This message has been brought to you via the Rules of Engagement of the Democratic party. This does not endorse these rules but is simply going by the rules of engagement...........
Dante apologizes for saying the right wing attacked Kennedy's wife in the 1960s. Oh, they did, but Dante should have mentioned it in a fuller context -- the right wing has been criticizing and attacking the wives of Presidential candidates since at least the 1950s
OMFG 3rd person????
Bob Dole
She's brilliant..
And the libs crucified her.
There was a political cartoon where she was made up look like Aunt Jemima.....It was pure racism. And the left circled the wagons and made all kinds of shitty excuses. The guilty parties were given a hall pass.
They've been lower than a snake crawls before when they were attacking Mrs. Palin as a mother and attacking her downs syndrome baby. You can go back on this board to see it for yourself. just do a search
these people are becoming a danger to US ALL

this liberal/left hate group the SPLC put him on some HATE list they have made up on things they don't LIKE that someone said. Now he is needing SS protection because of it
Ben Carson placed on Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘Extremist Watch List’

By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a nonprofit legal advocacy group, has placed potential 2016 presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson on its “Extremist Watch List” for his views against same-sex marriage.

The group cites comments from Dr. Carson’s book in labeling him a potential extremist. The group singled out this line from his book, “America the Beautiful”: “f we can redefine marriage as between two men or two women or any other way based on social pressures as opposed to between a man and a woman, we will continue to redefine it in any way that we wish, which is a slippery slope with a disastrous ending, as witnessed in the dramatic fall of the Roman Empire.”

The SPLC also takes issue with a statement Dr. Carson made in March 2013 on Fox News’ “Hannity.”

ALL of it here:
Ben Carson placed on Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘Extremist Watch List’
The southern poverty law center... No one cares about an unknown racist pack of lawyers who's pussys are always hurt'n and infected with political correctness.

Hashtag anyone ever get sick of the bleeding heart types
The SPLC is just barely hanging on to relevance
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Wow. Are you joking? Are you really scolding Democrats for being the party that makes fun of a politician's wife?

Have you been asleep for 7 years?
Going back to the 1960s (Kennedy and Johnson years), the right wing has attacked every First Lady of every Democratic administration
What the fuck are you yammering about?
SO be it. If was wrong then, it is evil now. because people should know better.
Of course on planet liberal, two wrongs make a right.
And you people make excuses for everything libs do.
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Wow. Are you joking? Are you really scolding Democrats for being the party that makes fun of a politician's wife?

Have you been asleep for 7 years?
Going back to the 1960s (Kennedy and Johnson years), the right wing has attacked every First Lady of every Democratic administration
What the fuck are you yammering about?
SO be it. If was wrong then, it is evil now. because people should know better.
Of course on planet liberal, two wrongs make a right.
And you people make excuses for everything libs do.
Who's making excuses? Some fool made a dumb joke because Carson ' wife looks like a nerd. So what? They're an idiot. I don't have to apologize for them. I may not agree with a single thing they say. When are you going to apologize for everything right wing bloggers have said?
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Maybe she needs a brain operation?

Jesus, seriously. The way the right wing has treated the spouses of their opponents is disgusting and well known
The way liberals treated Bristol, you taught us how to do it.
Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Who is the one on the left? It damn sure isn't Michelle. Or it is and it's photoshopped to death cuz NO WAY does she look like that.
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Who is the one on the left? It damn sure isn't Michelle. Or it is and it's photoshopped to death cuz NO WAY does she look like that.
Yeah photoshopped. Whoever made that post (and the OP provided no link) or whatever is an idiot. What more do you want?
Michelle has been a very classy first lady that all Americans should be proud of.
Classy? PLease give examples. No one is interested in your opinion....
FYI, Michelle Obama can barely stand the public. She is a typical elitist liberal who looks down on those who she feels are below her station.
Secret Service Agent Says Michelle Obama is a `Complete Bitch'
Of course 'truth or fiction' denies this revelation.
Classy? Obviously you've convinced yourself this is true. You may have an opinion, but are not entitled to your own reality.
Look, you've made it very clear your politics of identity.
If the person has a vagina and is flaming liberal, you think this person is the greatest thing on planet earth.
Typical of today's liberal feminist. You may go now...
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Maybe she needs a brain operation?

Jesus, seriously. The way the right wing has treated the spouses of their opponents is disgusting and well known
The way liberals treated Bristol, you taught us how to do it.
Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
Because conservatives NEVER insult Michelle Obama, accusing her of being a tranny, looking like an ape, etc, right?
She definitely looks like a Democrat.

Of course! The republican tent is a restricted venue. Closed to moderates, and open only to callous, social and neo conservatives, reactionaries and the biddable, those who can be fooled all of the time (most are single issue uninformed members of the echo chamber).
THere is no such thing as a moderate. A self proclaimed moderate is simply a liberal who is afraid to admit the are a liberal...
This person also sits on the fence on every issue while waiting to which is the most popular position taken on an issue. If anything these so called moderates are the most dishonest and least trustworthy people of all. .
How dare those evil Democrats* sink to the new lows that Republicans have been bottom-feeding from for 25 years?

* -- In this case, Democrats = some dude on the internet
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Maybe she needs a brain operation?

Jesus, seriously. The way the right wing has treated the spouses of their opponents is disgusting and well known
The way liberals treated Bristol, you taught us how to do it.
Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.

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