Dems Sinking to New Lows

You can find some fool who makes fun of anyone's appearance. It's a very common behavior and certainly not limited to Dems. Save your faux outrage.

If a poster makes fun of her appearance, or someone important from the left does, I'll criticize them. But this thread is stupid.
that's very white of you. as if anyone cares what you think about faux outrage
Dante apologizes for saying the right wing attacked Kennedy's wife in the 1960s. Oh, they did, but Dante should have mentioned it in a fuller context -- the right wing has been criticizing and attacking the wives of Presidential candidates since at least the 1950s
OMFG 3rd person????
Bob Dole
You're weird.
You're not very bright, are you?
Let's just say my IQ is a few ticks above yours.
You can find some fool who makes fun of anyone's appearance. It's a very common behavior and certainly not limited to Dems. Save your faux outrage.

If a poster makes fun of her appearance, or someone important from the left does, I'll criticize them. But this thread is stupid.
that's very white of you. as if anyone cares what you think about faux outrage
Somebody doesn't like being made fun of for talking about himself in 3rd person. Hint: it doesn't make you sound cool. PS I talk to myself in public and refer to myself as Steve but my name's not Steve. That's what cool people do.
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Maybe she needs a brain operation?

Jesus, seriously. The way the right wing has treated the spouses of their opponents is disgusting and well known
The way liberals treated Bristol, you taught us how to do it.
Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
Maybe she needs a brain operation?

Jesus, seriously. The way the right wing has treated the spouses of their opponents is disgusting and well known
The way liberals treated Bristol, you taught us how to do it.
Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
One radical leftist professor called him that. I would call her a racist, yes.
attacks on Amy Carter?

Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
How old was Bristol and did she insert herself into controversy? Chelsea and Amy were children when they were attacked. Idiot! You can stop posing as fair and balanced now
How did Bristol insert herself into the controversy. Are you a "blame the victim" type?
Going back to the 1960s (Kennedy and Johnson years), the right wing has attacked every First Lady of every Democratic administration
What the fuck are you yammering about?
SO be it. If was wrong then, it is evil now. because people should know better.
Of course on planet liberal, two wrongs make a right.
And you people make excuses for everything libs do.
No. Two wrongs always makes a rightie right.

Why in the world would Dante nuts attacking the young children of presidential candidates or Presidents? He never has, but are projecting again?

never mind
attacks on Amy Carter?

Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
How old was Bristol and did she insert herself into controversy? Chelsea and Amy were children when they were attacked. Idiot! You can stop posing as fair and balanced now
How did Bristol insert herself into the controversy. Are you a "blame the victim" type?
Are you saying people do NOT inject themselves into controversy? Would you call Bill Cosby a victim?
attacks on Amy Carter?

Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
How old was Bristol and did she insert herself into controversy? Chelsea and Amy were children when they were attacked. Idiot! You can stop posing as fair and balanced now
How did Bristol insert herself into the controversy. Are you a "blame the victim" type?
Are you saying people do NOT inject themselves into controversy? Would you call Bill Cosby a victim?
No. I asked how did she do it. What does Bill Cosby have to do with anything. He's a victim if the allegations are false. Otherwise he's a perpetrator.
Dante apologizes for saying the right wing attacked Kennedy's wife in the 1960s. Oh, they did, but Dante should have mentioned it in a fuller context -- the right wing has been criticizing and attacking the wives of Presidential candidates since at least the 1950s
OMFG 3rd person????
Bob Dole
You're weird.
You're not very bright, are you?
Let's just say my IQ is a few ticks above yours.

Why do so many people with supposed high IQs hang out around here at usmb? MENSA kick you all out?

attacks on Amy Carter?

Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
How old was Bristol and did she insert herself into controversy? Chelsea and Amy were children when they were attacked. Idiot! You can stop posing as fair and balanced now
How did Bristol insert herself into the controversy. Are you a "blame the victim" type?
Are you saying people do NOT inject themselves into controversy? Would you call Bill Cosby a victim?
Cosby is no different than Bill Clinton, except Clinton was lucky to have a wife who who would lie and cover for him.
Somebody doesn't like being made fun of for talking about himself in 3rd person. Hint: it doesn't make you sound cool. PS I talk to myself in public and refer to myself as Steve but my name's not Steve. That's what cool people do.
What in the world as you yapping about? You seriously think Dante cares or even notices what the likes of you think? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

PS, Dante talks to himself in private and in public, all the while referring to himself as Dante. But guess what genius boy, Dante's real name is not Dante. cool people follow Dante
How did Bristol insert herself into the controversy.
actually what was even shittier at the time was that Bristol's own parents pushed it, all for pure political gain and personal ambition. Which of course is not surprising in hindsight. Look what everyone involved did later, including the boyfriend

2008 Republican National Convention and pregnancy announcement
When Sarah Palin was chosen as John McCain's vice presidential running mate in late August 2008, his advisers already knew of Bristol's pregnancy, which they believed would be a political liability.[58] On September 1, the opening day of the 2008 Republican National Convention, it was publicly announced that Palin was pregnant and engaged to Levi Johnston, the father of her child.[10] Palin's entire family, along with Johnston, appeared at the convention.[10][59] McCain's advisers reportedly thought a wedding between Johnston and Palin would boost the waning popularity of the McCain-Palin ticket.[58] Johnston denied claims that he was being pressured into a shotgun wedding, stating, "We were planning on getting married a long time ago with or without the kid. That was the plan from the start."[10]

you are revealing yourself to be one uninformed idiot
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Levi Johnson is totally bangable in a bumpkin frat douche kind of way. lol
It's understandable leftist propaganda parrots would want to talk about Bristol Palin. There's not much to talk about regarding their candidates.

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