Dems Sinking to New Lows

I'm surprised Trump hasn't started "My wife is better looking than your wife" with Carson
That's just horrible making fun of a candidates wife

Did Democrats post pictures of her looking like an ape?
Stop pretending you're on staff.
She entered the political arena. She's fair game.
You just entered the political arena

drop dead
Trolling, reported.
stop pretending you know what you are taking about. You are more of a liability to usmb than an asset, and Dante has never said that to anyone -- at least in the last week

That's just horrible making fun of a candidates wife

Did Democrats post pictures of her looking like an ape?
Stop pretending you're on staff.
She entered the political arena. She's fair game.
You just entered the political arena

drop dead
Trolling, reported.
stop pretending you know what you are taking about. You are more of a liability to usmb than an asset, and Dante has never said that to anyone -- at least in the last week

Trolling off topic, reported.
Reporting every little post that offends Sally's delicate constitution is going to endear her greatly to the moderator staff. :lol:
Because conservatives NEVER insult Michelle Obama, accusing her of being a tranny, looking like an ape, etc, right?
She definitely looks like a Democrat.

Of course! The republican tent is a restricted venue. Closed to moderates, and open only to callous, social and neo conservatives, reactionaries and the biddable, those who can be fooled all of the time (most are single issue uninformed members of the echo chamber).
THere is no such thing as a moderate. A self proclaimed moderate is simply a liberal who is afraid to admit the are a liberal...
This person also sits on the fence on every issue while waiting to which is the most popular position taken on an issue. If anything these so called moderates are the most dishonest and least trustworthy people of all. .
what a crock of shit.....ask me about any position and i will tell you right then what i about the die hard party people who let the party tell them which way to go,any comments on that?...
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
OH!!! Dear God!!!!!
How the hell do you make love to that?
That's pretty low, but I thought David Letterman's shot at Sarah Palin's daughter was lower. Would help to know source of picture comparison. I'd like to pinpoint the jerk.
What did he say? Was it anything about her having multiple children from multiple dicks and not a wedding band in sight and being the spokeswoman for abstinence only and being THE example for good right wing Christian girls everywhere?

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