Dems Sinking to New Lows

Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.

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I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?
Who is dissing Carson's wife and how do you know she has any look? Oh! and you inferred the other woman had a look that is not very intelligent and happy.

So I ask, is this thread only posing as an attack on the First Lady, and if so why don't you have the balls to Just Do It!?
The left believes they're descended from monkeys, yet they're offended when they're reminded of it.

Dumb ass troll.
Davros! Stay after class with the other clowns. Detention will be full today

thank you Sally and Dark Furball
you've done usmb a service

and so selflessly
The Obama's really aren't far from the monkey tree. Quite a resemblance.
Hey, that monkey tree is mostly populated by you honkies....
The Clintons had to pay Paula Jones over $800,000, for denying a citizen their constitutional rights, while Hillary runs around screeching "republican war on women".
The Clintons had to pay Paula Jones over $800,000, for denying a citizen their constitutional rights, while Hillary runs around screeching "republican war on women".
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clintons did NOT pay Jones. The Clintons were NOT on trial.

No constitutional right was violated by Bill Clinton. If there were you could name that right. You can't because you are full of it as is your post
Because conservatives NEVER insult Michelle Obama, accusing her of being a tranny, looking like an ape, etc, right?
She definitely looks like a Democrat.

Of course! The republican tent is a restricted venue. Closed to moderates, and open only to callous, social and neo conservatives, reactionaries and the biddable, those who can be fooled all of the time (most are single issue uninformed members of the echo chamber).
THere is no such thing as a moderate. A self proclaimed moderate is simply a liberal who is afraid to admit the are a liberal...
This person also sits on the fence on every issue while waiting to which is the most popular position taken on an issue. If anything these so called moderates are the most dishonest and least trustworthy people of all. .

There are radicals and revolutionaries, both seek change NOW. Moderates see a problem and seek solutions, change via the democratic process, i.e., convincing others that the changes they support benefit the many (that is the country).
The Clintons had to pay Paula Jones over $800,000, for denying a citizen their constitutional rights, while Hillary runs around screeching "republican war on women".
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clintons did NOT pay Jones. The Clintons were NOT on trial.

No constitutional right was violated by Bill Clinton. If there were you could name that right. You can't because you are full of it as is your post
Only amateurs use Wikipedia since it's an unsecure site and can be edited. The Clintons paid Paula Jones over $800,000.
The Clintons had to pay Paula Jones over $800,000, for denying a citizen their constitutional rights, while Hillary runs around screeching "republican war on women".
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clintons did NOT pay Jones. The Clintons were NOT on trial.

No constitutional right was violated by Bill Clinton. If there were you could name that right. You can't because you are full of it as is your post

Another moronic bunch of shit from the Danteloin!

  1. Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 | US news | The...
    Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 By Kalpana Srinivasan Associated Press Writer. Wednesday 13 January 1999 13.15 EST Last modified on Saturday 4 October 2014 06.18 EDT.
The Clintons had to pay Paula Jones over $800,000, for denying a citizen their constitutional rights, while Hillary runs around screeching "republican war on women".
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clintons did NOT pay Jones. The Clintons were NOT on trial.

No constitutional right was violated by Bill Clinton. If there were you could name that right. You can't because you are full of it as is your post

Another moronic bunch of shit from the Danteloin!

  1. Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 | US news | The...
    Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 By Kalpana Srinivasan Associated Press Writer. Wednesday 13 January 1999 13.15 EST Last modified on Saturday 4 October 2014 06.18 EDT.
Leftist losers love Wikipedia because it can be edited to say anything.
The Clintons had to pay Paula Jones over $800,000, for denying a citizen their constitutional rights, while Hillary runs around screeching "republican war on women".
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clintons did NOT pay Jones. The Clintons were NOT on trial.

No constitutional right was violated by Bill Clinton. If there were you could name that right. You can't because you are full of it as is your post

Another moronic bunch of shit from the Danteloin!

  1. Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 | US news | The...
    Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 By Kalpana Srinivasan Associated Press Writer. Wednesday 13 January 1999 13.15 EST Last modified on Saturday 4 October 2014 06.18 EDT.
Leftist losers love Wikipedia because it can be edited to say anything.

That's why we know that ALL Liberals suffer from severe mental disorders!
The Clintons had to pay Paula Jones over $800,000, for denying a citizen their constitutional rights, while Hillary runs around screeching "republican war on women".
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clintons did NOT pay Jones. The Clintons were NOT on trial.

No constitutional right was violated by Bill Clinton. If there were you could name that right. You can't because you are full of it as is your post

Another moronic bunch of shit from the Danteloin!

  1. Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 | US news | The...
    Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 By Kalpana Srinivasan Associated Press Writer. Wednesday 13 January 1999 13.15 EST Last modified on Saturday 4 October 2014 06.18 EDT.
Leftist losers love Wikipedia because it can be edited to say anything.

That's why we know that ALL Liberals suffer from severe mental disorders!
Like praying to invisible deities.....
The Clintons had to pay Paula Jones over $800,000, for denying a citizen their constitutional rights, while Hillary runs around screeching "republican war on women".
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clintons did NOT pay Jones. The Clintons were NOT on trial.

No constitutional right was violated by Bill Clinton. If there were you could name that right. You can't because you are full of it as is your post

Another moronic bunch of shit from the Danteloin!

  1. Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 | US news | The...
    Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 By Kalpana Srinivasan Associated Press Writer. Wednesday 13 January 1999 13.15 EST Last modified on Saturday 4 October 2014 06.18 EDT.
Leftist losers love Wikipedia because it can be edited to say anything.

That's why we know that ALL Liberals suffer from severe mental disorders!
Like praying to invisible deities.....
Good enough for George Washington.
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clintons did NOT pay Jones. The Clintons were NOT on trial.

No constitutional right was violated by Bill Clinton. If there were you could name that right. You can't because you are full of it as is your post

Another moronic bunch of shit from the Danteloin!

  1. Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 | US news | The...
    Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 By Kalpana Srinivasan Associated Press Writer. Wednesday 13 January 1999 13.15 EST Last modified on Saturday 4 October 2014 06.18 EDT.
Leftist losers love Wikipedia because it can be edited to say anything.

That's why we know that ALL Liberals suffer from severe mental disorders!
Like praying to invisible deities.....
Good enough for George Washington.
Well that is subject to debate, but there are several thousand George Washington named men that have lived in the topic, report yourself...
Of course. Anyone who points to the lies and hypocrisy of the democrat party is a troll.
Ratings: B for effort, but D- for spelting/capitalismist-thingie

clue: Upper Case d

oh yeah -- and LARGE font
Some of them there folk from that monkey tree didn't make it to jr. high...
I would think y'all would be proud of your ancestors.
Which ones?

We all descend from monkeys. Let's move on.
Another moronic bunch of shit from the Danteloin!

  1. Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 | US news | The...
    Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000 By Kalpana Srinivasan Associated Press Writer. Wednesday 13 January 1999 13.15 EST Last modified on Saturday 4 October 2014 06.18 EDT.
Leftist losers love Wikipedia because it can be edited to say anything.

That's why we know that ALL Liberals suffer from severe mental disorders!
Like praying to invisible deities.....
Good enough for George Washington.
Well that is subject to debate, but there are several thousand George Washington named men that have lived in the topic, report yourself...
The first president prayed to the Christian God. Do you really want to debate that?
But they are so cute, they can be taught to spell, and learn sign language, what's your excuse?
Off topic personal insult, reported.
Ghee, you are a blast......But Ben Carson's wife is a dog.....
You're a fast learner. Keep it on politics and away from personal insults.
GFY, and Ben Carson 's wife will love you with them buck teeth......
Ratings: B for effort, but D- for spelting/capitalismist-thingie

clue: Upper Case d

oh yeah -- and LARGE font
Some of them there folk from that monkey tree didn't make it to jr. high...
I would think y'all would be proud of your ancestors.
Which ones?

We all descend from monkeys. Let's move on.
That's opinion, not scientific fact.
Leftist losers love Wikipedia because it can be edited to say anything.

That's why we know that ALL Liberals suffer from severe mental disorders!
Like praying to invisible deities.....
Good enough for George Washington.
Well that is subject to debate, but there are several thousand George Washington named men that have lived in the topic, report yourself...
The first president prayed to the Christian God. Do you really want to debate that?
The first president was not George Washington...There were several before him...He was the first president under the Constitution....but not under the Articles of Confederation...and just because some people like to talk to themselves and believe they are getting an external reply from and internal source does not certify any existence of a deity...

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