Dems still own Obamacare. Good for midterms

Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
You completely ignored my question to jump to the subjects I said I'd be happy to discuss AFTER you answer my question! Come on man

Actually, they didn't fail they simply did what they had planned to do all along. Just walk away.
Can you acknowledge any successes of the ACA? Let's see if you can be objective... what say you?
You do it. You know you want to.
I'm done with you until you answer my questions. Show some respect to the discussion if you want to be treated with respect
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
You completely ignored my question to jump to the subjects I said I'd be happy to discuss AFTER you answer my question! Come on man

Actually, they didn't fail they simply did what they had planned to do all along. Just walk away.
Can you acknowledge any successes of the ACA? Let's see if you can be objective... what say you?

The problem folks like you have is that you assume that because you don't have any integrity nobody else does either. It helped a select few who happened to benefit/qualify for both subsidies and cost sharing. THAT however was a very select few. Without that folks (most folks) were forced into a Bronze plan that didn't help them at all.
What about my response leads you the believe I have no integrity? The ACA also helped middle class people with pre existing conditions who didn't need subsidies but just needed coverage. Right?
Ask anyone who has sold health insurance. They used to have a LOT of denials.

Demographics of People with a Pre-existing Health Condition

Families USA found that, among adults aged 55 to 64, nearly 50 percent have a diagnosed significant pre-existing condition. But even among young adults aged 18 to 24, nearly 20 percent have a diagnosed significant pre-existing condition. The percentage rises to nearly 25 percent for adults aged 25-34 and to more than 30 percent for adults aged 35 to 44. By the age of 45, the percentage is closer to 40 percent.

How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!
It feels disappointing! How does it feel to have produced the most fucked up healthcare bill ever aka Obamacare?
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
No. There are no LIFE SAVING benefits that "many Americans" have experienced as a result of obamacare.
I personally know a handful of people who got dropped or couldn't get coverage because of pre existing conditions who now have it because of the ACA. There are many other stories like that. Have you not seen them or do you just refuse to believe them?
"coverage" doesn't save people's lives.
It does when it pays for the care that is needed. Do you have anything more than empty talking points to add to this conversation?
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
You completely ignored my question to jump to the subjects I said I'd be happy to discuss AFTER you answer my question! Come on man

Actually, they didn't fail they simply did what they had planned to do all along. Just walk away.
Can you acknowledge any successes of the ACA? Let's see if you can be objective... what say you?

The problem folks like you have is that you assume that because you don't have any integrity nobody else does either. It helped a select few who happened to benefit/qualify for both subsidies and cost sharing. THAT however was a very select few. Without that folks (most folks) were forced into a Bronze plan that didn't help them at all.
It also helped middle class people with pre existing conditions who didn't need subsidies but just needed coverage. Right?

As I said, they were forced into Bronze Plans that carried with (at the time) a $6600 ded. That didn't help them. Now that ded is $7150. Coverage that simply says "you're covered" doesn't help anyone. The argument then becomes "well it's better than nothing", no, because in actuality it IS nothing. They can't afford that either.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!
It feels disappointing! How does it feel to have produced the most fucked up healthcare bill ever aka Obamacare?
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
No. There are no LIFE SAVING benefits that "many Americans" have experienced as a result of obamacare.
I personally know a handful of people who got dropped or couldn't get coverage because of pre existing conditions who now have it because of the ACA. There are many other stories like that. Have you not seen them or do you just refuse to believe them?
Hooray! Pre existing conditions are covered for some and the rest pay deductibles so high they aren't really insured anymore and you call that a victory?
run early and often on Obamacare!
It seems to me that Republicans in Congress have proved that they are totally incapable of fixing the problem without help. Democrats have admitted changes are needed and are willing to work with Republicans to that end, yet republicans have no interest in doing so.

I don't see voters in the midterm elections continuing to support republican failures. They have repealed Obamacare in the House nearly 60 times and have made no progress enacting a replacement even thou they control both congress and the white house.

The only reason Obamacare is unsustainable is the Trump administration is sabotaging the law administratively by refusing to guarantee the payment of cost-sharing subsidies to insurers and by sending mixed signals about whether it would enforce the mandate that people buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. No wonder insurers are backing out of individual marketplace. The Trump administration is intent on collapsing the individual marketplace and insurers don't want to be caught in it.

That's not to say that changes aren't needed. However, it should be pretty clear to everyone that those changes are not going to come from Republicans.
The GOP just demonstrated they can't govern. They had all the power they needed.

And this was AFTER they LIED to us for eight (8) years.

They probably should try to change the subject.
I'll say one thing for the Dems! They stick together, march in lockstep, and all speak the same talking points. The Republicans have too many rhinos.
Yeah, the teabaggers should have formed their own party instead of pretending to be Republicans.
run early and often on Obamacare!
The people are supporting Obamacare more and more as the GOP butchers their Repeal/Replace plan. Throwing in the towel for repeal only isn't going to help things. Just displays that they don't know what to do.

You can't honestly be implying the Republicans should run with an anti Obamacare message during the midterms after haveing two years with a majority to fix or replace!!! That makes no sense
Actually people are not, just let the fucker fall apart.
Legislation means less freedoms for people… fact
run early and often on Obamacare!
It seems to me that Republicans in Congress have proved that they are totally incapable of fixing the problem without help. Democrats have admitted changes are needed and are willing to work with Republicans to that end, yet republicans have no interest in doing so.

I don't see voters in the midterm elections continuing to support republican failures. They have repealed Obamacare in the House nearly 60 times and have made no progress enacting a replacement even thou they control both congress and the white house.

The only reason Obamacare is unsustainable is the Trump administration is sabotaging the law administratively by refusing to guarantee the payment of cost-sharing subsidies to insurers and by sending mixed signals about whether it would enforce the mandate that people buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. No wonder insurers are backing out of individual marketplace. The Trump administration is intent on collapsing the individual marketplace and insurers don't want to be caught in it.

That's not to say that changes aren't needed. However, it should be pretty clear to everyone that those changes are not going to come from Republicans.
run early and often on Obamacare!
The people are supporting Obamacare more and more as the GOP butchers their Repeal/Replace plan. Throwing in the towel for repeal only isn't going to help things. Just displays that they don't know what to do.

You can't honestly be implying the Republicans should run with an anti Obamacare message during the midterms after haveing two years with a majority to fix or replace!!! That makes no sense

I know it is supported by those getting the freebies! Those paying for the freebies? Not so much.
There's much more in there than freebies. The people who were most impacted by Obamacare are those who had preexisting conditions. That's the heart of the ACA. It was formed to prevent insurance companies from weeding out the sick so they can cover as many "healthy" people as possible to increase profits. They did also expand Medicaid, you may think it a better idea to let those in poverty to not have health insurance. They end up going to the ER anyways where hospitals eat the costs and then care costs rise. Either way, I'm not hearing any good solutions coming from the GOP. All they are doing is spiking insecurity with all the demonization of Ocare and no unity on productive solutions. The result is increasing the popularity of Obamacare
Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives, because it only suits progressives. It is not in the best interest of the rest of the country. Fact
run early and often on Obamacare!
It seems to me that Republicans in Congress have proved that they are totally incapable of fixing the problem without help. Democrats have admitted changes are needed and are willing to work with Republicans to that end, yet republicans have no interest in doing so.

I don't see voters in the midterm elections continuing to support republican failures. They have repealed Obamacare in the House nearly 60 times and have made no progress enacting a replacement even thou they control both congress and the white house.

The only reason Obamacare is unsustainable is the Trump administration is sabotaging the law administratively by refusing to guarantee the payment of cost-sharing subsidies to insurers and by sending mixed signals about whether it would enforce the mandate that people buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. No wonder insurers are backing out of individual marketplace. The Trump administration is intent on collapsing the individual marketplace and insurers don't want to be caught in it.

That's not to say that changes aren't needed. However, it should be pretty clear to everyone that those changes are not going to come from Republicans.
It cannot be fixed, it's far too fucked up. Let the motherfucker collapse.
Obamacare only suits progressives it is not in the best interest of the rest of the country.
Millions just like me are not obligated to pay the mandate, as the way it should.
You completely ignored my question to jump to the subjects I said I'd be happy to discuss AFTER you answer my question! Come on man

Actually, they didn't fail they simply did what they had planned to do all along. Just walk away.
Can you acknowledge any successes of the ACA? Let's see if you can be objective... what say you?

The problem folks like you have is that you assume that because you don't have any integrity nobody else does either. It helped a select few who happened to benefit/qualify for both subsidies and cost sharing. THAT however was a very select few. Without that folks (most folks) were forced into a Bronze plan that didn't help them at all.
It also helped middle class people with pre existing conditions who didn't need subsidies but just needed coverage. Right?

As I said, they were forced into Bronze Plans that carried with (at the time) a $6600 ded. That didn't help them. Now that ded is $7150. Coverage that simply says "you're covered" doesn't help anyone. The argument then becomes "well it's better than nothing", no, because in actuality it IS nothing. They can't afford that either.
The average deductible is no where near $7150. You are quoting the amount for individual insurance which only 14% of Americans have. The average deductible is $1,478 annually for covered workers. At small firms, the average deductibles now tops $2,000.
run early and often on Obamacare!
The people are supporting Obamacare more and more as the GOP butchers their Repeal/Replace plan. Throwing in the towel for repeal only isn't going to help things. Just displays that they don't know what to do.

You can't honestly be implying the Republicans should run with an anti Obamacare message during the midterms after haveing two years with a majority to fix or replace!!! That makes no sense
Actually people are not, just let the fucker fall apart.
Legislation means less freedoms for people… fact
What freedom did people with pre-existing conditions have to get healthcare when they were getting dropped and denied? What were their options before the ACA that were taken away?
Actually, they didn't fail they simply did what they had planned to do all along. Just walk away.
Can you acknowledge any successes of the ACA? Let's see if you can be objective... what say you?

The problem folks like you have is that you assume that because you don't have any integrity nobody else does either. It helped a select few who happened to benefit/qualify for both subsidies and cost sharing. THAT however was a very select few. Without that folks (most folks) were forced into a Bronze plan that didn't help them at all.
It also helped middle class people with pre existing conditions who didn't need subsidies but just needed coverage. Right?

As I said, they were forced into Bronze Plans that carried with (at the time) a $6600 ded. That didn't help them. Now that ded is $7150. Coverage that simply says "you're covered" doesn't help anyone. The argument then becomes "well it's better than nothing", no, because in actuality it IS nothing. They can't afford that either.
The average deductible is no where near $7150. You are quoting the amount for individual insurance which only 14% of Americans have. The average deductible is $1,478 annually for covered workers. At small firms, the average deductibles now tops $2,000.

LOL, I never claimed otherwise, did I? The people MOST affected by the ACA were the folks on individual plans.
run early and often on Obamacare!
It seems to me that Republicans in Congress have proved that they are totally incapable of fixing the problem without help. Democrats have admitted changes are needed and are willing to work with Republicans to that end, yet republicans have no interest in doing so.

I don't see voters in the midterm elections continuing to support republican failures. They have repealed Obamacare in the House nearly 60 times and have made no progress enacting a replacement even thou they control both congress and the white house.

The only reason Obamacare is unsustainable is the Trump administration is sabotaging the law administratively by refusing to guarantee the payment of cost-sharing subsidies to insurers and by sending mixed signals about whether it would enforce the mandate that people buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. No wonder insurers are backing out of individual marketplace. The Trump administration is intent on collapsing the individual marketplace and insurers don't want to be caught in it.

That's not to say that changes aren't needed. However, it should be pretty clear to everyone that those changes are not going to come from Republicans.
It cannot be fixed, it's far too fucked up. Let the motherfucker collapse.
Obamacare only suits progressives it is not in the best interest of the rest of the country.
Millions just like me are not obligated to pay the mandate, as the way it should.
You do realize that neither the House or Senate bills replaces Obamacare. Both bills strike out and amend a few sections of the ACA. The essential benefits, the healthcare exchanges, the insurance company requirements, government subsidies and most of the rest of the law remains intact.
run early and often on Obamacare!
The people are supporting Obamacare more and more as the GOP butchers their Repeal/Replace plan. Throwing in the towel for repeal only isn't going to help things. Just displays that they don't know what to do.

You can't honestly be implying the Republicans should run with an anti Obamacare message during the midterms after haveing two years with a majority to fix or replace!!! That makes no sense

I know it is supported by those getting the freebies! Those paying for the freebies? Not so much.
There's much more in there than freebies. The people who were most impacted by Obamacare are those who had preexisting conditions. That's the heart of the ACA. It was formed to prevent insurance companies from weeding out the sick so they can cover as many "healthy" people as possible to increase profits. They did also expand Medicaid, you may think it a better idea to let those in poverty to not have health insurance. They end up going to the ER anyways where hospitals eat the costs and then care costs rise. Either way, I'm not hearing any good solutions coming from the GOP. All they are doing is spiking insecurity with all the demonization of Ocare and no unity on productive solutions. The result is increasing the popularity of Obamacare
Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives, because it only suits progressives. It is not in the best interest of the rest of the country. Fact
The ACA has made life tougher for some and better for others, i'm not going to argue that it is a perfect plan. It has failed on an affordability level and needs many tweaks. But it has shown success and saved lifes for those who are the most vulnerable... those with pre-existing conditions and those in poverty. So do I type "Fact" now to prove this is a true statement? Is that how it works?
run early and often on Obamacare!
The people are supporting Obamacare more and more as the GOP butchers their Repeal/Replace plan. Throwing in the towel for repeal only isn't going to help things. Just displays that they don't know what to do.

You can't honestly be implying the Republicans should run with an anti Obamacare message during the midterms after haveing two years with a majority to fix or replace!!! That makes no sense
Actually people are not, just let the fucker fall apart.
Legislation means less freedoms for people… fact
What freedom did people with pre-existing conditions have to get healthcare when they were getting dropped and denied? What were their options before the ACA that were taken away?
Why didn't the fuck ups In Washington make Obama care An "opt in"? Anyone can see Obama care/single payer only works for progressives it's not in the best interest of the rest of the country.
You can keep your cancer that is socialism to yourselves…

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