Dems suing in Maryland Federal Court to make Trump name Rosenstein his interim AG.

Trump is only allowed to nominate an AG he doesn't know and who hates him and who won't help him in any way accomplish his know, like JFK and Obama did. :113:
No, he can only nominate a Dem NWO AG hand selected by you can guess who...
Anyone who thought Swampy Jeff would do anything other than cover everything up and sick an IC on Trump wasn't paying any attention to Swampy Jeff's true record of SELLING OUT and GETTING RICH in the process...
Anyone who thought Swampy Jeff would do anything other than cover everything up and sick an IC on Trump wasn't paying any attention to Swampy Jeff's true record of SELLING OUT and GETTING RICH in the process...

Apparently, neither did Trump when he appointed him. At first, there was a serious bromance going on between him and Sessions at the beginning, but when Sessions said he had to recuse himself, that is when Trump (and his cult members) turned on Sessions.

Wait a minute....................Trump told us he only appoints the best and brightest. Was he wrong in his assessment of Sessions? I thought that Trump never made a mistake.
So Maryland is trying to run the Fed executive branch.
Only in the United Soviet States of America does this kind of crap get attempted.
and the State of Maryland's motive in spending its taxdollars to do this has NOTHING to do with Maryland, it has everything to do with Zionism, 911, and many other "covered up" cases...
So Maryland is trying to run the Fed executive branch.
Only in the United Soviet States of America does this kind of crap get attempted.

Trump is going against the normal succession rules. Rosenstein or someone who has already been confirmed by the Senate is who is supposed to take over.

Trump's pick hasn't been confirmed or vetted yet.
Trump is going against the normal succession rules. Rosenstein or someone who has already been confirmed by the Senate is who is supposed to take over.

Trump's pick hasn't been confirmed or vetted yet.
The only person confirmed by the Senate just resigned a few days ago.

Rosenstein or someone who has already been confirmed by the Senate is who is supposed to take over.


He can appoint anyone he wants as an "acting AG" and that person is AG for either 210 days or the confirmation of an actual nominee, whichever comes first. Clearly, there is no hurry here...

Patriotic Americans REJOICE, WE HAVE A PATRIOTIC AMERICAN IN THE AG's OFFICE for the FIRST TIME in over 25 years.
Neo-Stalinist Dems blame Russia, then turn around and act like the old Soviet whether it applies to appointments and elections.
No sane American judge should grant an injunction no less even hear such a case.

They are hilarious.

EJM, Dimms.

Since when can a Federal Court Judge MAKE Trump appoint a certain AG?

You need to read the constitution.

The suit is about the fact that Whittaker has not been voted on and approved by the senate as the constitution requires.

Rosenstein has and according to proper succession, Rosenstein should have taken place as temp AG.

According to the law and constitution trump needs to either nominate a replacement and let it go through the constitutional process or Rosenstein by law has to be temp AG.

Yes a judge can make trump follow the constitution.
Stop ignoring the law already cited giving Trump the authority to do so.

Rosenstein is already a proven criminal, having Obstructed justice by refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents, his part in illegally obtaining warrants, and refusing to indict the Deputy Director of the FBI as recommended by the US IG....not to mention being a witness in the case you are overseeing is an irreconcilable conflict of interest.

Rosenstein is already a proven criminal


Rosenstein is full fledged traitor.

Really? Rosenstein is a full fledged traitor? You guys DO know who appointed him, right? It was Trump who did so back in Feb of 2017.

I thought Trump only hired the best and brightest, not traitors and proven criminals.
It does not matter who appointed him.
He committed Obstruction, signed the illegal paperwork that fed lies to the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants, etc...

They are hilarious.

EJM, Dimms.

Since when can a Federal Court Judge MAKE Trump appoint a certain AG?

You need to read the constitution.

The suit is about the fact that Whittaker has not been voted on and approved by the senate as the constitution requires.

Rosenstein has and according to proper succession, Rosenstein should have taken place as temp AG.

According to the law and constitution trump needs to either nominate a replacement and let it go through the constitutional process or Rosenstein by law has to be temp AG.

Yes a judge can make trump follow the constitution.
Rosenstein, because he is both a witness to a crime and was involved in the criminal activity itself (filing false affidavits in a FISA Court), and is also supposed to investigate same said criminal activity should recuse himself. He has refused to do so, this then disqualifies him from being the acting AG.

Whitaker qualifies as the acting AG because he was vetted and confirmed for another post within the DOJ and the Federal Gov. and has been Chief of Staff at The DOJ for over 90 days.

Rosenstein also has obstructed justice and refused to produce lawfully requested documents to congress, which is also what Jeff Sessions was guilty of. Both of them needed removed from office.

Sorry DemNazis, you lose on this one.

Rosenstein is a lame duck....just keeping a seat warm...and he should have resigned a long time ago.

BTW, Mueller, and James Comey also were involved in Coverups and keeping the Rosatom Bribery Scandal Hush Hush in The Uranium One Deal until it was approved by the likes of Clinton, Eric Holder and John McCain.

Both Mueller and Comey should have been canned for that, and also brought up on charges, and certainly both have serious conflicts of interest.
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Stop ignoring the law already cited giving Trump the authority to do so.

Rosenstein is already a proven criminal, having Obstructed justice by refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents, his part in illegally obtaining warrants, and refusing to indict the Deputy Director of the FBI as recommended by the US IG....not to mention being a witness in the case you are overseeing is an irreconcilable conflict of interest.
If what you say is true then he'll fit right in to this administration.
It's a surprise Trump hasn't nominated him for the AG role.

They are hilarious.

EJM, Dimms.

Since when can a Federal Court Judge MAKE Trump appoint a certain AG?

You need to read the constitution.

The suit is about the fact that Whittaker has not been voted on and approved by the senate as the constitution requires.

Rosenstein has and according to proper succession, Rosenstein should have taken place as temp AG.

According to the law and constitution trump needs to either nominate a replacement and let it go through the constitutional process or Rosenstein by law has to be temp AG.

Yes a judge can make trump follow the constitution.

There is nothing in the US Constitution that limits who Trump can appoint as a recess appointee. Congress has no power to limit the constitutional prerogatives of the President.

This will probably go to the Supreme Court, and Trump will win.

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