Dems want a Civil War

And that number will be more than 98 million by this time next year.

That assistance rate will be higher by this time next year.

Your comment about health insurance makes no sense: trot that along.

Trump is the friend of Russia, the enemy of America.

more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.
No Civil War necessary....just waiting for Trump to implode

His business conflicts will sink him.

Do you understand a blind trust? He wont have business conflicts any more than Kennedy had business conflicts, or Reagan, or Bush, or Johnson, or FDR.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to discredit Trump before he even starts. We get it.

Do you understand a blind trust?

Trump knows what he owns. It's in no way blind simply because someone else is running the daily operations.

Yes, but once its in a blind trust he is won't be privy to the daily activities and will have no say in any corporate actions.

Did anyone complain about this regarding the Kennedy fortune and businesses?
And that number will be more than 98 million by this time next year.

That assistance rate will be higher by this time next year.

Your comment about health insurance makes no sense: trot that along.

Trump is the friend of Russia, the enemy of America.

more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.
Disgusting that you hold Trump up as the equivalent of Putin
And that number will be more than 98 million by this time next year.

That assistance rate will be higher by this time next year.

Your comment about health insurance makes no sense: trot that along.

Trump is the friend of Russia, the enemy of America.

more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.

Relations with Russia are strained because of Russia. They should not be appeased until they can prove to be worthy.

Tell us how Trump has even possibly created more jobs than Obama.
Last edited:
Isn't that the case with any issue? For example - do people really understand that extensive de-regulation in the coal industry could lead to higher serious health hazards like black lung disease (coal dust being one of the things they want to relax restrictions on) - instead they see it as jobs. It's a two way street. Would people be willing to pay more for clean water - to not go through what Flint, MI did? I bet they would all say yes. Pew is a reputable group and they are non-partisan. They are known for integrity.

And how many Flint's do we have in this country? Better question, how often?

Why do I take issue with this? Because it's the feds that laid down the law for our drinking water here in Cleveland. We were quite happy with our water, but because some bureaucrats in Washington weren't, we were forced to make improvements that nobody here wanted. It greatly increased the cost of our water and sewer bills.

When I have a choice between renting to a family of four, or renting to a single person or couple, guess who I'm going to choose for tenants? That's right, the couple mostly because of water and sewer costs. And let me tell you, around here, getting a nice rent is almost impossible these days. The new tenants I've rented to within the last year have told me this. So find those applicants I didn't choose and ask them if they want cleaner water.

We have a lot more Flintstones then you might think, communities with lead problems. And other problems. WV has had at least two serious water problems with chemical spill contaminstion, one of which resulted in instituting new regulations.

Would your tenants rent if you told them you water was undrinkable due to high levels of lead and maybe not even safe for bathing?

You're couching the questions in emotional terms though aren't you? And when you do that you are more likely to get an emotional answer. You could equally ask:

What about execution of the 35 year old father of 3, wrongfully convicted of rape, and executed on death row - subsequently found innocent?

Or, the woman wrongfully incarcerated, who commits suicide?

Sure, you can couch questions in emotionally evocative terms and get MISLEADING answers because they are responding to that one particular situation - not the situation as a whole.

I don't know what the woman in jail has to do with the death penalty.

The methods we use to determine innocence (DNA) is what we currently use to convict people. Sure, there have been cases many years ago where a person was not guilty of anything. Again, years ago when we didn't have the technology. Today however, nobody is found guilty that didn't commit the crime. If it's not DNA, it's other forensic science. If it's not other forensic science, it's video which is all around us today. If it's not video, it's all three.

So again, it's a tilted question because you're making the case for crimes in the 70's and not today. Emotional? You bet, and it should be emotional because closing the door on the death penalty would prohibit the execution of that murderer and rapist of the 8 year old, and the murderer of that little old lady. You simply can't exclude crimes like that (or worse) from the question.

You are assuming a number of things. Not all death row cases have DNA evidence to support them. A great many rely on eye witness testimony which can be notoriously unreliable. Also, they aren't necessarily the worst of the worst. The crimes vary by state law. The death penalty is also grossly unjust in its application, with disproportionate numbers of minorities and poor people getting the death penalty for the same crimes another might get a prison term for.

But you're NOT giving both sides of the story. You are choosing not to word it in a NEUTRAL manner, but in a way that emphasizes one side only. Right?

The conclusion, drawn by PEW:
A more detailed study last year of attitudes toward capital punishment found that 63% of the public thought the death penalty was morally justified, but majorities said there was some risk of an innocent person being put to death (71%) and that the death penalty does not deter serious crime (61%).
This seems a more thoughtful answer.

Of course it's not a deterrent. When somebody commits a horrible act of murder, and the death penalty is not carried out for 15-18 years, how could it be a deterrent? Nobody but the family even remembers the crime.

Is that a reason to get rid of the death penalty, or is it a reason to make it a deterrent--say have the punishment carried out with all appeals exhausted within five months of sentencing? If we did that, it would act as a deterrent. But again, nobody asks the question in that way. If somebody asked me whether it was a deterrent or not, I would have to answer "no" as well. It doesn't mean I think we should get rid of it. Again, slanted questions.

If the question were slanted, it would be framed either the way you are trying to frame it or framed in terms of innocent people being executed, but it's not.

It's not a deterrent because most of the time, criminals are acting in the moment or under compulsion, not thinking of consequences, or they think they won't get caught.
No Civil War necessary....just waiting for Trump to implode

His business conflicts will sink him.

Do you understand a blind trust? He wont have business conflicts any more than Kennedy had business conflicts, or Reagan, or Bush, or Johnson, or FDR.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to discredit Trump before he even starts. We get it.

Do you understand a blind trust?

Trump knows what he owns. It's in no way blind simply because someone else is running the daily operations.

Yes, but once its in a blind trust he is won't be privy to the daily activities and will have no say in any corporate actions.

Did anyone complain about this regarding the Kennedy fortune and businesses?

Again, Trump already knows what and where his business interests are. How will he set policy if that policy would/could create a conflict by enriching his interests whether he runs it or not.

A blind trust is meant to be blind. Simply having his sons and daughter involved in govt business is already a conflict.
And that number will be more than 98 million by this time next year.

That assistance rate will be higher by this time next year.

Your comment about health insurance makes no sense: trot that along.

Trump is the friend of Russia, the enemy of America.

more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.
Disgusting that you hold Trump up as the equivalent of Putin
. Hey I thought you libs said Putin was idolizing Trump ???? Make up your minds already.
And that number will be more than 98 million by this time next year.

That assistance rate will be higher by this time next year.

Your comment about health insurance makes no sense: trot that along.

Trump is the friend of Russia, the enemy of America.

more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.
Disgusting that you hold Trump up as the equivalent of Putin
. Hey I thought you libs said Putin was idolizing Trump ???? Make up your minds already.

If you guys want to view Trump as your version of Putin can live with it
No Civil War necessary....just waiting for Trump to implode

His business conflicts will sink him.

Do you understand a blind trust? He wont have business conflicts any more than Kennedy had business conflicts, or Reagan, or Bush, or Johnson, or FDR.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to discredit Trump before he even starts. We get it.

Do you understand a blind trust?

Trump knows what he owns. It's in no way blind simply because someone else is running the daily operations.

Yes, but once its in a blind trust he is won't be privy to the daily activities and will have no say in any corporate actions.

Did anyone complain about this regarding the Kennedy fortune and businesses?

Again, Trump already knows what and where his business interests are. How will he set policy if that policy would/could create a conflict by enriching his interests whether he runs it or not.

A blind trust is meant to be blind. Simply having his sons and daughter involved in govt business is already a conflict.

So nobody with family or friends that have businesses should be allowed to be President?
strong, virile, and magnetic, Putin is #1 rock n roll party president who has too many muscles for shirts.....OH NO...I'VE BEEN HACKED BY THE RUSSIANS! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
His business conflicts will sink him.

Do you understand a blind trust? He wont have business conflicts any more than Kennedy had business conflicts, or Reagan, or Bush, or Johnson, or FDR.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to discredit Trump before he even starts. We get it.

Do you understand a blind trust?

Trump knows what he owns. It's in no way blind simply because someone else is running the daily operations.

Yes, but once its in a blind trust he is won't be privy to the daily activities and will have no say in any corporate actions.

Did anyone complain about this regarding the Kennedy fortune and businesses?

Again, Trump already knows what and where his business interests are. How will he set policy if that policy would/could create a conflict by enriching his interests whether he runs it or not.

A blind trust is meant to be blind. Simply having his sons and daughter involved in govt business is already a conflict.

So nobody with family or friends that have businesses should be allowed to be President?
Trump needs to set up firewalls to isolate his family from meetings and decisions that create a conflict of interest

He isn't
If the question were slanted, it would be framed either the way you are trying to frame it or framed in terms of innocent people being executed, but it's not.

It's not a deterrent because most of the time, criminals are acting in the moment or under compulsion, not thinking of consequences, or they think they won't get caught.

It's more than likely they figure they'll escape the death penalty, or it will take so long to carry out they will die of natural causes first which has happened here a few times.

Let me handle the death penalty cases in this country, and I guarantee you I could cut the murder rate by at least half. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. After all, are you worried about what's going to happen to you 15 years from today? Most people aren't and criminals feel the same way.

You are assuming a number of things. Not all death row cases have DNA evidence to support them. A great many rely on eye witness testimony which can be notoriously unreliable. Also, they aren't necessarily the worst of the worst. The crimes vary by state law. The death penalty is also grossly unjust in its application, with disproportionate numbers of minorities and poor people getting the death penalty for the same crimes another might get a prison term for.

Wrong. Remember that minorities murder way more people than whites per capita. In the US, you are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white, and they only make up about 13% of our population.

The death penalty is seldom if ever given to a suspect of questionable guilt. In most cases, it's the jury that makes the recommendation and the judge who honors it. What murders take place where they are able to fool forensic scientists? Those people can find a single strand of hair on the victim or on the grounds which they were murdered.

def race.png

Race of Death Row Inmates Executed Since 1976 | Death Penalty Information Center

We have a lot more Flintstones then you might think, communities with lead problems. And other problems. WV has had at least two serious water problems with chemical spill contaminstion, one of which resulted in instituting new regulations.

Would your tenants rent if you told them you water was undrinkable due to high levels of lead and maybe not even safe for bathing?

Of course not, but in too many cases the water is fine and they institute unnecessary regulations. Could water always be cleaner or better? Sure it can, but at what cost?

If an area has problems with their water, it's up to them to find a solution and perhaps request federal help if needed. But again, that's up to them--not Washington DC.

Years ago the feds decided that our air wasn't good enough for them. Okay, so stay the hell out of our city! No, instead, they forced regulations on us in way of vehicle inspections. So we had to spend (and are still spending) millions and millions of dollars to keep the feds happy. Ten years after the program started, they measured the air again, and found no change from ten years early. So what did they do? They extended the program.

Money wasted to solve a problem that wasn't there. That money could have been used for much better things and more necessary things.
And that number will be more than 98 million by this time next year.

That assistance rate will be higher by this time next year.

Your comment about health insurance makes no sense: trot that along.

Trump is the friend of Russia, the enemy of America.

more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.
Disgusting that you hold Trump up as the equivalent of Putin

equivalent is your word not mine. Putin is a KGB thug. Trump is a successful American businessman. There is no equivalency there. The equivalency is in that they both want what is best for their country. If we automatically make Russia an enemy rather than trying to find common ground with them, everyone loses.

We do not have to agree with a leader in order to work with him. The idea that we have to force our beliefs and culture on the rest of the world is one of the reasons we are so screwed up right now, and the reason for many of our stupid wasteful wars.
And that number will be more than 98 million by this time next year.

That assistance rate will be higher by this time next year.

Your comment about health insurance makes no sense: trot that along.

Trump is the friend of Russia, the enemy of America.

more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.

Relations with Russia are strained because of Russia. They should not be appeased until they can prove to be worthy.

Tell us how Trump has even possibly created more jobs than Obama.

since Obama created zero, its pretty easy. 90 million americans are out of the workforce under Obama, there are more in poverty and on welfare than ever before. Real wages for working people have decreased under Obama. The "shovel ready" jobs that he spent a trillion on were a fantasy. 20% of American families have no one working in Obama's America. He has failed in every way the presidents are measured.
Do you understand a blind trust? He wont have business conflicts any more than Kennedy had business conflicts, or Reagan, or Bush, or Johnson, or FDR.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to discredit Trump before he even starts. We get it.

Do you understand a blind trust?

Trump knows what he owns. It's in no way blind simply because someone else is running the daily operations.

Yes, but once its in a blind trust he is won't be privy to the daily activities and will have no say in any corporate actions.

Did anyone complain about this regarding the Kennedy fortune and businesses?

Again, Trump already knows what and where his business interests are. How will he set policy if that policy would/could create a conflict by enriching his interests whether he runs it or not.

A blind trust is meant to be blind. Simply having his sons and daughter involved in govt business is already a conflict.

So nobody with family or friends that have businesses should be allowed to be President?
Trump needs to set up firewalls to isolate his family from meetings and decisions that create a conflict of interest

He isn't

and you know that how? have you been in the meetings with his lawyers as they set things up? You don't know shit. You just repeat what your far left handlers feed you. You are a parrot, nothing more.
Do you understand a blind trust? He wont have business conflicts any more than Kennedy had business conflicts, or Reagan, or Bush, or Johnson, or FDR.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to discredit Trump before he even starts. We get it.

Do you understand a blind trust?

Trump knows what he owns. It's in no way blind simply because someone else is running the daily operations.

Yes, but once its in a blind trust he is won't be privy to the daily activities and will have no say in any corporate actions.

Did anyone complain about this regarding the Kennedy fortune and businesses?

Again, Trump already knows what and where his business interests are. How will he set policy if that policy would/could create a conflict by enriching his interests whether he runs it or not.

A blind trust is meant to be blind. Simply having his sons and daughter involved in govt business is already a conflict.

So nobody with family or friends that have businesses should be allowed to be President?
Trump needs to set up firewalls to isolate his family from meetings and decisions that create a conflict of interest

He isn't

Oh, and you think that would work? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How would one set up such a firewall? How can you prove he didn't have discussions or meetings with his family on business matters? That's like the idiotic idea of campaign reform. Instead of giving money to the politicians who would then be held responsible for their ads, that money is now given to PAC's that allows the candidate to escape responsibility. Oh! But the law is politicians are not to have contact with their PAC's. Right, and I have a bridge to sell you.
more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.
Disgusting that you hold Trump up as the equivalent of Putin
. Hey I thought you libs said Putin was idolizing Trump ???? Make up your minds already.

If you guys want to view Trump as your version of Putin can live with it

They are both good leaders. They both want what is best for their countries. We are not comparing personalities and histories, we are comparing leadership abilities and the ability to get things done.

Stop twisting this to make it sound like praise of Putin as a person. He is a KGB thug.

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