Dems want a Civil War

You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.
You guys are going to fuck up the economy again.

Remember bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert? This is worse
. So far so good, and he hasn't even taken office yet.
Thanks Obama for handing him a good economy like bill handed bush. Don't fuck up again.

There's a reason Republicans lost in 2006. America has a short memory
. Obama was to busy corrupting minds, inciting, manipulating, community organising of specific groups, apologising for America instead of building her up, disrupting, discouraging, taxing, threatening, incentivizing poverty, socializing, vacationing, and the list goes on, but the economy survived because Americans are highly resilient, and in reality they are the backbone of the economy when all is said and done, and they don't need corrupt politicians to get them out of a bind ever. The politicians are riding the coat tails of the Americans, and not the other way around.
Yea so it's OK billionaires and corporations have completely taken over.
. Hey if they work for us then that is way cool, and way alright. Problem before is that they were made as outcast by the recent administration & by some administration's in the past, so why should they have given two hoots in hell about us ?? To make people your enemies in life, uh will make them become your enemies in life, so should anyone be surprised by the way things have went over time ?
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The rich use these as wedge issues to divide us. And when I say us I mean the middle class.

We both agree we are being oppressed and you can bet whoever's oppressing us its the same thing, you and I just think it's different things oppressing you.

Let's see if we are any better off 4 years from now.

Whoever is oppressing you? You mean you're being oppressed and you don't even know who's doing it?
Do you understand a blind trust? He wont have business conflicts any more than Kennedy had business conflicts, or Reagan, or Bush, or Johnson, or FDR.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to discredit Trump before he even starts. We get it.

Do you understand a blind trust?

Trump knows what he owns. It's in no way blind simply because someone else is running the daily operations.

Yes, but once its in a blind trust he is won't be privy to the daily activities and will have no say in any corporate actions.

Did anyone complain about this regarding the Kennedy fortune and businesses?

Again, Trump already knows what and where his business interests are. How will he set policy if that policy would/could create a conflict by enriching his interests whether he runs it or not.

A blind trust is meant to be blind. Simply having his sons and daughter involved in govt business is already a conflict.

So nobody with family or friends that have businesses should be allowed to be President?

How do you get that from what I posted?

Personal business and govt business need to be separate. Having his sons who are now running his business involved in appointing cabinet members is already problematic.

His hotel in DC is already in conflict. He can't be a landlord and a tennant.

trump's conflict with dc hotel - Google Search

So he's breaking what law again?
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It would never happen. If it did, the worst mistake you dopes would make is that there won't be return fire. People have a tendency to protect themselves and theirs when necessary.
. Whose protecting who against who again ??? So far the libs are or have become the violent ones. Hmmmm, oh so let's see now, otherwise if we were just intimidated enough by now, and we were to just throw up our hands finally, and give you all your pacifier you want, then you will be OK ???? The better question is, what will the butt hurt libs do after Monday ????? You know how babies are when they lose their pacifier. You would think the crying would have ended by now, so a time out of 8 years must be in order.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.
You guys are going to fuck up the economy again.

Remember bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert? This is worse
. So far so good, and he hasn't even taken office yet.
Thanks Obama for handing him a good economy like bill handed bush. Don't fuck up again.

There's a reason Republicans lost in 2006. America has a short memory

Most of the Bush years were successful and prosperous for many people.
Do you understand a blind trust? He wont have business conflicts any more than Kennedy had business conflicts, or Reagan, or Bush, or Johnson, or FDR.

This is nothing but a failed attempt to discredit Trump before he even starts. We get it.

Do you understand a blind trust?

Trump knows what he owns. It's in no way blind simply because someone else is running the daily operations.

Yes, but once its in a blind trust he is won't be privy to the daily activities and will have no say in any corporate actions.

Did anyone complain about this regarding the Kennedy fortune and businesses?

Again, Trump already knows what and where his business interests are. How will he set policy if that policy would/could create a conflict by enriching his interests whether he runs it or not.

A blind trust is meant to be blind. Simply having his sons and daughter involved in govt business is already a conflict.

So nobody with family or friends that have businesses should be allowed to be President?
. No they just mean Trump in their dam corrupt speakings. One of theirs would be just fine. Don't these people know just how stupid they are looking now ?

They have absolutely no idea.

Oh, but Bill Clinton said he would give up running the Clinton Crime Foundation if Hillary was elected. Oh yeah? Why the hell didn't he do that when she was SOS? Who were they going to hand that down to if not Chelsea?
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The rich use these as wedge issues to divide us. And when I say us I mean the middle class.

We both agree we are being oppressed and you can bet whoever's oppressing us its the same thing, you and I just think it's different things oppressing you.

Let's see if we are any better off 4 years from now.

Oh look, another liberal trying to fly the tattered old class warfare flag again. It's one of the few flags they can't bring themselves to burn.
Silly Democrats. The reason for economic growth during the Reagan, Bush and Clinton years was primarily the result of Reaganomics, never mind sub-prime loans and the tech. explosion. The very reason Clinton was able to raise corp. tax was for that very reason. You cannot raise taxes when business is poor.

GDP under Reagan was turbocharged compared to the Obama years. The Reagan years brought annual real GDP growth of 3.5 percent -- 4.9 percent after the recession. In inflation-adjusted 2009 dollars, GDP jumped from 6.5 trillion at the end of 1980 to 8.61 trillion at the end of 1988. That's a 32 percent bump. As Peter Ferrara pointed out on Forbes, it was the equivalent of adding the West German economy to the U.S. one.

Under Obama, GDP up to June 30, 2014 has grown an anemic 9.6 percent, total . Reagan-era growth was far more than double the Obama rate.
Since when is protesting trying to 'start a civil war'? There is nothing more American than protesting. It was even embodied in our Constitution.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

Who is 'killing our police'?

Criminals- who generally are neither on the right or the left- but are criminals- usually really stupid criminals.

only ones who I have seen calling for a Civil War here at USMB are the usual collection of right wing nut jobs.
Yes- and they are just looking for an excuse to be able to shoot Americans they don't agree with, thinking that in a civil war, they won't have to worry about being arrested for doing so.

It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.

Of course it was more emotional because it was built on a lie. Black Lies Matter kept those lies alive.

Isn't it strange though how liberals usually side with evil and conservatives usually side with the good? What's the choice on who's side you wish to be on?

Locally we have an ongoing story in the small town of Oberlin, Ohio. A clerk at a local town store found somebody shoplifting alcohol, so they stopped the thief and called the police. The thief attacked the clerk and had two other animals with him that assisted in the assault.

Long story short, Satan's angels at the Oberlin College protested the store making racial claims. The Oberlin College opted to quit doing business with this store that was in that community since the late 1800's.

There have been efforts to keep the store open through radio talk shows and word of the story getting out, but Oberlin College was a huge customer of theirs, and now their actions threaten the future of that store simply because they did the right thing.

The store is so scared of their future that they dropped the charges and even paid the defense attorney for the lowlife that attacked their clerk! To no avail.

So it's less of left vs right, it's less of conservatism vs liberalism, it's the fight between good and evil. If we don't fight against evil, evil wins, and this is too good of a country for us to let that happen.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.
When a man chooses to attack an officer in an attempt to kill him first by taking his firearm then when that fails to beat him to death he no longer is protected from being shoot. That you think he is proves just how bankrupt your thought process is.
Had that been what happened in Baltimore or Ferguson, I would agree but it's not.
It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.

Of course it was more emotional because it was built on a lie. Black Lies Matter kept those lies alive.

Isn't it strange though how liberals usually side with evil and conservatives usually side with the good? What's the choice on who's side you wish to be on?

Locally we have an ongoing story in the small town of Oberlin, Ohio. A clerk at a local town store found somebody shoplifting alcohol, so they stopped the thief and called the police. The thief attacked the clerk and had two other animals with him that assisted in the assault.

Long story short, Satan's angels at the Oberlin College protested the store making racial claims. The Oberlin College opted to quit doing business with this store that was in that community since the late 1800's.

There have been efforts to keep the store open through radio talk shows and word of the story getting out, but Oberlin College was a huge customer of theirs, and now their actions threaten the future of that store simply because they did the right thing.

The store is so scared of their future that they dropped the charges and even paid the defense attorney for the lowlife that attacked their clerk! To no avail.

So it's less of left vs right, it's less of conservatism vs liberalism, it's the fight between good and evil. If we don't fight against evil, evil wins, and this is too good of a country for us to let that happen.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.
When a man chooses to attack an officer in an attempt to kill him first by taking his firearm then when that fails to beat him to death he no longer is protected from being shoot. That you think he is proves just how bankrupt your thought process is.
Had that been what happened in Baltimore or Ferguson, I would agree but it's not.
. Then rebuke the Democrat plantation already, and go Trump.
Silly Democrats. The reason for economic growth during the Reagan, Bush and Clinton years was primarily the result of Reaganomics, never mind sub-prime loans and the tech. explosion. The very reason Clinton was able to raise corp. tax was for that very reason. You cannot raise taxes when business is poor.

GDP under Reagan was turbocharged compared to the Obama years. The Reagan years brought annual real GDP growth of 3.5 percent -- 4.9 percent after the recession. In inflation-adjusted 2009 dollars, GDP jumped from 6.5 trillion at the end of 1980 to 8.61 trillion at the end of 1988. That's a 32 percent bump. As Peter Ferrara pointed out on Forbes, it was the equivalent of adding the West German economy to the U.S. one.

Under Obama, GDP up to June 30, 2014 has grown an anemic 9.6 percent, total . Reagan-era growth was far more than double the Obama rate.
And under Clinton the average real GDP growth was 3.8 percent. It was also the longest economic boom in the US history with a gain of 21 million jobs. Prior to Clinton, the H.W. Bush administration managed only a 2.1% average GDP growth.
And that number will be more than 98 million by this time next year.

That assistance rate will be higher by this time next year.

Your comment about health insurance makes no sense: trot that along.

Trump is the friend of Russia, the enemy of America.

more left wing bullshit. Trump has created more American jobs in the last month than obozo did in 8 years.

There is no reason why the USA cannot have a good mutually beneficial relationship with Russia.

Straight up retarded post.

So you think Russia has to be our perpetual enemy? That we have nothing in common? That we should never work with them? That the cold war should be restarted?

Have you been to Russia? Do you know any Russian people? I have and do. They are just like us, have the same wants and desires. Putin is a leader who wants what it best for his country. In a few weeks we will also have such a leader. There is no reason why they cannot find common ground. No one trusted or respected Obama, he made the world a much more dangerous place. Peace through strength works.
Disgusting that you hold Trump up as the equivalent of Putin

equivalent is your word not mine. Putin is a KGB thug. Trump is a successful American businessman. There is no equivalency there. The equivalency is in that they both want what is best for their country. If we automatically make Russia an enemy rather than trying to find common ground with them, everyone loses.

We do not have to agree with a leader in order to work with him. The idea that we have to force our beliefs and culture on the rest of the world is one of the reasons we are so screwed up right now, and the reason for many of our stupid wasteful wars.
Obama wanted what was best for the has every other President

You are just too partisan to recognize it
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The rich use these as wedge issues to divide us. And when I say us I mean the middle class.

We both agree we are being oppressed and you can bet whoever's oppressing us its the same thing, you and I just think it's different things oppressing you.

Let's see if we are any better off 4 years from now.

Whoever is oppressing you? You mean you're being oppressed and you don't even know who's doing it?
One of us is wrong. I think it's you. You think gov is the problem and I say its big money that's the problem.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.
You guys are going to fuck up the economy again.

Remember bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert? This is worse
. So far so good, and he hasn't even taken office yet.
Thanks Obama for handing him a good economy like bill handed bush. Don't fuck up again.

There's a reason Republicans lost in 2006. America has a short memory

Most of the Bush years were successful and prosperous for many people.
Yea, $4 a gallon the oil industry was rolling.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.
You guys are going to fuck up the economy again.

Remember bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert? This is worse
. So far so good, and he hasn't even taken office yet.
Thanks Obama for handing him a good economy like bill handed bush. Don't fuck up again.

There's a reason Republicans lost in 2006. America has a short memory

Most of the Bush years were successful and prosperous for many people.
The poorly educated low skill blue collar workers weren't doing well under bush. That's when their jobs went overseas. That's why the housing market crashed for all those people doing well under bush.

That's like saying lots of people were doing real well right up until the great depression.

I think you are too kind to the bush years and too hard on Obama. Clearly bias
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.
You guys are going to fuck up the economy again.

Remember bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert? This is worse
. So far so good, and he hasn't even taken office yet.
Thanks Obama for handing him a good economy like bill handed bush. Don't fuck up again.

There's a reason Republicans lost in 2006. America has a short memory

Most of the Bush years were successful and prosperous for many people.
The poorly educated low skill blue collar workers weren't doing well under bush. That's when their jobs went overseas. That's why the housing market crashed for all those people doing well under bush.

That's like saying lots of people were doing real well right up until the great depression.

I think you are too kind to the bush years and too hard on Obama. Clearly bias

I may be biased but I know I did better under Bush as most people did. It was a booming economy not only in wages, but in confidence as well. There was just a good feeling around when he was President.

The housing crash was due to government getting involved in the banks business, particularly giving homes to the poor and minorities who had no business owning them. No money down and no credit check is what caused the collapse. Too many home buyers created a huge bubble. The bigger the bubble, the bigger the burst.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.
You guys are going to fuck up the economy again.

Remember bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert? This is worse
. So far so good, and he hasn't even taken office yet.
Thanks Obama for handing him a good economy like bill handed bush. Don't fuck up again.

There's a reason Republicans lost in 2006. America has a short memory

Most of the Bush years were successful and prosperous for many people.
Yea, $4 a gallon the oil industry was rolling.

Yes, they did very well. Oil is a supply and demand thing. Because of the economy, more fuel was being used. Because our economy sparked a world economy, more fuel consumption around the world took place.
It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.

Of course it was more emotional because it was built on a lie. Black Lies Matter kept those lies alive.

Isn't it strange though how liberals usually side with evil and conservatives usually side with the good? What's the choice on who's side you wish to be on?

Locally we have an ongoing story in the small town of Oberlin, Ohio. A clerk at a local town store found somebody shoplifting alcohol, so they stopped the thief and called the police. The thief attacked the clerk and had two other animals with him that assisted in the assault.

Long story short, Satan's angels at the Oberlin College protested the store making racial claims. The Oberlin College opted to quit doing business with this store that was in that community since the late 1800's.

There have been efforts to keep the store open through radio talk shows and word of the story getting out, but Oberlin College was a huge customer of theirs, and now their actions threaten the future of that store simply because they did the right thing.

The store is so scared of their future that they dropped the charges and even paid the defense attorney for the lowlife that attacked their clerk! To no avail.

So it's less of left vs right, it's less of conservatism vs liberalism, it's the fight between good and evil. If we don't fight against evil, evil wins, and this is too good of a country for us to let that happen.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.
When a man chooses to attack an officer in an attempt to kill him first by taking his firearm then when that fails to beat him to death he no longer is protected from being shoot. That you think he is proves just how bankrupt your thought process is.
Had that been what happened in Baltimore or Ferguson, I would agree but it's not.
In Ferguson That is EXACTLY what happened. The piece of shit tried to take the cops firearm in the car as proven by the shot fired fingerprints and dna. Then when ordered to stop and surrender he CHARGED the cop. In Baltimore the scum bag hurt himself in the van and died for it.
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It would never happen. If it did, the worst mistake you dopes would make is that there won't be return fire. People have a tendency to protect themselves and theirs when necessary.
. Whose protecting who against who again ??? So far the libs are or have become the violent ones. Hmmmm, oh so let's see now, otherwise if we were just intimidated enough by now, and we were to just throw up our hands finally, and give you all your pacifier you want, then you will be OK ???? The better question is, what will the butt hurt libs do after Monday ????? You know how babies are when they lose their pacifier. You would think the crying would have ended by now, so a time out of 8 years must be in order.

Libs won't start a war but we'll end it. Just like last time.

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