Dems want a Civil War

If Trump was somehow stopped from being President... there would be zero civil war. Trump supporters will just get on forums across the internet and cry about it.
Keep telling yourself that. It will turn out to be a life altering mistake on the part of millions of your sort.
They certainly seem to be angling for one don't they. Though I must confess I am far more worried about an assassination attempt on trump before he gets into office. I really, really, hope he has a superlative security detail.
I agree that is the most likely risk. He would do well to keep trusted personal PRIVATE security on hand until the Secreat Service can be thoroughly revetted and purged of traitors to the USA. Trump's Family is probably at severe risk of violence from MSM excited lumpenleftist fools&tools.

there is a lot of purging to do

pretty much the total of the federal government
So I guess there is NOT going to be a DEM civil war since everybody seems to have stopped talking about it.

That all depends on the MSM. The sheep follow their orders like marching solders. Media say--liberals do.

When the MSM forgets about the story, so will the liberals. Until then, they wait by their television sets for the next set of orders.
It's reasonable to talk about who people should vote for when they are bitching about who won. If someone didn't want Trump to win, they should have voted for the only other candidate who had a viable chance at beating them. When you throw away your vote, you throw away your standing to bitch about it with your vote.

Again, if a person didn't want Clinton or Trump as president, why would they have voted for Clinton to keep Trump from office? Why do you insist that someone most vote against a candidate rather than for a candidate? The idea that a vote for someone other than one of the two major party candidates is a 'wasted vote' is one of the more annoying in our political system. How is it throwing away a vote to vote your conscience?

Your entire point is based on the idea that only a vote for a D or R matters. Not only is that something I vehemently disagree with, not to mention insulting to anyone who votes third party/independent, it is playing into the lesser-of-two-evils paradigm that keeps the two major parties in power, as well as assures us we will continue to elect an evil.

I didn't want Trump to win. I didn't want Clinton to win. By your reasoning, not wanting either of those candidates pretty much excludes me from bitching about having one of them in office.

How's this? Did you vote for Clinton? If the answer is yes, you voted to support the Democratic party in pushing a candidate so thoroughly flawed she could not defeat a thin-skinned, juvenile celebrity candidate like Trump. Supporting Clinton gives the Dems impetus to continue pushing crappy candidates forward, so in a way Trump is your fault. Therefore, you shouldn't bitch about him being the new president. ;)

Because when it comes to one or the other, your vote counts! The election is going to be statewide in favor of one or the other candidate in terms of electoral votes.

My vote counts whomever I vote for. :D

Sure to you and the guy you voted for, but not in the bigger picture in an election like this one.

What bigger picture? That one or the other was almost sure to be elected doesn't change that both were pretty poor candidates. :dunno:

Trump is the best candidate for President (and now President -Elect) that the USA has had in 60 years.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.

A police officers job is to defend the public. An officer is not going to put his life or safety on the line unless there is no other choice. So what trust are the people looking for--that if they disregard the law, put an officers life or safety on the line, he won't defend himself? That's not what cops are for.

We are a society of laws. The laws were created by our representatives. The police are the people that enforce the laws we created. If the public doesn't like that, they have no business living in a civilized society. They need to move to a country where any authority is overrun by the criminals and they make their own laws depending on the situation. We don't do that here.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.

A police officers job is to defend the public. An officer is not going to put his life or safety on the line unless there is no other choice. So what trust are the people looking for--that if they disregard the law, put an officers life or safety on the line, he won't defend himself? That's not what cops are for.

We are a society of laws. The laws were created by our representatives. The police are the people that enforce the laws we created. If the public doesn't like that, they have no business living in a civilized society. They need to move to a country where any authority is overrun by the criminals and they make their own laws depending on the situation. We don't do that here.

I don't really understand what it is they want either. They want the police to not be able to defend themselves, I suppose? It seems as if things are becoming worse and worse with regard to people respecting and following our laws.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.

A police officers job is to defend the public. An officer is not going to put his life or safety on the line unless there is no other choice. So what trust are the people looking for--that if they disregard the law, put an officers life or safety on the line, he won't defend himself? That's not what cops are for.

We are a society of laws. The laws were created by our representatives. The police are the people that enforce the laws we created. If the public doesn't like that, they have no business living in a civilized society. They need to move to a country where any authority is overrun by the criminals and they make their own laws depending on the situation. We don't do that here.
. The Demon-crats/liberal/leftist/anti-Americans have stated in their actions that they distrusted their own Obama administration's justice department. Obama should be angry that they turned on him in all of this over time, because if a cop abused someone, and it especially being seen on tape, then justice will be done, and if the lower courts fail, then the federal investigation begins, and the federal courts take over a case for the win. Many cops have been rightly prosecuted over the years for abusing their positions of power, and losing the trust of their communities due to their actions.

Thank God for technology that has helped the nation catch the rogue officers from getting away with their crimes due to a lack of evidence against them (in which no one could do much of anything about back in the day).
It wasn't that the criminal system was completely corrupt in trying to protect rogue officers from being fired or prosecuted, but it was that in many cases the evidence wasn't there to get the job done. Technology (thank God) has changed all that over the years, and the local criminal justice systems are thankful, and the federal criminal justice system is thankful also. What most are seeing when the criminal justice system is being high jacked now, is political activities along with radicalized activist that are intent on endangering the very laws in this nation for a political agenda, and it's getting innocent people killed as a result of. Obama should be a shamed that he couldn't provide a responsible run justice system, and one in which would give relief to these people's thoughts that they had no justice even under their chosen one. Obama has failed in many ways, and the situation in this area has been proven so when people have taken the law into their own hands, and have looted, burnt, and killed the innocent all because of. Instead of Obama's wrecklace agitating of those who had taken the law into their own hands was deadly wrong, where as he should have been warning anyone who takes the law into their own hands, and who kills people while doing so, that they will be brought to justice just like the ones they are accusing without a trial to be hanged/shot by their wrecklace activist actions.
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Think about it. Barack Obama. Scary. Lol! ;)
I can picture an army of LIB pussy-boys riding light blue 'girlie' bikes just like Obama's. These 'man-bun' metros all wearing the official uniform: Pink tank-tops. Mommy stretch pants. All waving safety pins.
Dozens and dozens of these wimps doing bike-formation figure eights like the Shriners do on their little mini motor bikes during a parade.

No one wants to hear about your sexual fantasies, boy.

Trump won the election. Liberals just have to get over it.
Is that a 'man-bun' you are sporting?

No, and keep your deviant fantasies to yourself.

You liberals are losing your minds over the election.
I'm a LIB like you're a male.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.
Given that the military is historically Conservative, I think it would probably be a short war.

Given the lack of balls on the Left, that short war would probably consist of several assaults by Lefties using harsh language as their arsenal...

Followed by a hasty retreat to their Safe Spaces.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.

A police officers job is to defend the public. An officer is not going to put his life or safety on the line unless there is no other choice. So what trust are the people looking for--that if they disregard the law, put an officers life or safety on the line, he won't defend himself? That's not what cops are for.

We are a society of laws. The laws were created by our representatives. The police are the people that enforce the laws we created. If the public doesn't like that, they have no business living in a civilized society. They need to move to a country where any authority is overrun by the criminals and they make their own laws depending on the situation. We don't do that here.

I don't really understand what it is they want either. They want the police to not be able to defend themselves, I suppose? It seems as if things are becoming worse and worse with regard to people respecting and following our laws.

Again it's a good vs evil thing. Police officers around the country have been ambushed or plain murdered execution style. Police are now afraid to be proactive on the job. I see it right here in my suburb. They are now afraid of getting into any controversial situation unless they have to.

It was not that long ago when you had to really watch the speed limits around here. I haven't see our police officers on a traffic stop in years. It's not that I care about traffic infractions so much, but many times when they did make a traffic stop, it was somebody from the inner-city with no license, a warrant, or just an otherwise undesirable who is likely to cause trouble.

Now that the police are not being proactive, word spreads and we will have more of those undesirables coming to our city because until they cause trouble, the police will just leave them alone.
You are a proven liar. Only 26% of eligible voters voted for Trump. So half of that is 13%.

She said half of Trump's supporters:

However, only 207 million are eligible to vote, out of a population of 324 million, including a lot of minors.

So she called less than 10% of the country deplorable. Where's the problem? Most of you guys admit to being white nationalists anyway.
After Trump whooped Hillary's ass and embarrassed her before the entire world, after weeks of gloating I thought my hatred of the left would ease off...but I hate them more than ever go figure.:lmao:
Think about it. Barack Obama. Scary. Lol! ;)
I can picture an army of LIB pussy-boys riding light blue 'girlie' bikes just like Obama's. These 'man-bun' metros all wearing the official uniform: Pink tank-tops. Mommy stretch pants. All waving safety pins.
Dozens and dozens of these wimps doing bike-formation figure eights like the Shriners do on their little mini motor bikes during a parade.

No one wants to hear about your sexual fantasies, boy.

Trump won the election. Liberals just have to get over it.
Is that a 'man-bun' you are sporting?

No, and keep your deviant fantasies to yourself.

You liberals are losing your minds over the election.
I'm a LIB like you're a male.

Thanks for confirming that you're a far-left liberal trying to play a fakejake role here. Why do you lefties keep thinking anyone will be fooled by that little game?
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.

Bring it on.


BTW there's about 3 million more of them, than you, so you'll need to bring in the Russians to give you a hand with your side of the civil war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Ya. Three million more armed with roch clips and safety pins.
I have about 3 K rounds and about forty firearms.
I'll be more than pleased to use them on a bunch of 'neverwaser' LIB pussys sporting 'man-buns'.
"Who do you know who the enemy is?"
"Look for man-bun males walking like women models at a fashion show".
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.

A police officers job is to defend the public. An officer is not going to put his life or safety on the line unless there is no other choice. So what trust are the people looking for--that if they disregard the law, put an officers life or safety on the line, he won't defend himself? That's not what cops are for.

We are a society of laws. The laws were created by our representatives. The police are the people that enforce the laws we created. If the public doesn't like that, they have no business living in a civilized society. They need to move to a country where any authority is overrun by the criminals and they make their own laws depending on the situation. We don't do that here.

I don't really understand what it is they want either. They want the police to not be able to defend themselves, I suppose? It seems as if things are becoming worse and worse with regard to people respecting and following our laws.

Again it's a good vs evil thing. Police officers around the country have been ambushed or plain murdered execution style. Police are now afraid to be proactive on the job. I see it right here in my suburb. They are now afraid of getting into any controversial situation unless they have to.

It was not that long ago when you had to really watch the speed limits around here. I haven't see our police officers on a traffic stop in years. It's not that I care about traffic infractions so much, but many times when they did make a traffic stop, it was somebody from the inner-city with no license, a warrant, or just an otherwise undesirable who is likely to cause trouble.

Now that the police are not being proactive, word spreads and we will have more of those undesirables coming to our city because until they cause trouble, the police will just leave them alone.
. Their supposed to leave them alone until they cause trouble... I know you just mis-spoke... Big grin.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.

Bring it on.


BTW there's about 3 million more of them, than you, so you'll need to bring in the Russians to give you a hand with your side of the civil war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Ya. Three million more armed with roch clips and safety pins.
I have about 3 K rounds and about forty firearms.
I'll be more than pleased to use them on a bunch of 'neverwaser' LIB pussys sporting 'man-buns'.
"Who do you know who the enemy is?"
"Look for man-bun males walking like women models at a fashion show".

Stop touching yourself, wannabe.

Liberals will have to get their emotions under control sooner or later.
You are a proven liar. Only 26% of eligible voters voted for Trump. So half of that is 13%.

She said half of Trump's supporters:

However, only 207 million are eligible to vote, out of a population of 324 million, including a lot of minors.

So she called less than 10% of the country deplorable. Where's the problem? Most of you guys admit to being white nationalists anyway.
Spin, rinse, recycle.. You libs just don't stop do you, but that's what makes it fun for you all huh ?? The dead cops and their families here at Christmas time aren't laughing are they ???
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.

Bring it on.


BTW there's about 3 million more of them, than you, so you'll need to bring in the Russians to give you a hand with your side of the civil war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Ya. Three million more armed with roch clips and safety pins.
I have about 3 K rounds and about forty firearms.
I'll be more than pleased to use them on a bunch of 'neverwaser' LIB pussys sporting 'man-buns'.
"Who do you know who the enemy is?"
"Look for man-bun males walking like women models at a fashion show".

Stop touching yourself, wannabe.

Liberals will have to get their emotions under control sooner or later.
That's enough of your trolling.
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