Dems want a Civil War

Of course it probably won't come down to that, but let's face it, it is the left who is trying to start a civil war. They protest, attack and kill our police. .

Since when is protesting trying to 'start a civil war'? There is nothing more American than protesting. It was even embodied in our Constitution.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

Who is 'killing our police'?

Criminals- who generally are neither on the right or the left- but are criminals- usually really stupid criminals.

only ones who I have seen calling for a Civil War here at USMB are the usual collection of right wing nut jobs.
Yes- and they are just looking for an excuse to be able to shoot Americans they don't agree with, thinking that in a civil war, they won't have to worry about being arrested for doing so.

It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.
Voting third party and even write-ins certain has merit because it sends a message to the two major parties that they need to change to get your vote. However, most people are interested in picking the lesser of two bad choices which is often the case.

Exactly. You're trying to keep the worst of the two out, and the only way that is possible is by voting for the only candidate that can accomplish that goal.

I guess it all boils down to what one considers achievements. Most (like myself) never had a candidate that believes in everything they believe. All you can do is get as close as you can. For others, they have this dream that everybody (someday) will follow their lead by voting third party. But that's like hoping we never have a murder again in this country, everybody hooked on drugs just stops, ghettos turn into utopia, and world peace dominates the attitude of people.

You can vote to accomplish something, or vote to make yourself feel better. But it's your vote to do as you wish.
Of course it probably won't come down to that, but let's face it, it is the left who is trying to start a civil war. They protest, attack and kill our police. .

Since when is protesting trying to 'start a civil war'? There is nothing more American than protesting. It was even embodied in our Constitution.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

Who is 'killing our police'?

Criminals- who generally are neither on the right or the left- but are criminals- usually really stupid criminals.

only ones who I have seen calling for a Civil War here at USMB are the usual collection of right wing nut jobs.
Yes- and they are just looking for an excuse to be able to shoot Americans they don't agree with, thinking that in a civil war, they won't have to worry about being arrested for doing so.

It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.

Of course it was more emotional because it was built on a lie. Black Lies Matter kept those lies alive.

Isn't it strange though how liberals usually side with evil and conservatives usually side with the good? What's the choice on who's side you wish to be on?

Locally we have an ongoing story in the small town of Oberlin, Ohio. A clerk at a local town store found somebody shoplifting alcohol, so they stopped the thief and called the police. The thief attacked the clerk and had two other animals with him that assisted in the assault.

Long story short, Satan's angels at the Oberlin College protested the store making racial claims. The Oberlin College opted to quit doing business with this store that was in that community since the late 1800's.

There have been efforts to keep the store open through radio talk shows and word of the story getting out, but Oberlin College was a huge customer of theirs, and now their actions threaten the future of that store simply because they did the right thing.

The store is so scared of their future that they dropped the charges and even paid the defense attorney for the lowlife that attacked their clerk! To no avail.

So it's less of left vs right, it's less of conservatism vs liberalism, it's the fight between good and evil. If we don't fight against evil, evil wins, and this is too good of a country for us to let that happen.
Of course it probably won't come down to that, but let's face it, it is the left who is trying to start a civil war. They protest, attack and kill our police. .

Since when is protesting trying to 'start a civil war'? There is nothing more American than protesting. It was even embodied in our Constitution.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

Who is 'killing our police'?

Criminals- who generally are neither on the right or the left- but are criminals- usually really stupid criminals.

only ones who I have seen calling for a Civil War here at USMB are the usual collection of right wing nut jobs.
Yes- and they are just looking for an excuse to be able to shoot Americans they don't agree with, thinking that in a civil war, they won't have to worry about being arrested for doing so.

It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.

Of course it was more emotional because it was built on a lie. Black Lies Matter kept those lies alive.

Isn't it strange though how liberals usually side with evil and conservatives usually side with the good? What's the choice on who's side you wish to be on?

Locally we have an ongoing story in the small town of Oberlin, Ohio. A clerk at a local town store found somebody shoplifting alcohol, so they stopped the thief and called the police. The thief attacked the clerk and had two other animals with him that assisted in the assault.

Long story short, Satan's angels at the Oberlin College protested the store making racial claims. The Oberlin College opted to quit doing business with this store that was in that community since the late 1800's.

There have been efforts to keep the store open through radio talk shows and word of the story getting out, but Oberlin College was a huge customer of theirs, and now their actions threaten the future of that store simply because they did the right thing.

The store is so scared of their future that they dropped the charges and even paid the defense attorney for the lowlife that attacked their clerk! To no avail.

So it's less of left vs right, it's less of conservatism vs liberalism, it's the fight between good and evil. If we don't fight against evil, evil wins, and this is too good of a country for us to let that happen.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.
Of course it probably won't come down to that, but let's face it, it is the left who is trying to start a civil war. They protest, attack and kill our police. .

Since when is protesting trying to 'start a civil war'? There is nothing more American than protesting. It was even embodied in our Constitution.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

Who is 'killing our police'?

Criminals- who generally are neither on the right or the left- but are criminals- usually really stupid criminals.

only ones who I have seen calling for a Civil War here at USMB are the usual collection of right wing nut jobs.
Yes- and they are just looking for an excuse to be able to shoot Americans they don't agree with, thinking that in a civil war, they won't have to worry about being arrested for doing so.

It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.

Of course it was more emotional because it was built on a lie. Black Lies Matter kept those lies alive.

Isn't it strange though how liberals usually side with evil and conservatives usually side with the good? What's the choice on who's side you wish to be on?

Locally we have an ongoing story in the small town of Oberlin, Ohio. A clerk at a local town store found somebody shoplifting alcohol, so they stopped the thief and called the police. The thief attacked the clerk and had two other animals with him that assisted in the assault.

Long story short, Satan's angels at the Oberlin College protested the store making racial claims. The Oberlin College opted to quit doing business with this store that was in that community since the late 1800's.

There have been efforts to keep the store open through radio talk shows and word of the story getting out, but Oberlin College was a huge customer of theirs, and now their actions threaten the future of that store simply because they did the right thing.

The store is so scared of their future that they dropped the charges and even paid the defense attorney for the lowlife that attacked their clerk! To no avail.

So it's less of left vs right, it's less of conservatism vs liberalism, it's the fight between good and evil. If we don't fight against evil, evil wins, and this is too good of a country for us to let that happen.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.
When a man chooses to attack an officer in an attempt to kill him first by taking his firearm then when that fails to beat him to death he no longer is protected from being shoot. That you think he is proves just how bankrupt your thought process is.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.

Well, imagine they get enough electors to switch, the Reps wouldn't be able to do anything about it, this is THE SYSTEM they've all come out and said it so great.....
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.

Bring it on.


BTW there's about 3 million more of them, than you, so you'll need to bring in the Russians to give you a hand with your side of the civil war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

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Isn't that the case with any issue? For example - do people really understand that extensive de-regulation in the coal industry could lead to higher serious health hazards like black lung disease (coal dust being one of the things they want to relax restrictions on) - instead they see it as jobs. It's a two way street. Would people be willing to pay more for clean water - to not go through what Flint, MI did? I bet they would all say yes. Pew is a reputable group and they are non-partisan. They are known for integrity.

And how many Flint's do we have in this country? Better question, how often?

Why do I take issue with this? Because it's the feds that laid down the law for our drinking water here in Cleveland. We were quite happy with our water, but because some bureaucrats in Washington weren't, we were forced to make improvements that nobody here wanted. It greatly increased the cost of our water and sewer bills.

When I have a choice between renting to a family of four, or renting to a single person or couple, guess who I'm going to choose for tenants? That's right, the couple mostly because of water and sewer costs. And let me tell you, around here, getting a nice rent is almost impossible these days. The new tenants I've rented to within the last year have told me this. So find those applicants I didn't choose and ask them if they want cleaner water.

You're couching the questions in emotional terms though aren't you? And when you do that you are more likely to get an emotional answer. You could equally ask:

What about execution of the 35 year old father of 3, wrongfully convicted of rape, and executed on death row - subsequently found innocent?

Or, the woman wrongfully incarcerated, who commits suicide?

Sure, you can couch questions in emotionally evocative terms and get MISLEADING answers because they are responding to that one particular situation - not the situation as a whole.

I don't know what the woman in jail has to do with the death penalty.

The methods we use to determine innocence (DNA) is what we currently use to convict people. Sure, there have been cases many years ago where a person was not guilty of anything. Again, years ago when we didn't have the technology. Today however, nobody is found guilty that didn't commit the crime. If it's not DNA, it's other forensic science. If it's not other forensic science, it's video which is all around us today. If it's not video, it's all three.

So again, it's a tilted question because you're making the case for crimes in the 70's and not today. Emotional? You bet, and it should be emotional because closing the door on the death penalty would prohibit the execution of that murderer and rapist of the 8 year old, and the murderer of that little old lady. You simply can't exclude crimes like that (or worse) from the question.

But you're NOT giving both sides of the story. You are choosing not to word it in a NEUTRAL manner, but in a way that emphasizes one side only. Right?

The conclusion, drawn by PEW:
A more detailed study last year of attitudes toward capital punishment found that 63% of the public thought the death penalty was morally justified, but majorities said there was some risk of an innocent person being put to death (71%) and that the death penalty does not deter serious crime (61%).
This seems a more thoughtful answer.

Of course it's not a deterrent. When somebody commits a horrible act of murder, and the death penalty is not carried out for 15-18 years, how could it be a deterrent? Nobody but the family even remembers the crime.

Is that a reason to get rid of the death penalty, or is it a reason to make it a deterrent--say have the punishment carried out with all appeals exhausted within five months of sentencing? If we did that, it would act as a deterrent. But again, nobody asks the question in that way. If somebody asked me whether it was a deterrent or not, I would have to answer "no" as well. It doesn't mean I think we should get rid of it. Again, slanted questions.
. Your fears of losing important regs is unfounded I think. He will not be getting rid of critical regs that have a proven track record of having a positive impact on the over all health of our society. He is talking about mostly red tape & bull crap regs or trade deals that have had no impact on our health or much of anything else other than causing this country to lose here and on the world stage big league. Besides he doesn't want to become the poisener in chief, and who would ?? He wants Americans to win again, and I'm on board the train for that one forsure... I wasn't willing to keep riding the socialist communist train in which the democrats had us all on board. My friend/co-worker started making good money in the stock market again recently, and that is just great. The 401k's should start giving people a good retirement boost again.... Let the winning begin.
So I guess there is NOT going to be a DEM civil war since everybody seems to have stopped talking about it.
Of course it probably won't come down to that, but let's face it, it is the left who is trying to start a civil war. They protest, attack and kill our police. .

Since when is protesting trying to 'start a civil war'? There is nothing more American than protesting. It was even embodied in our Constitution.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

Who is 'killing our police'?

Criminals- who generally are neither on the right or the left- but are criminals- usually really stupid criminals.

only ones who I have seen calling for a Civil War here at USMB are the usual collection of right wing nut jobs.
Yes- and they are just looking for an excuse to be able to shoot Americans they don't agree with, thinking that in a civil war, they won't have to worry about being arrested for doing so.

It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.
. And there's the race card again... White Men mad over their taxes eh ??? So black men don't get angry about their overpaying of taxes while working ???? Well if they do, the strict rules of the stay united against the evil old white men confused lib leadership won't allow them to say shite about it, much less unite with white people over the issue, so I guess it's again the democrats telling them to go back home impoverished while out of work during their reign, and they will somehow steal the white man's money to give to them. Yeah that works much better, and while your out of work they would say, how about go out and harass that evil old white man as much as possible. Now how long has that strategy been working out ??
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You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.

Bring it on.


BTW there's about 3 million more of them, than you, so you'll need to bring in the Russians to give you a hand with your side of the civil war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

. Where were these folks during the Hillary rallies ?? Ohh that's right they were secretly attending the Trump rallies. LOL. That's why the liberal media wouldn't turn the camera's to the crowds, heck they would indict the infiltrators/hypocrites playing it both ways... Trump fake supporters by day, and Hillary supporters by dark of night maybe ???? LOL. Well the Dems can keep their dark of night supporters, because they will be operating in the dark for the next 8 years.
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Democrats have reached an all time low. Wait, they were the party that started slavery.
Of course it probably won't come down to that, but let's face it, it is the left who is trying to start a civil war. They protest, attack and kill our police. .

Since when is protesting trying to 'start a civil war'? There is nothing more American than protesting. It was even embodied in our Constitution.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

Who is 'killing our police'?

Criminals- who generally are neither on the right or the left- but are criminals- usually really stupid criminals.

only ones who I have seen calling for a Civil War here at USMB are the usual collection of right wing nut jobs.
Yes- and they are just looking for an excuse to be able to shoot Americans they don't agree with, thinking that in a civil war, they won't have to worry about being arrested for doing so.

It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.

Of course it probably won't come down to that, but let's face it, it is the left who is trying to start a civil war. They protest, attack and kill our police. .

Since when is protesting trying to 'start a civil war'? There is nothing more American than protesting. It was even embodied in our Constitution.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

Who is 'killing our police'?

Criminals- who generally are neither on the right or the left- but are criminals- usually really stupid criminals.

only ones who I have seen calling for a Civil War here at USMB are the usual collection of right wing nut jobs.
Yes- and they are just looking for an excuse to be able to shoot Americans they don't agree with, thinking that in a civil war, they won't have to worry about being arrested for doing so.

It's not the left or the right? Where do you live, under a rock? Of course it's the left and these protests. What were the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson about, Republicans upset that there are too many criminals? No, they were the left upset with law, order and civility. They were upset with our police officers. Remember the chants "Pigs in the blanket--fry them like bacon?" How about "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" And yes, they've killed our police officers because of these "peaceful" protests.

You want to see a right protest? Dig up some videos of the Tea Party rallies. A bunch of people that gathered to hear speeches, drank lemon tea sitting in their folding chairs, went home the same day at a decent hour, cleaned up after themselves, and not one arrest. Not even a parking ticket. That's your right protesting.

Occupy Wall Street? People sleeping over for weeks at a time. Using streets, public buildings, public grass lands as toilets. People getting loaded, buying and selling drugs, a few reports of rape. Damage to public and private property, arrest after arrest, injured police officers. When they finally did leave, the left the place like a tornado went through the area. That's your left peacefully protesting.

Nobody on the right wants a civil war, but if the left is going to bring it to us, we're not backing down. When Satan opens up the gates of hell to attack good people, good people have no choice but to fight against evil.
You have to look at what was being protested. The Tea Party was protesting goverment spending and taxes. Yes, they discussed the issues over ice tea, and gave speeches, waved signs and went home. Protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson were protesting young blacks kids being killed by the police. One just might expect a bit more emotions here than white men's outrage over their taxes.

Of course it was more emotional because it was built on a lie. Black Lies Matter kept those lies alive.

Isn't it strange though how liberals usually side with evil and conservatives usually side with the good? What's the choice on who's side you wish to be on?

Locally we have an ongoing story in the small town of Oberlin, Ohio. A clerk at a local town store found somebody shoplifting alcohol, so they stopped the thief and called the police. The thief attacked the clerk and had two other animals with him that assisted in the assault.

Long story short, Satan's angels at the Oberlin College protested the store making racial claims. The Oberlin College opted to quit doing business with this store that was in that community since the late 1800's.

There have been efforts to keep the store open through radio talk shows and word of the story getting out, but Oberlin College was a huge customer of theirs, and now their actions threaten the future of that store simply because they did the right thing.

The store is so scared of their future that they dropped the charges and even paid the defense attorney for the lowlife that attacked their clerk! To no avail.

So it's less of left vs right, it's less of conservatism vs liberalism, it's the fight between good and evil. If we don't fight against evil, evil wins, and this is too good of a country for us to let that happen.
I don't see shooting unarmed people be them black or white is a triumph of good over evil. It destroys trust and without the trust of the people they protect, police can not do their job.

That comment is deliberately disingenuous.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.

Well, imagine they get enough electors to switch, the Reps wouldn't be able to do anything about it, this is THE SYSTEM they've all come out and said it so great.....
Threatening or intimidation won't bring the results you want, so keep your fantasies going because nobody cares what the Dems do or say anymore. They have played their pair of two's with corrupt Hillary, and they were Trumped by a royal flush this time. They best get on board before that flush sends them back to the sewer from which they have climbed out of. Hollywood is showing just how fearful it is over this nation pushing back on it's brainwashing of our children over the years. Martin Sheen ???? You mean Charlie Sheen the deplorable son's dad is now leading a commercial attempting to fool the voters ??????? Really ???? That's all Hollywood has got to represent it ???? His dad Martin ought to be rebelling himself against what the liberal Hollywood lifestyle has done to his family. Amazing when one thinks about this stuff.
You people will get one if you prevent Trump from being President.

Bring it on.


BTW there's about 3 million more of them, than you, so you'll need to bring in the Russians to give you a hand with your side of the civil war.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

You will stack easily....

like cord wood
They certainly seem to be angling for one don't they. Though I must confess I am far more worried about an assassination attempt on trump before he gets into office. I really, really, hope he has a superlative security detail.
I agree that is the most likely risk. He would do well to keep trusted personal PRIVATE security on hand until the Secreat Service can be thoroughly revetted and purged of traitors to the USA. Trump's Family is probably at severe risk of violence from MSM excited lumpenleftist fools&tools.

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