Deneen Borelli: America’s New Rosa Parks


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
Borelli is the very model of a human being, an African American and a woman who is just plain tired up to here at all of the back of the bus treatment dished by liberals — black and white alike — to conservatives who happen to be black.

Ms. Borelli has in a figurative sense, as Rosa Parks did in the original and literal sense, sat down in a seat reserved for liberals at the front of the American bus. She won’t get up, she isn’t moving and she most assuredly doesn’t care that liberals don’t like the fact.

And most assuredly, they don’t.

One of the first links that comes up when you Google my name is an article entitled the “Black Tea-Bagging: ‘******’ Deneen Borelli Please!”

Note that it seems the author believed it was not good enough to just identify me as black — I am a black and a ******. The black is to let you know my skin color because apparently that will tell you something relevant about me. The second part, the ****** part, is to underscore the author’s belief that I am something less than a white person. Not an American, not a freethinker, but subhuman: a ******, because my racial and ethnic ancestry is broadly associated with slavery, degradation, and abusive treatment.


And black ****** is not the only name I’ve been called. I could list dozens. As a result of my conservative views, I am targeted and called names…..Because I am black, because I am depicted as a black ******, and because I am a woman who is not afraid to speak the truth, I have become targeted for race-baiting…

Borelli goes on to list some of the other attacks that have come her way, not sparing the reader the disgusting detail:

You can not speak for black people, so take your Stepin Fetchit ass back to your master on the plantation. Get your head out of your ass or out of Rush Limbaugh’s ass.”

“You are a despicable piece of garbage! A ****** crawling back to the plantation.”

The American Spectator : Deneen Borelli: America?s New Rosa Parks

Here it is...Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice and on and on and on.

Da niggas don't play by our rules we gets em.
You people are disgusting pieces of shit.
Yeah Poet, you too.
African Americans who disagree with Liberals must be systematically destroyed.
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Poet, you'd be one of these black folk calling her names.

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