Deport All F---ing Illegal Immigrants Now

Enough federal ignorance and incompetence...

Great. I'm very excited to pay all their bills for a year or two, and watch as the economy crashes while they don't pay rent or anything else. There's a reason why we don't deport them in large numbers. I wonder what that might be, hmmmm....
Yeah, let's load all 12,000,000 of them in buses and send them home.

At 100 per bus, that's only 120,000 buses.

Better get started, time's a wasting.
Us Native American Indians want all you illegals out also...

Am curious what % of you is Native American?

I'm 25% Gypsy (Roma) descent.

Shouldn't I be getting a check in the mail for that? :dunno:
And of course the morons who start these hate threads fail to explain exactly how to determine if someone is in fact ‘illegal’ absent due process.

Just because one is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal,’ for example, as there are refugees and asylees with pending cases awaiting a final determination.

If the OP and those of his ilk were honest about their hate, the thread title should correctly be: ‘throw out all brown people who speak Spanish because of my unwarranted fear of change and diversity.’
I actually visited my local INS office, as a naive but concerned citizen. I was concerned about illegals...they basically blew me off and gave me some weak excuses that it isnt their job to enforce immigration laws. No, they pass bucks.
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All those who say we should just round them up and deport them ...

Care to explain EXACTLY how that would be done and EXACTLY who would pay for it?

Hmmmmm ...??
There is no use in having immigration laws if they aren't being enforced. That's the kicker with those that are pushing for immigration reform. Somehow the cycle of passing immigration laws and then not enforcing them, thus needing to reform immigration again needs to be broken. How do we break the cycle, start enforcing the law.
When they are busted at the border, shove them back to the other side. Simple.
you're all either mex, or just stupid and ignorant. I think both. oh and I don't wear white sheets or any kind of sheets but I think you all are full of sheet.
To the racists who dislike and denigrate Blacks and Hispanics, first of all you must know and realize that Latinos or Hispanics are actually members of the White race. Did you know that? Apparently not. Latino or Hispanic is not a race, it is an *Ethnicity*. Their race is White no matter what shade of skin tone they may have just look at their birth certificates or ask any county or city clerk that issues them. And unless you're truly dense you would know that many Latinos and Hispanics have blond hair, blue or green eyes, light skin and freckles especially in Mexico (Mexico City and other parts) as well as in other Spanish-speaking countries. Look at the tele-novelas (Mexican soap operas) and you will find out. And just look at Christina Aguilera, Vanna White, Rita Hayworth, Martin Sheen, Robert Gant, Charro and many others. I don't know why some people continue to regard Latinos as a race. Of course there are exceptions such as with mixed marriages but that is of course an exception. They have never been a separate race and never will be that much is certain. Therefore, logically they cannot be referred to or placed in the same category as 'colored.' Even Middle Easterners are members of the White race, did you also know that? Of course not.

In your rants to denigrate anyone who isn't your shade of White you come off as very racist and that is most unfortunate. I would like to ask those of you who think only of deporting illegal immigrants: What if you were in their shoes or a member of your family was the illegal immigrant? Would you be so quick such as to want them deported or for yourself to be sent back to where you came from? Be honest. It's easy to say "Yes" but when push comes to shove I bet none of you in that same situation would want to be and would fight tooth and nail to stay here, work hard, learn and become productive and honor this country like many of the illegal immigrants are doing. It's so easy to cast the first stone but what if it was being cast at you for the same reason? Would you enjoy it as much then?
I would like to ask those of you who think only of deporting illegal immigrants: What if you were in their shoes or a member of your family was the illegal immigrant? Would you be so quick such as to want them deported or for yourself to be sent back to where you came from? ... It's so easy to cast the first stone but what if it was being cast at you for the same reason? Would you enjoy it as much then?

You realize that is completely illogical as an argument for allowing illegal aliens to remain in the country, right? Maybe you don't. Your heart may be in the right place, but your brain is still too immature for the material at hand, kid.

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