Derideo Te | Supreme Court Justices and Politics

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Derideo_Te Derideo Te | Supreme Court Justices and Politics

Your statement: "We have ample evidence that justices make decisions for partisan political purposes."

you also wrote: "It is fallacious to believe that justices would never allow their personal biases to influence their decisions. They are just as human as you and I and that is reflected in the way they vote. When you see a preponderance of decisions were[sic] both sides agree then that is an indication that it was decided on Constitutional merits. On the other hand when you see split decisions that is an indication of a polarized court that is making political decisions."

"If Roberts joins the majority and authors the opinion he will be vilified by the extreme right. That will be the political price that he will have to weigh in his decision. Personally I hope he has the courage to tell them to shove it and does what it right for this nation as a whole instead of pandering to the worst of the worst."

Dante wrote: "So what? Are you one of those who think the justices usually put their fingers to the political winds before deciding every case?"

you also wrote: "What we have today is a SCOTUS that reflects Republican appointments to the bench since they have been in the Oval office for 20 of the last 34 years"

Dante wrote: "Republican appointments does not always equal Republicans get what they want. Most of the time justices try and keep politics out of the decision. You may be confusing judicial philosophy with political partisanship -- sounds like that is what you are doing"

We could always take this to The Bull Ring. Dante challenges you on your statement

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