Dershowitz: Mueller's Tactics Are 'Common When You're Dealing With The Mafia' And 'Terrorists'

What's wrong is that Meuller is a Democrat, and therefore has no binding code of ethics

Mueller is NOT a Democrat. He has been a Republican his whole life.

It must shock you to believe that there are some ethical Republicans. I know. Me too
Where is the proof Mueller is ethical? He has quite a list of failures on his resume

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

I won't even bother detailing it since you won't care...and I know you won't bother read it either.

You should, He's an American Hero
Hero... like John Kerry?

And an army vet . Where’s the NRA ? Law abiding gun owner shot in the back .

Ohhh but he’s black ! And shot by cops . Nothing to see here.
Didn't he refuse to drop his weapon when lawfully instructed to do so?

Nice little bullshit narrative you cooked up.
And an army vet . Where’s the NRA ? Law abiding gun owner shot in the back .

Ohhh but he’s black ! And shot by cops . Nothing to see here.
Didn't he refuse to drop his weapon when lawfully instructed to do so?

Nice little bullshit narrative you cooked up.

He was shot in the back. Bystanders said he did nothing .

Great example on how y’all always take the police side .
What's wrong is that Meuller is a Democrat, and therefore has no binding code of ethics

Mueller is NOT a Democrat. He has been a Republican his whole life.

It must shock you to believe that there are some ethical Republicans. I know. Me too
Where is the proof Mueller is ethical? He has quite a list of failures on his resume

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

I won't even bother detailing it since you won't care...and I know you won't bother read it either.

You should, He's an American Hero
Hero... like John Kerry?


John Kerry is not a hero?

Oh that’s right . Cons are all pro military..... until they get in their way .
On a personal note, the pictures of George Bush with his family, with his children and his grandchildren over the holidays, and the basic decency of those people
I fail to find basic decency in those who commit crimes against peace.
Hero... like John Kerry?

Actually yes...even more so.

And of course Republicans attack actual heroes like these two and McCain

By the many Bronze stars or Purple Hearts have you earned??

Ever lead a rifle platoon in Vietnam or commanded a Swiftboat on the rivers of Vietnam or been shot out of the air over an enemy country? Ever spend five years in a prison camp being tortured when you could have used your father to go home early but refused unless your fellow prisoners were allowed to also?

Have you ever prosecuted anyone as powerful as Manual Noriega or John Gotti?

Ever serve 12 years as head of the FBI (being extended two years past your 10th because of your ability)?


You're a POS Keyboard Commando?

Yea...pretty much
Dershowitz still doesn't get it. We are no longer one people. We are at least two and we really hate each other. Dishonesty is to be expected. Venal viciousness is admired. Winning isn't nearly enough. We want the other side torn apart by jackals. If Alan Dershowitz understood that he wouldn't say silly things.
What's wrong is that Meuller is a Democrat, and therefore has no binding code of ethics

Mueller is NOT a Democrat. He has been a Republican his whole life.

It must shock you to believe that there are some ethical Republicans. I know. Me too
Where is the proof Mueller is ethical? He has quite a list of failures on his resume

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

I won't even bother detailing it since you won't care...and I know you won't bother read it either.

You should, He's an American Hero
Even heroes fuck up. Even heroes want to fuck up. Hero is not synonymous with saint.

Mueller is a political operative who identifies a crime and fashions a guilty party making up the evidence as he goes along. He tried his best to destroy Dr. Hatfill by making him the guilty party in the anthrax case instead of proving he is.

Fake evidence, threats, manufacturing guilty parties was what Mueller did in the Enron case. He concocted a phony foundation of crimes, charged bewildered executives with acts they knew nothing about and then charged them with perjury when they didn't know what was going on. Ken Lay was pursued to death. The accounting firm of Arthur Anderson was destroyed and 85,000 people world wide lost their jobs because of Mueller. Only for a court to throw out the phony case three years later.
Judging by Mueller's staffing choices, he may not be very interested in justice
Revisiting Mueller and the anthrax case

This is no hero this is a political hack who cares nothing for truth or justice.
“The special counsel was supposed to … find crimes relating to Russia. As far as we know, he hasn’t found very many of those. What he has done is to help create crimes,” Dershowitz stated. “That is he’s giving people an opportunity to lie, now it’s their fault that they lie, but these are all crimes that have occurred after he became special prosecutor. That wasn’t his mandate and the other crimes, most of the ones he was found before are financial crimes, like with Manafort, utterly unrelated to his mandate.”

It’s common when you’re dealing with the mafia, it’s common when you’re dealing with terrorists. But good prosecutors don’t try to manufacture crime, and good prosecutors don’t necessarily use the threat of prosecution to create evidence that is used to target somebody who may not have committed any crime at all. So you know prosecutors do a lot of things but good prosecutors, I think don’t do what allegedly is being done here,” Dershowitz responded."

Mafia ... Terrorist ... or corrupt anti-Trump co-conspirator....

Dershowitz: Mueller’s Tactics Are ‘Common When You’re Dealing With The Mafia’ And ‘Terrorists’


An inspector is called out to investigate vandalism of a school by the school principle. One kid had been seen by the school janitor tossing several cans of spray paint in a school trash can.

The inspector interviews the janitor who does not know the kid's name but he gives a description and shows the principal & the inspector the trash can in which the spray cans were deposited; the writing matched the same colors with the schools rival.

The three then returned to the schools office, and when they did the inspector notices a mirror with white power on it and a razor blade with the same white power on its edge on the Dean of Boy's Desk.

Does the inspector ignore what is in plain sight, or does he immediately secure the white power and the office, and call in the science geeks to assay the powder and take custody of it?
When prosecutors can arbitrarily go after people, invent crimes out of thin air and then "investigate" these phony crimes until "something" is found, then we have lost our freedom. And this affects everyone, not just friends of the President. We have all lost our freedom.

What’s the conservative mantra ? “ if you have nothing to hide , you have nothing to worry about .”
Is that MY mantra? Please find an instance of me saying that, or anything similar. Otherwise, STFU.
IS "the conservative mantra" automatically YOUR mantra? Or perhaps are you being a tad snowflaky?
What Mueller did to Corsi, if true, is just unbelievable. The allow him to amend his testimony telling him no harm no foul. He self reported his error. All was good. But when he would not compose Mueller went back and hammered him for the first error that they told him previously was no foul

Something is terribly wrong here

What's wrong is that Meuller is a Democrat, and therefore has no binding code of ethics. That means he will use whatever means necessary to get Trump, even if it means he has to lie, cheat, steal or kill.
Except, Mueller (not Meuller) is a Republican. You really need to get yourself an education, Skippy.
I said “the conservative mantra”.

You tell me . What are your thoughts on law enforcement? Stop and frisk ? Profiling ? Police brutality.

Sorry, I don’t have all your posts memorized.
I'm not a criminal defense lawyer but I've done a few cases. My mantra is everyone is entitled to a defense, and I don't trust prosecutors or the police because I've seen them lie and withhold evidence in a case I was on.

Well that’s makes you an outlier if you are a republican.
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You obviously have a cartoon version of what a Republican is in your head. My guess is, you don't even know any Republicans, or talk to any, you ignorant fool.

I know plenty . And you know them too, especially the ones in this place .

They are for expanded search powers , profiling , stop and frisk , permanent detaining , waterboardig , etc. they are pro police every time even when video catches bad cops .

You seriously going to say republicans are against all that stuff? Then you are either ignorant or a liar .
What I'm going to say is this: You are a fool if you think you can use stereotypes to put everyone you disagree with in one corner. are now against stereotypes? You? Really?

Atheists don't believe in God or gods but they have no alternative theories that make sense...

If we allow Democrats to get away with massive voter fraud as they did this year...

Media's high praise of Bush is motivated by hatred of Trump

Democrats and the media are merely tools of a handful of New York/Hollywood liberals

Being liberal means living in a 1984 world where you are told what you are allowed to say and think

Just a few threads YOU started this week alone that begins with a stereotyping premise.
I know plenty . And you know them too, especially the ones in this place .

They are for expanded search powers , profiling , stop and frisk , permanent detaining , waterboardig , etc. they are pro police every time even when video catches bad cops .

You seriously going to say republicans are against all that stuff? Then you are either ignorant or a liar .
What I'm going to say is this: You are a fool if you think you can use stereotypes to put everyone you disagree with in one corner.

I’m telling what the GOP belives in . What did I say that’s not true ?
You have no idea what GOP believes in.

What they do believe in, and so should you is NOT saying what do we want..... dead cops.... when do we want it.... right now as demonstrated by BLM. Shooting of LEO while sitting in their patrol cars.


How many examples of cops shooting unarmed black men do we have ?

Just last week at that Alabama mall . A “good guy with a gun” was shot in the back by police .
So, BLM marching calling for the slaughter of LEO is justified by any means?

Did they slaughter LEOs?
What's wrong is that Meuller is a Democrat, and therefore has no binding code of ethics

Mueller is NOT a Democrat. He has been a Republican his whole life.

It must shock you to believe that there are some ethical Republicans. I know. Me too
Where is the proof Mueller is ethical? He has quite a list of failures on his resume

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

I won't even bother detailing it since you won't care...and I know you won't bother read it either.

You should, He's an American Hero
And a partisan hack for the machine

Of course, deplorable trumpanzees are not known for their admiration or even recognition of ethical people.
What's wrong is that Meuller is a Democrat, and therefore has no binding code of ethics

Mueller is NOT a Democrat. He has been a Republican his whole life.

It must shock you to believe that there are some ethical Republicans. I know. Me too
Where is the proof Mueller is ethical? He has quite a list of failures on his resume

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

I won't even bother detailing it since you won't care...and I know you won't bother read it either.

You should, He's an American Hero
Hero... like John Kerry?

John Kerry went to Viet Nam with no guarantee of making it back alive, especially in the Brown Water Navy. tiny trump's personal Viet Nam was dodging STDs.......we know which one the deplorables adore.

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