DeSantis Consistently Fights Conservative Battles And MAGA Continues to Tarnish His Reputation

Ron DeSantis routinely proves his conservative credentials not only by fighting battles others won't, but many times winning them. Just this week Disney and the DeSantis governing board reached an agreement in a year's long fight in which he took on the corporation over its "woke" culture, and he also won the state's redistricting case. This is in addition to other battles he's won, including eliminating DEI from universities, abortion restrictions at six weeks, ending squatters rights, all things conservatives have wanted. Yet despite these victories, Donald Trump continues to rip on him during speeches and social media, his minions on social media, like Laura Loomer, et al, continue slandering him, and the so-called conservative media routinely ignores DeSantis's accomplishments, instead focusing on Donald Trump's personal and legal issues as if they are the most important things to have ever happened and are the greatest injustices in human history.

The conservative media and the Republican Party are a joke that is no longer in any way about advancing conservative goals.

Agreed on everything except for one point. Most republicans aren't actually conservatives. They only identify as such.

Besides all that. DeSantis has been "winning" real things. Trumps still on a 7yr losing streak.
More liberal attempts to stir the pot to satiate their petty TDS. Sad.

Some of us, who lean right, are sick of these liberal Republicans like Trump. Sick of all the baggage, all the drama and sick of all the losing. Trump handed the democrats the house in 2018 on a silver platter. Then the senate and the white house in 2020. Trump couldn't even gain seats for his own party. Where DeSantis has increased his party's majority since he became governor.

Trump's a left winged loser. And you Trumpcucks are following along like a damn lemming.
Besides all that. DeSantis has been "winning" real things.
Then how about talking about that as a stand alone?
Some of us, who lean right, are sick of these liberal Republicans like Trump. Sick of all the baggage, all the drama and sick of all the losing. Trump handed the democrats the house in 2018 on a silver platter. Then the senate and the white house in 2020. Trump couldn't even gain seats for his own party. Where DeSantis has increased his party's majority since he became governor.

Trump's a left winged loser. And you Trumpcucks are following along like a damn lemming.
Yet your boy got the shit kicked out of him by the "loser".
Can't help but run to Trump's defense in every single thread he's criticized in within minutes of creation, while you claim he's in everyone's head but yours.

Go run along and find something valuable to do with your time.
Practice what you preach.
Some of us, who lean right, are sick of these liberal Republicans like Trump. Sick of all the baggage, all the drama and sick of all the losing. Trump handed the democrats the house in 2018 on a silver platter. Then the senate and the white house in 2020. Trump couldn't even gain seats for his own party. Where DeSantis has increased his party's majority since he became governor.

Trump's a left winged loser. And you Trumpcucks are following along like a damn lemming.
It's TDS monkeys that gave us Biden. You folks are just as liberal as the people Biden puts on the bench. If that's your brand of conservatism you're a fraud.
I would have voted for him in the general election even though I think some of his positions are a bit extreme for me. He'd be significantly better than Biden and he's gotten proven results in Florida.
‘A bit extreme’ is a dishonest euphemism – it’s classic fascism.

Indeed, both Trump and DeSantis are classic fascists: illiberal authoritarians who engage in demagoguery and the vilification of minorities for political gain.

That DeSantis has been more successful advancing his fascist agenda than Trump is nothing to admire.
It's TDS monkeys that gave us Biden. You folks are just as liberal as the people Biden puts on the bench. If that's your brand of conservatism you're a fraud.

Trump gave us Biden, because he sucked as a Republican president. Trump gave us a democrat House & Senate also.
No spending reduction, no repealing the ACA, not ending any wars, not actually securing the border, not stopping the fentanyl, not getting us out of NATO, not firing Fauci, not recognizing the Trump shot as anything more than a flu shot and so on and so on and so on.
Can't help but run to Trump's defense in every single thread he's criticized in within minutes of creation, while you claim he's in everyone's head but yours.

Go run along and find something valuable to do with your time.

He's the GOP nominee (for the 3rd time in a row), he'll likely be the next president. And yet, we're not supposed to bring him up, unless we're praising him.

They're the one with the TDS.
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He's the GOP nominee (for the 3rd time in a row), he'll likely be the next president. And yet, we're not support to bring him up, unless we're praising him.

They're the one with the TDS.
Why bring him up at all, if the alternative you have to offer is so great?
He's a lousy candidate......but in comparison to blue state governors he's pretty good.

His big mistake was conspiring with Bush.

But this is the thing. DeSantis didn't really "conspire" with Bush. That's just some lame conspiracy the Trump cancel culture brought into the mix. A lie with just enough truth in it to make it seem true.

Jeb Bush: ‘I was praising, not endorsing’ DeSantis

Snipped: Bush’s comments have been viewed as an all-out endorsement of DeSantis and ricocheted online over the weekend, drawing some angry response from some diehard supporters for former President Donald Trump.
Why bring him up at all, if the alternative you have to offer is so great?

I have no alternative now. Unless something happens to Trump that gives DeSantis a reason to jump back in.

I bring him up because I damn well want to. And because I think the GOP needs to understand just how much of a lying, fucked up leftist, life long democrat Trump still is. They need to understand just how far left of center Trump has taken the party.
And that just because it seems like the democrats are going after Trump, doesn't mean he's not a democrat at heart, himself.
MAGA is not a Conservative ideology and never was. It’s a populist cult centered around a singular individual. MAGA now dominates the Republican Party. That doesn’t make them Conservatives.

Trump's ideology is a soft form of fascism. Pandering to every ideology to gain support.
He's not really pro life. He's not for spending reductions. He still supports some form of government ran healthcare. He's not really religious. (I'm not either. But I don't pretend to be)
But when speaking to his supporters at his rally's, one would get the impression that he's all of those things. His executive record proves he's not.
Then how about talking about that as a stand alone?

Yet your boy got the shit kicked out of him by the "loser".

He sucks at campaigning. That's got nothing to do with his ability to lead.
Once the oath is took, no one is going to give a shit about how great their hair looks, or how much charisma they have. They, the republicans, will only be concerned with how much opposition they bring to the democrats. How they're going to beat the democrats. And how much better they are for the country.
After the campaigning, Trump goes into suck mode. Caving or getting beat by the democrats (constantly). Spending like he owns the federal reserve. And expanding the swamp with his own swamp critters.
Ron DeSantis routinely proves his conservative credentials not only by fighting battles others won't, but many times winning them. Just this week Disney and the DeSantis governing board reached an agreement in a year's long fight in which he took on the corporation over its "woke" culture, and he also won the state's redistricting case. This is in addition to other battles he's won, including eliminating DEI from universities, abortion restrictions at six weeks, ending squatters rights, all things conservatives have wanted. Yet despite these victories, Donald Trump continues to rip on him during speeches and social media, his minions on social media, like Laura Loomer, et al, continue slandering him, and the so-called conservative media routinely ignores DeSantis's accomplishments, instead focusing on Donald Trump's personal and legal issues as if they are the most important things to have ever happened and are the greatest injustices in human history.

The conservative media and the Republican Party are a joke that is no longer in any way about advancing conservative goals.
Isn't DeSantis supposed to release a bunch of Jeffrey Epstein stuff from the case in Florida from the early 2000's? Maybe that is why The Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King keeps ripping on him?
He was a good candidate when he was being himself....I liked him.

Then the consultants descended on him and he turned into a milquetoast turd.
No, he actually is a spineless milquetoast. It is the real DeSantis!
Isn't DeSantis supposed to release a bunch of Jeffrey Epstein stuff from the case in Florida from the early 2000's? Maybe that is why The Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King keeps ripping on him?

Trump started ripping on DeSantis before the 2022 election, for opening up his state "too soon." Trump brags about endorsing DeSantis. But doesn't say that he didn't endorse him in 2022."

From Feb. 29, 2024

Governor DeSantis Signs Legislation to Authorize the Release of Jeffrey Epstein Grand Jury Documents

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 117, which allows for the public release of grand jury documents, such as those related to the 2006 Florida investigation into Jeffrey Epstein. Two victims of Epstein joined Governor DeSantis in Palm Beach to celebrate the justice that was being delivered.

“The public deserves to know who participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Nobody should be protected from facing justice due to their wealth or status, and those who harm children should be exposed and punished to the fullest extent of the law.”
I have no alternative now. Unless something happens to Trump that gives DeSantis a reason to jump back in.
Then you have nothing to offer; you give nobody anything to move toward...."Brand X sucks!" is no kind of advertising strategy.
I bring him up because I damn well want to. And because I think the GOP needs to understand just how much of a lying, fucked up leftist, life long democrat Trump still is. They need to understand just how far left of center Trump has taken the party.
And that just because it seems like the democrats are going after Trump, doesn't mean he's not a democrat at heart, himself.
The GOP has held up lying fucked up lefitsts as their standard bearers for at least 50 years...The Bushes have been the absolute wort of them...They're the ones who made Trump look like a good deal.

Besides that, the paradigm isn't left/right anymore....It's K Street/Wall Street v. Main Street....The Bernie Sanders and RFK jr campaigns exemplify this on the democrat side...Few really GAF about the left/right thing right now, when the Gestapo is kicking in their door and the IRS has frozen their bank accounts.

One of the very few upshots of Trump is that he showed the party to be extremely ripe for a takeover.....But all sniveling little crybabies like you can do is bitch about him, instead of positioning yourself to fill the vacuum when his time passes....There's an opportunity staring you straight in the fucking face, and all you can do is bellyache and wring you hands about where you are right now.

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