DeSantis Consistently Fights Conservative Battles And MAGA Continues to Tarnish His Reputation

Trump gave us Biden, because he sucked as a Republican president. Trump gave us a democrat House & Senate also.
No spending reduction, no repealing the ACA, not ending any wars, not actually securing the border, not stopping the fentanyl, not getting us out of NATO, not firing Fauci, not recognizing the Trump shot as anything more than a flu shot and so on and so on and so on.
Trump gave us Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett. You folks support Garland and Ketanji on the bench, that's what your petty whining amounts to. Some things are a little more important than your silly feelings. repealing the ACA....
Who cast the deciding vote on the full repeal in the Senate?

Who cast the deciding vote on the full repeal in the Senate?

A RINO. One that also didn't get my vote when he ran for potus.

BTW, I'm stealing your coupon. I know of a few Trumpbots who deserve this a lot more than I do.
A RINO. One that also didn't get my vote when he ran for potus.

BTW, I'm stealing your coupon. I know of a few Trumpbots who deserve this a lot more than I do.

Do you really believe the average voter controls who gets the nomination for the party? And fuck the republicans, when they hold any kind of a majority they do nothing, they deserve everything they get and more. They're no better than the dems, they're all corrupt pieces of shit.
A RINO. One that also didn't get my vote when he ran for potus.

BTW, I'm stealing your coupon. I know of a few Trumpbots who deserve this a lot more than I do.
You need several clues, dude....Not the least of which is the realization, that the left/right thing is well down on the criteria list of the populists who've take over the GOP....You're pissing into the wind.

Trump didn't come out of nowhere...The current situation has been brewing since at least Goldwater.
You need several clues, dude....Not the least of which is the realization, that the left/right thing is well down on the criteria list of the populists who've take over the GOP....You're pissing into the wind.

Trump didn't come out of nowhere...The current situation has been brewing since at least Goldwater.

You'll get no argument from me on that. But why are you arguing with me about it? I'm not really pissing in the wind. Because there are Trump supporters out there who need to know the difference between being a Republican and a conservative.
Whether they see it now. Or when Trumps back in office and starts increasing the debt ceiling again, signing CR's & huge spending bills. When he doesn't get us out of NATO. When fiscal conservatives expose pork in spending bills that Trump signs into law.

These things will come about. And for those who get it now, or later, will then understand why the GOP has moved way left of center.
You'll get no argument from me on that. But why are you arguing with me about it? I'm not really pissing in the wind. Because there are Trump supporters out there who need to know the difference between being a Republican and a conservative.
Whether they see it now. Or when Trumps back in office and starts increasing the debt ceiling again, signing CR's & huge spending bills. When he doesn't get us out of NATO. When fiscal conservatives expose pork in spending bills that Trump signs into law.

These things will come about. And for those who get it now, or later, will then understand why the GOP has moved way left of center.

So what's your solution to that problem?
So what's your solution to that problem?

There is no solution. Only a pathway to a solution.

The biggest hurdle is getting enough GOP voters to understand the difference between Republicans and conservatives. And to stop this BS "Lesser of two evils" voting.

That's not just a hurdle, it's a huge mountain with a flat, vertical climb (thanks to the media and lying politicians).

None the less, it was actual conservatism that kept the debt manageable up until the 70's and especially the 80's. It what kept our government small. It's what helped to make the USA the manufacturing giant of the world.
A lack of conservatism is why we're in the shape we're in now. And it only took about 50 years to get here.
One RINO president after another. With democrats filling in the gaps.
And now, the biggest RINO the GOP has ever had, is about to be the next president.
You'll get no argument from me on that. But why are you arguing with me about it? I'm not really pissing in the wind. Because there are Trump supporters out there who need to know the difference between being a Republican and a conservative.
Whether they see it now. Or when Trumps back in office and starts increasing the debt ceiling again, signing CR's & huge spending bills. When he doesn't get us out of NATO. When fiscal conservatives expose pork in spending bills that Trump signs into law.

These things will come about. And for those who get it now, or later, will then understand why the GOP has moved way left of center.
Yes, you're pissing in the wind if you keep bringing everything back to left/right....The populists don't GAF...They're utilitarian.

The "fiscal conservatives" are as guilty of jamming bills full of pork as anyone...Who was it sitting across from Trump, smirking like little adolescent assholes, when the 2017 budget was crammed down?...Oh, it was "fiscal conservatives" McConnell and Ryan.

Trump didn't come out of a vacuum....Guys like you and me have been going on for decades about what poseurs the GOP establishment are...Trump laid that bare.....That he is as much like them as not doesn't negate the fact.

As I said: there's an opportunity here, and you're wasting it wringing your hands over the left/right paradigm that the Trumpsters couldn't care less about....You want to sway them, do so with things that they do care about.
A RINO. One that also didn't get my vote when he ran for potus.

BTW, I'm stealing your coupon. I know of a few Trumpbots who deserve this a lot more than I do.
Trump was elected just for that reason. Spiteful power-hungry napoleons who had their own fiefdoms and colluded with each other to form alliances against people like Trump. If the traitorous system including media/entertainers did not collude against Trump, we may have had a much better result. They even released a biological weapon and usurped the election process to gain power. And there are so many Progs who see no problem with this.
Trump was elected just for that reason. Spiteful power-hungry napoleons who had their own fiefdoms and colluded with each other to form alliances against people like Trump. If the traitorous system including media/entertainers did not collude against Trump, we may have had a much better result. They even released a biological weapon and usurped the election process to gain power. And there are so many Progs who see no problem with this.

Yes, you're pissing in the wind if you keep bringing everything back to left/right....The populists don't GAF...They're utilitarian.

The "fiscal conservatives" are as guilty of jamming bills full of pork as anyone...Who was it sitting across from Trump, smirking like little adolescent assholes, when the 2017 budget was crammed down?...Oh, it was "fiscal conservatives" McConnell and Ryan.

Those who jam bills full of pork, aren't actual conservatives. That's what you and 99% of the Republicans aren't getting. Those people only identify as fiscal conservatives.
Trump didn't come out of a vacuum....Guys like you and me have been going on for decades about what poseurs the GOP establishment are...Trump laid that bare.....That he is as much like them as not doesn't negate the fact.

As I said: there's an opportunity here, and you're wasting it wringing your hands over the left/right paradigm that the Trumpsters couldn't care less about....You want to sway them, do so with things that they do care about.

They'll care about those things when Trump is guilty of them in that very instance. All his spending problems in the past, are in the past. I don't expect any of these trumpcucks to pay attention to what he's done. But soon enough, he'll start increasing the debt ceiling. He'll sign more omnibus bills and CR's. He'll cave to the left. Then some will get it. Some won't. But some will. And they'll tell 2 people. Those people will tell two people.......Like Amway. lol
Those who jam bills full of pork, aren't actual conservatives. That's what you and 99% of the Republicans aren't getting. Those people only identify as fiscal conservatives.
I get it just fine...I have "got it" since the mid 1990s...The left/right thing has been a kayfabe ruse since at least Goldwater.
They'll care about those things when Trump is guilty of them in that very instance. All his spending problems in the past, are in the past. I don't expect any of these trumpcucks to pay attention to what he's done. But soon enough, he'll start increasing the debt ceiling. He'll sign more omnibus bills and CR's. He'll cave to the left. Then some will get it. Some won't. But some will. And they'll tell 2 people. Those people will tell two people.......Like Amway. lol
How's that approach been working out for you?...How many have you swayed to your side?
There is no solution. Only a pathway to a solution.

The biggest hurdle is getting enough GOP voters to understand the difference between Republicans and conservatives. And to stop this BS "Lesser of two evils" voting.

That's not just a hurdle, it's a huge mountain with a flat, vertical climb (thanks to the media and lying politicians).

None the less, it was actual conservatism that kept the debt manageable up until the 70's and especially the 80's. It what kept our government small. It's what helped to make the USA the manufacturing giant of the world.
A lack of conservatism is why we're in the shape we're in now. And it only took about 50 years to get here.
One RINO president after another. With democrats filling in the gaps.
And now, the biggest RINO the GOP has ever had, is about to be the next president.

Except we have zero control over who chooses to run, who the big money that controls everything decides to bestow their wealth on to ensure a win and therefore, owns the heart and soul of the person they got elected. That will never change.
Trump was elected just for that reason. Spiteful power-hungry napoleons who had their own fiefdoms and colluded with each other to form alliances against people like Trump. If the traitorous system including media/entertainers did not collude against Trump, we may have had a much better result. They even released a biological weapon and usurped the election process to gain power. And there are so many Progs who see no problem with this.

No doubt, the left made a martyr out of Trump. Had they left him alone, and Trumps record was the same (spending, debt etc etc) I think more Republicans would've seen just how similar he and Mitt Romney were. But all the focus went on the witch hunts against him. That overshadowed Trumps record.
In fact, hardly any republicans noticed how often Trump caved to the left. They didn't realize that Trump was letting Pelosi walk all over him. Therefore, they didn't realize just how weak Trump was.

Trump knows how to put up a fight. But he doesn't know how to win. (anything other than an election)
I get it just fine...I have "got it" since the mid 1990s...The left/right thing has been a kayfabe ruse since at least Goldwater.

How's that approach been working out for you?...How many have you swayed to your side?

I don't know. I don't keep a running list. Those that realize the difference, don't come back to me years later and say "Wow man, that stuff you said years ago, finally clicked. I get it now."
I don't know. I don't keep a running list. Those that realize the difference, don't come back to me years later and say "Wow man, that stuff you said years ago, finally clicked. I get it now."
I'll show you the list:

That's all of 'em....Keep going!...You're really winning them over!

Forum List
