DeSantis Consistently Fights Conservative Battles And MAGA Continues to Tarnish His Reputation

That's cute. It's a lie. But cute, none the less.
It's not a lie...It's the way it is.

You're expecting people to have an epiphany, like they've been clobbered over the head with a brick, and drop to their knees and genuflect to you, wondering how they could have been so foolish not to have listened to your wisdom.

I tried that back in the late '90s and early oughts...It doesn't work.
The conservative media and the Republican Party are a joke that is no longer in any way about advancing conservative goals.
This has essentially been my issue with MAGA all along. While I agree with them (at least to some degree) on many issues, they clearly don't understand that the WAY you go about addressing a problem matters too.

And they sure as hell should know better. It was the Left's behaviors, especially the inexplicable weaponization of PC and Identity Politics, that played such a large role in animating the Right to elect Trump. Now the GQP's ridiculous, ignorant, paranoid caveman politics runs the same risk, only in the opposite direction.

Back and forth, back and forth. Partisan ideologues just don't fucking learn.
It's not a lie...It's the way it is.

You're expecting people to have an epiphany, like they've been clobbered over the head with a brick, and drop to their knees and genuflect to you, wondering how they could have been so foolish not to have listened to your wisdom.

I tried that back in the late '90s and early oughts...It doesn't work.

Nope, wrong again, slick. I don't expect anyone now days to admit to learning anything. It's simply not human nature to admit anything to anyone. Especially in this divided culture.
But they will get it. Whether it be from things that I described. As in Trump's spending spree starts again. Or when the dollar collapses and BRICS currency becomes the global reserve currency.

It'll happen. It's just a matter of time. Because excessive debt is unsustainable.
Nope, wrong again, slick. I don't expect anyone now days to admit to learning anything. It's simply not human nature to admit anything to anyone. Especially in this divided culture.
But they will get it. Whether it be from things that I described. As in Trump's spending spree starts again. Or when the dollar collapses and BRICS currency becomes the global reserve currency.

It'll happen. It's just a matter of time. Because excessive debt is unsustainable.
I'm not wrong, because you're doing it again right there.....People are going to be persuaded to your side by using their criteria, not yours....You can be right all day long, and it doesn't add up to a hill of shit if you show no concern for the criteria of those who could be your greatest allies.

The one who needs to wake up is you.
Ron DeSantis routinely proves his conservative credentials not only by fighting battles others won't, but many times winning them. Just this week Disney and the DeSantis governing board reached an agreement in a year's long fight in which he took on the corporation over its "woke" culture, and he also won the state's redistricting case. This is in addition to other battles he's won, including eliminating DEI from universities, abortion restrictions at six weeks, ending squatters rights, all things conservatives have wanted. Yet despite these victories, Donald Trump continues to rip on him during speeches and social media, his minions on social media, like Laura Loomer, et al, continue slandering him, and the so-called conservative media routinely ignores DeSantis's accomplishments, instead focusing on Donald Trump's personal and legal issues as if they are the most important things to have ever happened and are the greatest injustices in human history.

The conservative media and the Republican Party are a joke that is no longer in any way about advancing conservative goals.
DeSantis would have had 2028 in the bag if he supported Trump this time instead he let Karl Rove and Paul Ryan talk him into taking on Trump. That is why MAGA abandoned him. He betrayed us and went to the NeoCon side. If you had any honesty or integrity you would have said as such
MAGA is not a Conservative ideology and never was. It’s a populist cult centered around a singular individual. MAGA now dominates the Republican Party. That doesn’t make them Conservatives.
What's the MAGA ideology?
You'll get no argument from me on that. But why are you arguing with me about it? I'm not really pissing in the wind. Because there are Trump supporters out there who need to know the difference between being a Republican and a conservative.
Whether they see it now. Or when Trumps back in office and starts increasing the debt ceiling again, signing CR's & huge spending bills. When he doesn't get us out of NATO. When fiscal conservatives expose pork in spending bills that Trump signs into law.

These things will come about. And for those who get it now, or later, will then understand why the GOP has moved way left of center.

Except we have zero control over who chooses to run, who the big money that controls everything decides to bestow their wealth on to ensure a win and therefore, owns the heart and soul of the person they got elected. That will never change.

and we can't control who our neighbors vote for.
The country is not where he wants it to be.
We got here because the left is great at incrementalism.

The right is not.
I get it just fine...I have "got it" since the mid 1990s...The left/right thing has been a kayfabe ruse since at least Goldwater.

How's that approach been working out for you?...How many have you swayed to your side?

The answer is zero.
Trump gave us Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett. You folks support Garland and Ketanji on the bench, that's what your petty whining amounts to. Some things are a little more important than your silly feelings.

YT is not a leftist

He is a way out of touch with the country fiscal Conservative.
YT probably fit in in 1950

2024 he is just fringe -
YT is not a leftist

He is a way out of touch with the country fiscal Conservative.
YT probably fit in in 1950

2024 he is just fringe -
Not as fringe as you might think...Populists and libertarian types are a lot closer on things that either of y'all are willing to admit.

Likewise, there is a concern among the populists over spending, the deficits and debt....Though that isn't talked about much, as the irrelevant shitstorm of personality and contrived scandals suck all the air out of the room.

Truth is that Trump showed absolutely no spine when he signed off on the bloated budgets that the swamp shoved in front of him, and nobody seems to care...There's just no denying that.....The FauxiFlu spend-a-thon made matters worse.

But that very real concern gets pushed down the list, when political opponents are being jailed for their politics, the federal Stasi has been loosed on the populous, and millions of anonymous indigent foreigners are crashing the borders...Not coincidental either, IMO....It's all of the same piece.
Like what?
Building the wall, shutting down the border, draining the swamp, all that sort of stuff. The things he actually tried to do the first time, but he learned that the bureaucracy will never let it happen, no matter what.
Building the wall, shutting down the border,

He did a pretty good job on that. Biden is even building the wall now.
draining the swamp, all that sort of stuff. The things he actually tried to do the first time, but he learned that the bureaucracy will never let it happen, no matter what.

Draining the swamp is herculean. It think he learned a lot the first time around. Second time he'll have much more success. Deporting the ten million Biden illegals will be his first priority.
Not as fringe as you might think...Populists and libertarian types are a lot closer on things that either of y'all are willing to admit.

Likewise, there is a concern among the populists over spending, the deficits and debt....Though that isn't talked about much, as the irrelevant shitstorm of personality and contrived scandals suck all the air out of the room.

Truth is that Trump showed absolutely no spine when he signed off on the bloated budgets that the swamp shoved in front of him, and nobody seems to care...There's just no denying that.....The FauxiFlu spend-a-thon made matters worse.

But that very real concern gets pushed down the list, when political opponents are being jailed for their politics, the federal Stasi has been loosed on the populous, and millions of anonymous indigent foreigners are crashing the borders...Not coincidental either, IMO....It's all of the same piece.

So together you have fringe squared.

Still not enough to have any say in Government -

That's the point.

It's always a binary choice - this time it is literally life or death for The Republic.

Vote to keep letting Democrats destroy the country.
Do absolutely anything to stop it.
DeSantis would have had 2028 in the bag if he supported Trump this time instead he let Karl Rove and Paul Ryan talk him into taking on Trump. That is why MAGA abandoned him. He betrayed us and went to the NeoCon side. If you had any honesty or integrity you would have said as such

Karl Rove and Ryan had nothing to do with DeSantis running.

The one who really abandoned you was Trump. That is unless you like big spending, big government RINO's (orange ones).

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