DeSantis just had a citizen arrested for peacefully attempting to observe presser in a public building

I know you fail to see it, because you lack principles.

I don't lack principles; I fail to understand your convoluted logic that a school board meeting is comparable to a press conference.

To attend a school board meeting, one needs only to be a local taxpayer.

to attend a press conference, one need to be a member of the press.
Why don't you answer some of the questions being asked?

Can John Q. Public just show up at the WH to ask questions of Biden officials? What do you think would happen if Mr. Public got himself into the press room and refused to leave prior to a presser?

Leftists are so afraid of any opposition, in this case the brilliant governor of FL. I don't wonder why.
Democrats, not leftists.
I don't lack principles; I fail to understand your convoluted logic that a school board meeting is comparable to a press conference.

To attend a school board meeting, one needs only to be a local taxpayer.

to attend a press conference, one need to be a member of the press.
I included out of towners in my response.

Your lack of principle manifests because I'm referring to when people are asked to leave and refuse to do so.
Screen shot? Lol, you dumb fucker, go online to CBS and start watching all 60 Minutes episodes from the past year. The bonus is your dumb ass might just learn something.
^ Another Democrat seeking unity.
I included out of towners in my response.

Your lack of principle manifests because I'm referring to when people are asked to leave and refuse to do so.

Awww cmon folks, Marc no lika facts, he only likes to paint the situation the way he wants to. It is all about everything BUT legality, right Marc, lolololol. You phony baloney!
Which citizen will Republican authoritarian politicians ban next?

I know leftist don't understand this, but this is what happens when someone breaks the law.

I am sure this was already posted in the earlier 7 pages, but....

"Every citizen has the right to protest in public places, but not to trespass in a secure facility in order to disrupt a press briefing,"
Whoever, without being authorized, licensed, or invited, willfully enters or remains in any structure or conveyance, or, having been authorized, licensed, or invited, is warned by the owner or lessee of the premises, or by a person authorized by the owner or lessee, to depart and refuses to do so, commits the offense of trespass in a structure or conveyance.
People who thing differently are a menace AND a cult!

Those who won't mask up when showering or sleeping for instance, or refuse to bow before Biden!
Hmmm, so without any other information, we have to draw a conclusion from a biased source? Is that what we do now? :rolleyes-41:
Sounds like this was an obnoxious heckler. I'm glad DeSantis has the courage to have him arrested, he looked black to me.
Sounds like this was an obnoxious heckler. I'm glad DeSantis has the courage to have him arrested, he looked black to me.
So you're suggesting that it actually was DeSantis that was in charge of getting this citizen arrested, correct?
If it's such a S-hole, why are your cult leaders like AOC fleeing there for vacations, and folks like Nancy P buying homes there?
Why are you creepy Republicans so sexually frustrated over the attractive congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, exercising her freedoms as an American citizen?

You people are nothing but a bunch of sick degenerate, pedo-loving, perverts.
Can you imagine members of the public being allowed into Clot-Shot Xiden press conferences?
Why are you creepy Republicans so sexually frustrated over the attractive congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, exercising her freedoms as an American citizen?

You people are nothing but a bunch of sick degenerate, pedo-loving, perverts.
See, you should have just put this in your OP and saved everyone the bother of taking you seriously. :)
he woudn't leave when asked, he was trepassing at that point. That's a crime, even in FL.

Sounds like the folks were really bending over backwards to try and help him understand, and be polite about it, but he didn't want to cooperate.

Given that he cooperated, I doubt he'll be looking at any sort of jail time over it though.

Aren't you the guy that said that public cannot be barred from a public building so the Capital insurrection wasn't an insurrection because the public had the right to be in a public building?

Members of the public being arrested for trying to attend a public event in a public building. Would they have arrested him if he were a white member of the militia trying to get into the event?

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