DeSantis provides great answer to soy boy parrot reporter asking him how he can defend transporting migrants.

The Statue of Liberty invites them also.
The Statue of Liberty was given to us in 1876.
It was a little different then.
When you allow migrants to live for free on your land right next to you - then you have room to have this opinion. Until then... empty virtue signaling.
Open borders? This is what you call people who want strong mandatory e-verify laws passed. It's what you call people who refuse to ignore US laws for some International mumbo jumbo.

Again, you are wanting to enforce some vague International rule over U.S. laws. I ask you what other International rules do you believe should trump US laws and all you can do is rant.
Treaties have the force of law in the US...Isn't that what you have told us in the past? But, again you are putting the cart before the horse....First you have to stem the flow, then we can discuss internal enforcement....
Treaties have the force of law in the US...Isn't that what you have told us in the past? But, again you are putting the cart before the horse....First you have to stem the flow, then we can discuss internal enforcement....

There is NO treaty that overrides our immigration law. Your fantasy does not exist.
There is NO treaty that overrides our immigration law. Your fantasy does not exist.
Treaties are binding agreements between nations and become part of international law. Treaties to which the United States is a party also have the force of federal legislation, forming part of what the Constitution calls ''the supreme Law of the Land.'' The Senate does not ratify treaties.

Treaties are binding agreements between nations and become part of international law. Treaties to which the United States is a party also have the force of federal legislation, forming part of what the Constitution calls ''the supreme Law of the Land.'' The Senate does not ratify treaties.

Noted: you posted NO treaty we signed on to that over rides our laws or explained why you would ever support that.
Noted: you posted NO treaty we signed on to that over rides our laws or explained why you would ever support that.
The United States is obliged to recognize valid claims for asylum under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. As defined by these agreements, a refugee is a person who is outside their country of nationality (or place of habitual residence if stateless) who, owing to a fear of persecution on account of a protected ground, is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of the state.

The United States is obliged to recognize valid claims for asylum under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. As defined by these agreements, a refugee is a person who is outside their country of nationality (or place of habitual residence if stateless) who, owing to a fear of persecution on account of a protected ground, is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of the state.

I never argued to ignore those claims. Nothing in our laws would exclude doing that.

Still, nothing from you on some imaginary treaty.
I never argued to ignore those claims. Nothing in our laws would exclude doing that.

Still, nothing from you on some imaginary treaty.
OMG...I provide the law, you ignore the law, I provide the treaty, you ignore the treaty, I guess there is just no talking reason...
OMG...I provide the law, you ignore the law, I provide the treaty, you ignore the treaty, I guess there is just no talking reason...

Your link. Right at the top.

Other people enter the United States as aliens either lawfully or unlawfully and apply for asylum under section 1158
Your link. Right at the top.

Other people enter the United States as aliens either lawfully or unlawfully and apply for asylum under section 1158
Yep, and they are exploiting that....We should pull out of the asylum treaties until a more common sense solution can be found....

But, I notice you are now shifting from your earlier argument on the law....Can I consider you agreeing that I am right?
We must remind ourselves again.......these were not people in Florida, these were people he went to Texas to get.

Florida isn't going to export their work force.
We have a shitload of Illegals here in the state thanks to Joe Potatohead.
Yep, and they are exploiting that....We should pull out of the asylum treaties until a more common sense solution can be found....

But, I notice you are now shifting from your earlier argument on the law....Can I consider you agreeing that I am right?

It has NOTHING to do with treaties. It's our law.

Questions and Answers: Affirmative Asylum Eligibility and Applications | USCIS

Can I Still Apply for Asylum Even if I Am in the United States Illegally?​

Yes. You may apply for asylum with USCIS regardless of your immigration status if:

  • You are not currently in removal proceedings
  • You file an asylum application within 1 year of arriving to the United States or demonstrate that you are within an exception to that rule.
The Statue of Liberty was given to us in 1876.
It was a little different then.
When you allow migrants to live for free on your land right next to you - then you have room to have this opinion. Until then... empty virtue signaling.
Also, and this is a big secret to our liberals, a poem on the bottom of a large statue in a harbor given to America Ada gift does not constitute official US immigration policy.

The truth is, we have the singularly most generous legal immigration policy in the world already.

What many of our liberals seem to seek is, in actuality not just in rhetoric, a fully open border. Many of them seemingly cannot fathom why any of the rest of us recognize that as an insane policy or practice.
Also, and this is a big secret to our liberals, a poem on the bottom of a large statue in a harbor given to America Ada gift does not constitute official US immigration policy.

Nope. Official US policy does.

Questions and Answers: Affirmative Asylum Eligibility and Applications | USCIS

The truth is, we have the singularly most generous legal immigration policy in the world already.

What many of our liberals seem to seek is, in actuality not just in rhetoric, a fully open border. Many of them seemingly cannot fathom why any of the rest of us recognize that as an insane policy or practice.

Because you really don't or you would demand that the reason they come (jobs) was addressed.
Business wants it that way both for the workers and the consumers.

I had a new roof put on a couple of years ago.

I asked for a quote from a local contractor and told him I didn't want any Illegals on the job. He told me that if he didn't hire Illegals then there was no way he could stay in business. At least he was honest about it.

The real problem is the Illegals being here.
I had a new roof put on a couple of years ago.

I asked for a quote from a local contractor and told him I didn't want any Illegals on the job. He told me that if he didn't hire Illegals then there was no way he could stay in business. At least he was honest about it.

The real problem is the Illegals being here.

Your argument is that you are too cheap to have your roof done with legal labor.
I had a new roof put on a couple of years ago.

I asked for a quote from a local contractor and told him I didn't want any Illegals on the job. He told me that if he didn't hire Illegals then there was no way he could stay in business. At least he was honest about it.

The real problem is the Illegals being here.
/---/ The contractor could hire legals but they would get a higher salary and render him non-competitive. Labor is his biggest overhead.

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