DeSantis' Response to The Gas Stove Argument

Turn down your ac, unplug your EV and cook dinner
Wait, I know what happened. A democrat was skydiving and was having problems with his parachute. As he fumbled with it, a guy shot up from the ground past him. He asked the guy as he passed, "Hey, do you know anything about parachutes?" The guy says, "No, do you know anything about gas stoves?"
New Republican Fear Mongering over a non-story

Bidens gunna take your Stove!
dems want to take us back to the dark ages where folks are cooking over a wood fire
/——/ Nope, can’t murder trees to make firewood. We have to burn manure for heat, light, and cooking just like in third world countries.
I don't even get why this argument even exists. It cannot be reinforced. If it bothers you so much don't get a gas stove. Just leave ours alone.

This is far more invasive & sinister than simple gas powered ovens/stoves, do not laugh about them and their attack, this is about eliminating your ability to heat your homes, and feed your families with gas appliances. What might you think their reasoning is on this naked attack upon you???

Control, total control over you! Wake the fuck up and arm yourselves, cultivate the mentality necessary to use those arms against the evil.... :wink:

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