
Democrat walks out of moment of silence for Texas massacre victims

"A junior Democratic congressman walked out of a moment of silence Monday night for victims of this weekend's mass shooting at a Texas church."

Talk about total disrespect to the victims and their families...

Walk-Out was part of an emotion-based ploy to push gun-control...because that's what liberals do when they can't stand / debate on facts / substance....

"I can’t do this again; I’ve been to too many moments of silences..."I urge us to pass reasonable gun safety legislation, including a universal background check law supported by 80 percent of Americans, a ban on assault rifles and a ban on bump stocks”

There is no such thing as an 'assault rifle' - it is a Liberal-generated term used in their Don Quixote-mission of eliminating the 2nd Amendment. ANY rifle can be used to 'assault' someone. As far as the bump stock goes, the GOP agree.
Why would anyone care? It's not like it does any good? Oh....I see.....because it offends those who ONLY want us to give prayers to the victims as a PROP.
No one has absolute free will. Even a hermit is restricted by environment. If you are going to be a positive member of society, you have to be restricted in various ways.
how, what is your solution?
Utilitarianism: The word utilitarian was coined by the philosopher and judge Jeremy Bentham, who argued that his principle of utility would create the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people." Pragmatic, realistic. Most Americans want stricter gun control. People would be safer and happier with less guns in circulation in the country.
Yeah because every country that give up their guns to the government has been happily starved and enslaved in those safe spaces.
That is totally untrue.Totally. Where do you get these ideas?
Venezuala, China, Russia, Cuba, Germany... You know. History and shit.
You are referring to Germany during Hitler. They still have strict gun laws and the people are most definitely not slaves or oppressed, quite the contrary. I know, I've lived there, have you? The others your mention are 3rd world dictatorships, so their oppression has really to do with that, not gun laws. Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and many other countries have strict gun laws and the last thing the people are is oppressed or slaves. Again and again and again: you people either consiously ignore truth or are just ignorant of it.
They’re occurring because we have abandoned all of our morals as a society. Any society that accepts deviancy like we do gets this kind of thing.

What deviancy is causing massacres?
Total disregard for human life in the womb for one. When a human isn't a human during pregnancy it doesn't hold that much value after birth either. The attacks on Christianity, no morality is being taught to young kids and as a result they are now adults without any. Forced acceptance of every concievable sexual perversion you can think of. Trannies, homo's, hell the left is even starting to push incest and pedophelia as normal. Destruction of families. etc. etc. etc.

Basically everything you liberals stand for.

So the guy stormed a church because we have abortion?

He stormed a church because gays are allowed to marry?

You are completely nuts
He did it because he had no moral standing. If you can't follow that then you're either an idiot or being an asshole.

No shit Sherlock
His lack of moral standing was he was a wife and child beater not because a woman is allowed to get an abortion
Yeah because someone with the idea beating up his wife and kid is surely against abortion.
as a gun owner i do believe it is time to examine why these mass shootings are occurring....and perhaps more vetting
They’re occurring because we have abandoned all of our morals as a society. Any society that accepts deviancy like we do gets this kind of thing.

What deviancy is causing massacres?

Lack of a moral compass, promoting "subjective morality" in the schools. The "if it feels good, just do it" mentality.

That young man was taught that there is no God, no eternal repercussions for what he did.

He's going to find out otherwise, and shame on those that lied to him.
OK, and that's begging how?

OK, and that's a punishment, how?

Government is only as effective as the people you elect to it. If you want more effective government, stop electing people who think the institution of government is the problem. As PJ O'Rourke says, "[Conservatives] like to say government is the problem, then they get elected and prove it."

How about if you had to show cause to vote?

Again, how about a $100 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?

The problem is the government at all levels has become too bloated to be responsible to the people.

How about letting the good people of the great state of NY decide for themselves what gun laws they want, provided they pass muster with the SCOTUS,

eh? Mr. states rights guy???

How about you allow Alabama to decide it's own abortion laws and marriage laws?

Oh wait, you are a hypocrite and will spout on and on about parts of the constitution that don't exist.

Meanwhile I have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms, and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

States rights stop at the rights of the people as enshrined in the Amendments.

You are glad then that the killer in Texas was able to legally obtain guns. Jesus Christ that is some sad shit there.

He was supposed to be on the banned list, and the government failed. Why should I suffer a loss of my rights because of it?

You don't want there to BE a banned list.
It's amazing how important it is to have a 'moral compass', ethics, morality, respect for the law and others, and holding people at every level accountable for their own actions. Too bad Democrats / Liberals no longer believe in that and do not teach / pass that on anymore.
OK, and that's begging how?

OK, and that's a punishment, how?

Government is only as effective as the people you elect to it. If you want more effective government, stop electing people who think the institution of government is the problem. As PJ O'Rourke says, "[Conservatives] like to say government is the problem, then they get elected and prove it."

How about if you had to show cause to vote?

Again, how about a $100 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?

The problem is the government at all levels has become too bloated to be responsible to the people.

How about letting the good people of the great state of NY decide for themselves what gun laws they want, provided they pass muster with the SCOTUS,

eh? Mr. states rights guy???

How about you allow Alabama to decide it's own abortion laws and marriage laws?

Oh wait, you are a hypocrite and will spout on and on about parts of the constitution that don't exist.

Meanwhile I have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms, and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

States rights stop at the rights of the people as enshrined in the Amendments.

LOL, you think I added 'pass muster with the SCOTUS' for no reason?

Goddam you're stupid.

because the courts have been terrible for 4 decades now and getting worse.

So if you take away the power of the courts to protect your gun rights, who will?
It's amazing how important it is to have a 'moral compass', ethics, morality, respect for the law and others, and holding people at every level accountable for their own actions. Too bad Democrats / Liberals no longer believe in that and do not teach / pass that on anymore.

The above from someone who is happy the killer in Texas could legally buy guns. Jesus.
Why do Libs continue to charge the 'windmill', Don Quixote-style, in a continuous attempt to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights, to make Americans less safe?

I guess doing so is the attempt to force their ideology onto others.
The above from someone who is happy the killer in Texas could legally buy guns. Jesus.
It is sad how liberals have to twist and ie to try to make a point.

I am happy that the Constitution protects Americans' right to bear arms.

Why isn't the media - and jackasses like you - pointing out that the system does work, that this guy would NEVER have been allowed to buy a gun HAD THERE NOT BEEN A MISTAKE MADE BY THE AIR FORCE - NOT REPORTING THE FELONY COMMITTED BY IT'S MEMBER TO THE OUTSIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES?

Instead of focusing on that - something that does not support the Liberal ideology / goal of disarming Americans, you use emotion, spin, and lies to push the agenda.
Why do Libs continue to charge the 'windmill', Don Quixote-style, in a continuous attempt to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights, to make Americans less safe?

I guess doing so is the attempt to force their ideology onto others.

Nobody is stripping you of your rights

Just limiting your access to certain toys
How about if you had to show cause to vote?

Again, how about a $100 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?

The problem is the government at all levels has become too bloated to be responsible to the people.

How about letting the good people of the great state of NY decide for themselves what gun laws they want, provided they pass muster with the SCOTUS,

eh? Mr. states rights guy???

How about you allow Alabama to decide it's own abortion laws and marriage laws?

Oh wait, you are a hypocrite and will spout on and on about parts of the constitution that don't exist.

Meanwhile I have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms, and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

States rights stop at the rights of the people as enshrined in the Amendments.

You are glad then that the killer in Texas was able to legally obtain guns. Jesus Christ that is some sad shit there.

He was supposed to be on the banned list, and the government failed. Why should I suffer a loss of my rights because of it?

You don't want there to BE a banned list.

Find where I have supported felons owning guns.

I'll be waiting.
How about if you had to show cause to vote?

Again, how about a $100 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?

The problem is the government at all levels has become too bloated to be responsible to the people.

How about letting the good people of the great state of NY decide for themselves what gun laws they want, provided they pass muster with the SCOTUS,

eh? Mr. states rights guy???

How about you allow Alabama to decide it's own abortion laws and marriage laws?

Oh wait, you are a hypocrite and will spout on and on about parts of the constitution that don't exist.

Meanwhile I have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms, and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

States rights stop at the rights of the people as enshrined in the Amendments.

LOL, you think I added 'pass muster with the SCOTUS' for no reason?

Goddam you're stupid.

because the courts have been terrible for 4 decades now and getting worse.

So if you take away the power of the courts to protect your gun rights, who will?

We need better people on the Courts, and that's one promise Trump has been keeping.
OK, and that's begging how?

OK, and that's a punishment, how?

Government is only as effective as the people you elect to it. If you want more effective government, stop electing people who think the institution of government is the problem. As PJ O'Rourke says, "[Conservatives] like to say government is the problem, then they get elected and prove it."

How about if you had to show cause to vote?

Again, how about a $100 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?

The problem is the government at all levels has become too bloated to be responsible to the people.

How about letting the good people of the great state of NY decide for themselves what gun laws they want, provided they pass muster with the SCOTUS,

eh? Mr. states rights guy???

How about you allow Alabama to decide it's own abortion laws and marriage laws?

Oh wait, you are a hypocrite and will spout on and on about parts of the constitution that don't exist.

Meanwhile I have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms, and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

States rights stop at the rights of the people as enshrined in the Amendments.

Stop whining

Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers own guns

Stop being so cheap and just buy one

Stop whining.

Millions of people have ID's and can vote with them.

Stop being so cheap and just get an ID so you can vote.

Make sure every American has an ID and I have no problem in using them to vote
It's amazing how important it is to have a 'moral compass', ethics, morality, respect for the law and others, and holding people at every level accountable for their own actions. Too bad Democrats / Liberals no longer believe in that and do not teach / pass that on anymore.

The above from someone who is happy the killer in Texas could legally buy guns. Jesus.

OOOOHHH, wrong. The AF failed to enter his convictions of beating his wife and child, had they entered them into the data base he would have been forced to buy them illegally.

Democrat walks out of moment of silence for Texas massacre victims

"A junior Democratic congressman walked out of a moment of silence Monday night for victims of this weekend's mass shooting at a Texas church."

Talk about total disrespect to the victims and their families...

Walk-Out was part of an emotion-based ploy to push gun-control...because that's what liberals do when they can't stand / debate on facts / substance....

"I can’t do this again; I’ve been to too many moments of silences..."I urge us to pass reasonable gun safety legislation, including a universal background check law supported by 80 percent of Americans, a ban on assault rifles and a ban on bump stocks”

There is no such thing as an 'assault rifle' - it is a Liberal-generated term used in their Don Quixote-mission of eliminating the 2nd Amendment. ANY rifle can be used to 'assault' someone. As far as the bump stock goes, the GOP agree.
Why would anyone care? It's not like it does any good? Oh....I see.....because it offends those who ONLY want us to give prayers to the victims as a PROP.
why are you against the victims families praying? your rationale is stupid.
How about if you had to show cause to vote?

Again, how about a $100 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?

The problem is the government at all levels has become too bloated to be responsible to the people.

How about letting the good people of the great state of NY decide for themselves what gun laws they want, provided they pass muster with the SCOTUS,

eh? Mr. states rights guy???

How about you allow Alabama to decide it's own abortion laws and marriage laws?

Oh wait, you are a hypocrite and will spout on and on about parts of the constitution that don't exist.

Meanwhile I have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms, and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

States rights stop at the rights of the people as enshrined in the Amendments.

Stop whining

Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers own guns

Stop being so cheap and just buy one

Stop whining.

Millions of people have ID's and can vote with them.

Stop being so cheap and just get an ID so you can vote.

Make sure every American has an ID and I have no problem in using them to vote

Stop being so cheap. Usually they only cost $10 or so.

Yet you are OK with NY charging me $500 or so for a 3-6 month background "check"

How about if you had to show cause to vote?

Again, how about a $100 fee and a 2 week waiting period for an abortion?

The problem is the government at all levels has become too bloated to be responsible to the people.

How about letting the good people of the great state of NY decide for themselves what gun laws they want, provided they pass muster with the SCOTUS,

eh? Mr. states rights guy???

How about you allow Alabama to decide it's own abortion laws and marriage laws?

Oh wait, you are a hypocrite and will spout on and on about parts of the constitution that don't exist.

Meanwhile I have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms, and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

States rights stop at the rights of the people as enshrined in the Amendments.

You are glad then that the killer in Texas was able to legally obtain guns. Jesus Christ that is some sad shit there.

He was supposed to be on the banned list, and the government failed. Why should I suffer a loss of my rights because of it?

You don't want there to BE a banned list.
a banned list isn't going to stop someone from getting a gun, so it has no value.
How about letting the good people of the great state of NY decide for themselves what gun laws they want, provided they pass muster with the SCOTUS,

eh? Mr. states rights guy???

How about you allow Alabama to decide it's own abortion laws and marriage laws?

Oh wait, you are a hypocrite and will spout on and on about parts of the constitution that don't exist.

Meanwhile I have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms, and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

States rights stop at the rights of the people as enshrined in the Amendments.

You are glad then that the killer in Texas was able to legally obtain guns. Jesus Christ that is some sad shit there.

He was supposed to be on the banned list, and the government failed. Why should I suffer a loss of my rights because of it?

You don't want there to BE a banned list.
a banned list isn't going to stop someone from getting a gun, so it has no value.

Makes it more difficult to obtain one
Also means you can be arrested if one is found in your possession

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