
I rather think that it is foolish to have the only protection between a community and a gun weilding madman to be someone remembering to file something.

Then why do you think making that "filing system" more complex and powerful is GOOD idea? Is it because you have faith that if the left toss their gun control problem to the Feds, that they will miraculously get better at managing and maintaining systems like that?

The minute he applied to own a semi-automatic, they should have initiated a REAL investigation, not just relied on what was in a computer.

That's the FBI circa 1950.. With their rolodexs and teletypes and filing cabinets. Just isn't possible to deep dive into a couple MILLION applications per year. This is way it gets done in the 21st century. . GOOGLE can do it. Best Buy can track you. This insta-check system is far less complicated IF it was operated by motivated people who could get fired for screwing up.. And MANAGED by a company that has working oversight and management.
You're REALLY confused about this. It was STANDARD PRACTICE to have Military Court Orders and well as Civil ones in the system. The fucking INVESTIGATION WAS DONE and SHOULD have been in that system. To PREVENT the purchases and the killings.

I rather think that it is foolish to have the only protection between a community and a gun weilding madman to be someone remembering to file something.

The minute he applied to own a semi-automatic, they should have initiated a REAL investigation, not just relied on what was in a computer.
ok, what is your solution?
It's all about power and control. Libs freak out about Americans' right to own guns being protected by the 2nd Amendment while proving they could not give a damn about Human life:

Between abortions and child trafficking, they will prey on the weakest amongst us while condemning / demonizing those who can defend themselves...

Then why do you think making that "filing system" more complex and powerful is GOOD idea? Is it because you have faith that if the left toss their gun control problem to the Feds, that they will miraculously get better at managing and maintaining systems like that?

Naw, that isn't what I am proposing at all.

In fact, I think that the gun manufacturers should run background checks.

And if someone gets through, then the survivors can sue the gun dealer, gun manufacturer and the NRA itself.

Of course, they could practically do it. Someone applies for a permit to own a semi-automatic or other assault weapon, it wouldn't take much to do a background check. Call his employer, his spouse, his neighbors... wouldn't take long to find out stuff at all, that's what the media did and they got the dirt on this guy in one day.

Because they actually checked his background!!! Wow, amazing, you mean you can actually check into someone's background and find stuff out? That's incredible. Now, if only someone had done that with this guy before he shot up 26 of his neighbors.
In fact, I think that the gun manufacturers should run background checks.

There it is again. Leftist lack of thinking about or knowing how things work. How do you think ANY private corporation is gonna get access to people's Miltiary or Civilian court data or psych records or citizenship status?

You'd be cool with a legion of Intelligence Officers from Ruger or Remington rummaging around in the nation's criminal/crazy basement secrets? How about if Google did it? Would THAT be OK with you?

I think gun DEALERS ought to save and keep PRIVATE records on transactions thru their private association for a year or two at at time. That way folks ACCUMULATING an arsenal would be known to them and they'd have a chance to chat about that before clearing any future purchases. THAT -- would be a proper use of the private sector. And something the GOVT should NOT do..
There it is again. Leftist lack of thinking about or knowing how things work. How do you think ANY private corporation is gonna get access to people's Miltiary or Civilian court data or psych records or citizenship status?

again, the Credit Card companies can find out ALL ABOUT YOU when deciding whether or not to give you a credit card.

The thing is, the gun industry WANTS crazy people and crooks to have guns. They truly due. It's why the current background check system is so weak.

If crooks and nuts have guns, then people like you are going to be all scared and you are going to want them, too.

Much like the alcohol industry relies on alcoholics for most of their sales, the gun industry relies on paranoid loons for most of their sales. And nothing makes a paranoid loon more than some nut shooting something up.
There it is again. Leftist lack of thinking about or knowing how things work. How do you think ANY private corporation is gonna get access to people's Miltiary or Civilian court data or psych records or citizenship status?

again, the Credit Card companies can find out ALL ABOUT YOU when deciding whether or not to give you a credit card.

The thing is, the gun industry WANTS crazy people and crooks to have guns. They truly due. It's why the current background check system is so weak.

If crooks and nuts have guns, then people like you are going to be all scared and you are going to want them, too.

Much like the alcohol industry relies on alcoholics for most of their sales, the gun industry relies on paranoid loons for most of their sales. And nothing makes a paranoid loon more than some nut shooting something up.
don't you have to actually have someone enter someone's information in order to pull it up? So how is the NRA going to see information that isn't in the database? explain how they do that? Again, you all are fking nut jobs. one cannot make up your kind of stupid. wow.
"The former airman was able to pass mandatory background checks because his military criminal record wasn’t entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center database, the Air Force said in a statement.

Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein have ordered “a complete review of the Kelley case,” as well as “a comprehensive review of Air Force databases to ensure records in other cases have been reported correctly,” the statement said."

I really wish the stupid like you would actually know facts.
Investigate the people responsible for reporting this man. You might just find a like minded anti Christian atheist who was looking forward to a mass murder of Christians. It's not like the anti believers haven't salivated over this before.

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