Despite Hillary Lies and Scandals, How on Earth are People Going to Vote for Her? Brainwashed.

Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.
There are many people who vote for whomever has the (R) or the (D) after their name, regardless. I think we both know there is plenty of that here.

For those who don't, yep, she's terrible.

But the alternative is worse.

And that's really about it. Not lot of mystery.

Hillary's terrible is a lot more terrible than is Trump's terrible.
If I cannot vote democrat------I usually solve the problem by
not voting at all-------this time I will breach that policy
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.
There are many people who vote for whomever has the (R) or the (D) after their name, regardless. I think we both know there is plenty of that here.

For those who don't, yep, she's terrible.

But the alternative is worse.

And that's really about it. Not lot of mystery.

Hillary's terrible is a lot more terrible than is Trump's terrible.
If I cannot vote democrat------I usually solve the problem by
not voting at all-------this time I will breach that policy

That's fine. But these constant threads about how anyone can vote for Hillary are a mystery.

For many, they're looking at Trump and saying he's even worse. I don't know why we keep getting these threads that don't get this.
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.
There are many people who vote for whomever has the (R) or the (D) after their name, regardless. I think we both know there is plenty of that here.

For those who don't, yep, she's terrible.

But the alternative is worse.

And that's really about it. Not lot of mystery.

Hillary's terrible is a lot more terrible than is Trump's terrible.
If I cannot vote democrat------I usually solve the problem by
not voting at all-------this time I will breach that policy

That's fine. But these constant threads about how anyone can vote for Hillary are a mystery.

For many, they're looking at Trump and saying he's even worse. I don't know why we keep getting these threads that don't get this.

So none is voting for hitlery? Link?
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.
There are many people who vote for whomever has the (R) or the (D) after their name, regardless. I think we both know there is plenty of that here.

For those who don't, yep, she's terrible.

But the alternative is worse.

And that's really about it. Not lot of mystery.

Hillary's terrible is a lot more terrible than is Trump's terrible.
If I cannot vote democrat------I usually solve the problem by
not voting at all-------this time I will breach that policy

That's fine. But these constant threads about how anyone can vote for Hillary are a mystery.

For many, they're looking at Trump and saying he's even worse. I don't know why we keep getting these threads that don't get this.

So none is voting for hitlery? Link?

I have no idea what this means.
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

I am a registered democrat------since I reached majority ----which, way back then, was 21---and LONG LONG ago-----I was not brainwashed. I was observant. Back then republicans in my town (a very republican town) were racist and a weird form of rich-------they complained about every penny they paid in taxes, hated welfare, and were anti integration . There was not a single "colored" family in town----my mom used to comment now and then "I'll show them----when I sell this house it will be to a colored family"------she probably would have been lynched. They also hated
unions----unless the hubby benefited from one

That's why you became Democrat? There is racism in the world between blacks and whites and visa versa?
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

And voting for Trump isn't being brainwashed?

Hardly. He is not the establishment candidate Hillary is.
See? Nothing but lies about Trump, namecalling, and smearing. The Democrat cannot address any policy Trump actually put forth, without distorting and outright lying about it.

You were wondering how people could possibly vote for such a corrupt liar as Hillary? There's your answer: People such as this poster.
I looked for the winking smiley attached to your post, but didn't find one. Sorry, Dude, your guy is amoral punk, who imagines a world where he could be like many of the other murderous, genocidal dictators the world has known.

Trump opines about killing innocent families of people he imagines are terrorists:

After proclaiming he would bring water boarding back (a war crime) and ““a lot worse,”” which gave the clear impression that he wants torture for the sake of torture, not as an interrogation technique. But in case that wasn't clear, he said, "The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families," Trump said in March 3rd debate. And in classic Hitlerian style, he said he wouldn't do that the next day. But fringe voters don't care about what he said the next day. It is a classic strategy.
There is no longer a press in this country, it has become a corrupted propaganda ministry for the Democratic party. Blatant bias, fabrications, lies, spin, half truths, sounds like the goddamn Soviet Union doesn't it. You have liberals to blame for this.

The press is your only source of information? What in "the press" do you consider all that slanted toward "democrat" are brainwashed.
Ahhhhhhh, you buy the rhetoric. Plenty of grass for you in the pasture to make your wool coat nice and shiny...and your mind very dull.
I don't buy the rhetoric. I have been pointing out how filthy, racist, sick and utterly contemptible the GOP leadership was for playing along with Trump’s Hitlerian birther stunt. Romney, for instance, went and begged for money long after Trump was Birther in Chief in Denial.

How's that working out for Romney now?

The GOP, I have said for five years, will rue the days when they lacked the courage to stand up against a filthy, racist scumbag and his filthy, racist Hitlerian stunt.
You do live in this world, but you cannot reach for the truth after years of indoctrination through liberal media and public schools and college campuses. Free your mind and your ass will follow Winston Smith.

The above......a clear example of what happens to a moron once he is home-schooled.....LOL
Ahhhhhhh, you buy the rhetoric. Plenty of grass for you in the pasture to make your wool coat nice and shiny...and your mind very dull.
I don't buy the rhetoric. I have been pointing out how filthy, racist, sick and utterly contemptible the GOP leadership was for playing along with Trump’s Hitlerian birther stunt. Romney, for instance, went and begged for money long after Trump was Birther in Chief in Denial.

How's that working out for Romney now?

The GOP, I have said for five years, will rue the days when they lacked the courage to stand up against a filthy, racist scumbag and his filthy, racist Hitlerian stunt.
You mean hitlerys....
There is no longer a press in this country, it has become a corrupted propaganda ministry for the Democratic party. Blatant bias, fabrications, lies, spin, half truths, sounds like the goddamn Soviet Union doesn't it. You have liberals to blame for this.

The press is your only source of information? What in "the press" do you consider all that slanted toward "democrat"

Good grief are you kidding?
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

And voting for Trump isn't being brainwashed?

Hardly. He is not the establishment candidate Hillary is.

Oh right, so you're only brainwashed if you vote for the establishment. Could it not be that you've been duped and you don't even know it?

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