Despite Hillary Lies and Scandals, How on Earth are People Going to Vote for Her? Brainwashed.

Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

I am a registered democrat------since I reached majority ----which, way back then, was 21---and LONG LONG ago-----I was not brainwashed. I was observant. Back then republicans in my town (a very republican town) were racist and a weird form of rich-------they complained about every penny they paid in taxes, hated welfare, and were anti integration . There was not a single "colored" family in town----my mom used to comment now and then "I'll show them----when I sell this house it will be to a colored family"------she probably would have been lynched. They also hated
unions----unless the hubby benefited from one

So you're still brainwashed to this day...

I was never brainwashed------I was an avid reader since
age 8 and there were absolutely no restrictions on my reading material. In fact, at age 11 my mother wrote a letter to the
town librarian that I should be allowed to borrow any book I wanted-----my town was so backward that kids had to be content with baby books until ---I think it was age 16 (?) ---
maybe 18. Of course the librarian assumed that I was borrowing books FOR MOM. I also read the very prevalent
Nazi propaganda which fluttered around town in pamphlets.
My entire education was-----PUBLIC SCHOOL----even college was the STATE SCHOOL. I had no organized religious
education at all-----absolutely none. By the time I was 14----
I was FULLY CONVINCED that the history textbooks were
government propaganda slanted-----an independently
achieved conclusion-----sorta. So who brainwashed me?

You're a democrat, correct?

And sorry for your public school education, it shows....
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

And voting for Trump isn't being brainwashed?
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

I am a registered democrat------since I reached majority ----which, way back then, was 21---and LONG LONG ago-----I was not brainwashed. I was observant. Back then republicans in my town (a very republican town) were racist and a weird form of rich-------they complained about every penny they paid in taxes, hated welfare, and were anti integration . There was not a single "colored" family in town----my mom used to comment now and then "I'll show them----when I sell this house it will be to a colored family"------she probably would have been lynched. They also hated
unions----unless the hubby benefited from one

So you're still brainwashed to this day...

I was never brainwashed------I was an avid reader since
age 8 and there were absolutely no restrictions on my reading material. In fact, at age 11 my mother wrote a letter to the
town librarian that I should be allowed to borrow any book I wanted-----my town was so backward that kids had to be content with baby books until ---I think it was age 16 (?) ---
maybe 18. Of course the librarian assumed that I was borrowing books FOR MOM. I also read the very prevalent
Nazi propaganda which fluttered around town in pamphlets.
My entire education was-----PUBLIC SCHOOL----even college was the STATE SCHOOL. I had no organized religious
education at all-----absolutely none. By the time I was 14----
I was FULLY CONVINCED that the history textbooks were
government propaganda slanted-----an independently
achieved conclusion-----sorta. So who brainwashed me?

You're a democrat, correct?

And sorry for your public school education, it shows....

I live in the USA-----and grew up in a fairly "affluent" state in which the school systems varied from town to town---being supported to a significant degree by PROPERY TAX-------Since my home town was ALL WHITE-----the entire
population being home owners----my public school education
was well funded and SOLID-----in fact, solidly republican.
I am fascinated with your comment about "public school"--do you live in the USA? What does 'public school' mean to
There is no longer a press in this country, it has become a corrupted propaganda ministry for the Democratic party. Blatant bias, fabrications, lies, spin, half truths, sounds like the goddamn Soviet Union doesn't it. You have liberals to blame for this.

The press is your only source of information? What in "the press" do you consider all that slanted toward "democrat"
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

I am a registered democrat------since I reached majority ----which, way back then, was 21---and LONG LONG ago-----I was not brainwashed. I was observant. Back then republicans in my town (a very republican town) were racist and a weird form of rich-------they complained about every penny they paid in taxes, hated welfare, and were anti integration . There was not a single "colored" family in town----my mom used to comment now and then "I'll show them----when I sell this house it will be to a colored family"------she probably would have been lynched. They also hated
unions----unless the hubby benefited from one

So you're still brainwashed to this day...

I was never brainwashed------I was an avid reader since
age 8 and there were absolutely no restrictions on my reading material. In fact, at age 11 my mother wrote a letter to the
town librarian that I should be allowed to borrow any book I wanted-----my town was so backward that kids had to be content with baby books until ---I think it was age 16 (?) ---
maybe 18. Of course the librarian assumed that I was borrowing books FOR MOM. I also read the very prevalent
Nazi propaganda which fluttered around town in pamphlets.
My entire education was-----PUBLIC SCHOOL----even college was the STATE SCHOOL. I had no organized religious
education at all-----absolutely none. By the time I was 14----
I was FULLY CONVINCED that the history textbooks were
government propaganda slanted-----an independently
achieved conclusion-----sorta. So who brainwashed me?

You're a democrat, correct?

And sorry for your public school education, it shows....

I live in the USA-----and grew up in a fairly "affluent" state in which the school systems varied from town to town---being supported to a significant degree by PROPERY TAX-------Since my home town was ALL WHITE-----the entire
population being home owners----my public school education
was well funded and SOLID-----in fact, solidly republican.
I am fascinated with your comment about "public school"--do you live in the USA? What does 'public school' mean to

Public school? Commoncore.....

Public schools are entry points to the democrat plantation.....nothing else....
I am a registered democrat------since I reached majority ----which, way back then, was 21---and LONG LONG ago-----I was not brainwashed. I was observant. Back then republicans in my town (a very republican town) were racist and a weird form of rich-------they complained about every penny they paid in taxes, hated welfare, and were anti integration . There was not a single "colored" family in town----my mom used to comment now and then "I'll show them----when I sell this house it will be to a colored family"------she probably would have been lynched. They also hated
unions----unless the hubby benefited from one
So you're still brainwashed to this day...

I was never brainwashed------I was an avid reader since
age 8 and there were absolutely no restrictions on my reading material. In fact, at age 11 my mother wrote a letter to the
town librarian that I should be allowed to borrow any book I wanted-----my town was so backward that kids had to be content with baby books until ---I think it was age 16 (?) ---
maybe 18. Of course the librarian assumed that I was borrowing books FOR MOM. I also read the very prevalent
Nazi propaganda which fluttered around town in pamphlets.
My entire education was-----PUBLIC SCHOOL----even college was the STATE SCHOOL. I had no organized religious
education at all-----absolutely none. By the time I was 14----
I was FULLY CONVINCED that the history textbooks were
government propaganda slanted-----an independently
achieved conclusion-----sorta. So who brainwashed me?
You're a democrat, correct?

And sorry for your public school education, it shows....

I live in the USA-----and grew up in a fairly "affluent" state in which the school systems varied from town to town---being supported to a significant degree by PROPERY TAX-------Since my home town was ALL WHITE-----the entire
population being home owners----my public school education
was well funded and SOLID-----in fact, solidly republican.
I am fascinated with your comment about "public school"--do you live in the USA? What does 'public school' mean to
Public school? Commoncore.....

Public schools are entry points to the democrat plantation.....nothing else....

the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

And voting for Trump isn't being brainwashed?

presidential campaigns have engaged in "brain wash"---
for more than 100 years in the USA-----try to find some information on just what was going on even in the campaign
that got Lincoln into office--------really down and dirty
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

And voting for Trump isn't being brainwashed?

presidential campaigns have engaged in "brain wash"---
for more than 100 years in the USA-----try to find some information on just what was going on even in the campaign
that got Lincoln into office--------really down and dirty

Of course. I read about John Quincy Adams over the summer, and even that was dirty politics. Adams couldn't do anything as president because Jackson didn't like him.
There is no longer a press in this country, it has become a corrupted propaganda ministry for the Democratic party. Blatant bias, fabrications, lies, spin, half truths, sounds like the goddamn Soviet Union doesn't it. You have liberals to blame for this.

The press is your only source of information? What in "the press" do you consider all that slanted toward "democrat"

Legend's answer was <giggle>
So you're still brainwashed to this day...

I was never brainwashed------I was an avid reader since
age 8 and there were absolutely no restrictions on my reading material. In fact, at age 11 my mother wrote a letter to the
town librarian that I should be allowed to borrow any book I wanted-----my town was so backward that kids had to be content with baby books until ---I think it was age 16 (?) ---
maybe 18. Of course the librarian assumed that I was borrowing books FOR MOM. I also read the very prevalent
Nazi propaganda which fluttered around town in pamphlets.
My entire education was-----PUBLIC SCHOOL----even college was the STATE SCHOOL. I had no organized religious
education at all-----absolutely none. By the time I was 14----
I was FULLY CONVINCED that the history textbooks were
government propaganda slanted-----an independently
achieved conclusion-----sorta. So who brainwashed me?
You're a democrat, correct?

And sorry for your public school education, it shows....

I live in the USA-----and grew up in a fairly "affluent" state in which the school systems varied from town to town---being supported to a significant degree by PROPERY TAX-------Since my home town was ALL WHITE-----the entire
population being home owners----my public school education
was well funded and SOLID-----in fact, solidly republican.
I am fascinated with your comment about "public school"--do you live in the USA? What does 'public school' mean to
Public school? Commoncore.....

Public schools are entry points to the democrat plantation.....nothing else....

the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrat segreggration was an evil practice.....sadly, it's rearing its ugly head again in public schools thanks to democrats.....

I went to private school and college.....
I was never brainwashed------I was an avid reader since
age 8 and there were absolutely no restrictions on my reading material. In fact, at age 11 my mother wrote a letter to the
town librarian that I should be allowed to borrow any book I wanted-----my town was so backward that kids had to be content with baby books until ---I think it was age 16 (?) ---
maybe 18. Of course the librarian assumed that I was borrowing books FOR MOM. I also read the very prevalent
Nazi propaganda which fluttered around town in pamphlets.
My entire education was-----PUBLIC SCHOOL----even college was the STATE SCHOOL. I had no organized religious
education at all-----absolutely none. By the time I was 14----
I was FULLY CONVINCED that the history textbooks were
government propaganda slanted-----an independently
achieved conclusion-----sorta. So who brainwashed me?
You're a democrat, correct?

And sorry for your public school education, it shows....

I live in the USA-----and grew up in a fairly "affluent" state in which the school systems varied from town to town---being supported to a significant degree by PROPERY TAX-------Since my home town was ALL WHITE-----the entire
population being home owners----my public school education
was well funded and SOLID-----in fact, solidly republican.
I am fascinated with your comment about "public school"--do you live in the USA? What does 'public school' mean to
Public school? Commoncore.....

Public schools are entry points to the democrat plantation.....nothing else....

the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrat segreggration was an evil practice.....sadly, it's rearing its ugly head again in public schools thanks to democrats.....

I went to private school and college.....

oh.... can you define "democrat segreggration" ------
was your private school education in childhood----ie.
kindergarten thru high school religion based or just
wealthy based? (I live in the USA---private school in
the USA means one or the other----either religion or
You're a democrat, correct?

And sorry for your public school education, it shows....

I live in the USA-----and grew up in a fairly "affluent" state in which the school systems varied from town to town---being supported to a significant degree by PROPERY TAX-------Since my home town was ALL WHITE-----the entire
population being home owners----my public school education
was well funded and SOLID-----in fact, solidly republican.
I am fascinated with your comment about "public school"--do you live in the USA? What does 'public school' mean to
Public school? Commoncore.....

Public schools are entry points to the democrat plantation.....nothing else....

the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrat segreggration was an evil practice.....sadly, it's rearing its ugly head again in public schools thanks to democrats.....

I went to private school and college.....

oh.... can you define "democrat segreggration" ------
was your private school education in childhood----ie.
kindergarten thru high school religion based or just
wealthy based? (I live in the USA---private school in
the USA means one or the other----either religion or
Democrats did this.....sorry to have to educate you as to what you support...


My private k-12 was choice based of my parents....

My private college was choice based by me.....
I live in the USA-----and grew up in a fairly "affluent" state in which the school systems varied from town to town---being supported to a significant degree by PROPERY TAX-------Since my home town was ALL WHITE-----the entire
population being home owners----my public school education
was well funded and SOLID-----in fact, solidly republican.
I am fascinated with your comment about "public school"--do you live in the USA? What does 'public school' mean to
Public school? Commoncore.....

Public schools are entry points to the democrat plantation.....nothing else....

the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrat segreggration was an evil practice.....sadly, it's rearing its ugly head again in public schools thanks to democrats.....

I went to private school and college.....

oh.... can you define "democrat segreggration" ------
was your private school education in childhood----ie.
kindergarten thru high school religion based or just
wealthy based? (I live in the USA---private school in
the USA means one or the other----either religion or
Democrats did this.....sorry to have to educate you as to what you support...

View attachment 92427

My private k-12 was choice based of my parents....

My private college was choice based by me.....

That was SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS with republican mindset---------Northern Democrats in the 20th century were the pro-unionists and anti-segregationist people of the USA.
As to your private schooling-----what makes you imagine that it was somehow superior to non-private schooling? Besides money----what did it take to obtain that "private" schooling?
Public school? Commoncore.....

Public schools are entry points to the democrat plantation.....nothing else....

the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrat segreggration was an evil practice.....sadly, it's rearing its ugly head again in public schools thanks to democrats.....

I went to private school and college.....

oh.... can you define "democrat segreggration" ------
was your private school education in childhood----ie.
kindergarten thru high school religion based or just
wealthy based? (I live in the USA---private school in
the USA means one or the other----either religion or
Democrats did this.....sorry to have to educate you as to what you support...

View attachment 92427

My private k-12 was choice based of my parents....

My private college was choice based by me.....

That was SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS with republican mindset---------Northern Democrats in the 20th century were the pro-unionists and anti-segregationist people of the USA.
As to your private schooling-----what makes you imagine that it was somehow superior to non-private schooling? Besides money----what did it take to obtain that "private" schooling?
What did it take? Well, free thinking of course.....

And yes, democrats created segreggration.......and republicans ended it..
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

I'm curious. Are you in denial your hero Bush92 endorsed Hillary?

Of course. Trump beat his son. He is an old man now confined to a wheelchair. Was a good POTUS. Also, you quote a rumor of a rumor from a Kennedy stating what she thinks she heard.

Actually multiple sources independently said that he said he was going to vote for Hillary. Also, his daughter attended a Clinton fundraiser.

Also, what does him being confined to a wheel chair have to do with anything?

He's a good littler trump minion who is repeating the line his master said about Bush92 being in a wheel chair
Public school? Commoncore.....

Public schools are entry points to the democrat plantation.....nothing else....

the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrat segreggration was an evil practice.....sadly, it's rearing its ugly head again in public schools thanks to democrats.....

I went to private school and college.....

oh.... can you define "democrat segreggration" ------
was your private school education in childhood----ie.
kindergarten thru high school religion based or just
wealthy based? (I live in the USA---private school in
the USA means one or the other----either religion or
Democrats did this.....sorry to have to educate you as to what you support...

View attachment 92427

My private k-12 was choice based of my parents....

My private college was choice based by me.....

That was SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS with republican mindset---------Northern Democrats in the 20th century were the pro-unionists and anti-segregationist people of the USA.
As to your private schooling-----what makes you imagine that it was somehow superior to non-private schooling? Besides money----what did it take to obtain that "private" schooling?

Owebo's answer is <giggle> He learned to giggle in
private school
the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrat segreggration was an evil practice.....sadly, it's rearing its ugly head again in public schools thanks to democrats.....

I went to private school and college.....

oh.... can you define "democrat segreggration" ------
was your private school education in childhood----ie.
kindergarten thru high school religion based or just
wealthy based? (I live in the USA---private school in
the USA means one or the other----either religion or
Democrats did this.....sorry to have to educate you as to what you support...

View attachment 92427

My private k-12 was choice based of my parents....

My private college was choice based by me.....

That was SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS with republican mindset---------Northern Democrats in the 20th century were the pro-unionists and anti-segregationist people of the USA.
As to your private schooling-----what makes you imagine that it was somehow superior to non-private schooling? Besides money----what did it take to obtain that "private" schooling?

Owebo's answer is <giggle> He learned to giggle in
private school
Your public schooling is failing you....again.....
the public school which I attended was in a solidly republican town--------public schools (ie primary and high school) were LOCALLY controlled in my home state. I was a child before
integration became law. In my hometown integration was RESISTED by the local population-------everyone attended the same high school save a very very few that attended parochial
schools (that meant catholic high school----for the rare few
who managed to get thru catholic grammar school VERY WELL) Are you willing to say what sort of education made
you so remarkably intelligent?----just a general vague allusion to the incubator of your mind
Democrat segreggration was an evil practice.....sadly, it's rearing its ugly head again in public schools thanks to democrats.....

I went to private school and college.....

oh.... can you define "democrat segreggration" ------
was your private school education in childhood----ie.
kindergarten thru high school religion based or just
wealthy based? (I live in the USA---private school in
the USA means one or the other----either religion or
Democrats did this.....sorry to have to educate you as to what you support...

View attachment 92427

My private k-12 was choice based of my parents....

My private college was choice based by me.....

That was SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS with republican mindset---------Northern Democrats in the 20th century were the pro-unionists and anti-segregationist people of the USA.
As to your private schooling-----what makes you imagine that it was somehow superior to non-private schooling? Besides money----what did it take to obtain that "private" schooling?
What did it take? Well, free thinking of course.....

And yes, democrats created segreggration.......and republicans ended it..

are you a southern cracker? your knowledge of history is abysmal "segreggration" is a new word for me---what does it mean?
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.
There are many people who vote for whomever has the (R) or the (D) after their name, regardless. I think we both know there is plenty of that here.

For those who don't, yep, she's terrible.

But the alternative is worse.

And that's really about it. Not lot of mystery.

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