DEVELOPING: Rod Rosenstein Heads to White House After Sessions Fired


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
Rumors....rumors.....another resignation within the next 24-48 hours?

We shall see...:wink_2:

DEVELOPING: Rod Rosenstein Heads to White House After Sessions Fired

We all know that any "Saturday Night Massacre" would be applauded by the deplorable trumpanzees. They are eagerly waiting to show their loyalty by applauding any illegal, murderous acts by tiny trump.
Justice....will be done.....just a matter of time....I would not want to be connected to Obama's deep state in anyway right now....
We all know that any "Saturday Night Massacre" would be applauded by the deplorable trumpanzees. They are eagerly waiting to show their loyalty by applauding any illegal, murderous acts by tiny trump.

How is Jeff Sessions resigning and if Rod Rosenputz also resigns how is this illegal exactly? The Trump Derangement Syndrome Crowd have celebrated every other resignation, so you should be Cheerleading the resignation of Jeff Sessions and the probable resignation and/or firing of Rod Rosenputz.
This new guy is gonna put the clamps on Mueller. He's going to let
him investigate Russian Collusion and some Obstruction, but that's it.

He won't be digging into any financial records or anything trying to find
a crime.

He's gonna be limited to what the probe was suppose to be about in the
first place.
It's just a matter of time before The Donald releases those FISA

and..... never a minute too soon! :113:

Yep...He can use as his excuse, not wanting to interfere with the midterms
as for delaying their release.

He's probably already informed the Brits, Frogs and Israeli's that their
Intel agencies are gonna suffer a big hit when the American people find
out they were asked by the CIA to spy on American citizens and then feed
the CIA the info.
It's just a matter of time before The Donald releases those FISA

He needed to fire Sessions exactly one day after election to release FISA paperwork?

No dummies, he fired Sessions now because this stinks of corruption and would not look kindly at by the electorate.

There was exactly one reason to get rid of Sessions and put a puppet in place to oversee the investigation - to interfere in the investigation and obstruct justice.

Jeff Sessions firing: top Republicans warn Mueller inquiry must continue

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