Developing! Trump Arraignment Details: No Handcuffs, No Mugshot, And No Cameras Allowed In Courtroom.

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
As well as it should be pertaining to this innocent magnificent president. As one commenter puts it, President Trump is experiencing what Christ went through.


It's just plain smart for the prosecution to allow these insignificant concessions, in the interest of not unnecessarily aggravated Trump's supporters.

They are likely standing close by and armed and dangerous. 'IF' they don't show up on scene for the big event.

It's not like they haven't promised, ad nauseum, that they will stand with him.
If he's going in through an underground tunnel, the networks won't be able to show video, so they'll just have to babble and try to describe what they think is happening. And then it'll be over, he'll drive away, and that'll be it.

Must see TV, not!
. As one commenter puts it, President Trump is experiencing what Christ went through.
What Christ went through? Damn, do you people even fawking THINK? That statement is INSULTINGLY IGNORANT. Where the hell is his "crown of thorns"? Where the hell is the cross that God knows, Trump couldn't carry ten feet?
What Christ went through? Damn, do you people even fawking THINK? That statement is INSULTINGLY IGNORANT. Where the hell is his "crown of thorns"? Where the hell is the cross that God knows, Trump couldn't carry ten feet?
Our prayers are Trump's shield 🛡️
What Christ went through? Damn, do you people even fawking THINK? That statement is INSULTINGLY IGNORANT. Where the hell is his "crown of thorns"? Where the hell is the cross that God knows, Trump couldn't carry ten feet?
That poster just proves what we've been saying all along...trump is their god and it's a cult.
What Christ went through? Damn, do you people even fawking THINK? That statement is INSULTINGLY IGNORANT. Where the hell is his "crown of thorns"? Where the hell is the cross that God knows, Trump couldn't carry ten feet?
Somebody’s triggered……lol
I just don't get it. I mean when did it become political advantageous to always play the victim? I mean seriously, who wants their leader to be a "victim"?

Look, I have a theory about great leaders, and I am highly qualified. One of my degrees is in "Leadership". All great leaders have a huge cross to bear, they have suffered great trauma, a great loss, or survived great hardship. Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy come to mind. Joe Biden fits the bill. Obama, I don't know, maybe an absentee father. But tell me, how has Trump ever "suffered"? He is a spoiled rich kid, period. I mean I have said it before and it bears repeating, had Trump simply put his inheritance into an index fund he would be worth far more today than he actually is. He has spent a lifetime pissing away money, not making it.

Trump is not normal. He is seriously mentally ill and I don't understand how it is not easy to see. His walk is indicative of someone with mental issues. He has no control over his right arm. And when he speaks, well that is the big one. The tone is grating at best. I mean how does he have the support he does have? The pitch is all wrong, and the syntax is fourth grade level at best. "Beautiful", "Like the world has never seen before", I mean how many times does he have to use those phrases?

And I am just going to lay it out there. You know who else had a mentally ill walk? You know who else couldn't control their right arm? I mean at least the dude knew how to deliver a speech, but Hitler exhibits some of the same glaring physical attributes that indicate mental illness that Trump does. However, Hitler also suffered from some medical issues and abused amphetamines.

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