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DeVos to make getting away with campus rape easy again

Why in god's green earth do you think a liberal school administration can do a better criminal investigation than the police? The police are trained for this and should be the first line of defense. Schools are supposed to teach kids (which has turned into indoctrinating kids).

Only 3% of rapists end up inside a prison. I would say the police kind of suck at investigating rape.

But, please, please, please let's get Republicans talking about Rape again.

Why in god's green earth do you think a liberal school administration can do a better criminal investigation than the police? The police are trained for this and should be the first line of defense. Schools are supposed to teach kids (which has turned into indoctrinating kids).

Only 3% of rapists end up inside a prison. I would say the police kind of suck at investigating rape.

But, please, please, please let's get Republicans talking about Rape again.


Universities and colleges have no rights whatsoever to prosecute a student of a crime. Period full stop. It is strictly for law enforcement and the judicial system to do so.
Well we can't have a little thing like no evidence stop our vigilante justice. That whole innocent until proven guilty thing needs reversed. Kangaroo law is going to be fun.

Oh, quit your whining. No university is going to take the liablity of keeping a rapist on campus. Their insurance companies would kill them.

They won't have any choice, dimbulb. The Dept of Justice will determine how they handle these cases.

Go soak your head. I asked a question that still hasn't been answered by you or BriPat.
I agree that no young man should be "railroaded" by a rape allegation. If the current policies do that, they should be changed. If these changes allow colleges to go back to their previous shenanigans of hiding and covering up rape on campus in order to protect their reputations, that is another kettle of fish.

Exactly. The problem here isn't that these poor young men are being "railroaded", it was that too many universities were covering up rapes and a rape culture on campus because they didn't want their reputations soiled.

Bullshit. The policy change was imposed by the Obama administration. It was driven purely by ideology. The whole "rape culture" meme is bullshit leftwing propaganda. Why should college campuses be anymore rape prone than the local dance club?
Well we can't have a little thing like no evidence stop our vigilante justice. That whole innocent until proven guilty thing needs reversed. Kangaroo law is going to be fun.

Oh, quit your whining. No university is going to take the liablity of keeping a rapist on campus. Their insurance companies would kill them.

They won't have any choice, dimbulb. The Dept of Justice will determine how they handle these cases.

Go soak your head. I asked a question that still hasn't been answered by you or BriPat.
I agree that no young man should be "railroaded" by a rape allegation. If the current policies do that, they should be changed. If these changes allow colleges to go back to their previous shenanigans of hiding and covering up rape on campus in order to protect their reputations, that is another kettle of fish.

Exactly. The problem here isn't that these poor young men are being "railroaded", it was that too many universities were covering up rapes and a rape culture on campus because they didn't want their reputations soiled.

Bullshit. The policy change was imposed by the Obama administration. It was driven purely by ideology. The whole "rape culture" meme is bullshit leftwing propaganda. Why should college campuses be anymore rape prone than the local dance club?
Agreed. College-rape culture exists only in the mind of feminazis, other snowflakes and whack jobs like JoeB. It's a narrative borne solely on the false premise of white privilege.
Universities and colleges have no rights whatsoever to prosecute a student of a crime. Period full stop. It is strictly for law enforcement and the judicial system to do so.

Absolutely right. They can't convict you of a crime. They can, however, keep you off your campus if they think you are a danger to the students. That's kind of their job.
They won't have any choice, dimbulb. The Dept of Justice will determine how they handle these cases.

Actually, they'll probably keep on doing what they were doing, because the liability of NOT doing it is too great.

Bullshit. The policy change was imposed by the Obama administration. It was driven purely by ideology. The whole "rape culture" meme is bullshit leftwing propaganda. Why should college campuses be anymore rape prone than the local dance club?

Well, to start with, your local dance club has bouncers to make sure everyone behaves themselves. More to the point, the employees of the local dance club are trained to keep an eye on people getting too drunk or making sure creeps aren't slipping roofies into the lady's drinks.
Universities and colleges have no rights whatsoever to prosecute a student of a crime. Period full stop. It is strictly for law enforcement and the judicial system to do so.

Absolutely right. They can't convict you of a crime. They can, however, keep you off your campus if they think you are a danger to the students. That's kind of their job.
Not as long as they get tax dollars they can't.
Not as long as they get tax dollars they can't.

Sure they can, and they will. You see, the problem here is that not a lot of federal money goes direct to Universities anymore. Less and less state money does. It's why tuition has increased so radically. The Students are paying for these colleges directly now.

SO these colleges really have to answer to the students and their parents more than the government, and the good old days of sweeping this shit under the carpet isn't going to fly anymore.

So if it comes down between a choice between Biff and hundreds of female students who probably aren't going to flunk out of Sophmore years in a drunken haze, that's kind of an easy choice.
Not as long as they get tax dollars they can't.

Sure they can, and they will. You see, the problem here is that not a lot of federal money goes direct to Universities anymore. Less and less state money does. It's why tuition has increased so radically. The Students are paying for these colleges directly now.

SO these colleges really have to answer to the students and their parents more than the government, and the good old days of sweeping this shit under the carpet isn't going to fly anymore.

So if it comes down between a choice between Biff and hundreds of female students who probably aren't going to flunk out of Sophmore years in a drunken haze, that's kind of an easy choice.
You should just be in favor of gender separated schools. Since you can't comprehend law and how it works maybe that's a better argument for you.
Universities and colleges have no rights whatsoever to prosecute a student of a crime. Period full stop. It is strictly for law enforcement and the judicial system to do so.

Absolutely right. They can't convict you of a crime. They can, however, keep you off your campus if they think you are a danger to the students. That's kind of their job.
No, actually, they can't. At least not anymore.
Why don't some of the left wingers check out the Duke University case a few years ago for one instance. Good piece here as well.
They've already forgotten about that. They forget about their failures 5 minutes after they have been exposed.

Okay, here's the problem with that argument, boys. You guys are arguing the University shouldn't make decisions unless law enforcement does. Except in the Duke case, law enforcement DID make arrests and DID start a prosecution.

And before you all get weepy about the Duke Lacross team. They did hire strippers and they were abusive to them, calling them the N-word. Another member of the team sent out an email talking about killing the strippers and skinning them.

Finally, nobody was expelled by the university. The LaCrosse coach was fired (as he should have been) and the team suspended (again, as they should have been.)

Yes the above is true, but no rape and that was the main point of my post.
No, so lets go around throwing random men in prison because they can't prosecute all the rapists.
You are falsely accusing me of that stance. If you're going to champion "justice," you could at least be fair yourself.

You were whining because some rapes aren't prosecuted. Apparently you believe what happened in the cases being discussed is a solution to that issue. If not, then what is your solution?
Maybe those policies meant to ensure that accusations of rape are actually taken seriously on campus went too far? Maybe they need to be modified? I think throwing them away entirely could be unfair to the victims. Why can't the policies protect the rights of BOTH?

I agree, but I also think it is too unbalanced at the moment. The accused seem to have very few rights and there is a very low bar for evidence. No one should have their lives destroyed either by rape or by a false accusation. I think something needs to be done to adjust that balance.
I agree. No one seems to be able to hear that, though.

No. They won't hear it because they only heard the first few words, and decided on what our position was based on our assumed partisan politics. Meh.
You are falsely accusing me of that stance. If you're going to champion "justice," you could at least be fair yourself.

You were whining because some rapes aren't prosecuted. Apparently you believe what happened in the cases being discussed is a solution to that issue. If not, then what is your solution?
Maybe those policies meant to ensure that accusations of rape are actually taken seriously on campus went too far? Maybe they need to be modified? I think throwing them away entirely could be unfair to the victims. Why can't the policies protect the rights of BOTH?

I agree, but I also think it is too unbalanced at the moment. The accused seem to have very few rights and there is a very low bar for evidence. No one should have their lives destroyed either by rape or by a false accusation. I think something needs to be done to adjust that balance.
I agree. No one seems to be able to hear that, though.

No. They won't hear it because they only heard the first few words, and decided on what our position was based on our assumed partisan politics. Meh.
We read what she posted. She didn't come out against expelling students who haven't been convicted. That's all we need to know.
Betsy DeVos Plans to Weaken Obama’s Campus Sexual Assault Rules

The Department of Education announced on Thursday that it will weaken a set of requirements for how colleges and universities are expected to handle cases of sexual assault on college campuses. In a speech at George Mason University in Virginia, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos criticized a set of rules that the department hadissued in 2011 that, under Title IX, forced colleges to conduct their own investigations and stated police reports cannot be used to determine whether a violation occurred, because a criminal case requires stronger evidence.

The Department of Education will take comments from the public before issuing new guidelines, though DeVos’ remarks suggest that the new standard will likely to be a significant departure from the Obama-era rules. DeVos called the current process for handling sexual misconduct “shameful,” a “failed system,” and “wholly unAmerican.”

“The truth is that the system established by the prior administration has failed too many students,” DeVos said. “Survivors, victims of a lack of due process, and campus administrators have all told me that the current approach does a disservice to everyone involved.” Critics of the Obama-era rule have argued that it does not offer adequate due process for the students accused of sexual misconduct. Under the directive, institutions of higher education use the “preponderance of evidence” standard, which requires a 51 percent certainty in determining guilt. Sexual violence is often difficult to prove to a higher certainty, and false accusations are extremely rare. But in July, DeVos’ deputy in charge of civil rights suggested that 90 percent of sexual assault allegations at colleges are false.

I predict that testimony from experts in sexual assault investigation and prosecution, you know, police and prosecutors… will be ignored. Don't bother bringing stats or data…that's elitist.

She "believes" in her gut that 90% of allegations are false… so it must be. Because we trust the gut over any thorough and thoughtful analysis and research any day of the week and twice on Sundays… That's the alternative fact America we live in. It doesn't matter what any so-called "expert" tells her… I mean, she's never been raped, so it probably never happens…


What a fucking retard you are.

False rape charges ruin lives, time to put an end to this.
So does rape.

Which is why it is a crime handled by the police. Why are you democrats so opposed to that?
Who is opposed to it? No one. But schools, like any other entity have their own internal codes as well. Like the NFL, where a player gets fired or restricted for accusations of domestic violence, which also go to the police.

You of the radical left are promoting the hazing and harassment of young men when no evidence exists. If evidence exists, it is a police matter, if no evidence exists, then it should be dropped. Instead you ruin lives.
Why in god's green earth do you think a liberal school administration can do a better criminal investigation than the police? The police are trained for this and should be the first line of defense. Schools are supposed to teach kids (which has turned into indoctrinating kids).

Only 3% of rapists end up inside a prison. I would say the police kind of suck at investigating rape.

As has been noted already, rape is an unusually difficult crime to investigate and prosecute. It is often difficult to establish sufficient evidence to meet the necessary burden of proof to criminally convict one of that crime.

Your “solution” to the problem is to give the authority to prosecute this crime to those who are far less qualified to do so than the police and judicial system that have the legitimate authority to do so; and to allow the prosecution to be done by a much lower standard, which allows an unacceptable risk of innocents being punished for crimes that they did not commit.
The best solution for ending the rape epidemic on our college campuses, is for college women to arm themselves. They should acquire firearms and become proficient with their use. It's hard for a rapist to rape someone after a bullet explodes their brain. Parents who send their daughters off to college, should take it upon themselves to arm them and help them become proficient with their firearms. They owe that to them.
You should just be in favor of gender separated schools. Since you can't comprehend law and how it works maybe that's a better argument for you.

Naw, what the universities are doing now is just fine. Throw Biff out on his entitled white ass if he gets out of line. Works perfectly fine. Even if he didn't do it, making an example out of him will keep all the other Biffs in line.

No, actually, they can't. At least not anymore.

They'll keep doing it because they can't afford NOT to. one lawsuit from the girl who got raped by Biff after the university was told what Biff was, and that's pretty much a whole building they can't build.
Yes the above is true, but no rape and that was the main point of my post.

The behavior they did engage in should have gotten them thrown off campus.

Your argument was also that "we should let the police handle these things". Well, in that case, the police did handle things. Badly.

Final point, Because the police handled it so badly, the university paid out $60,000,000 to the three Biffs who were indicted. They listened to the cops, they took action against the students, and it still cost them money.

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