DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

As this thread demonstrates, not all Trump cultists are violent fascist psychopaths, but a great many are.

And those who aren't violent fascist psychopaths all welcome the violent fascist psychopaths among them. Either they're scared of their very violent brethren, or they just quietly support the fascist violence.
You go get violent you get bitch slapped.

fuck. off.
id be ok with a remote island, base infrastructure and drop 'em off with enough to live on for a year.

there. y'all do what you want but you're never leaving the island.

That is what we should do with every Trump supporter. Stick them on a island where they can do anything they want.
Us Trump supporters are the sane Americans.

You people are insane. If it were legal you would be in a looney bin somewhere.
Your projection doesn't work, it is you idiots on the left that are insane. Commies all of you morons.
As this thread demonstrates, not all Trump cultists are violent fascist psychopaths, but a great many are.

And those who aren't violent fascist psychopaths all welcome the violent fascist psychopaths among them. Either they're scared of their very violent brethren, or they just quietly support the fascist violence.
The violent fascist psychopaths are antfa, BLM and other lefty morons.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.
Hey you uneducated Karen, you said the opposite with Trump and Kavanaugh. Now prove there were no warrants and that these criminal suspects did nothing wrong moron. US Marshals don’t need state approval. Now shut up before you embarrass yourself more. Oops, too late.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.
you make trump do it all the time you hypocritical bitch.
When has tRump ever proved his innocence?

That may be the stupidest thing you've posted all day, and you've posted so doozies.
Well dumbfuck, there are the documents that have been released showing ZERO evidence of your delusions. Mule-er the corrupt found nothing and showed his utter incompetence. Every one of your lies totally debunked. But you post the same stupid debunked shit every day Stupidus.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
The only law and order needing restoring is Trump's thugery with these unauthorized douche bags pretending to be the law. .
So DHS and the US Marshals are “pretending” to be the law? Another fail. Keep trying, you’ll never be right, but the left will reward you anyway for your lies.

They are pretending to be the law. Officers of the law are required to identify themselves and read them their Miranda rights. These people were dressed in paramilitary outfits which indicates they wanted to start trouble. They snatched people ofrf of the streets and dragged them into a unmarked car. That is more like kidnapping. The law does not break the law.
Another moron who thinks DHS and US Marshals aren’t the law. Keep crying as criminals get theirs and you’re precious rioters get shut down.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.


View attachment 364849
See what I mean folks.

oh......more blah blah blah

see what i mean ????
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
yes she does idiot shes the Governor assface STATES RIGHTS!!!!!
Oh lol, a new dumbfuck to slap around. The US Marshals don’t need the bitch governors approval idiot. She interferes with them and she’ll get cuffed too.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.

I did not say it was the "only" thing they did. I pointed out, correctly, that it was not what "defined: them, and calling people that, who are not doing anything as bad as "genocide" is vile of you.

And it is. That was my point. Would you like to address that now, or do you want to play stupid some more?
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,
They didn't ID themselves, and they do have to read them their rights before they interrogate them.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,
They didn't ID themselves, and they do have to read them their rights before they interrogate them.
if you werent such an ignorant fuck you would know they did that back at the building,,,
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,
They didn't ID themselves, and they do have to read them their rights before they interrogate them.

Does that apply in regions in open insurrection?
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,
They didn't ID themselves, and they do have to read them their rights before they interrogate them.
if you werent such an ignorant fuck you would know they did that back at the building,,,
Not according to the folks that have been there.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,
They didn't ID themselves, and they do have to read them their rights before they interrogate them.

Does that apply in regions in open insurrection?
Lol at "open insurrection"!
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,
They didn't ID themselves, and they do have to read them their rights before they interrogate them.
if you werent such an ignorant fuck you would know they did that back at the building,,,
Not according to the folks that have been there.
thats what the guy they picked up said,,,
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,
They didn't ID themselves, and they do have to read them their rights before they interrogate them.

Does that apply in regions in open insurrection?
Lol at "open insurrection"!

THe mayor is siding with a violent mob that is attacking federal buildings and agents.

That fits the description of open insurrection.

That you are too stupid to understand this, does not change the appropriate responses.
Pj Media

Portland Mayor Sets the Stage for Never-Ending Riots


In an interview on Friday, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler outlined conditions in which he envisions Portland opening back up for business. When he did that, he tipped his hand. He revealed his intention to allow the riots to go on indefinitely.

Portland has endured almost two straight months of non-stop nightly riots spread out all over town. The Multnomah County Justice Center, in downtown Portland on Southwest 3rd Avenue, has borne the brunt of the violence, with nightly rallies deteriorating into vandalism, arson, and assault. Rioters attempted to take over and burn down the East Precinct building on Northeast 47th Avenue and Burnside Street. Similar scenes have played out at the North Precinct building on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Rioters successfully set fire to the home of the police union, Portland Police Association Hall on North Lombard Avenue.

Contrary to the media spin of peaceful protests, the rioting, damage, arson, and assaults have been widespread throughout the city of Portland.

you cant impeach a president for what law enforcement does,,or clinton would have been impeached for what they did at camp davidian and ruby ridge,,,

Okay, a couple of problems here.

First, the killing of Neo_Nazi scum at Ruby Ridge happened on George H. Bush's watch.

No great loss, mind you.

At Waco, the Child Molesting, gun-running, drug-dealing cultists killed themselves when they found out their Messiah was going to the big house.

Still no Great loss.

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