Diamond and Silk: What the Democrats Don't Want You to Know

It will be interesting to see how Black voters will react in the next election. Will they place greater value on free cell phones or jobs? Hillary's campaign statements regarding Obama may come back to haunt her, and Rahm Emanuel's police video cover-up may seal their fates.

Since when is Rahm Emmanuel running for POTUS?

"Free cell phones"?


Rahm is a White Democrat (like Hillary) who has been closely associated with Presidential politics.

How to Get an Obama Phone?

Low information voter?

You realize that website is not associated with any government program,don't you? It's owned and operated by Hyperbole Media LLC. They are a right wing misinformation consulting firm hired by republican operatives to present the reduced cost phone program first signed into law in 1934 as some sort of Obama boondoggle. Here is a link to another pro right wing site that Hyperbole owns.
I Hate The Media

Here is the true story on what you falsely refer to as an Obama Phone.
The Obama Phone?

Why is every right wing OP a lie?


Thanks for saving me the trouble of AGAIN trying to educate the doofus RWNJs like jwoodie

Notice he got reeel busy elsewhere when you posted this and I would bet money that he will tell the same lie tomorrow. If not him, one of the others.
They do sound like Trump voters
And that IS for whom I will vote IF he is the nominee. We can look forward to another 4 years of chaos? lol[/QUOTE]

Trump hits a new high in national poll

The billionaire businessman surges to 41 percent after releasing proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.

Read more: Trump hits a new high in national poll[/QUOTE]
I was hearing yesterday that he dropped down to second and Cruz took the top slot.[/QUOTE]

No, that was a Bloomberg poll, Sarah. Never trust the numbers on a Bloomberg poll.[/QUOTE]

Jeremiah is wrong again.

The poll that showed Cruz "surging" was posted here yesterday and did indeed show Drumpf behind him. I believe it might have been posted by your fellow wacko froot loop, Vigilante ... check with him.

The mistake is to believe that any Clown Car poll is particularly meaningful AT THIS TIME. As I remember said wacko froot loop Vigilante actually posted a totally wrong poll from the last general election as proof that Cruz was in the lead. Said wacko froot loop was in a state of total glee over it. Go figure.

It will be interesting to see how Black voters will react in the next election. Will they place greater value on free cell phones or jobs? Hillary's campaign statements regarding Obama may come back to haunt her, and Rahm Emanuel's police video cover-up may seal their fates.

Since when is Rahm Emmanuel running for POTUS?

"Free cell phones"?


Rahm is a White Democrat (like Hillary) who has been closely associated with Presidential politics.

How to Get an Obama Phone?

Low information voter?
No, your post fails as a red herring fallacy – understandable since you've nothing of value to contribute.
It will be interesting to see how Black voters will react in the next election. Will they place greater value on free cell phones or jobs? Hillary's campaign statements regarding Obama may come back to haunt her, and Rahm Emanuel's police video cover-up may seal their fates.

Since when is Rahm Emmanuel running for POTUS?

"Free cell phones"?


Rahm is a White Democrat (like Hillary) who has been closely associated with Presidential politics.

How to Get an Obama Phone?

Low information voter?

You realize that website is not associated with any government program,don't you? It's owned and operated by Hyperbole Media LLC. They are a right wing misinformation consulting firm hired by republican operatives to present the reduced cost phone program first signed into law in 1934 as some sort of Obama boondoggle. Here is a link to another pro right wing site that Hyperbole owns.
I Hate The Media

Here is the true story on what you falsely refer to as an Obama Phone.
The Obama Phone?

Why is every right wing OP a lie?


Thanks for saving me the trouble of AGAIN trying to educate the doofus RWNJs like jwoodie

Notice he got reeel busy elsewhere when you posted this and I would bet money that he will tell the same lie tomorrow. If not him, one of the others.

Of course he will tell it again. I really miss when the GOP still had integrity. Those days are long gone.

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