Dianne Feinstein Returns to Senate in Wheelchair, ‘Experiencing Vision/Balance Impairments’ (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
She's a living corpse. This is definitely why term limits are essential. The only reason they're keeping her from retiring is because her replacement hasn't been found.


She's a living corpse. This is definitely why term limits are essential. The only reason they're keeping her from retiring is because her replacement hasn't been found.


God these old fossils are pathetic. I guess they have no life outside of politics. Now that is sad.
She's a living corpse. This is definitely why term limits are essential. The only reason they're keeping her from retiring is because her replacement hasn't been found.


Democrats are now using Zombies to vote in the Senate. You just posted images of two with the hospice nurse following close behind. The only people missing are Bai Dung, McConnell and Fetterman.
She's a living corpse. This is definitely why term limits are essential. The only reason they're keeping her from retiring is because her replacement hasn't been found.


She needs to retire... let Newsome pick her temp replacement.
She's a living corpse. This is definitely why term limits are essential. The only reason they're keeping her from retiring is because her replacement hasn't been found.


Well if you were making millions and millions of dollars for just being corrupt and not having to lift a finger and never being questioned why would you ever retire?
She's a living corpse. This is definitely why term limits are essential. The only reason they're keeping her from retiring is because her replacement hasn't been found.


Must be from all those decades of carrying the BILLIONS of OUR tax dollars she's stolen from us over all this time!!!!

Diseased fucking whore.
Is it true that Sen Frankenfleinstein has a date with Sen Festerlurch?
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I remember when I was stationed in Mississippi, Senator John Stennis would be brought to the Naval Air Station for his taxpayer funded flight.

He would have to be reminded if he was coming from or going to Washington, DC.

He was a big friend of the military. There's an aircraft carrier named after him.
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She's a living corpse. This is definitely why term limits are essential. The only reason they're keeping her from retiring is because her replacement hasn't been found.
Sure. They can't find a replacement among 39 million people. Okay. Yeah.

No. She is the one keeping her from retiring. It's all ego.

I have no doubt Governor Newsom has already been on the phone with her replacement and has all the paperwork ready to go, and a plane on hot standby.
She's a living corpse. This is definitely why term limits are essential. The only reason they're keeping her from retiring is because her replacement hasn't been found.


Ever notice how the people who hate guns the most and want to take them away from everyone...

...always seem to be surrounded by people with guns?


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