Diaper crisis in America!!!

If these women are working they can cut down the pot and beer budget and buy their own diapers. Figure out who, among the many, is the baby daddy and get him to buy diapers.

Wanting the public to pay for diapers because they are too lazy to wash is a whole new level of chutzpah.
Shut your trap, loser.

Oh, up yours!

Where in the hell will it end, if it ever does? Now taxpayers also have to foot the bills for other peoples' kids' diapers? On top of everything else us makers pay for so the takers can emulate our lifestyles. Pay for your own diapers or wash cloth ones like millions of people did before disposables came along.

Maybe get ride of the cell phone costs if you have to, or sell the $3K worth of wheels on the heap in the driveway, or cut back on the cable TV package, cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets, etc., etc.
there is the whole variety of cloth diapers to choose from and they are CHEAP:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Gerber-Birdseye-Count-Prefold-Diapers/sim/B007VBYVWE/2/ref=pd_cp_ba_sexpl]Amazon.com: Gerber Birdseye 10 Count 3-Ply Prefold Cloth Diapers, White: Explore similar items[/ame]
If these women are working they can cut down the pot and beer budget and buy their own diapers. Figure out who, among the many, is the baby daddy and get him to buy diapers.

Wanting the public to pay for diapers because they are too lazy to wash is a whole new level of chutzpah.
Shut your trap, loser.

Oh, up yours!

Where in the hell will it end, if it ever does? Now taxpayers also have to foot the bills for other peoples' kids' diapers? On top of everything else us makers pay for so the takers can emulate our lifestyles. Pay for your own diapers or wash cloth ones like millions of people did before disposables came along.

Maybe get ride of the cell phone costs if you have to, or sell the $3K worth of wheels on the heap in the driveway, or cut back on the cable TV package, cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets, etc., etc.

Have you had a baby?

yes I did. And I hand washed the diapers. So I know what I am talking about.

Sure ya did.

Please show me where you can buy a good supple of cloth diapers other than through a service?
And how much time does a working mom have to wash them?
When my son was a baby, I had enough time to do laundry one day of the week. Work and a baby kind of took up my time.

And you are really being a dick over children getting diapers? Loser.

You can buy diapers on ebay, the rest is all about priorities.
Diapers are expensive as hell, I figured something like this would happen. Everything to do with a kid diapers, formula, clothes, child care etc etc costs a fortune.

Mom's should make their own formula too. Shhh

you said you have had a son? did it ever occur to you that a woman can breastfeed?

I breast fed, then I stopped producing enough. We won't get into how many times I went to see a specialist, tried taking reglan, changed my diet, woke up every two hours to pump so it might help me produce more and still by the time he was 3 months I could barely produce 2 bottles a day.
My sister had to quit after two weeks due to a breast infection.
Not everyone can breast feed.
yes I did. And I hand washed the diapers. So I know what I am talking about.

Sure ya did.

Please show me where you can buy a good supple of cloth diapers other than through a service?
And how much time does a working mom have to wash them?
When my son was a baby, I had enough time to do laundry one day of the week. Work and a baby kind of took up my time.

And you are really being a dick over children getting diapers? Loser.

You can buy diapers on ebay, the rest is all about priorities.

Yeah that is simple for a poor woman. Lol
If these women are working they can cut down the pot and beer budget and buy their own diapers. Figure out who, among the many, is the baby daddy and get him to buy diapers.

Wanting the public to pay for diapers because they are too lazy to wash is a whole new level of chutzpah.
Shut your trap, loser.

Oh, up yours!

Where in the hell will it end, if it ever does? Now taxpayers also have to foot the bills for other peoples' kids' diapers? On top of everything else us makers pay for so the takers can emulate our lifestyles. Pay for your own diapers or wash cloth ones like millions of people did before disposables came along.

Maybe get ride of the cell phone costs if you have to, or sell the $3K worth of wheels on the heap in the driveway, or cut back on the cable TV package, cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets, etc., etc.

She was making assumptions about people she doesn't know, loser.
And I paid for my son's diapers.
Sure ya did.

Please show me where you can buy a good supple of cloth diapers other than through a service?
And how much time does a working mom have to wash them?
When my son was a baby, I had enough time to do laundry one day of the week. Work and a baby kind of took up my time.

And you are really being a dick over children getting diapers? Loser.

You can buy diapers on ebay, the rest is all about priorities.

Yeah that is simple for a poor woman. Lol

Ya think maybe poor women who can't support a child might ought to keep their legs closed? You know that little thing called personal responsibility.
If these women are working they can cut down the pot and beer budget and buy their own diapers. Figure out who, among the many, is the baby daddy and get him to buy diapers.

Wanting the public to pay for diapers because they are too lazy to wash is a whole new level of chutzpah.
Shut your trap, loser.

Oh, up yours!

Where in the hell will it end, if it ever does? Now taxpayers also have to foot the bills for other peoples' kids' diapers? On top of everything else us makers pay for so the takers can emulate our lifestyles. Pay for your own diapers or wash cloth ones like millions of people did before disposables came along.

Maybe get ride of the cell phone costs if you have to, or sell the $3K worth of wheels on the heap in the driveway, or cut back on the cable TV package, cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets, etc., etc.

I have known several who have been on some form of assistance and
owe money to everyone and their brother, including me. They whine about money for gas, food rent etc, but somehow they always have funds for weed, cigs and booze.
It really is that simple.

There is nine months to save up the beer money for cloth diapers.
Diapers are expensive as hell, I figured something like this would happen. Everything to do with a kid diapers, formula, clothes, child care etc etc costs a fortune.

Mom's should make their own formula too. Shhh

How ever did mankind survive without formula? That's right the mothers made it!

You guys are actually attacking people who use formula, and don't make it themselves?

Such awesome human. Lol
Shut your trap, loser.

Oh, up yours!

Where in the hell will it end, if it ever does? Now taxpayers also have to foot the bills for other peoples' kids' diapers? On top of everything else us makers pay for so the takers can emulate our lifestyles. Pay for your own diapers or wash cloth ones like millions of people did before disposables came along.

Maybe get ride of the cell phone costs if you have to, or sell the $3K worth of wheels on the heap in the driveway, or cut back on the cable TV package, cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets, etc., etc.

I have known several who have been on some form of assistance and
owe money to everyone and their brother, including me. They whine about money for gas, food rent etc, but somehow they always have funds for weed, cigs and booze.

So you should judge everyone because of the few you have seen?
How nice.
Shut your trap, loser.

Oh, up yours!

Where in the hell will it end, if it ever does? Now taxpayers also have to foot the bills for other peoples' kids' diapers? On top of everything else us makers pay for so the takers can emulate our lifestyles. Pay for your own diapers or wash cloth ones like millions of people did before disposables came along.

Maybe get ride of the cell phone costs if you have to, or sell the $3K worth of wheels on the heap in the driveway, or cut back on the cable TV package, cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets, etc., etc.

She was making assumptions about people she doesn't know, loser.
And I paid for my son's diapers.

Oh, up yours!

Where in the hell will it end, if it ever does? Now taxpayers also have to foot the bills for other peoples' kids' diapers? On top of everything else us makers pay for so the takers can emulate our lifestyles. Pay for your own diapers or wash cloth ones like millions of people did before disposables came along.

Maybe get ride of the cell phone costs if you have to, or sell the $3K worth of wheels on the heap in the driveway, or cut back on the cable TV package, cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets, etc., etc.

She was making assumptions about people she doesn't know, loser.
And I paid for my son's diapers.


Can't buy midol with my food stamps, I need to save it for beer and a tattoo.

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