Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'

freedombecki, don't be goofy. Cheney can never leave the US for Europe ever again. He will end up in the Hague facing war crimes charges. Bush, unlike all the other presidents, almost never leaves the protection of his keepers, much less jet set across the word. War criminals always face arrest.
How dare you?
It's the truth.
Some people try to take the Constitution and twist it into ways it can benefit a partisan interest. President Bush did now allow this to happen to his staff. The Congress did not impeach either one of them.

You and your fellow partisan apparatchiks are wrong for calling a President of the United States and his Vice President who served honorably criminals.

You cannot come up with a justification, and neither could the partisans who attempted to skirt Articles I II and III by screaming and screwing around with the Constitution so that they could confuse people and get votes for the next election.

It was a partisan example of how Democrats can destroy Republicans if they tell enough big ones.

It's just that simple.

Becki... that's nice for a civics class but there is nothing there that states that anyone, anywhere is not required to answer a legal subpoena.

See...there is this thing called the 5th amendment. If you would like to say nothing, you can say nothing. But what is not provided for is the right to ignore a subpoena. There is no such right.

You = fail.
No, your house of cards fell before you got here. You're the cleanup crew, except for one huge problem.

The Constitution and its misuse by your Democrat cronies to damage Republicans. It worked quite well for you as a publicity stunt, and you're right. People fail when someone murders and assassinates their good character with lies.

When you get rid of all the good guys who do keep the Constitution and obey the laws of right and wrong, and your publicity stunts work so well for you, consider what you are replacing with publicity stunts as a standard.

Then when publicity stunts is the only thing that gets things passed, tell me how it works for you when the people you pissed on help aggressors to take the communism you instill onto this soil that heretofore has only enslaved people to a strong central bunch of crazy publicity stuntmakers who suddenly turn off the communications between government and people except for taking all the people's earnings and "bestow" it back to them.

Becki, I didn't ask for a political rant about enslaving people and stunts...

I asked you to support your claim that there were constitutional grounds for Dick Cheney to fail to appear on a legal Subpoena.

It doesn't exist Becki. If you are subpoenaed, you are required to appear. You may elect to take the 5th, but you are required to appear or you are in contempt.

Dick Cheney was subpoenaed to testify about illegal wire tapping of American citizens. Not as a stunt. He refused to appear. He is a criminal.

Not to mention all this crap about him being "venerable" and "honorable" being a pile of manure. He's the worst of the worst in American politics.

CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney walked onstage without any assistance and spoke for an hour and 15 minutes without seeming to tire in his first public engagement since he underwent a heart transplant three weeks ago.

He sat in a plush chair throughout the long chat with daughter Liz Cheney and looked decidedly healthier than recent appearances where he has been gaunt and used a cane.

Cheney even threw in a couple of political plugs amid much reminiscing at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.

He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is going to do a "whale of a job." He said it's never been more important than now to defeat a sitting president and the Republican Party should unite behind Romney.

"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.

More: Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'

Dick Cheney?


Well, Cheney's company did make a lot of money in Iraq.
Becki... that's nice for a civics class but there is nothing there that states that anyone, anywhere is not required to answer a legal subpoena.

See...there is this thing called the 5th amendment. If you would like to say nothing, you can say nothing. But what is not provided for is the right to ignore a subpoena. There is no such right.

You = fail.
No, your house of cards fell before you got here. You're the cleanup crew, except for one huge problem.

The Constitution and its misuse by your Democrat cronies to damage Republicans. It worked quite well for you as a publicity stunt, and you're right. People fail when someone murders and assassinates their good character with lies.

When you get rid of all the good guys who do keep the Constitution and obey the laws of right and wrong, and your publicity stunts work so well for you, consider what you are replacing with publicity stunts as a standard.

Then when publicity stunts is the only thing that gets things passed, tell me how it works for you when the people you pissed on help aggressors to take the communism you instill onto this soil that heretofore has only enslaved people to a strong central bunch of crazy publicity stuntmakers who suddenly turn off the communications between government and people except for taking all the people's earnings and "bestow" it back to them.

Becki, I didn't ask for a political rant about enslaving people and stunts...

I asked you to support your claim that there were constitutional grounds for Dick Cheney to fail to appear on a legal Subpoena.

It doesn't exist Becki. If you are subpoenaed, you are required to appear. You may elect to take the 5th, but you are required to appear or you are in contempt.

Dick Cheney was subpoenaed to testify about illegal wire tapping of American citizens. Not as a stunt. He refused to appear. He is a criminal.

Not to mention all this crap about him being "venerable" and "honorable" being a pile of manure. He's the worst of the worst in American politics.
No, I provided you with your demand: Articles I, II, and III. You're accusing me of all the things you are doing to ignore the Constitution, what it says and what it means. You are the one who can't provide the court conviction of Vice President Cheney, because it doesn't exist. The Articles I shared do exist.

And I am correct about Democrats using demands for appearances as theatrics to get themselves re-elected.

The only manure is on your creative brown brush smearing over fact to conceal them. You're the obfuscation man.
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freedombecki, you are great, but on this thread you are ranting. No real arguments, just ranting.
No, your house of cards fell before you got here. You're the cleanup crew, except for one huge problem.

The Constitution and its misuse by your Democrat cronies to damage Republicans. It worked quite well for you as a publicity stunt, and you're right. People fail when someone murders and assassinates their good character with lies.

When you get rid of all the good guys who do keep the Constitution and obey the laws of right and wrong, and your publicity stunts work so well for you, consider what you are replacing with publicity stunts as a standard.

Then when publicity stunts is the only thing that gets things passed, tell me how it works for you when the people you pissed on help aggressors to take the communism you instill onto this soil that heretofore has only enslaved people to a strong central bunch of crazy publicity stuntmakers who suddenly turn off the communications between government and people except for taking all the people's earnings and "bestow" it back to them.

Becki, I didn't ask for a political rant about enslaving people and stunts...

I asked you to support your claim that there were constitutional grounds for Dick Cheney to fail to appear on a legal Subpoena.

It doesn't exist Becki. If you are subpoenaed, you are required to appear. You may elect to take the 5th, but you are required to appear or you are in contempt.

Dick Cheney was subpoenaed to testify about illegal wire tapping of American citizens. Not as a stunt. He refused to appear. He is a criminal.

Not to mention all this crap about him being "venerable" and "honorable" being a pile of manure. He's the worst of the worst in American politics.
No, I provided you with your demand: Articles I, II, and III. You're accusing me of all the things you are doing to ignore the Constitution, what it says and what it means. You are the one who can't provide the court conviction of Vice President Cheney, because it doesn't exist. The Articles I shared do exist.

And I am correct about Democrats using demands for appearances as theatrics to get themselves re-elected.

The only manure is on your creative brown brush over fact to conceal them.

There is nothing in the separation of powers that makes Cheney immune from answering a subpoena. That's just your imagination.

You = fail.
He divested himself of any operations with those holdings. He still profited from them, did he not?
No, your house of cards fell before you got here. You're the cleanup crew, except for one huge problem.

The Constitution and its misuse by your Democrat cronies to damage Republicans. It worked quite well for you as a publicity stunt, and you're right. People fail when someone murders and assassinates their good character with lies.

When you get rid of all the good guys who do keep the Constitution and obey the laws of right and wrong, and your publicity stunts work so well for you, consider what you are replacing with publicity stunts as a standard.

Then when publicity stunts is the only thing that gets things passed, tell me how it works for you when the people you pissed on help aggressors to take the communism you instill onto this soil that heretofore has only enslaved people to a strong central bunch of crazy publicity stuntmakers who suddenly turn off the communications between government and people except for taking all the people's earnings and "bestow" it back to them.

Becki, I didn't ask for a political rant about enslaving people and stunts...

I asked you to support your claim that there were constitutional grounds for Dick Cheney to fail to appear on a legal Subpoena.

It doesn't exist Becki. If you are subpoenaed, you are required to appear. You may elect to take the 5th, but you are required to appear or you are in contempt.

Dick Cheney was subpoenaed to testify about illegal wire tapping of American citizens. Not as a stunt. He refused to appear. He is a criminal.

Not to mention all this crap about him being "venerable" and "honorable" being a pile of manure. He's the worst of the worst in American politics.
No, I provided you with your demand: Articles I, II, and III. You're accusing me of all the things you are doing to ignore the Constitution, what it says and what it means. You are the one who can't provide the court conviction of Vice President Cheney, because it doesn't exist. The Articles I shared do exist.

And I am correct about Democrats using demands for appearances as theatrics to get themselves re-elected.

The only manure is on your creative brown brush smearing over fact to conceal them. You're the obfuscation man.

Willy is leading YOU on the path as is Fakey Starkey and a few others...Careful darlin'...
freedombecki, you are great, but on this thread you are ranting. No real arguments, just ranting.


There is no legal justification for Cheney or anyone else failing to appear on a subpoena. This is a very simple and vital tool and since the Bush administrations MANY subpoenas that went unanswered, you can expect that from here forward, no administration is going to answer subpoenas. So long as the White House holds sway over federal prosecutions there is no penalty for snubbing a subpoena. The fact that we accept this is astounding. Even in cases where I might think I am being wrongfully prosecuted, I still MUST SHOW UP. If I am a witness and I get subpoenaed, I MUST SHOW UP.

This is all fundamental. No matter how much you don't like the law, you must abide by it. Cheney is a criminal. Period.
He divested himself of any operations with those holdings. He still profited from them, did he not?
No. He sold all his vested interests in that company ahead of time. Don't you remember all the press flak over that? I do. There were some pretty surprised (and silent) press responses when they found out he followed protocol prior to their screaming at him about his alleged unfairness. His hands were clean.

But not to worry. the machine kept the lie alive, right up there with JHHatfields 100% bs book over which the President of Little Brown and Company resigned.
freedombecki, you are great, but on this thread you are ranting. No real arguments, just ranting.


There is no legal justification for Cheney or anyone else failing to appear on a subpoena. This is a very simple and vital tool and since the Bush administrations MANY subpoenas that went unanswered, you can expect that from here forward, no administration is going to answer subpoenas. So long as the White House holds sway over federal prosecutions there is no penalty for snubbing a subpoena. The fact that we accept this is astounding. Even in cases where I might think I am being wrongfully prosecuted, I still MUST SHOW UP. If I am a witness and I get subpoenaed, I MUST SHOW UP.

This is all fundamental. No matter how much you don't like the law, you must abide by it. Cheney is a criminal. Period.
Article I II and III. It's all there. Your reading comprehension fail is not my headache, dear.

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