Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'

freedombecki, you are great, but on this thread you are ranting. No real arguments, just ranting.


There is no legal justification for Cheney or anyone else failing to appear on a subpoena. This is a very simple and vital tool and since the Bush administrations MANY subpoenas that went unanswered, you can expect that from here forward, no administration is going to answer subpoenas. So long as the White House holds sway over federal prosecutions there is no penalty for snubbing a subpoena. The fact that we accept this is astounding. Even in cases where I might think I am being wrongfully prosecuted, I still MUST SHOW UP. If I am a witness and I get subpoenaed, I MUST SHOW UP.

This is all fundamental. No matter how much you don't like the law, you must abide by it. Cheney is a criminal. Period.
Article I II and III. It's all there. Your reading comprehension is not my headache, dear.

There is nothing in there that exempts a Vice President from answering a subpoena to testify Becki. Show us EXACTLY where you believe this immunity is derived.
It's the truth.

What war crime charges would Cheney face?

The most often mentioned charges are about the "enhanced' interrogation techniques. It is believed by many foreign interest that Cheney approved the torture of POWs . He did openly defend the use of these techniques that still are considered "torture" by many other countries.
First it is more likely those techniques were ordered by the President not the Vice President second the lawyers at the Justice Department told the administration the techniques were legal so you would be hard pressed to charge someone given that last what foreign interest believe is irrelevant believing something is not proof of anything.
Your comprehension of the Articles does not meet your assertion. You are wrong. Simply, completely, absolutely wrong.
The economy is growing again. When Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. His stimulus packaged stopped that. But I think I'll stop there. In answer to your question, not much. But there has been some improvement.

UE is higher than when Obama took office 3 years ago. If the labor force participation rate were the same, the UE rate would be over 10%. Improvement has come chiefly from people dropping out of the labor market.
Inflation is heating up. The U.S. gov'ts debt is no longer triple-A. The country is more divided now than ever. Dodd-Frank is a disaster. Obamacare is a disaster and about to be tossed by the Supremes.
If Obama had played golf for the first two years instead of doing anything else we would be in better shape than we are today.

The Bush-Cheney 8-years was a disaster. They started 2-wars and cut taxes. Then as the economy was crashing they slithered out of DC and handed off a mess to a rookie and idealists. IMHO the economy is better now than it was 4-years ago. Remember Lehman? WAMU? AIG? Fannie? Freddie? Merrill-Lynch? GM? Citi? BofA? Remember losing 750,000 jobs a month?
If the dems win another 4-years it serves the GOP right, I'm not done rubbing their noses in it yet.

Bush got assailed for Deficit Spending. Obama tripled it and gets praise. Bush got assailed for high gas prices and for pushing for more refineries and domestic drilling to REDUCE US dependence on foreign oil. Obama gets praised for reducing Federal land drilling production, takes praise for private land production negotiated under Bush, and Obama kills Keystone only to make US more dependent on foreign oil. Bush and The Republican Congress delivered a $26.5B net revenue to the US Treasury in 2005 with 5.0 unemployment record and The Liberal minions call it a "jobless recovery" yet celebrate 8 plus Unemploment as a success. Finally, the poor are paying $4 plus per gallon of gas under Obama and all they ever get is an admonishment of "We are Consuming too much" or "Gas Prices MUST be brought in line with Europe."

The Poor and The Middle Class must decide for themselves: How better is their lives in 2012 vs. 2008? It's that simply.

There is no legal justification for Cheney or anyone else failing to appear on a subpoena. This is a very simple and vital tool and since the Bush administrations MANY subpoenas that went unanswered, you can expect that from here forward, no administration is going to answer subpoenas. So long as the White House holds sway over federal prosecutions there is no penalty for snubbing a subpoena. The fact that we accept this is astounding. Even in cases where I might think I am being wrongfully prosecuted, I still MUST SHOW UP. If I am a witness and I get subpoenaed, I MUST SHOW UP.

This is all fundamental. No matter how much you don't like the law, you must abide by it. Cheney is a criminal. Period.
Article I II and III. It's all there. Your reading comprehension is not my headache, dear.

There is nothing in there that exempts a Vice President from answering a subpoena to testify Becki. Show us EXACTLY where you believe this immunity is derived.
I'm not doing your dirty work for you. I brought the proof forward. Furthermore, you're chasing your own tail.
What war crime charges would Cheney face?

The most often mentioned charges are about the "enhanced' interrogation techniques. It is believed by many foreign interest that Cheney approved the torture of POWs . He did openly defend the use of these techniques that still are considered "torture" by many other countries.
First it is more likely those techniques were ordered by the President not the Vice President second the lawyers at the Justice Department told the administration the techniques were legal so you would be hard pressed to charge someone given that last what foreign interest believe is irrelevant believing something is not proof of anything.

And I would tend to agree with you.

I don't like Cheney at all but there probably is no chance he ever stands trial for those things. Those are the things however, that have been suggested for a war crimes trial.

I am more interested and think more damage was done by this precedent of the White House claiming immunity from subpoenas to appear. I don't know how we ever expect anyone to ever answer for criminal activity again in the executive branch if we won't demand that they.... well.... ANSWER. If we can't make them answer a subpoena we have no mechanism to summon them to answer anything..... It's out of control.
Article I II and III. It's all there. Your reading comprehension is not my headache, dear.

There is nothing in there that exempts a Vice President from answering a subpoena to testify Becki. Show us EXACTLY where you believe this immunity is derived.
I'm not doing your dirty work for you. I brought the proof forward. Furthermore, you're chasing your own tail.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgZ7Qhpu9FY]Jefferson Starship - Out of Control - YouTube[/ame]

Diversionary conversations notwithstanding, Dick Cheney has some nerve calling Obama an unmitigated disaster after what the Bush administration left behind. The man is without shame and in abject denial about the damage left in his wake. This has to be some kind of psychosis.

Article I II and III. It's all there. Your reading comprehension is not my headache, dear.

There is nothing in there that exempts a Vice President from answering a subpoena to testify Becki. Show us EXACTLY where you believe this immunity is derived.
I'm not doing your dirty work for you. I brought the proof forward. Furthermore, you're chasing your own tail.

No, you didn't bring any proof. It's not there. Just posting up some words and claiming there is some proof in there doesn't show us anything.

You claimed constitutional grounds for failing to answer a subpoena. You can't prove any such.

You = fail.

Again... there is a constitutional tool for this, in the Bill of Rights. The 5th amendment is how you decline to testify. We DO have a tool for not answering. But you must APPEAR. At least until Bush / Cheney were done. Now Holder can walk from Subpoenas on this gun walking thing and there's not a damn thing to be done about it. Isn't that nice?
The "Gift Trust Agreement" the Cheney's signed two days before he took office turns over power of attorney to a trust administrator to sell the options at some future time and to give the after-tax profits to three charities. The agreement specifies that 40% will go to the University of Wyoming (Cheney's home state), 40% will go to George Washington University's medical faculty to be used for tax-exempt charitable purposes, and 20% will go to Capital Partners for Education, a charity that provides financial aid for low-income students in Washington, DC to attend private and religious schools.

The agreement states that it is "irrevocable and may not be terminated, waived or amended," so the Cheney's can't take back their options later

FactCheck.org: Kerry Ad Falsely Accuses Cheney on Halliburton

Maybe this will help, the conversation somewhat when it comes to the former Vice Presidents compensation from Haliburton. It appears that most if not all of the option profits were given to charity according to this agreement. That leaves his salary most of the 2 million of which was paid prior to his entry into the office. So that leaves around 400K paid to him as Deferred compensation while he was in office. Just something to help clear up the salary issue.

Diversionary conversations notwithstanding, Dick Cheney has some nerve calling Obama an unmitigated disaster after what the Bush administration left behind. The man is without shame and in abject denial about the damage left in his wake. <Freudian inanity omitted>.

Why shouldn't he criticize a failed President who is trying to communize a free nation?

The real Obama platform was "Bush bad". So many proven Democrat errors were spun into wins that Obama fooled a lot of people, but he and his disciples didn't fool the people who simply took the time to read daily headlines and can remember them.

That's why I am the target and I must be silenced, nes pas.

Your comprehension of the Articles does not meet your assertion. You are wrong. Simply, completely, absolutely wrong.
Am not. But you're a pretty good lawyer. You just can't put an innocent man behind bars, that's all.
Are, too, on this one. And you wound me, my love: I would rather be a florist than a lawyer. And thank heavens I am not a florist, eitther.
The "Gift Trust Agreement" the Cheney's signed two days before he took office turns over power of attorney to a trust administrator to sell the options at some future time and to give the after-tax profits to three charities. The agreement specifies that 40% will go to the University of Wyoming (Cheney's home state), 40% will go to George Washington University's medical faculty to be used for tax-exempt charitable purposes, and 20% will go to Capital Partners for Education, a charity that provides financial aid for low-income students in Washington, DC to attend private and religious schools.

The agreement states that it is "irrevocable and may not be terminated, waived or amended," so the Cheney's can't take back their options later

FactCheck.org: Kerry Ad Falsely Accuses Cheney on Halliburton

Maybe this will help, the conversation somewhat when it comes to the former Vice Presidents compensation from Haliburton. It appears that most if not all of the option profits were given to charity according to this agreement. That leaves his salary most of the 2 million of which was paid prior to his entry into the office. So that leaves around 400K paid to him as Deferred compensation while he was in office. Just something to help clear up the salary issue.

And the tax consequences? 400k is peanuts to Cheney, true.
On the issue of subpeona's this might help as well.

The Supreme Court confirmed the legitimacy of this doctrine in United States v. Nixon, but only to the extent of confirming that there is a qualified privilege. Once invoked, a presumption of privilege is established, requiring the Prosecutor to make a "sufficient showing" that the "Presidential material" is "essential to the justice of the case."(418 U.S. at 713-14). Chief Justice Burger further stated that executive privilege would most effectively apply when the oversight of the executive would impair that branch's national security concerns.

Executive privilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diversionary conversations notwithstanding, Dick Cheney has some nerve calling Obama an unmitigated disaster after what the Bush administration left behind. The man is without shame and in abject denial about the damage left in his wake. <Freudian inanity omitted>.

Why shouldn't he criticize a failed President who is trying to communize a free nation?

The real Obama platform was "Bush bad". So many proven Democrat errors were spun into wins that Obama fooled a lot of people, but he and his disciples didn't fool the people who simply took the time to read daily headlines and can remember them.

That's why I am the target and I must be silenced, nes pas.

"Communize". Ugh. Sarah? Is that you?

To answer the question, in case it isn't already blindingly clear to you, he is criticizing a President who was handed a steaming pile of of shit by administration of which he was a key component. If you really, truly don't see that, you're so blinded by your ideology that literally no light is getting in.

And now you're the target, the victim? Awwww. Poor you. I hope you won't mind if I'm a little more concerned about the thousands of American military families whose lives were destroyed by this bastard. The man you're spending so much energy shamelessly spinning for.

There is nothing in there that exempts a Vice President from answering a subpoena to testify Becki. Show us EXACTLY where you believe this immunity is derived.
I'm not doing your dirty work for you. I brought the proof forward. Furthermore, you're chasing your own tail.

No, you didn't bring any proof. It's not there. Just posting up some words and claiming there is some proof in there doesn't show us anything.

You claimed constitutional grounds for failing to answer a subpoena. You can't prove any such.

You = fail.

Again... there is a constitutional tool for this, in the Bill of Rights. The 5th amendment is how you decline to testify. We DO have a tool for not answering. But you must APPEAR. At least until Bush / Cheney were done. Now Holder can walk from Subpoenas on this gun walking thing and there's not a damn thing to be done about it. Isn't that nice?

You assholes lay one hand on the red button to damage Dick Cheney, and I will purchase a gun to shoot the snake that bit my dog the other day.

Wanna go shoot some quail?


Diversionary conversations notwithstanding, Dick Cheney has some nerve calling Obama an unmitigated disaster after what the Bush administration left behind. The man is without shame and in abject denial about the damage left in his wake. <Freudian inanity omitted>.

Why shouldn't he criticize a failed President who is trying to communize a free nation?

The real Obama platform was "Bush bad". So many proven Democrat errors were spun into wins that Obama fooled a lot of people, but he and his disciples didn't fool the people who simply took the time to read daily headlines and can remember them.

That's why I am the target and I must be silenced, nes pas.

"Communize". Ugh. Sarah? Is that you?

To answer the question, in case it isn't already blindingly clear to you, he is criticizing a President who was handed a steaming pile of of shit by administration of which he was a key component. If you really, truly don't see that, you're so blinded by your ideology that literally no light is getting in.

And now you're the target, the victim? Awwww. Poor you. I hope you won't mind if I'm a little more concerned about the thousands of American military families whose lives were destroyed by this bastard. The man you're spending so much energy shamelessly spinning for.
Quail shoot time!

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