Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'

Cheney is a criminal now, is he? I want to see the conviction paperwork, please.

Dick Cheney failed to appear for a legal subpoena to the Congress of the United States of America. He was in contempt, a crime, for which he was never held accountable.

He committed a crime, he is a criminal.
He committed no crime. He did not respond to partisans misusing power, and there is a reason he was not called on it: they were wrong according to the Constitution. He was right according to the Constitution.
You are mistaken.

Firstly, those who financed, supported and trained Al Qaeda Jihadists STARTED the war surreptitiously and by proxy, not Vice President Cheney.

Please get your fact straight, and I repeat: the United States was attacked on 9/11/2001. After months of investigation of all known data and information gleaned both nationally and internationally, it became increasingly clear precisely who financed it, who helped, who set up falsetto "religious funds" which were sent to Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, who trained and brainwashed the cold-blooded murderers based on lying propaganda, how they went about secretly planning to hijack airliners and hurt America's largest population and financial district plus a few other targets of opportunity that were thwarted after 2 planes hit the WTC and 1 hit the Pentagon with 1 crashed by the AlQaeda pilot who was losing control of the aircraft to take-control passengers and nosedived the plane to the earth killing all passengers aboard Flight 93.

Vice President Cheney did not seek to start or cause any war on the face of this planet then, before then, or after his term expired.

That is the underlying fact. And everybody in the Democrat Congress that decided to put President Bush in charge of retaliating against those who committed this atrocity and those who supported terrorists engaged in plots against this nation.

Secondly, the Constitution of the United States requires the President of the United States to provide for the common defense.

Middle East financiers and supporters sent over here brainwashed men who by craven orders from their al Qaeda bosses, drugged themselves before takeoff to target common citizens of the United States that venerable militias do not target.

Cheney was a former Secretary of Defense of the United States of America. Trust me, he does not favor war, he does not like war, he did not start any war, but he did do one thing. He agreed that the common defense against enemies and their supporters was a necessary thing to do under the Constitution of the United States.

All else is political spin and hackery aimed at destroying good men who stepped up to the plate when the lives of Americans were imperiled.

Vice President Cheney is one of the most honorable, venerable men who ever served this nation.

It's the people who snapped at his ankles on a nonstop basis for the past 11 years with nothing but innuendo and false claims that I question.

You need to take back your charge of Cheney trying to start a war with 2 nations.

Our country went after the terrorists in 2 countries who caused, supported, and planned the incident of 9/11/2001 against America. Before we even went into Afghanistan, President Bush engaged allies against terrorists to become part of a coalition against terrorist activities.

Am I stirring up any of your memories from current events of that time? Any at all?

Bush & Cheney had choices. No one forced them to do what they did. Perhaps you have talked yourself into the notion that their actions were absolutely the only actions they could have taken - it appears you have done so. Those of us who could see what would happen (and that didn't take much effort or expertise) warned you.

We warned you.

You and Bush and Cheney are very brave. With the lives of others.

This is not about me. Got it?

Who in the freakin' WORLD said it was about YOU?

It's about Cheney and Bush, their decisions, and the horrible, permanent damage they have caused.

About YOU? Holy CRAP. What a stupid thing to say.

Cheney is a criminal now, is he? I want to see the conviction paperwork, please.

Dick Cheney failed to appear for a legal subpoena to the Congress of the United States of America. He was in contempt, a crime, for which he was never held accountable.

He committed a crime, he is a criminal.
He committed no crime. He did not respond to partisans misusing power, and there is a reason he was not called on it: they were wrong according to the Constitution. He was right according to the Constitution.

Un huh... his legal subpoena was "unfair" eh?

So when Clinton got impeached you would have been Ok with him snubbing congress, had he done that, right?

YOu're a partisan Becki. Cheney was legally subpoenaed and he failed to appear. Claiming that he didn't have to answer a legal subpoena because Democrats issued it is complete baloney.
Bush & Cheney had choices. No one forced them to do what they did. Perhaps you have talked yourself into the notion that their actions were absolutely the only actions they could have taken - it appears you have done so. Those of us who could see what would happen (and that didn't take much effort or expertise) warned you.

We warned you.

You and Bush and Cheney are very brave. With the lives of others.

This is not about me. Got it?

Who in the freakin' WORLD said it was about YOU?

It's about Cheney and Bush, their decisions, and the horrible, permanent damage they have caused.

About YOU? Holy CRAP. What a stupid thing to say.

Didn't bother to read your own schtick, dear? I did. I went back and highlighted your inclusion of me on a line with people I'm not worthy of being on the same line with--the last leaders of the free world, President Bush and Vice-President Cheney.
Then you should consider Eric Holder a criminal as well.

If he failed to appear on a subpoena, I sure do.

The Bush admin ignored a lot of subpoenas. It was a very bad precedent that will have a lasting impact on future attempts to check the executive branch. Executive privilege has now been extended to anyone who has ever visited the White House, evidently.
Dick Cheney failed to appear for a legal subpoena to the Congress of the United States of America. He was in contempt, a crime, for which he was never held accountable.

He committed a crime, he is a criminal.
He committed no crime. He did not respond to partisans misusing power, and there is a reason he was not called on it: they were wrong according to the Constitution. He was right according to the Constitution.

Un huh... his legal subpoena was "unfair" eh?

So when Clinton got impeached you would have been Ok with him snubbing congress, had he done that, right?

YOu're a partisan Becki. Cheney was legally subpoenaed and he failed to appear. Claiming that he didn't have to answer a legal subpoena because Democrats issued it is complete baloney.
There is a world of difference between Clinton's Impeachment and Congressional willful twisting the Constitution around to smear a man so full of law and conscience he followed them both to the letter and didn't allow the Democrats to make fools of themselves by being one himself.

You're welcome. :)
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If you are upset about Cheney ignoring a subpeona, how do you feel about Obama ignoring The Constitution?
Cheney, our vice president, can't travel to Europe because he could be arrest on charges for war crimes.
Then you should consider Eric Holder a criminal as well.

If he failed to appear on a subpoena, I sure do.

The Bush admin ignored a lot of subpoenas. It was a very bad precedent that will have a lasting impact on future attempts to check the executive branch. Executive privilege has now been extended to anyone who has ever visited the White House, evidently.
You don't know the difference between a partisan bluff and a Supreme Court hearing, do you, Sweetie? :lmao:
You cant even stay on point..........................

Which further diminishes any and all claims you knew what you were speaking of.
The topic is a war profiteer calling Obama a disaster.

I know what the topic was, and I also know which of your comments I responded too.
Another poster even set you straight, you then deflected.

Please go on.

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There ya go. :D
Dick Cheney along with Harriet Miers, Karl Rove and others, were subpoenaed to testify before congress during the Bush Administration. They failed to appear. They were all in contempt. None were ever held accountable. These are plain facts.
freedombecki, don't be goofy. Cheney can never leave the US for Europe ever again. He will end up in the Hague facing war crimes charges. Bush, unlike all the other presidents, almost never leaves the protection of his keepers, much less jet set across the word. War criminals always face arrest.
Please provide a credible link showing that Cheney has indeed been formally charged with war crimes.
freedombecki, don't be goofy. Cheney can never leave the US for Europe ever again. He will end up in the Hague facing war crimes charges. Bush, unlike all the other presidents, almost never leaves the protection of his keepers, much less jet set across the word. War criminals always face arrest.
How dare you?
Dick Cheney along with Harriet Miers, Karl Rove and others, were subpoenaed to testify before congress during the Bush Administration. They failed to appear. They were all in contempt. None were ever held accountable. These are plain facts.
The partisan call was not constitutionally viable. In contempt of what? People doing their damnedest to destroy the Constitution.

Of course none were ever held accountable. They acted according to the plain facts of the Constitution.
Cheney is a crook from the Nixon mold. The man even tried to develop his own classification of "secret" so that he wasn't accountable to anyone for the things he did while in office. He's a despicable criminal. I wish he would try to go to Europe or Africa and be dragged off to face an international court.

But the truth is, Cheney will never leave the US and Canada again. He can't. And his health won't let him anyway. He'll be dead soon enough and we'll be rid of him.
Dick Cheney along with Harriet Miers, Karl Rove and others, were subpoenaed to testify before congress during the Bush Administration. They failed to appear. They were all in contempt. None were ever held accountable. These are plain facts.
The partisan call was not constitutionally viable. In contempt of what? People doing their damnedest to destroy the Constitution.

Of course none were ever held accountable. They acted according to the plain facts of the Constitution.

And what, pray tell, are those constitutional facts?

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