Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'

The leftist lockstep media and their drones would like everybody in the world to hate anyone remotely responsible for a highly successful administration that after the sneak attack that 9/11 was, successfully thwarted many, many major attacks against American civilians by Al Qaeda and their bloodthirsty band.
Bush was told there was going to be a terrorist attack against the US a full 8 months before 9/11 and did nothing about it. Even after he was informed we were under attack, he did nothing. We're under attack and he's reading some book about a goat!


They did did they. What were the specifics? How many times was the warning issued?

Please get your facts straight. Vice President Cheney profited nothing from the war he had absolutely no idea America would be fighting, because protocol requires it, and as a public servant, he was always the servant of the laws and protocols that have guided this nation over the years.

Agreed. Cheney's Halliburton connection has little relevance in the grand scheme of things.

What DOES have relevance is his strong influence in starting two hideous, expensive, wasteful wars that will ultimately have accomplished little, yet still took the lives of thousands of young American soldiers, damaged several thousand more minds, destroyed young families from coast to coast, and killed hundreds of thousands of indigenous citizens.

What DOES have relevance is the fact that he was the VP in in administration that left behind those two wars PLUS an economic system in literal collapse, an incredibly broad, deep and complex economic fallout that would spread like a cancer throughout the planet for years to come, and THEN has the absolute NERVE to call Obama an unmitigated disaster.

Halliburton? A pittance by comparison.

The leftist lockstep media and their drones would like everybody in the world to hate anyone remotely responsible for a highly successful administration that after the sneak attack that 9/11 was, successfully thwarted many, many major attacks against American civilians by Al Qaeda and their bloodthirsty band.
Bush was told there was going to be a terrorist attack against the US a full 8 months before 9/11 and did nothing about it. Even after he was informed we were under attack, he did nothing. We're under attack and he's reading some book about a goat!
I'm going to put it to you straight, loinboy, President Bush had no idea any of the dozens of threats made against the United States by terrorists in any one working day would be fulfilled. President Bush had no idea planes were headed toward the World Trade Center, and neither did any of the passengers on those ill-fated flights know until some of them saw the plane approaching its target--too late to even take a breath.

It was a sad day. None of us knew except a couple of agents whose superiors regarded their evidence as empty threats that seemed ridiculous to normal rational people before that fateful day.

I know the Bushes to be thoughtful, scholarly people in their thoughts and in their deeds.
I'm going to put it to you straight, loinboy, President Bush had no idea any of the dozens of threats made against the United States by terrorists in any one working day would be fulfilled. President Bush had no idea planes were headed toward the World Trade Center, and neither did any of the passengers on those ill-fated flights know until some of them saw the plane approaching its target--too late to even take a breath.

It was a sad day. None of us knew except a couple of agents whose superiors regarded their evidence as empty threats that seemed ridiculous to normal rational people before that fateful day.

I know the Bushes to be thoughtful, scholarly people in their thoughts and in their deeds.
He was given a report on UBL and the likelyhood of an attack and in it, described an uptick in activity from groups that were being monitored. It was delivered to his ranch. Bush did not call any meetings, nor did he talk to his security advisors about the report. He knew. But he didn't know what to do. That's what you get when you elect an AWOL as CINC.
The leftist lockstep media and their drones would like everybody in the world to hate anyone remotely responsible for a highly successful administration that after the sneak attack that 9/11 was, successfully thwarted many, many major attacks against American civilians by Al Qaeda and their bloodthirsty band.
Bush was told there was going to be a terrorist attack against the US a full 8 months before 9/11 and did nothing about it. Even after he was informed we were under attack, he did nothing. We're under attack and he's reading some book about a goat!
I'm going to put it to you straight, loinboy, President Bush had no idea any of the dozens of threats made against the United States by terrorists in any one working day would be fulfilled. President Bush had no idea planes were headed toward the World Trade Center, and neither did any of the passengers on those ill-fated flights know until some of them saw the plane approaching its target--too late to even take a breath.

It was a sad day. None of us knew except a couple of agents whose superiors regarded their evidence as empty threats that seemed ridiculous to normal rational people before that fateful day.

I know the Bushes to be thoughtful, scholarly people in their thoughts and in their deeds.

On July 10, 2001, two months before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, then-CIA Director George J. Tenet met with his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black, at CIA headquarters to review the latest on Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Black laid out the case, consisting of communications intercepts and other top-secret intelligence showing the increasing likelihood that al-Qaeda would soon attack the United States. It was a mass of fragments and dots that nonetheless made a compelling case, so compelling to Tenet that he decided he and Black should go to the White House immediately

Afterward, Tenet looked back on the meeting with Rice as a tremendous lost opportunity to prevent or disrupt the Sept. 11 attacks. Rice could have gotten through to Bush on the threat, but she just didn't get it in time, Tenet thought. He felt that he had done his job and had been very direct about the threat, but that Rice had not moved quickly. He felt she was not organized and did not push people, as he tried to do at the CIA.
Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

Little food for thought there becki, it does appear that while there was credible evidence that such a threat was possible and indeed was being planned. To say that the former President somehow got this information and did not act on it is a little much. Perhaps the best thing to do is to say that the communication between the CIA at the time and the White House was not so clear as it should have been and sadly we all know he results of that sad day. Hopefully the lessons learned will never again be repeated and I for one would not blame the former President for the actions of a mad man on that day and place it where it rightly belongs on the shoulders of a now dead lunatic who thankfully no longer takes breath.
Bush was told there was going to be a terrorist attack against the US a full 8 months before 9/11 and did nothing about it. Even after he was informed we were under attack, he did nothing. We're under attack and he's reading some book about a goat!
I'm going to put it to you straight, loinboy, President Bush had no idea any of the dozens of threats made against the United States by terrorists in any one working day would be fulfilled. President Bush had no idea planes were headed toward the World Trade Center, and neither did any of the passengers on those ill-fated flights know until some of them saw the plane approaching its target--too late to even take a breath.

It was a sad day. None of us knew except a couple of agents whose superiors regarded their evidence as empty threats that seemed ridiculous to normal rational people before that fateful day.

I know the Bushes to be thoughtful, scholarly people in their thoughts and in their deeds.

On July 10, 2001, two months before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, then-CIA Director George J. Tenet met with his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black, at CIA headquarters to review the latest on Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Black laid out the case, consisting of communications intercepts and other top-secret intelligence showing the increasing likelihood that al-Qaeda would soon attack the United States. It was a mass of fragments and dots that nonetheless made a compelling case, so compelling to Tenet that he decided he and Black should go to the White House immediately

Afterward, Tenet looked back on the meeting with Rice as a tremendous lost opportunity to prevent or disrupt the Sept. 11 attacks. Rice could have gotten through to Bush on the threat, but she just didn't get it in time, Tenet thought. He felt that he had done his job and had been very direct about the threat, but that Rice had not moved quickly. He felt she was not organized and did not push people, as he tried to do at the CIA.
Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

Little food for thought there becki, it does appear that while there was credible evidence that such a threat was possible and indeed was being planned. To say that the former President somehow got this information and did not act on it is a little much. Perhaps the best thing to do is to say that the communication between the CIA at the time and the White House was not so clear as it should have been and sadly we all know he results of that sad day. Hopefully the lessons learned will never again be repeated and I for one would not blame the former President for the actions of a mad man on that day and place it where it rightly belongs on the shoulders of a now dead lunatic who thankfully no longer takes breath.

And what of the sharing of Information between agencies that was fobidden?

Such as the 'Gorelick Wall'?


I'm going to put it to you straight, loinboy, President Bush had no idea any of the dozens of threats made against the United States by terrorists in any one working day would be fulfilled. President Bush had no idea planes were headed toward the World Trade Center, and neither did any of the passengers on those ill-fated flights know until some of them saw the plane approaching its target--too late to even take a breath.

It was a sad day. None of us knew except a couple of agents whose superiors regarded their evidence as empty threats that seemed ridiculous to normal rational people before that fateful day.

I know the Bushes to be thoughtful, scholarly people in their thoughts and in their deeds.

On July 10, 2001, two months before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, then-CIA Director George J. Tenet met with his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black, at CIA headquarters to review the latest on Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Black laid out the case, consisting of communications intercepts and other top-secret intelligence showing the increasing likelihood that al-Qaeda would soon attack the United States. It was a mass of fragments and dots that nonetheless made a compelling case, so compelling to Tenet that he decided he and Black should go to the White House immediately

Afterward, Tenet looked back on the meeting with Rice as a tremendous lost opportunity to prevent or disrupt the Sept. 11 attacks. Rice could have gotten through to Bush on the threat, but she just didn't get it in time, Tenet thought. He felt that he had done his job and had been very direct about the threat, but that Rice had not moved quickly. He felt she was not organized and did not push people, as he tried to do at the CIA.
Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

Little food for thought there becki, it does appear that while there was credible evidence that such a threat was possible and indeed was being planned. To say that the former President somehow got this information and did not act on it is a little much. Perhaps the best thing to do is to say that the communication between the CIA at the time and the White House was not so clear as it should have been and sadly we all know he results of that sad day. Hopefully the lessons learned will never again be repeated and I for one would not blame the former President for the actions of a mad man on that day and place it where it rightly belongs on the shoulders of a now dead lunatic who thankfully no longer takes breath.

And what of the sharing of Information between agencies that was fobidden?

Such as the 'Gorelick Wall'?



As I said "T" the dynamics of the US Intelligence community were very very different prior to 911 and with little regard to for inter-agency communications. I can't help but think that to blame one American for the events of 911 be it President Bush or Sen. Clinton is rather like blaming Capt. Franklin Van Valkenburgh of the USS Arizona for it's sinking. If people wish to point the finger of blame , point it where it rightly belongs, to the worthless trash who trained, then flew those commercial aircraft into the WTC, Pentagon, and Shankesville, and those even more worthless trash who planned and financed it.
Please get your facts straight. Vice President Cheney profited nothing from the war he had absolutely no idea America would be fighting, because protocol requires it, and as a public servant, he was always the servant of the laws and protocols that have guided this nation over the years.

Agreed. Cheney's Halliburton connection has little relevance in the grand scheme of things.

What DOES have relevance is his strong influence in starting two hideous, expensive, wasteful wars that will ultimately have accomplished little, yet still took the lives of thousands of young American soldiers, damaged several thousand more minds, destroyed young families from coast to coast, and killed hundreds of thousands of indigenous citizens.

What DOES have relevance is the fact that he was the VP in in administration that left behind those two wars PLUS an economic system in literal collapse, an incredibly broad, deep and complex economic fallout that would spread like a cancer throughout the planet for years to come, and THEN has the absolute NERVE to call Obama an unmitigated disaster.

Halliburton? A pittance by comparison.

You are mistaken.

Firstly, those who financed, supported and trained Al Qaeda Jihadists STARTED the war surreptitiously and by proxy, not Vice President Cheney.

Please get your fact straight, and I repeat: the United States was attacked on 9/11/2001. After months of investigation of all known data and information gleaned both nationally and internationally, it became increasingly clear precisely who financed it, who helped, who set up falsetto "religious funds" which were sent to Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, who trained and brainwashed the cold-blooded murderers based on lying propaganda, how they went about secretly planning to hijack airliners and hurt America's largest population and financial district plus a few other targets of opportunity that were thwarted after 2 planes hit the WTC and 1 hit the Pentagon with 1 crashed by the AlQaeda pilot who was losing control of the aircraft to take-control passengers and nosedived the plane to the earth killing all passengers aboard Flight 93.

Vice President Cheney did not seek to start or cause any war on the face of this planet then, before then, or after his term expired.

That is the underlying fact. And everybody in the Democrat Congress that decided to put President Bush in charge of retaliating against those who committed this atrocity and those who supported terrorists engaged in plots against this nation.

Secondly, the Constitution of the United States requires the President of the United States to provide for the common defense.

Middle East financiers and supporters sent over here brainwashed men who by craven orders from their al Qaeda bosses, drugged themselves before takeoff to target common citizens of the United States that venerable militias do not target.

Cheney was a former Secretary of Defense of the United States of America. Trust me, he does not favor war, he does not like war, he did not start any war, but he did do one thing. He agreed that the common defense against enemies and their supporters was a necessary thing to do under the Constitution of the United States.

All else is political spin and hackery aimed at destroying good men who stepped up to the plate when the lives of Americans were imperiled.

Vice President Cheney is one of the most honorable, venerable men who ever served this nation.

It's the people who snapped at his ankles on a nonstop basis for the past 11 years with nothing but innuendo and false claims that I question.

You need to take back your charge of Cheney trying to start a war with 2 nations.

Our country went after the terrorists in 2 countries who caused, supported, and planned the incident of 9/11/2001 against America. Before we even went into Afghanistan, President Bush engaged allies against terrorists to become part of a coalition against terrorist activities.

Am I stirring up any of your memories from current events of that time? Any at all?
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On July 10, 2001, two months before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, then-CIA Director George J. Tenet met with his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black, at CIA headquarters to review the latest on Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Black laid out the case, consisting of communications intercepts and other top-secret intelligence showing the increasing likelihood that al-Qaeda would soon attack the United States. It was a mass of fragments and dots that nonetheless made a compelling case, so compelling to Tenet that he decided he and Black should go to the White House immediately

Afterward, Tenet looked back on the meeting with Rice as a tremendous lost opportunity to prevent or disrupt the Sept. 11 attacks. Rice could have gotten through to Bush on the threat, but she just didn't get it in time, Tenet thought. He felt that he had done his job and had been very direct about the threat, but that Rice had not moved quickly. He felt she was not organized and did not push people, as he tried to do at the CIA.
Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

Little food for thought there becki, it does appear that while there was credible evidence that such a threat was possible and indeed was being planned. To say that the former President somehow got this information and did not act on it is a little much. Perhaps the best thing to do is to say that the communication between the CIA at the time and the White House was not so clear as it should have been and sadly we all know he results of that sad day. Hopefully the lessons learned will never again be repeated and I for one would not blame the former President for the actions of a mad man on that day and place it where it rightly belongs on the shoulders of a now dead lunatic who thankfully no longer takes breath.

And what of the sharing of Information between agencies that was fobidden?

Such as the 'Gorelick Wall'?



As I said "T" the dynamics of the US Intelligence community were very very different prior to 911 and with little regard to for inter-agency communications. I can't help but think that to blame one American for the events of 911 be it President Bush or Sen. Clinton is rather like blaming Capt. Franklin Van Valkenburgh of the USS Arizona for it's sinking. If people wish to point the finger of blame , point it where it rightly belongs, to the worthless trash who trained, then flew those commercial aircraft into the WTC, Pentagon, and Shankesville, and those even more worthless trash who planned and financed it.

Indeed...and some knew it could happen...and were prohibited sharing it...


CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney walked onstage without any assistance and spoke for an hour and 15 minutes without seeming to tire in his first public engagement since he underwent a heart transplant three weeks ago.

He sat in a plush chair throughout the long chat with daughter Liz Cheney and looked decidedly healthier than recent appearances where he has been gaunt and used a cane.

Cheney even threw in a couple of political plugs amid much reminiscing at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.

He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is going to do a "whale of a job." He said it's never been more important than now to defeat a sitting president and the Republican Party should unite behind Romney.

"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.

More: Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'

Says the unmitigated disaster.
Please get your facts straight. Vice President Cheney profited nothing from the war he had absolutely no idea America would be fighting, because protocol requires it, and as a public servant, he was always the servant of the laws and protocols that have guided this nation over the years.

Agreed. Cheney's Halliburton connection has little relevance in the grand scheme of things.

What DOES have relevance is his strong influence in starting two hideous, expensive, wasteful wars that will ultimately have accomplished little, yet still took the lives of thousands of young American soldiers, damaged several thousand more minds, destroyed young families from coast to coast, and killed hundreds of thousands of indigenous citizens.

What DOES have relevance is the fact that he was the VP in in administration that left behind those two wars PLUS an economic system in literal collapse, an incredibly broad, deep and complex economic fallout that would spread like a cancer throughout the planet for years to come, and THEN has the absolute NERVE to call Obama an unmitigated disaster.

Halliburton? A pittance by comparison.

You are mistaken.

Firstly, those who financed, supported and trained Al Qaeda Jihadists STARTED the war surreptitiously and by proxy, not Vice President Cheney.

Please get your fact straight, and I repeat: the United States was attacked on 9/11/2001. After months of investigation of all known data and information gleaned both nationally and internationally, it became increasingly clear precisely who financed it, who helped, who set up falsetto "religious funds" which were sent to Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, who trained and brainwashed the cold-blooded murderers based on lying propaganda, how they went about secretly planning to hijack airliners and hurt America's largest population and financial district plus a few other targets of opportunity that were thwarted after 2 planes hit the WTC and 1 hit the Pentagon with 1 crashed by the AlQaeda pilot who was losing control of the aircraft to take-control passengers and nosedived the plane to the earth killing all passengers aboard Flight 93.

Vice President Cheney did not seek to start or cause any war on the face of this planet then, before then, or after his term expired.

That is the underlying fact. And everybody in the Democrat Congress that decided to put President Bush in charge of retaliating against those who committed this atrocity and those who supported terrorists engaged in plots against this nation.

Secondly, the Constitution of the United States requires the President of the United States to provide for the common defense.

Middle East financiers and supporters sent over here brainwashed men who by craven orders from their al Qaeda bosses, drugged themselves before takeoff to target common citizens of the United States that venerable militias do not target.

Cheney was a former Secretary of Defense of the United States of America. Trust me, he does not favor war, he does not like war, he did not start any war, but he did do one thing. He agreed that the common defense against enemies and their supporters was a necessary thing to do under the Constitution of the United States.

All else is political spin and hackery aimed at destroying good men who stepped up to the plate when the lives of Americans were imperiled.

Vice President Cheney is one of the most honorable, venerable men who ever served this nation.

It's the people who snapped at his ankles on a nonstop basis for the past 11 years with nothing but innuendo and false claims that I question.

You need to take back your charge of Cheney trying to start a war with 2 nations.

Our country went after the terrorists in 2 countries who caused, supported, and planned the incident of 9/11/2001 against America. Before we even went into Afghanistan, President Bush engaged allies against terrorists to become part of a coalition against terrorist activities.

Am I stirring up any of your memories from current events of that time? Any at all?

What a load of junk that is.

Cheney is so venerable that he ignored a legal subpoena to congress and dodged arrest until it expired.

He and Bush and the rest were so honorable that when we were attacked by a bunch of Saudi Arabians, financed by yet other Saudi Arabians, all the way up to the crown, and when these Saudi Arabians attacked us with hijacked Airplanes, they learned to fly in the US, we went to..... Afghanistan?

Do tell us exactly what a few rifle ranges in Afghanistan had to do with anything that occurred on 9 / 11?

What a load of brainwashed crap you just spilled out. No wonder we have such problems. Your type will swallow anything. Afghanistan was about as culpable in 9 / 11 as the manufacturer of the Airplanes that crashed.
Agreed. Cheney's Halliburton connection has little relevance in the grand scheme of things.

What DOES have relevance is his strong influence in starting two hideous, expensive, wasteful wars that will ultimately have accomplished little, yet still took the lives of thousands of young American soldiers, damaged several thousand more minds, destroyed young families from coast to coast, and killed hundreds of thousands of indigenous citizens.

What DOES have relevance is the fact that he was the VP in in administration that left behind those two wars PLUS an economic system in literal collapse, an incredibly broad, deep and complex economic fallout that would spread like a cancer throughout the planet for years to come, and THEN has the absolute NERVE to call Obama an unmitigated disaster.

Halliburton? A pittance by comparison.

You are mistaken.

Firstly, those who financed, supported and trained Al Qaeda Jihadists STARTED the war surreptitiously and by proxy, not Vice President Cheney.

Please get your fact straight, and I repeat: the United States was attacked on 9/11/2001. After months of investigation of all known data and information gleaned both nationally and internationally, it became increasingly clear precisely who financed it, who helped, who set up falsetto "religious funds" which were sent to Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, who trained and brainwashed the cold-blooded murderers based on lying propaganda, how they went about secretly planning to hijack airliners and hurt America's largest population and financial district plus a few other targets of opportunity that were thwarted after 2 planes hit the WTC and 1 hit the Pentagon with 1 crashed by the AlQaeda pilot who was losing control of the aircraft to take-control passengers and nosedived the plane to the earth killing all passengers aboard Flight 93.

Vice President Cheney did not seek to start or cause any war on the face of this planet then, before then, or after his term expired.

That is the underlying fact. And everybody in the Democrat Congress that decided to put President Bush in charge of retaliating against those who committed this atrocity and those who supported terrorists engaged in plots against this nation.

Secondly, the Constitution of the United States requires the President of the United States to provide for the common defense.

Middle East financiers and supporters sent over here brainwashed men who by craven orders from their al Qaeda bosses, drugged themselves before takeoff to target common citizens of the United States that venerable militias do not target.

Cheney was a former Secretary of Defense of the United States of America. Trust me, he does not favor war, he does not like war, he did not start any war, but he did do one thing. He agreed that the common defense against enemies and their supporters was a necessary thing to do under the Constitution of the United States.

All else is political spin and hackery aimed at destroying good men who stepped up to the plate when the lives of Americans were imperiled.

Vice President Cheney is one of the most honorable, venerable men who ever served this nation.

It's the people who snapped at his ankles on a nonstop basis for the past 11 years with nothing but innuendo and false claims that I question.

You need to take back your charge of Cheney trying to start a war with 2 nations.

Our country went after the terrorists in 2 countries who caused, supported, and planned the incident of 9/11/2001 against America. Before we even went into Afghanistan, President Bush engaged allies against terrorists to become part of a coalition against terrorist activities.

Am I stirring up any of your memories from current events of that time? Any at all?

What a load of junk that is.

Cheney is so venerable that he ignored a legal subpoena to congress and dodged arrest until it expired.

He and Bush and the rest were so honorable that when we were attacked by a bunch of Saudi Arabians, financed by yet other Saudi Arabians, all the way up to the crown, and when these Saudi Arabians attacked us with hijacked Airplanes, they learned to fly in the US, we went to..... Afghanistan?

Do tell us exactly what a few rifle ranges in Afghanistan had to do with anything that occurred on 9 / 11?

What a load of brainwashed crap you just spilled out. No wonder we have such problems. Your type will swallow anything. Afghanistan was about as culpable in 9 / 11 as the manufacturer of the Airplanes that crashed.
The reason the 3 branches of government are separate is because the founders did not want partisans hampering the process.

"The Crown" of Saudia Arabia knew? Proof that King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud contributed anything to terrorists, please. He did take measures to ensure that members of the Royal Family were prohibited from making charitable donations to liars who sent some money to jihadists after he found out about it. Also, terrorists took revenge on him by murdering 7 members of his family and numerous of his and their bodyguards. Did you recall those incidents? I recall them and vividly, in fact.

I see that the Democrats here are responding with different and separate hatchet men at each stage of this argument.

Good God, some of you have lawyer degrees. I don't. I'm a retired seamstress, but I do stay up with the news. The news and facts do not support your superfluous spins to throw mud on Vice President Cheney. His behavior has always been above reproach, and when he has spoken sharply and harshly a few times, it has been the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
No Becki... Dick Cheney ignored a legal subpoena to testify. You and I would be in jail. He was in fact, and as a fact, in contempt. He was and is a criminal.

We were attacked by Saudi Arabians. Period. That fact that this is lost on so many people IS the proof of how well this sham has been executed. There was not one Afghan and not one Iraqi that hijacked those planes on 9 / 11.
Please get your facts straight. Vice President Cheney profited nothing from the war he had absolutely no idea America would be fighting, because protocol requires it, and as a public servant, he was always the servant of the laws and protocols that have guided this nation over the years.

Agreed. Cheney's Halliburton connection has little relevance in the grand scheme of things.

What DOES have relevance is his strong influence in starting two hideous, expensive, wasteful wars that will ultimately have accomplished little, yet still took the lives of thousands of young American soldiers, damaged several thousand more minds, destroyed young families from coast to coast, and killed hundreds of thousands of indigenous citizens.

What DOES have relevance is the fact that he was the VP in in administration that left behind those two wars PLUS an economic system in literal collapse, an incredibly broad, deep and complex economic fallout that would spread like a cancer throughout the planet for years to come, and THEN has the absolute NERVE to call Obama an unmitigated disaster.

Halliburton? A pittance by comparison.

You are mistaken.

Firstly, those who financed, supported and trained Al Qaeda Jihadists STARTED the war surreptitiously and by proxy, not Vice President Cheney.

Please get your fact straight, and I repeat: the United States was attacked on 9/11/2001. After months of investigation of all known data and information gleaned both nationally and internationally, it became increasingly clear precisely who financed it, who helped, who set up falsetto "religious funds" which were sent to Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, who trained and brainwashed the cold-blooded murderers based on lying propaganda, how they went about secretly planning to hijack airliners and hurt America's largest population and financial district plus a few other targets of opportunity that were thwarted after 2 planes hit the WTC and 1 hit the Pentagon with 1 crashed by the AlQaeda pilot who was losing control of the aircraft to take-control passengers and nosedived the plane to the earth killing all passengers aboard Flight 93.

Vice President Cheney did not seek to start or cause any war on the face of this planet then, before then, or after his term expired.

That is the underlying fact. And everybody in the Democrat Congress that decided to put President Bush in charge of retaliating against those who committed this atrocity and those who supported terrorists engaged in plots against this nation.

Secondly, the Constitution of the United States requires the President of the United States to provide for the common defense.

Middle East financiers and supporters sent over here brainwashed men who by craven orders from their al Qaeda bosses, drugged themselves before takeoff to target common citizens of the United States that venerable militias do not target.

Cheney was a former Secretary of Defense of the United States of America. Trust me, he does not favor war, he does not like war, he did not start any war, but he did do one thing. He agreed that the common defense against enemies and their supporters was a necessary thing to do under the Constitution of the United States.

All else is political spin and hackery aimed at destroying good men who stepped up to the plate when the lives of Americans were imperiled.

Vice President Cheney is one of the most honorable, venerable men who ever served this nation.

It's the people who snapped at his ankles on a nonstop basis for the past 11 years with nothing but innuendo and false claims that I question.

You need to take back your charge of Cheney trying to start a war with 2 nations.

Our country went after the terrorists in 2 countries who caused, supported, and planned the incident of 9/11/2001 against America. Before we even went into Afghanistan, President Bush engaged allies against terrorists to become part of a coalition against terrorist activities.

Am I stirring up any of your memories from current events of that time? Any at all?

Bush & Cheney had choices. No one forced them to do what they did. Perhaps you have talked yourself into the notion that their actions were absolutely the only actions they could have taken - it appears you have done so. Those of us who could see what would happen (and that didn't take much effort or expertise) warned you.

We warned you.

You and Bush and Cheney are very brave. With the lives of others.

Agreed. Cheney's Halliburton connection has little relevance in the grand scheme of things.

What DOES have relevance is his strong influence in starting two hideous, expensive, wasteful wars that will ultimately have accomplished little, yet still took the lives of thousands of young American soldiers, damaged several thousand more minds, destroyed young families from coast to coast, and killed hundreds of thousands of indigenous citizens.

What DOES have relevance is the fact that he was the VP in in administration that left behind those two wars PLUS an economic system in literal collapse, an incredibly broad, deep and complex economic fallout that would spread like a cancer throughout the planet for years to come, and THEN has the absolute NERVE to call Obama an unmitigated disaster.

Halliburton? A pittance by comparison.

You are mistaken.

Firstly, those who financed, supported and trained Al Qaeda Jihadists STARTED the war surreptitiously and by proxy, not Vice President Cheney.

Please get your fact straight, and I repeat: the United States was attacked on 9/11/2001. After months of investigation of all known data and information gleaned both nationally and internationally, it became increasingly clear precisely who financed it, who helped, who set up falsetto "religious funds" which were sent to Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, who trained and brainwashed the cold-blooded murderers based on lying propaganda, how they went about secretly planning to hijack airliners and hurt America's largest population and financial district plus a few other targets of opportunity that were thwarted after 2 planes hit the WTC and 1 hit the Pentagon with 1 crashed by the AlQaeda pilot who was losing control of the aircraft to take-control passengers and nosedived the plane to the earth killing all passengers aboard Flight 93.

Vice President Cheney did not seek to start or cause any war on the face of this planet then, before then, or after his term expired.

That is the underlying fact. And everybody in the Democrat Congress that decided to put President Bush in charge of retaliating against those who committed this atrocity and those who supported terrorists engaged in plots against this nation.

Secondly, the Constitution of the United States requires the President of the United States to provide for the common defense.

Middle East financiers and supporters sent over here brainwashed men who by craven orders from their al Qaeda bosses, drugged themselves before takeoff to target common citizens of the United States that venerable militias do not target.

Cheney was a former Secretary of Defense of the United States of America. Trust me, he does not favor war, he does not like war, he did not start any war, but he did do one thing. He agreed that the common defense against enemies and their supporters was a necessary thing to do under the Constitution of the United States.

All else is political spin and hackery aimed at destroying good men who stepped up to the plate when the lives of Americans were imperiled.

Vice President Cheney is one of the most honorable, venerable men who ever served this nation.

It's the people who snapped at his ankles on a nonstop basis for the past 11 years with nothing but innuendo and false claims that I question.

You need to take back your charge of Cheney trying to start a war with 2 nations.

Our country went after the terrorists in 2 countries who caused, supported, and planned the incident of 9/11/2001 against America. Before we even went into Afghanistan, President Bush engaged allies against terrorists to become part of a coalition against terrorist activities.

Am I stirring up any of your memories from current events of that time? Any at all?

Bush & Cheney had choices. No one forced them to do what they did. Perhaps you have talked yourself into the notion that their actions were absolutely the only actions they could have taken - it appears you have done so. Those of us who could see what would happen (and that didn't take much effort or expertise) warned you.

We warned you.

You and Bush and Cheney are very brave. With the lives of others.

This is not about me. Got it?
Cheney is a criminal now, is he? I want to see the conviction paperwork, please.

Dick Cheney failed to appear for a legal subpoena to the Congress of the United States of America. He was in contempt, a crime, for which he was never held accountable.

He committed a crime, he is a criminal.
Then you should consider Eric Holder a criminal as well.

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