Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

Buy more guns and ammo...
Because.....mass shootings are good for the NRA and the gun business.

Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
How is it a lie?....over and over and over, I'm seeing posts from people here ADMITTING they are running out NOW to get more guns. I don't say anything about mass shootings are good for the NRA and the gun business EXCEPT in reply to posts admitting that's exactly what they are doing. Have you not noticed?
And they're morons for doing so.

No guns will be banned; no guns taken.

Another lying Russian troll. Look at what happened with the SKS rifles in California. Look at Connecticut's laws concerning assault rifles, Comrade. Then, you might hide your Russian trolling a bit longer under your next ID.

He's a moron, let him babble
That old chestnut? I was politely ignoring it.

I see, so you already know what the deal is.

Q: Why is the left going after the guns and not calling for law-enforcement and education reform?

Lemme get this straight, leftists influenced government policy that failed, then want law-abiding citizens to give up their rights because the way they do the government fails? What is this? The Bizarro universe?

I think not!

:umno: :whatsign: :no_text11:
Get this straight, Marion: I am equally supportive of reforms and programs like ERPO for law enforcement and programs that try to intervene with troubled kids like Cruz BEFORE they go off their nut. I also support getting graphic images of humans killing humans greatly reduced on tv, movies and in video games. This particular thread is on gun control, which is why that is what I'm talking about.

Yeah well, it wasn't people being able to own guns legally that got 17 kids dead in Broward county.

1) It was the abolition of State Mental Health institutions which physically restrained nutjobs vs. "chemical restraint" methods lobbied for and won by the leftists. Mental hospitals were closed in the 60s.

2) Leftist policies between the Broward County Sheriff's office and school board kept the crazy boy from ever getting arrested, charged with crimes he committed, or Baker acted.

3) The school resource officer did not do his job

4) Leftists designating schools "Gun Free Zones" made everyone on campus an unarmed target.

5) The state DCF did not do their job, despite the LEO being called on the boy 39 times.

6) The leftist indoctrination system teaches children to ignore what their parents teach them, forbids parents and schools from discipling children, then squares that with teaching "subjective morality" and "secular humanity".

Yeah, the only way that could get worse is to place them into a state-run instituion.

#6 produces quasi-state babies. WTF did you tards think would happen, dipshits? No limits? No God? No morality?

And you're scratching your ass and wondering why they're churning out depraved monsters?

You created this situation, leftists. You're not the solution.

So, tell me more about how people should be denied the gun they want by leftists, because they know so much about people, and their policies are succeeding greatly? They're not.

Why was he allowed to refuse mental health care? That should have been enough to take him in front of a judge to force him to accept treatment. Sheriff called on him 39 times, school had to expel him...he was obviously not doing well enough to make that decision.

Florida school shooting suspect refused mental health services at 18, superintendent says
It was explained to me that once he hit 18, as an adult, the school's hands were tied....he refused mental health aid.

Point is, he wasn't given the treatment he needed because no one bothered to take him before a judge to prove he was incompetent to make that decision.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Because.....mass shootings are good for the NRA and the gun business.

Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
How is it a lie?....over and over and over, I'm seeing posts from people here ADMITTING they are running out NOW to get more guns. I don't say anything about mass shootings are good for the NRA and the gun business EXCEPT in reply to posts admitting that's exactly what they are doing. Have you not noticed?
And they're morons for doing so.

No guns will be banned; no guns taken.

Another lying Russian troll. Look at what happened with the SKS rifles in California. Look at Connecticut's laws concerning assault rifles, Comrade. Then, you might hide your Russian trolling a bit longer under your next ID.
You know the source of CA gun control laws? Reagan....afraid of the blacks open carrying. Look up the Mumford Act.
Dick's Sporting Goods is a crappy store that caters mostly to millennials who like hiking, camping, and snowboarding. Their selection of firearms is pretty crappy and over-priced, and a couple of them went out of business close to where I live.

The whole thing sounds to me like they're trying to get some free advertising by using the school shooting to boost their sales. Bass Pro Shops and formerly Cabela's are way better.

Cabela's is way better, but it is about an hour and change from my house. I always stop there on my way to visit family in West Virginia.
I see, so you already know what the deal is.

Q: Why is the left going after the guns and not calling for law-enforcement and education reform?

Lemme get this straight, leftists influenced government policy that failed, then want law-abiding citizens to give up their rights because the way they do the government fails? What is this? The Bizarro universe?

I think not!

:umno: :whatsign: :no_text11:
Get this straight, Marion: I am equally supportive of reforms and programs like ERPO for law enforcement and programs that try to intervene with troubled kids like Cruz BEFORE they go off their nut. I also support getting graphic images of humans killing humans greatly reduced on tv, movies and in video games. This particular thread is on gun control, which is why that is what I'm talking about.

Yeah well, it wasn't people being able to own guns legally that got 17 kids dead in Broward county.

1) It was the abolition of State Mental Health institutions which physically restrained nutjobs vs. "chemical restraint" methods lobbied for and won by the leftists. Mental hospitals were closed in the 60s.

2) Leftist policies between the Broward County Sheriff's office and school board kept the crazy boy from ever getting arrested, charged with crimes he committed, or Baker acted.

3) The school resource officer did not do his job

4) Leftists designating schools "Gun Free Zones" made everyone on campus an unarmed target.

5) The state DCF did not do their job, despite the LEO being called on the boy 39 times.

6) The leftist indoctrination system teaches children to ignore what their parents teach them, forbids parents and schools from discipling children, then squares that with teaching "subjective morality" and "secular humanity".

Yeah, the only way that could get worse is to place them into a state-run instituion.

#6 produces quasi-state babies. WTF did you tards think would happen, dipshits? No limits? No God? No morality?

And you're scratching your ass and wondering why they're churning out depraved monsters?

You created this situation, leftists. You're not the solution.

So, tell me more about how people should be denied the gun they want by leftists, because they know so much about people, and their policies are succeeding greatly? They're not.

Why was he allowed to refuse mental health care? That should have been enough to take him in front of a judge to force him to accept treatment. Sheriff called on him 39 times, school had to expel him...he was obviously not doing well enough to make that decision.

Florida school shooting suspect refused mental health services at 18, superintendent says
It was explained to me that once he hit 18, as an adult, the school's hands were tied....he refused mental health aid.

Point is, he wasn't given the treatment he needed because no one bothered to take him before a judge to prove he was incompetent to make that decision.
Who would have done that after he turned 18? Parents were dead.
We need both.
Again, why the AR platform? What specifically does the AR platform provide that other platforms do not?

This is a hard question, because to really get the result you want (presumably guns that can kill lots of people in a short amount of time) more than 75% of civilian guns will be included in such a ban.

That's why the Assault Weapons Bann in 1994(?) was such a joke. All it did was turn this:

into this:

Purely cosmetic. It did absolutely nothing to change the effectiveness of the weapon.

This is why we need the left to be more educated before they try to shove gun control down our throats. We have already given up a bunch of freedoms to gun control, and yet we still have gun violence.

You can understand why we are apprehensive about giving in. Surely, you can see why we suspect the motives of those calling for gun control, can't you?

Eliminating the manufacture and sale of OOPS, as Marion calls them.
Again, why? What is it about the "oops" that makes it more dangerous?
We need specifics.

And fixing the NICS reporting system so it actually contains the information it is supposed to.
I am not opposed to that. Can we also expand the types of weapons citizens can own? If the background check is tighter, the risk is lower. Let good, sane people own some of the currently-banned firearms. (i.e. kill the Hughes Amendment).
And making bump stocks illegal.
Fine with me, but the action of a bump stock can be replicated with rubber bands. Just know that such a ban is a partial fix. And, if we can agree to repeal the Hughes Amendment, none of that will be necessary.
That anyone is trying to do so is a ridiculous rightwing lie.
When one side fights us tooth and nail on the issue of whether we actually have an individual right to own guns, you can hardly blame us for calling bullshit.

The left wants a total ban and confiscation. I am convinced, based on the individual right battle we had to endure.
Get this straight, Marion: I am equally supportive of reforms and programs like ERPO for law enforcement and programs that try to intervene with troubled kids like Cruz BEFORE they go off their nut. I also support getting graphic images of humans killing humans greatly reduced on tv, movies and in video games. This particular thread is on gun control, which is why that is what I'm talking about.

Yeah well, it wasn't people being able to own guns legally that got 17 kids dead in Broward county.

1) It was the abolition of State Mental Health institutions which physically restrained nutjobs vs. "chemical restraint" methods lobbied for and won by the leftists. Mental hospitals were closed in the 60s.

2) Leftist policies between the Broward County Sheriff's office and school board kept the crazy boy from ever getting arrested, charged with crimes he committed, or Baker acted.

3) The school resource officer did not do his job

4) Leftists designating schools "Gun Free Zones" made everyone on campus an unarmed target.

5) The state DCF did not do their job, despite the LEO being called on the boy 39 times.

6) The leftist indoctrination system teaches children to ignore what their parents teach them, forbids parents and schools from discipling children, then squares that with teaching "subjective morality" and "secular humanity".

Yeah, the only way that could get worse is to place them into a state-run instituion.

#6 produces quasi-state babies. WTF did you tards think would happen, dipshits? No limits? No God? No morality?

And you're scratching your ass and wondering why they're churning out depraved monsters?

You created this situation, leftists. You're not the solution.

So, tell me more about how people should be denied the gun they want by leftists, because they know so much about people, and their policies are succeeding greatly? They're not.

Why was he allowed to refuse mental health care? That should have been enough to take him in front of a judge to force him to accept treatment. Sheriff called on him 39 times, school had to expel him...he was obviously not doing well enough to make that decision.

Florida school shooting suspect refused mental health services at 18, superintendent says
It was explained to me that once he hit 18, as an adult, the school's hands were tied....he refused mental health aid.

Point is, he wasn't given the treatment he needed because no one bothered to take him before a judge to prove he was incompetent to make that decision.
Who would have done that after he turned 18? Parents were dead.

State DCF. Also, local LEOs.

Where I'm from, after a while, the popo tells people "We come out here again, somebody's going to jail".

Way before 10x, let alone 39.
We start talking specifics and the gun control advocates get quiet. We start asking why a particular gun is too dangerous for civilian possession, and silence. Then, when we get no reasoned, specific response, we start talking about solutions other than gun banning. Then, back come the gun control advocates demanding general gun control.

Rinse and repeat.
And....yet again....nothing is a better money maker for the NRA and gun sales than a mass shooting.

Lie, lie, lie...very predictable.
This seems to concern you somehow....and yet you are afraid to address the every evidence I reply to in each of my posts.
And....yet again....nothing is a better money maker for the NRA and gun sales than a mass shooting.

Lie, lie, lie...very predictable.
This seems to concern you somehow....and yet you are afraid to address the every evidence I reply to in each of my posts.

I haven't seen any evidence, comrade. Just your repeated false assertion that the NRA makes money on mass shootings.
You haven't seen the posts by posters here saying they were joining/renewing their NRA membership? Well, I suppose ignorance can be bliss to some............

brekhnya! That is happening not because of the mass shooting but because of the hysterical Left and people like you creating an atmosphere where the 2nd Amendment must be protected.

Hysteria is noted in the outrage by those who believe the 2nd A. is under attack. Of course that is what they've been told by the NRA and those who benefit from the NRA's largess (Trump and many of the Congressional Republicans).

Cold and callous disregard from the victims of gun violence is loud and clear when this meme is echoed by fools, easily led by those whose job comes before We the People.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican.
I have $3,100 worth of excercise equipment being delivered this week. I’ll call shortly and cancel the order. I’ll be sure to let them know why.
Buy more guns and ammo...

Haha...funny you say that.
I have six more builds on order right now including two AR pistols.
And....yet again....nothing is a better money maker for the NRA and gun sales than a mass shooting.
Who kills more humans? The nra or planned parenthood? Women have the right to murder their children and you don’t blink an eye, they get torn apart limb by limb in the wound, their skulls are crushed in the womb and you do not blink. But if some asshole shoots 17 kids you get hysterical. I gotta a feeling it is just political left wing radical politics and nothing more.

White men with guns are the Big Killers....maybe white men with guns need to be deported?
Hysteria is noted in the outrage by those who believe the 2nd A. is under attack. Of course that is what they've been told by the NRA and those who benefit from the NRA's largess (Trump and many of the Congressional Republicans).
How is it not? Any limitation on a constitutional right puts that right in jeopardy.

Cold and callous disregard from the victims of gun violence is loud and clear when this meme is echoed by fools, easily led by those whose job comes before We the People.
This is pure emotional bullshit and is irrelevant to the proposed limitations of our constitutional rights.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican.
I tend to agree, but for other reasons.
I have $3,100 worth of excercise equipment being delivered this week. I’ll call shortly and cancel the order. I’ll be sure to let them know why.
Buy more guns and ammo...

Haha...funny you say that.
I have six more builds on order right now including two AR pistols.
And....yet again....nothing is a better money maker for the NRA and gun sales than a mass shooting.
Who kills more humans? The nra or planned parenthood? Women have the right to murder their children and you don’t blink an eye, they get torn apart limb by limb in the wound, their skulls are crushed in the womb and you do not blink. But if some asshole shoots 17 kids you get hysterical. I gotta a feeling it is just political left wing radical politics and nothing more.

White men with guns are the Big Killers....maybe white men with guns need to be deported?
Men in general....almost all rapists, almost all child molesters, almost all terrorists, almost all serial killers, almost all mass shooter, almost all bombers............are male.
That anyone is trying to do so is a ridiculous rightwing lie.
When one side fights us tooth and nail on the issue of whether we actually have an individual right to own guns, you can hardly blame us for calling bullshit.

The left wants a total ban and confiscation. I am convinced, based on the individual right battle we had to endure.

Perhaps the far left...but reasonable people....especially gun owners such as myself...just want reasonable checks on assault weapons. I don't have all the answers... But...
-Another try at the assault weapons
- better data in the background check system
-Limit age of firearms purchasers to 21
-outlaw bump stocks
-Severe mental health issues need to be included in background checks

And I am sure there are others...
Never heard of ‘em.

Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

One of the nation’s largest sports retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods, said Wednesday morning it was immediately ending sales of all assault-style rifles in its stores.

The retailer also said that it would no longer sell high-capacity magazines and that it would not sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.

The announcement, made two weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 students and staff members, is one of the strongest stances taken by corporate America in the national gun debate. It also carries symbolic weight, coming from a prominent national gunseller.

I quite like Mr. Stack.

Someone under 21 should sue their ass right away.
For what? Not selling something they no longer want to sell? Oh....is this what the RW wants? To force businesses to sell certain stuff?

Dick's is actually a PA, a walk in store selling goods. If they deny a sale to a 20 year old, and their are age discrimination laws in place, they can be fined or sued.

The reason stores don't get in trouble not selling alcohol or tobacco (where the law applies) to under 21 people is because the law tells them not to.

And before you go to the cakes, I have always stated there should be no discrimination in actual Public Accommodations, involving point of sale transactions.

No real answer?


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